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Messages - WTFisthis

Pages: 1
Honestly, I used to think you were at least halfway intelligent. You turned around and admitted you were wrong at the Islam debate, which made me gain some respect for you because it takes at least some humility to admit your mistakes. But now, I've realized that you are unapologetically a flagrant retard.
Oh fuck off, I'm just saying what people need to hear.
What people need to hear? What, misinformed cuntspeak out of a wannabe Neil Degrasse Tyson? Funny how that encounter with him is being framed now with this thread.
Yeah, Neil deGrasse Tyson is a good fucking guy because he's actually intelligent and was taught in god schools. Inner-city schools are full-blown falling apart and ran by people who don't care about the education of students. If you put a school in a black neighborhood, it's not going to be as successful as if you put it in a white neighborhood.

Gaming / Re: Daily reminder that the Geth did nothing wrong
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:34:07 AM »
The choice where the quarians die is like

the stupidest decision made by any race in that game

> geth get upgraded and become even more intelligent and coordinated

> let's make a suicide attack :)

Pages: 1