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Messages - Spingo Crungus

Pages: 1 2
The Flood / i have a very important question for you, sep7
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:04:58 PM »
do trees have legs

verb i have a question

i wish donald trump was my dad

The Flood / Re: Obama?
« on: July 01, 2015, 04:25:07 PM »

JoJo for president
do you want air force one to crash

The Flood / Re: Lightly buzzed AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:11:49 PM »
Fake Christian LOL

The Bible says drunkeness (as in a harmful habit/addiction) is wrong, not simply drinking alcohol.
Buzzed = drunk though
i also don't know what habits or addictions are
Um am I wrong with the meaning?
my favorite habits and addictions are the ones that don't happen regularly and aren't compulsive

cause y'know

those are habits and addictions

occasional and non-compulsive

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:09:38 PM »
uhh yeah no

a girl can never be taller than me
i suspect that it's fully possible for girls to be taller than you

ha ha ha very funny

you know what i meant tho
don't assume things about people

The Flood / Re: Lightly buzzed AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:05:58 PM »
Fake Christian LOL

The Bible says drunkeness (as in a harmful habit/addiction) is wrong, not simply drinking alcohol.
Buzzed = drunk though
i also don't know what habits or addictions are

The Flood / Re: Lightly buzzed AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:05:09 PM »
have you experienced the best video ever produced by mankind

The Flood / Re: Obama?
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:03:48 PM »
i like the part where his drone programs kill civilians almost exclusively
Pick one.

The Flood / Re: Lightly buzzed AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:01:06 PM »
have you ever woken up in cat piss

The Flood / Re: Obama?
« on: July 01, 2015, 03:00:28 PM »
i like the part where his drone programs kill civilians almost exclusively

The Flood / Re: How much do you curse in a normal conversation
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:27:23 PM »
It depends on the context. When i'm talking to my friends, i only curse when we're talking shit about people we dislike, but when i'm talking to genuine pricks i try to make sure snakes manifest in their house physically by the time we're through

I'm uneasy about the "officer's discretion" bit honestly. I think this could be a good step towards legalization but this could still give cops a way to target black people for weed more than they already do

Serious / Re: Economics AMA
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:38:33 AM »
it'll involve distribution of wealth

and the word "ought"
Sounds like you're asking me what I think the distribution of wealth ought to be. I'm going to talk about the distribution of income/consumption, however, simply because it's easier.

Basically, the distribution of income earned from labour should broadly be what the market dictates it ought to be. When W=MPL, it's a productive system. That isn't to say the labour market is perfect; it's far from perfect, you need a whole different paradigm when you're talking about labour compared to pretty much any other microeconomic market. Since earned income at the bottom rungs of society can sometimes be inadequate to finance some basic level of consumption, and since there's usually a significant lag between people going from unemployment to employment (you really need some kind of supply/match model, instead of a supply/demand model, for the labour market), then the minimum wage ought to be abolished and anybody earning zero income should be given a guaranteed minimum income by the government.

Whereas people earning something below an appropriate benchmark would be given a subsidy of some level of the difference between their wage and the benchmark; essentially a wage "top up".
I've got to say, this is the first time I've seen anybody say "the minimum wage ought to be abolished" without making me cringe.
While I'm thinking about it, I should also say that the minimum wage is a pretty woeful anti-poverty strategy. A lot of MW earners are teens in relatively affluent households, and it obviously discriminates in favour of people who can actually get a job. The benefit of a basic income/wage subsidies is that it specifically targets the people who need assistance.
I know you aren't necessarily saying this and I think you have a decent point regardless, but I'd just like to make sure you're aware that dependent teenagers are a minority of minimum wage workers by a significant margin, and affluent dependents by an even larger one.

Question: Do you think George Orwell was a capitalist?

The Flood / Re: cat popped my air mattress
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:28:32 AM »
one time my cat started shitting and pissing on my bed constantly so we not only had to throw out the mattress, but get rid of the bed frame itself because she just wouldn't stop pissing on me while i slept
oh gosh

I feel so bad for laughing at this

I'm sorry Gull ;~;

I hope your nights are waste free
nah it was over a year ago, not long after i moved into this house

i guess it was foreshadowing that my senior year of high school was going to be Piss and Shit

but also
who the fuck

i'm spingo here

The Flood / Re: cat popped my air mattress
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:23:57 AM »
fun fact: it's pretty Not Fun to wake up hoping to have a good day only to find that you're in a puddle of Cat Piss

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:22:48 AM »
i'll do it

and i won't use spoiler tags for ethical reasons

Serious / Re: I'm not saying it's racism, but...
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:21:11 AM »
Also, this thread is a great example of why I don't post here often.

holy crap people. It's a lot of work to quote EVERY LINE IN A POST.
do you want me to do a character-by-character analysis of this post

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:18:25 AM »
uhh yeah no

a girl can never be taller than me
i suspect that it's fully possible for girls to be taller than you
what if hes the worlds tallest person
that doesn't preclude the possibility that his height ranking is usurped

The Flood / Re: Dating a girl taller then you?
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:14:34 AM »
uhh yeah no

a girl can never be taller than me
i suspect that it's fully possible for girls to be taller than you

The Flood / Re: cat popped my air mattress
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:11:04 AM »
one time my cat started shitting and pissing on my bed constantly so we not only had to throw out the mattress, but get rid of the bed frame itself because she just wouldn't stop pissing on me while i slept

The Flood / Re: Songs with amazing lyrics.
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:07:08 AM »

The Flood / Re: is this the pinnacle of human video
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:24:00 PM »
what's across from morocco?

Serious / Re: Walmart refuses to make a Confederate flag cake. . .
« on: June 30, 2015, 01:34:58 PM »
That's also what I got from my Georgian education but I worked past that and realized that Southern Education is very good at understating their past racism

Serious / Re: Walmart refuses to make a Confederate flag cake. . .
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:50:13 PM »
So no, the Confederacy was not formed in order to cling on to racist hatred, and the flag was never a symbol of hate until the union government demonised it.
That's why the Cornerstone Speech explicitly states
Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition.
Because the Confederacy wasn't formed on racist hatred.

Or how the dude who designed the flag, William Porcher Miles, was a Fire-Eater, a pro-slavery radical who sought to reopen the international slave trade? Or how it's used regularly by White Supremacist organizations specifically as a symbol of their hateful nonsense? It's not racist at all, see?

The Flood / Re: is this the pinnacle of human video
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:46:18 AM »
the entire mediterranean is on fire

The Flood / Re: okie
« on: June 30, 2015, 01:43:19 AM »

The Flood / Re: Your daily routine
« on: June 30, 2015, 01:28:57 AM »
12pm- wake up
12:10- watch the best video ever produced by mankind
12:15- cry, for i now understand the fundamental meaning of life itself

The Flood / is this the pinnacle of human video
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:58:26 AM »
personally i think we don't need to own cameras any more and watching this has given me a profound understanding of the world and what it means to be truly alive

The Flood / Re: Just melted a spider with lye
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:32:38 AM »
that's rude

spiders are my friends

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