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Topics - DamUstr8BabyGurl

Pages: 1
I was writing up a Marty Tribute thread when I realized the real reason they fired him--it was not some arbitrary sexual harassment thing or some kind of attitude problem. Bungie fired Marty to fuc­k over its fans. And they did not do it by accident, in fact they strategically planned it all out.

Marty's unwarranted forced departure was the final straw in a long line of fuc­k ups and bad decisions on Bungie's part that made the majority of the old community leave. But as I am now discovering, Bungie didn't "accidentally" do this. Bungie got its old community to leave because they did not want their old community to have a voice in the new Destiny community. Why was this you ask? Because Bungie wanted a younger audience to cater to; they did not want their aging Halo fans playing Destiny.

But why wouldn't Bungie want as many people playing Destiny as they can? Well, that's because younger audiences have lower standards as they haven't been exposed to all that many videogames, and thus, Bungie can save money by delivering shittier products in more expensive bundles so long as they are selling it to an ignorant population of people. THIS is the reason why Marty was fired. It was all a part of Bungie's master plan to scam stupid kids and to have a minimum amount of backfire from those would call out Bungie on their bullshit.

I've been saying this for years, but Bungie is no longer the friendly faced group of videogame creators they were a decade ago. Bungie is a corrupt corporation who has no intention of delivering quality games to their fans. They only care about making money and if they can do that by scamming dumb kids then they will not hesitate to do so.

The only question that remains is whether or not Marty was in on it, or if he was just a victim to Bungie's vitriolic business agenda.

The Flood / Greetings sep7agon from
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:08:06 PM »
Now that I found a mobile friendly way to go on this site I may check this place out more. Anything I should know?

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