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Topics - Epsilon

Pages: 1
It certainly is up there in terms of quality.

The Flood / Muslims = The middle eastern equivalent of Russians
« on: October 12, 2014, 04:14:35 PM »
Prove me wrong if you can.

The Flood / Have you noticed this site has a lot of racists?
« on: October 12, 2014, 02:06:09 PM »
It's pretty disturbing how many racists are on this site. And it's a shame the moderators do nothing about it. It's just a free for all around here. Do we just not have standards?

The Flood / That's it, I'm getting a Prius.
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:36:42 PM »
Does anyone here own one? I think I'm going to get one when I graduate, because I had a huge gas scare. My gas light was on, and there wasn't a station in sight. Luckily I made it to a gas station in the boonies and spent an entire six dollars. Talk about tragedy averted.

So Prius owners, how do you like that car? You know what, what mileage does your car get (no matter what kind)?

The Flood / What's your favorite fast food chain?
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:34:23 PM »
I have to say Taco Bell. Regardless of the low quality meat, they know what they're doing. They have the best food concepts ever conceived. I mean a Dorito taco shell? Nachos in a triangle tortilla? The stuff is just genuis!

The Flood / Is The Purge a good movie?
« on: October 03, 2014, 02:31:40 AM »
I might buy it since it's on sale. I going to watch it with a friend, so the social aspect should make it better. Is it worth getting?

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