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Messages - Adolf Hitler

Pages: 1
Septagon / Re: Megathreads are complete fucking cancer
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:18:20 PM »
No, you're cancer.

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:17:55 PM »
I expect some FBI members to mysteriously disappear after this
suicide by 2 gunshots to the back of the head
It is possible since you can miss the brain with the first shot.
Did you miss your brain?
Son, the only gun I have is an AK. If I was going to shoot myself in the head it would be from a powerful pistol, not a long gun which I would have a very hard time trying to hold against my head.
this just makes you look dumb
How does him not wanting to commit suicide with a rifle make him dumb? If you're going to do the act with a gun then you want something which is easy to aim.   

Serious / Re: FBI Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
« on: November 02, 2016, 06:15:58 PM »
At least I was open about my hatred towards the Jews, those Clinton's can't even tell us what one email was about.

The Flood / Re: It's not easy being a nigger like Cheat.
« on: April 23, 2015, 05:46:24 AM »
When the US brought over that negro force in both WW1 and 2 I was worried. The reason why is because others and myself thought they being over here would bring down our property values. When those go down then all the Jews come in due to them being low and they try to Jew you down even more.

Here's the story of how it started. We were having a Nazi meeting about what to do with the Jews and the others in Germany the other countries we have control over or in. Before I left the meeting we decided to put them in concentration camps to be used as a forced labor force. The night was getting late so I decided to go to bed. On the table there was cups of undrinking juice. Before I left I said "glass the juice" which means put it in a picture to be stored. Someone at the meeting misunderstood me and they thought I said "gas the Jews". The next week for our Nazi meeting Himmler said we are gassing the Jews like you said. I asked him what he means by that and that's when shit hit the fan. It's too late to stop the execution of them since too much time and money was spent building the gas champers so we just gassed everybody else we didn't like. So that's how it all started Flood. 

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