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Messages - Mendicant Bias

Pages: 1
Gaming / Hunt The Truth Overview
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:48:47 PM »
Everything pertaining to the "HtT" campaign as of today and will update the article tomorrow with new data,
Thoughts? Could this be the live action short?

Gaming / Re: IMO on Halo 4.
« on: February 22, 2015, 06:46:25 AM »
I was on bungie for 6 years prior and it isn't like this community is brand new to me.

Serious / Re: This is how fucking insane SJWs have become
« on: February 21, 2015, 12:39:15 PM »

I nor my forum knows who you are so there isn't any "beef".

I don't excuse terrorism and think attacking people is okay?

I'll take a leave if that's what you got out of my post and think there is some issue between myself, my forum of over 500 people, and you.

Have a fair discussions and wish you all well.

Gaming / Re: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate thread
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:36:51 AM »
This series is the sole reason i'd buy another nintendo system and I miss it so much.
Will Monster Hunter ever come to America on other systems or have they officially axed the idea?

Serious / Re: Greece will probably leave the Eurozone
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:33:32 AM »
Would neighboring states gobble Greece up afterwards or would it become a "lone state"?

Serious / Re: This is how fucking insane SJWs have become
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:30:31 AM »

Gaming / Re: IMO on Halo 4.
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:13:07 AM »
Halo 4 is okay. Story is good, but fell apart for those who weren't familiar with the backstory of characters.
Like who, The Didact?

Why he hates humanity is covered in-game. Even more so in the Terminals.

I think this is cherry picking as nobody ever brought up the Covenant's lack of explanation in Bungie's games or Spartans themselves.

  • Why are the Covenant exterminating Humanity?
    How did this conflict start?
    Who are the Spartans,why were they created, where are the rest?
    What is the UNSC?

The first series literally throws you in at the end of a galactic war with nothing being explained and nobody asked questions.343I comes along with a prologue,elaborative terminals, and a plot extension through SO; but people want to criticize them for not explaining more?

The questions which weren't explained in the original series were in the books and threads criticizing bungie for that were nil.

The Flood / Re: Halo Archive got a new website!
« on: February 21, 2015, 11:06:03 AM »
I would be more than happy to lend a hand free of charge, if you want.

You don't have to touch the database at all to integrate the design with the forums. One is independent of the other. I also mention the dark grey weird color choice in my post in some manner. However, I still think it's terrible, the design is all over the place.

It isn't possible without spending money,we aren't web designers, and all of this is a rough draft.

We appreciate it though.

That would be very much welcomed, the day our new forum goes live i'll contact you.Thanks.

The Flood / Re: Halo Archive got a new website!
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:50:58 AM »
Man both offshoot projects both halo archive and sep7agon. I love both but made sep7agon my home. Must say i hope them good luck but i hope we can create ties with them.

Also funny how both our forums are growing and getting bigger.

I hope the update for groups come soon so that it is prepared tested before we have a population to expand.

All we need to do though is grow.

There was  thing for a while about Sep7 and Archive becoming affiliates, but it fell through. I'm planning on brining it back up to the Bias team once the renovations to the site are done.

If that's what the people want something could be worked out. We have a massive project in the works which this forum would receive quite well. So a relationship might be formed late spring before we announce this project.

I remember one of their mods being a massive sjw tool in #offtopic.
Have avoided that place since. Plus Hola kinda died for me a while ago.

We haven't had mods since our creation which was years ago. Those people ended up being problematic (not for your reasons) and are no longer around.

I think their design is fundamentally broken. The header looks great, but when you scroll down that's when the inconsistencies begin. The footer is also terrible. The images on the main slider have different font styles and approaches. The blog page is the best part of the design, but it suffers of some strange choices in color, and images featured on the articles. (Not being consistent) Where the fonts on the partners page is a disaster. Needless to say, that the design is not integrated with the forums is the worst aspect of it.

We appreciate the criticism but the website isn't even done and was put up crudely. Once our other forum is done work on making both aesthetically pleasing will be started. There are only two admins with both of us working full time and myself going to school for a few months. So there isn't too much time on our hands.

And IDK if I would be too harsh about the lack of integration with the forums. Proboards are anal about giving your your database if you want to move, so their options might be limited.

We switched from squarespace because wordpress can be integrated into IPboards, our next forum.
Our money is being spent on the forum,site,plugins,etc. Integration is rather low on the list.

Are you literally going to copy pasta all the threads by hand or are you trying to say you'll use some kind of database converter?

Anyway, what forum software are you guys going to be using? I know vBulletin is popular in some communities that branch out.

Just re-create threads. We're an Archive so information is always backed up. The plan after this forum (which should last several years) is to hire web designers to do everything.

You don't have to touch the database at all to integrate the design with the forums. One is independent of the other. I also mention the dark grey weird color choice in my post in some manner. However, I still think it's terrible, the design is all over the place.

It isn't possible without spending money,we aren't web designers, and all of this is a rough draft.

We appreciate it though.

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