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Messages - 70damoN

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: Anita Sarkeesian - Are Women Too Hard To Animate?
« on: July 28, 2016, 02:19:06 PM »
Because it's about equality. It doesn't matter who wants it. It's the right thing to do.

Gaming / Re: Anita Sarkeesian - Are Women Too Hard To Animate?
« on: July 28, 2016, 12:10:46 PM »
How so? It's nice, but if no one cares except for losers like Anita, then why should game companies do it? Ubisoft shouldn't have to include female assassins because a handful of people want them, and it's not like it hurts sales either. Pretty much like I said, non issue.

Gaming / Re: Anita Sarkeesian - Are Women Too Hard To Animate?
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:40:55 AM »
Because it's a non-issue. In plenty of games, gender of particular characters isn't relevant to matter anyways. In multiplayer FPS's, being able to play as a female character is nice for people that want it, but hardly necessary in the slightest. There are much more important things to focus on. Little things like game balance.

When it does matter, then what's more important is the established setting, the execution of the character, and who your audience is, rather than just having equal female representation for brownie points.

And for every female character that is poorly represented in their game, take that as a -1.
lol, ok

Gaming / Re: Anita Sarkeesian - Are Women Too Hard To Animate?
« on: July 28, 2016, 10:33:46 AM »
Ubisoft is pretty awful and lazy, but complaining about the "lack of women in games" is stupid in itself.

Isn't Ubisoft like staffed by way more female employees than it was say six years ago? I'm sure they must have said something.


Pages: 1