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Messages - terrorbite

Pages: 1 234
Serious / Re: Please just talk to someone
« on: November 05, 2015, 11:26:55 AM »
I have no idea what the cause was.
If you didn't know your friend was troubled, it doesn't sound like you were much of a friend.

Your title says social security but your OP says welfare. I'm confused on which one you're actually referring to.
social security is a welfare benefit.
It is but the welfare program and social security are two different things
social security is counted in those dollars of federal funds that states receive.

Your title says social security but your OP says welfare. I'm confused on which one you're actually referring to.
social security is a welfare benefit.

Serious / Re: Who won the debate?
« on: October 29, 2015, 05:00:42 PM »
i loved all of the "well i'm going to ignore the question you just asked, and go back to something else entirely unrelated" answers

Serious / Re: Prohibition didn't work, so why do we keep banning things?
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:36:24 PM »
I can get legalizing weed.
However Cocaine and Heroine doesn't need to be legalized
what about things like prostitution? other countries that have legalized it and regulated it have less problems with trafficking, abuse, and things

Serious / Prohibition didn't work, so why do we keep banning things?
« on: October 26, 2015, 02:15:32 PM »
prohibition only created more crime and deadly alcohol. are we that dumb to think that prohibiting other drugs and activities is somehow a good idea?

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 26, 2015, 01:40:35 PM »
I'd rather not kill this discussion off
yes, the high quality discussion that is happening here...

What is Arts Administration? Sounds like a fluff degree.
Focuses in the business side of arts, stuff like marketing and running a business in art fields. Skills that would be helpful in finding work within the theatre world beyond just being on stage.

Understanding "the business" thoroughly would also be useful as an actor trying to find work.

It's a small major here at my university, and doesn't add much more work than a minor would.
why not get a degree in something actually useful?
Whatever else I do needs to integrate well with acting

I want to be an actor. I'm not going to just switch to some STEM bullshit. If I'm not acting, I want to be either making decent ass money while I practice and go out to auditions or doing something in the realm of theatre. History is cool as hell too but I'm much more interested in acting than teaching.
you dont need a degree to be an actor.
No, but I do need training.

The value of a degree isn't in the document, it is in the training behind it.
why not get a real degree and real job, then take acting classes?

What is Arts Administration? Sounds like a fluff degree.
Focuses in the business side of arts, stuff like marketing and running a business in art fields. Skills that would be helpful in finding work within the theatre world beyond just being on stage.

Understanding "the business" thoroughly would also be useful as an actor trying to find work.

It's a small major here at my university, and doesn't add much more work than a minor would.
why not get a degree in something actually useful?
Whatever else I do needs to integrate well with acting

I want to be an actor. I'm not going to just switch to some STEM bullshit. If I'm not acting, I want to be either making decent ass money while I practice and go out to auditions or doing something in the realm of theatre. History is cool as hell too but I'm much more interested in acting than teaching.
you dont need a degree to be an actor.

What is Arts Administration? Sounds like a fluff degree.
Focuses in the business side of arts, stuff like marketing and running a business in art fields. Skills that would be helpful in finding work within the theatre world beyond just being on stage.

Understanding "the business" thoroughly would also be useful as an actor trying to find work.

It's a small major here at my university, and doesn't add much more work than a minor would.
why not get a degree in something actually useful?

well do you ever want to be able to pay bills?

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:25:28 AM »
]but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
that only matters if you're a dickhead who gives a shit about making a lot of money
evryone should give a shit about making a lot of money. you should be trying to make as much money as you can.
and then do what exactly? buy a big house? an expensive car? how exciting. i dunno if you're young but there really is more to life
youre right there is more to life, but not having to worry about money makes life that much better. why make $40k when you can make $140k?

Cause I'd rather make 40k in a job I enjoy than 200k in a job I hate.
but that extra 160k lets you do so much fun stuff outside of work

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:22:44 AM »
too bad stem is the only field that actually contributes to society
too bad losing one STEM major isn't going to affect anything

because the market is currently being inflated by young faggots who think that a STEM major is going to be the key to affluence

silly cunts
but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
Not really, you know in Alberta Canada the people raking in the 100k a year jobs are our trades. Plumbers, Electrictians, Crane Operators, Masons etc.

Any skilled trade can get you more cash with little to no debt the moment you get out of school. And more money than a STEM degree. Liberal Arts can get you good jobs.

In the end it is not the degree you get but who you know and how you network that gets you the 6 figure salaries.
networking will get you in the door for an interview. your skills and knowledge will get you the job offer.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:19:22 AM »
]but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
that only matters if you're a dickhead who gives a shit about making a lot of money
evryone should give a shit about making a lot of money. you should be trying to make as much money as you can.
and then do what exactly? buy a big house? an expensive car? how exciting. i dunno if you're young but there really is more to life
youre right there is more to life, but not having to worry about money makes life that much better. why make $40k when you can make $140k?

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:13:22 AM »
]but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.
that only matters if you're a dickhead who gives a shit about making a lot of money
evryone should give a shit about making a lot of money. you should be trying to make as much money as you can.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:07:29 AM »
too bad stem is the only field that actually contributes to society
too bad losing one STEM major isn't going to affect anything

because the market is currently being inflated by young faggots who think that a STEM major is going to be the key to affluence

silly cunts
but its true. liberal arts majors arent the ones raking in the cash.

The Flood / Re: I'm no longer le ebin STEM master race
« on: October 26, 2015, 10:51:31 AM »
too bad stem is the only field that actually contributes to society

it has the potential to be constructive, but 99.999% of the time its a waste of time

Serious / Re: Heightism
« on: October 26, 2015, 10:09:16 AM »
if someone cares about how tall you are, they're a shallow asshole. being a shallow asshole comes along with a whole tonne of -isms

Was that an intended half pun?

Somebody giving you shit about being short and you call them shallow?
its true though. if someone gives you shit for your height, they have bigger issues.

Serious / Re: Heightism
« on: October 25, 2015, 11:20:32 PM »
if someone cares about how tall you are, they're a shallow asshole. being a shallow asshole comes along with a whole tonne of -isms

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:53:57 PM »
do any other mental illnesses require surgery as a treatment?
Who cares?

And yeah. There's many other types of body dysphoria.
because if trannies are just a mental illness that doesn't hurt anything, but requires surgery to treat, its not the harmless thing you say it is.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:49:38 PM »
Feeling trapped. Thinking you have the wrong reproductive organs.
You know what would solve that problem?

I don't know. I'm sure we'll find out eventually.

You thinking that it's icky isn't a good reason not to support it.
do any other mental illnesses require surgery as a treatment?

Gaming / Re: do i have to play fallout 3 before fallout 4?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:38:04 PM »
nice. i own the other games but havent played them yet.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:37:42 PM »
you could say that about any mental illness.
No, you couldn't. Because 99% of all other mental illnesses are actually harmful.

Gender dysphoria isn't harmful at all. Not in and of itself.
nothing actually happens with a mental illness. a mental illness will not kill you. ptsd wont kill you. schizophrenia wont kill you. bipolar disorder wont kill you.

its the dumbass decisions you make because of that disorder that kills you.
Gender dsyphoria has never caused someone to murder. You can't seriously be trying to compare GD with mental illnesses like schizophrenia. Please tell me you're joking?
i'm comparing metal illnesses to mental illnesses, thats all.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:36:38 PM »
nothing actually happens with a mental illness. a mental illness will not kill you. ptsd wont kill you. schizophrenia wont kill you. bipolar disorder wont kill you.
You realize death isn't the only thing that's harmful, right? I'm not talking about death.

Gender dysphoria not only won't kill you--it won't do ANYTHING harmful to you. At all.
and neither will the others. they just make you feel crappy until you realize its just a mental thing and cant actually hurt you.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:30:02 PM »
you could say that about any mental illness.
No, you couldn't. Because 99% of all other mental illnesses are actually harmful.

Gender dysphoria isn't harmful at all. Not in and of itself.
nothing actually happens with a mental illness. a mental illness will not kill you. ptsd wont kill you. schizophrenia wont kill you. bipolar disorder wont kill you.

its the dumbass decisions you make because of that disorder that kills you.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:29:06 PM »
People who accept transgenderism, yeah.
I don't "accept" mental illnesses, I'm afraid.
that doesnt make any sense. how do you not accept mental illnesses? they exist. they're real.
He means he doesn't think it should be accepted as a normal thing, or something that we should consider "okay".
that's because mental illnesses aren't "okay" and need to be treated.
I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Gender dysphoria isn't about some sort of decision that someone sits down and makes one day about themselves.
go read/watch any interview with a tranny. they always ask when they realized they were a tranny. decisions were made.

Serious / Re: Why should transgenderism be something we "accept"?
« on: October 25, 2015, 08:21:22 PM »
Transgenderism is only harmful if the individual isn't rational enough to realize that it's not harmful.
thats a fucking dumb statement. you could say that about any mental illness. "its not harmful as long as you realize its not harmful"


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