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Messages - Lord Starch

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The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 12:08:05 PM »
If you've lived a life that has brought you here to be posting on Sep and you're going to college, you have no business rapping. All your lyrics are going to be fucking fake and you'll just be kidding yourself.
But drake did it.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 11:59:24 AM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.
Wow! It's like after reading this post, all of my problems just seem so small and insignificant! Thanks, Lord Starch! You know, you should tell this to everyone with depression! "Reevaluate how you live your life" and "Work on self-esteem!"

No, really, that's absolutely beautiful. Put that shit on a fucking T-shirt.

"Reevaluate how you live your life"
- Lord Starch

Maybe put them on some offshoot of the Livestrong bracelets. That'll sell millions!

"Work on self-esteem"
- Lord Starch

If I'da known it was all that simple, I woulda stopped being depressed YEARS ago! You're going places, man. You're gonna be the next Dr. Phil. I mean, everything you said--it's all so nuanced, so erudite, so considerate of the complexity of the issue, but most of all, it's... Fucking retarded. I mean, wow.

It's this sort of glib, vapid ignorance that only makes me hate people even more--Self-esteem is probably the last thing I need to "work on". Whatever the fucking fuck that even means. "Work on self-esteem"? Please, describe to me in your own words what you THINK that means. It'll be hilarious.

Needless to say, your post lacks the substance, sophistication, and tact required to tackle such an issue.

This is the exact type of mongoloid idiocy that I was trying to preempt.
What are you accomplishing by posting this utter shit here? Wait, don't answer that--I already know.

Never post on this board again.
This reaction is reason you stay depressed. Your outlook on life and your fellow man is atrocious. All I'm saying is that maybe instead of being an online pessimist, you should change up and analyze how you live your life. But eh, I was just throwing in my two cents. I don't care what you do.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:35:24 AM »
Should I check out your SoundCloud OP?
I don't have one yet, I need to get some material first. I doubt I'll have a soundcloud for a while, but hopefully by the end of the year.

... Check out the video oss posted
That was actually pretty funny. But for me, I don't want to succumb to the rapping status quo. That's why I'm trying to work on lyricism and structure before even touching a beat.

Serious / Re: Depression Vent(Yeah I know)
« on: July 29, 2015, 05:33:00 AM »
No offense but there's a lot of cringe in this thread. Some of yall need to just get off the internet and reevaluate how you live your lives. Or work on self esteem.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:12:26 PM »
you could be like drake and not write any of your shit
I was heartbroken when I heard that.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:11:41 PM »
Should I check out your SoundCloud OP?
I don't have one yet, I need to get some material first. I doubt I'll have a soundcloud for a while, but hopefully by the end of the year.

The Flood / Re: I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:10:31 PM »
Brah trust you're not going to get a good response here.

I don't know any good resources for that but id recommend joining some hip hop forums and reading around. The only ones i know of are the kanye west forum and i guess somewhat hypebeast.

Goodluck man!
I actually forgot about Kanyes forum. I stumbled across there once but didn't think much of it. I might pay it another visit.

The stupidity of some people can either be really funny or sad. I think this is one of those sad moments. Also this whole Trump presidential race is a circus. I like Trump and can see his appeal as a person and businessman, but as president, nah.

For real black people LOVE dragon ball z
It's true.

The Flood / I'm seriously thinking about becoming a rapper.
« on: July 27, 2015, 03:00:59 PM »
I've been thinking about this for about a month and I think I need to just go and get it. I'm going to get a new dictionary and a book on poetry, and then do some rhyming excersizes, among other things to improve my lyricism. I'm in college right now so it's not like this is my main plan, but I feel like it's something to try out.
The thing is I don't have the software or skills to make beats (at least not yet), so if anybody wants to help make a beat I could try to rap over it. I know a few guys in my city who I could collab with too.

The Flood / Re: how was your weekend
« on: July 27, 2015, 12:31:13 AM »
Worked 8 hour shifts both days. Off two days this week so I'll probably chill with my friends and hit the town those days.

The Flood / Re: It's that time again...what're you drinking, Sep7?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:57:59 PM »
Been 21 for like three weeks and have yet to buy boose. Legally.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone have any tattoos?
« on: July 26, 2015, 09:56:52 PM »
i really despise our culture's infatuation with tattoos

i would never get one
i mean, it's to the point where people have been asking me, "when are you gonna get a tattoo?"

no, not "ARE you gonna get a tattoo"

"WHEN are you gonna get a tattoo"

it's like... fuck you, never
why would i want to have an ugly-ass picture on my skin that i can't rub off, and hurts when i get it?...

That usually shuts them up.
To be fair, you could get it removed, but it's slow and painful.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Religion doesn't necessarily have to have contradictions, it just depends on how you interpret it. Like how the constitution had to to be amended a ton of times, interpretation and perception is everything when it comes to complex pieces of text that map out how to live.
>comparing religious trash to the constitution
The bible has survived the test of time and has been used to influence life for 2 thousand years and counting. I can't consider that trashy.
So if I found a petrified piece of shit would you get on your knees and worship it?

Fuck outta here. The only thing religion has done is hold us back.
Religion is too powerful a force to just claim it holds us back. It's inspired the arts, sciences, and philosophy, and it also gives people hope something to strive for.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Religion doesn't necessarily have to have contradictions, it just depends on how you interpret it. Like how the constitution had to to be amended a ton of times, interpretation and perception is everything when it comes to complex pieces of text that map out how to live.
>comparing religious trash to the constitution
The bible has survived the test of time and has been used to influence life for 2 thousand years and counting. I can't consider that trashy.

The Flood / Re: Take a good hard look at this fucking picture
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:02:47 PM »
Why do they still fuck if they know they are breeding kids destined for suffering (although you can say that for any part of the world - Earth is fucked up) but c'mon third world - use condoms. Kill yourself.
A lot of their children die fairly early, and they need kids to help them work.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Religion doesn't necessarily have to have contradictions, it just depends on how you interpret it. Like how the constitution had to to be amended a ton of times, interpretation and perception is everything when it comes to complex pieces of text that map out how to live.

It's not. Frankly one could argue modern societal structure, from a first world viewpoint, could cause less happiness given the responsibilities trusted upon people at young ages. Which isn't necessarily bad for society in terms of functioning, but I've seen polls on numerous occasions that show people in poorer countries are happier than those in developed ones, and people in developed countries have a higher depression rate. 

The Flood / Re: Take a good hard look at this fucking picture
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:49:06 PM »
I care because?
I'm not them.  I live in a developed world with different sets of issues and problems.
What you call issues are probably just inconveniences. If you don't know death, poverty, working for nearly nothing, and wondering where your meal comes from (if any), then you need to sit down.

The Flood / Re: How closely does your avatar represent you?
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:46:20 PM »
Actually pretty damn well.

The Flood / Re: Does anyone have any tattoos?
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:42:09 AM »
No but I do want one.

Like this

Did he really tattoo a halo thing on his chest? Fucking lmao.

Yeah, this should prolly be locked.

Serious / Re: RIP Based Trump
« on: July 26, 2015, 03:52:27 AM »
It's shit like this that shows how Trump doesn't take the presidential run seriously. It's good entertainment though.

The Flood / Does anyone have any tattoos?
« on: July 25, 2015, 02:54:37 PM »
I was thinking about getting tatted later in life (maybe). I just haven't really found anything meainingful to tat on me. I might get an airforce tattoo if I join but that'll prolly be it.

The Flood / Re: Fuck Off
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:18:31 PM »
I feel like I miss a lot of funny or good ads because of adblock.

The Flood / Re: I feel fucking nauseous
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:16:57 PM »

All I'm saying is that I've seen you bring up this whole notion of having a good life up often, and in addition to try to tear other people down. People who try to floss usually don't have the good life they claim to. When you post, you usually just say something foolish or provocative, and if post count is really that important then there's no real reason to stay. Shit I wouldn't given the situation. But, it is what it is.

The thing is, people like you only see my reaction. You act like I would be posting any of this shit if Loaf didn't insult my intelligence or constantly insult all religious people. Like bro, you're really trying to come at me for being proud of my "good" life. Its not even like I'm claiming to have a perfect life. Its just funny how these niggas come on here and insult other people, yet don't even have their lives in order. Hilarious.
I don't know how you can really comment on someone's life on the web like that, we're all literally strangers who we couldn't even ID on the street. At best you can make a guess, otherwise talking shit online is just blind fighting. It's like the old saying, what you say about folks says a lot about you. But eh bruh, it is what it is.

The Flood / Re: is racism a meme
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:03:33 PM »
Sure seems like it.

The Flood / Re: I feel fucking nauseous
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:01:00 PM »
"so stupid"

Meanwhile, you haven't accomplished anything worthwhile. Yawn.
You don't see what I am seeing in everything around me. I have seen you posting on this forum before, you're just a very slow, unintelligent person. You can be knowledgeable, and not intelligent. You're not playing the world around you, you just step in line and try to do exactly what others tell you to do, which is why you succeed at what they want. You're a good dog, you get rewarded for being a good dog.

So basically, being happy, making money, having a decent job , and a good life is being a "good dog" or a sheep?

Thats cool with me. I'd rather be a sheep than be an unhappy clown who accomplishes nothing. Thats just me tho. You do you bro.
For someone who is so happy and successful, you really do come here a lot to tell people that and talk garbage. Like you have something to prove. It's rather childish.

I do? I have one of the lowest post counts on here.

The only time you'll see me like this is when Loaf goes on one of his "I'm better than everyone else, fuck all religious people" tirades.

Is it childish? Sure probably. I really couldn't care less tho bro.

But I forgot, people who are happy and successful aren't allowed on the internet, right? Fuck outta here. .
There you go again with the "happy and successful". People who truly are don't have to keep saying it over and over. It's one thing to use the web, but when your posts are just garbage talk and provocativeness, it speaks volumes. I'm just saying its unnecessary and childish, but meh. It's like you say, you do you.

If you honestly think this is "garbage talk" or shit talk as I would say, then you are delusional. I could go off up in here. Everything I say is tame. I only repeated the "happy and successful" again, because you brought it up.

Like I said bro, I have one of the lowest post counts for my amount of time here. Don't act like I'm on here 24/7.
All I'm saying is that I've seen you bring up this whole notion of having a good life up often, and in addition to try to tear other people down. People who try to floss usually don't have the good life they claim to. Your posts are usually just saying something foolish or provocative, and if post count is really that important then there's no real reason to stay. Shit I wouldn't given the situation. But, it is what it is.

The Flood / Re: I feel fucking nauseous
« on: July 24, 2015, 12:50:13 PM »
"so stupid"

Meanwhile, you haven't accomplished anything worthwhile. Yawn.
You don't see what I am seeing in everything around me. I have seen you posting on this forum before, you're just a very slow, unintelligent person. You can be knowledgeable, and not intelligent. You're not playing the world around you, you just step in line and try to do exactly what others tell you to do, which is why you succeed at what they want. You're a good dog, you get rewarded for being a good dog.

So basically, being happy, making money, having a decent job , and a good life is being a "good dog" or a sheep?

Thats cool with me. I'd rather be a sheep than be an unhappy clown who accomplishes nothing. Thats just me tho. You do you bro.
For someone who is so happy and successful, you really do come here a lot to tell people that and talk garbage. Like you have something to prove. It's rather childish.

I do? I have one of the lowest post counts on here.

The only time you'll see me like this is when Loaf goes on one of his "I'm better than everyone else, fuck all religious people" tirades.

Is it childish? Sure probably. I really couldn't care less tho bro.

But I forgot, people who are happy and successful aren't allowed on the internet, right? Fuck outta here. .
There you go again with the "happy and successful". People who truly are don't have to keep saying it over and over. It's one thing to use the web, but when your posts are just garbage talk and provocativeness, it speaks volumes. I'm just saying its unnecessary and childish, but meh. It's like you say, you do you.

The Flood / Re: Superhero quiz to measure your fag level
« on: July 24, 2015, 12:45:18 PM »
Booster gold and Captain America. Not too bad.

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