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Messages - Lord Starch

Pages: 123 45 ... 43
The Flood / Re: I just figured out what tsundere is
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:35:26 PM »
Googled it. Pretty sure every anime I've ever watched had a character like this. Vegeta is the best example.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any facial hair?
« on: November 05, 2015, 03:32:17 PM »
What? Why would you even care about such a thing?
It's just a question, dumb fuck.

The Flood / Do you have any facial hair?
« on: November 05, 2015, 02:52:36 PM »
Who here rocks facial hair? I personally go clean shaven since my genetics are bad for growing anything other than on my chin, but maybe one day I can get a beard. Who knows.

The Flood / Re: nasa wants astronauts
« on: November 05, 2015, 12:29:56 AM »
I can easily pass the physical and I'm close to getting a degree in mechanical engineering, but I have no flight experience. If I actually put in the work I probably could do it.
Congrats, you've got to February to finish your degree and put 3 years of professional work in.
he'd also need a second technical degree and either a lot hours as a pilot or at least one masters level degree.
Option two is very possible and doable.
well that's on top of the at least two h degrees in a technical field of which one should go on to be a master' IIRC.

I'm actually hoping to get a pilots license after I finish my degrees and get some work experience.
Yeah those are some demanding requirements. It would take a few years to complete them all.
Also that's a good game plan. You ever think about Air Force? I'm trying to join and get some engineering work with them and then move to privatized firms.

The Flood / Re: nasa wants astronauts
« on: November 05, 2015, 12:12:37 AM »
I can easily pass the physical and I'm close to getting a degree in mechanical engineering, but I have no flight experience. If I actually put in the work I probably could do it.
Congrats, you've got to February to finish your degree and put 3 years of professional work in.
he'd also need a second technical degree and either a lot hours as a pilot or at least one masters level degree.
Option two is very possible and doable.

The Flood / Re: nasa wants astronauts
« on: November 04, 2015, 10:30:36 PM »
I can easily pass the physical and I'm close to getting a degree in mechanical engineering, but I have no flight experience. If I actually put in the work I probably could do it.
Congrats, you've got to February to finish your degree and put 3 years of professional work in.
Hmmm, seems like a reasonable amount of time.

The Flood / Re: free AM crunchwraps tomorrow morning at taco bell fam
« on: November 04, 2015, 10:30:02 PM »
Is this a national thing? I wouldn't mind starting off the day with a free crunchwrap. Probably a bacon one.

The Flood / Re: nasa wants astronauts
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:25:19 PM »
I can easily pass the physical and I'm close to getting a degree in mechanical engineering, but I have no flight experience. If I actually put in the work I probably could do it.

The Flood / Re: Do you have close internet friends?
« on: November 04, 2015, 06:22:30 PM »
Not really close friends, but some people I'm cool with. I have enough friends in real life that have my back and I have theirs. I remember I was pretty cool with this dude on Xbox live a while back though.

The Flood / Re: I am no longer an English major
« on: November 03, 2015, 08:04:14 PM »
It is when you're paying a school thousands of dollars and won't make a decent living off of it.
like i care

i don't need to make a "decent" living--i just need to make a living

college is a place to learn--not to get a job
You should care. Also college is for learning so you can use your knowledge in the job force. Nobody is paying thousands and risking debt to not net a return.
which is why college should be free
I agree with this.

Saw the edit. If college was free, then I agree that it should be used for both job obtaining purposes and the pursuit of knowledge.

The Flood / Re: I am no longer an English major
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:58:54 PM »
It is when you're paying a school thousands of dollars and won't make a decent living off of it.
like i care

i don't need to make a "decent" living--i just need to make a living

college is a place to learn--not to get a job
You should care. Also college is for learning so you can use your knowledge in the job force. Nobody is paying thousands and risking debt to not net a return.

The Flood / Re: I am no longer an English major
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:30:06 PM »
What branch of computer science? I took a course on web design last year and hated every minute of it.
could do programming i guess

my dad says i should learn CAD, though
CAD is neat.

I did a year of drafting courses in high school. After a while doing the basics on paper (basically the top part of this image)
we moved on to autocad and solidworks.  Neat shit.
Solidworks is dank. You can make models of parts and them import them to assemble them and then animate the final design.

The Flood / Re: I am no longer an English major
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:27:03 PM »
It was pretty dumb to major in English to begin with.

learning about your passions

what a dumb thing to do
It is when you're paying a school thousands of dollars and won't make a decent living off of it. At least you changed it, but don't drop out like a lot of stem students do.

The Flood / Re: I am no longer an English major
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:31:52 PM »
It was pretty dumb to major in English to begin with.

How about we stay on subject on focus on the history of US race relations?
Because when it comes to the history of slavery, "white people", and other various things we've brought up, it goes beyond the scope of just the US. In fact, it's insanely narrow minded to focus only ON America and American problems when talking about this whole picture.
You keep deviating like we aren't talking about something that isn't common knowledge. This stuff is taught in middle school and you're trying to throw in a bunch of irrelevant variables to downplay the fact that whites relied heavily on slavery in the US and were responsible for the bulk of it.
Moving on, we also have evidence of lawful white racism nearly 60 years ago. You could ask any old person and they can give you a first hand account, not to mention modern racism. Why must we play these games?

I guess if you're ignorant of your own barbaric history it would sound like I made that up.
Forgets whites have committed genocide on a continental scale against aboriginals and native Americans, forgets whites started both world wars, forgets whites have institutionalized racism for all their colonies, forgets the massive period of European imperialism, forgets the fact that whites for some reason fought against themselves during most of European history. Also whites invented things like crucifixion, and the various torture methods during the dark ages. I mean damn, I'm not even talking garbage about white people, I'm just telling you the history.
Amazing how you categorize whites all under one banner when all of them are vastly different across Europe and its history.

That'd be like saying blacks in Somalia doing something are viewed in the same light as blacks in Africa, or Haiti. Generalizing like that is pretty dirty. And like LC has said, do you not realize that every continent has mostly fought amongst itself throughout most of it's history or something?

You sound like you're playing the victim card insanely hard
How am I playing victum when I'm just repeating historical facts that are well documented? All I'm saying is that I acknowledge history. Black people have a dark history, I recognize this. Every race has a history in which they did something wrong, and this extends to every nation, or country, or contintent. Humans in general have done atrocities, but that doesn't change the fact that certain groups of people have done things to different extents.

How about we stay on subject on focus on the history of US race relations?

The Flood / Re: Recommend me a good book.
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:20:36 PM »
I've read some of these suggestions which were pretty good. I'll be adding these to my list.

Also whites invented things like crucifixion,
Eh.... we've got Persian and Carthaginian examples that pre-date the Roman crucifixions.

Besides, Mediterraneans aren't real Whites.
I wouldn't doubt the Persians made something just as bad. Also, I've always wondered where whiteness ended. I figured the definition got a little messy once you go east of turkey.

The Flood / Re: Post your favorite German language song
« on: November 02, 2015, 11:19:35 AM »
Monsoon by Tokio Hotel.

I guess if you're ignorant of your own barbaric history it would sound like I made that up.
Forgets whites have committed genocide on a continental scale against aboriginals and native Americans, forgets whites started both world wars, forgets whites have institutionalized racism for all their colonies, forgets the massive period of European imperialism, forgets the fact that whites for some reason fought against themselves during most of European history. Also whites invented things like crucifixion, and the various torture methods during the dark ages. I mean damn, I'm not even talking garbage about white people, I'm just telling you the history.

Thats cool bro. How about we look at the flip side of that?

What have whites done to advance the world? And what have Blacks done?
Yeah, whites have done a lot. A lot of races have, so I'm not just going to grant whites the title of progressing all of man. Whites are very advanced at natural science, art, and economics, won't take that away from em. Now in regards to what black people have done? I'd have to look it up since it's rarely taught outside from an exclusive class on African and black history.

, but in general, in the grand scheme of world history, it's clear the white race is the most racist given their actions.

Yeah, racism extends past black people, this is obvious, but the fact is that it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that black people have been treated like garbage, along with other minorities. Your argument is basically just avoiding what everyone already knows.

Take a history class son.
I have. No matter if it's world history, religious history, american history, or even art history, there will be some white people doing some atrocious stuff. You could argue that every race does some atrocious stuff, which is true, but not on the scale and frequency of whites.

lol what?

Like other have already said in this thread. What Arabs have done is far worse than whites.

Sure, white people have done horrible things. But there has been worse.
I guess it depends on how you define worse. Arabs and people of the middle east have done some heinous stuff, so you're not wrong though.

I guess if you're ignorant of your own barbaric history it would sound like I made that up.
Forgets whites have committed genocide on a continental scale against aboriginals and native Americans, forgets whites started both world wars, forgets whites have institutionalized racism for all their colonies, forgets the massive period of European imperialism, forgets the fact that whites for some reason fought against themselves during most of European history. Also whites invented things like crucifixion, and the various torture methods during the dark ages. I mean damn, I'm not even talking garbage about white people, I'm just telling you the history.

, but in general, in the grand scheme of world history, it's clear the white race is the most racist given their actions.

Yeah, racism extends past black people, this is obvious, but the fact is that it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that black people have been treated like garbage, along with other minorities. Your argument is basically just avoiding what everyone already knows.

Take a history class son.
I have. No matter if it's world history, religious history, american history, or even art history, there will be some white people doing some atrocious stuff. You could argue that every race does some atrocious stuff, which is true, but not on the scale and frequency of whites.

Serious / Re: Deputy does nothing wrong, gets fired. #policelivesmatter
« on: November 02, 2015, 08:26:32 AM »
You'd have to be a special kind of idiot to think a grown man twice the size of a girl is allowed to flail her around like that.  The tone would be very different if that was your sister or something.
Or if she was white

then the media wouldn't report it
Probably not. The media is part of the problem. 

It should also be fair to mention that when slaves would be brought from Africa, it was often other tribes turning over slaves who had been opposing tribes they defeated in battle. The survivors and losers of the battle/war became slaves for the victorious tribe and before the arrival of Europeans that's how they remained. The only difference when Europoors showed up became when the slaves would change hands.

So really, nice culture huh? Who's worse now? Blacks betrayed their OWN people.
You know you cant just make up stuff and pass it off as history, right?

Doesn't matter what the stance of the black community is, the point is that whites are known to be racist, hence their racist past.
Where are you basing modern day whites to be racist? Because of their past? Like how European powers conquered over Africa? I guess Romans were racist too for having slaves?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but blacks are not always the victims in history. I love how you leave out how black people can be just as racist.

And yeah, minorities were oppressed since day one. They teach history in public schools, so I'm not sure why this is a secret.
Maybe get your mind out of 'Murica, because the history of the world is far greater than just that country. You should look at the history of oppression and slavery and see it extends far past blacks.

Edit: The irony of this all is that you're stereotyping an entire group of people being racist because of what happened in ancestors past. I bet you're one of the people who believe you deserve reparations too, huh? Or act like you know what slavery is like and how damaging it is, even though you've never had to deal with any of that in your life.
You're saying a lot without really saying anything. No one is saying modern whites are inherently racist, even though a ton of white people admit to being racist and say a lot of racist things, but in general, in the grand scheme of world history, it's clear the white race is the most racist given their actions. And since logic is a thing, you can use their history as a basis of assumption.
Yeah, racism extends past black people, this is obvious, but the fact is that it doesn't matter. It doesn't change the fact that black people have been treated like garbage, along with other minorities. Your argument is basically just avoiding what everyone already knows.

Every minority in the US knew this from day one.

Really? You sound really ignorant imo think that's true. Let's not even talk about the black community and how homophobic and racist THEY can be as well.


Minorities always oppressed since day 1.
Doesn't matter what the stance of the black community is, the point is that whites are known to be racist, hence their racist past. And yeah, minorities were oppressed since day one. They teach history in public schools, so I'm not sure why this is a secret. 

The Flood / Re: My iPhone messed up again, so I'm switching to android.
« on: October 31, 2015, 10:29:53 PM »
OnePlus One

literally the only right answer
This must be a recent phone. I haven't heard of this company.

Every minority in the US knew this from day one.

The Flood / My iPhone messed up again, so I'm switching to android.
« on: October 31, 2015, 11:44:45 AM »
I'm literally on my third iPhone. First one had a screen bleeding problem, second one had a malfunctioning cellular antenna, and now this one appears to have another malfucntioning antenna. Apple must have some shit quality control.
So what's a good android phone on the market right now? I know there's probably like 30.

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