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Messages - Kitsune 狐

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Serious / Sweatshops
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:52:21 PM »
Am I terrible person for being somewhat apathetic when it comes to child labor and making clothes?
I mean usually this happens in developing countries where people are dirt poor, and work as hard as they can just barely to get by.
So it makes sense to me that children would be sent to make clothes for cheap wage to help support feed and shelter their families.
I know there are worst child labor sweatshop scenarios, like in dangerous factories, but is having children make clothes really that bad?

Here's the article that sparked my interest:

The Flood / Re: Seriously wtf?!
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:14:09 PM »

I know there's quite a few more guys than girls on here
What, just because I'm a guy I can't like dildos? Prostate stimulation is awesome.

Touché but that still doesn't answer my questions. Would you feel comfortable using or being put into this?

The Flood / Seriously wtf?!
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:11:33 PM »

I just saw this on my facebook newsfeed and I'm in shock.
Like I'm all for dildos but this is a little too far for me.
What do you think? I know there's quite a few more guys than girls on here, so how would you feel if your lover put your ashes in here and then pleased herself with it?
And... GO!

The Flood / Re: If you're white you should fear Obama.
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:29:58 PM »

Oh wow that's a smart business motto right there. People can be so ignorant...
One of his mottos was something like "Global Communist are turning or universities into Trojan horses."  I have no idea how he has been in business for as long as he did. Every time I go by there I see one vehicle there and if I'm lucky two.

Trying so hard to sound intelligent ends up sound like a retard...

The Flood / Re: If you're white you should fear Obama.
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:29:06 PM »

Some hippie near where I live painted their house purple, with sea-foam polka dots, and on the front of the house, in huge black and white letters, wrote "CUT CONSUMPTION, NOT FORESKIN".

People are weird.
He's smart.


Yeah and how much paint did they consume to do that? Hypocrites.

The Flood / Re: The satisfaction.
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:51:50 AM »

Do your parents know of your foxbsession?
My mum asked me if she'd have to see me like that all the time... but no. The ears on my hoodie are good, really good compared to other cheap shit you see out there, but they still flop around a bit. I've been slowly forming a plan to get some wire in there to make them stand up straight by default. Even then I wouldn't wear it too often because it isn't practical. And even if it was practical, why kill the novelty of outwardly manifesting your inner symbolism?

Being fairly nondescript is much more satisfying and useful.

Nothing better than recycling spam.
Also my friend made these for me for my fox character for my LARP. The picture is an old one, but I love them. I'm pretty sure she used some type of stif plastic cloth material combo to keep them erect. Wire tends to bend and get out of shape.

'Stiff plastic cloth' ...I'll look into it, thanks.

It's like foam but not foam... Derp

The Flood / Re: Why do people like the Avengers movies?
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:26:36 AM »
Meh I'm pretty apathetic about the movies...

The Flood / Re: The satisfaction.
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:47:50 AM »

Do your parents know of your foxbsession?
My mum asked me if she'd have to see me like that all the time... but no. The ears on my hoodie are good, really good compared to other cheap shit you see out there, but they still flop around a bit. I've been slowly forming a plan to get some wire in there to make them stand up straight by default. Even then I wouldn't wear it too often because it isn't practical. And even if it was practical, why kill the novelty of outwardly manifesting your inner symbolism?

Being fairly nondescript is much more satisfying and useful.

Nothing better than recycling spam.
Also my friend made these for me for my fox character for my LARP. The picture is an old one, but I love them. I'm pretty sure she used some type of stif plastic cloth material combo to keep them erect. Wire tends to bend and get out of shape.

The Flood / Re: What's so entertaining about Nascar?
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:43:31 AM »
 The beer and watching idiots in their truest form. Oh and the wrecks.

Gaming / Re: That feeling when you recognize a voice actor.....
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:42:15 AM »
Well there's tons... Like Princess Bubblegum is the same voice actress as Starfire, and the guy who does SpongeBob has a huge rep. I don't think it really bother much unless it's the same annoying shitty voice actress for anime... Ga know the high shrill one that you want to gack.

The Flood / Re: If you're white you should fear Obama.
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:38:41 AM »
Oh wow that's a smart business motto right there. People can be so ignorant...

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:37:10 AM »

What character(s) are your best and which are your worst, why? Samus and King DeeDee
What are your strengths AND weaknesses? I'm relentless. I don't use tactics.
 What's your favorite level, why? Um, Final Destination.
What is your favorite move? Samus's final smash is cool.
What are your tips for n00bs? Avoid attacks. All the time.

I'm okay with Samus but I haven't even dared to try King DeeDee...

What's the best way to avoid attacks then?
Dodging. A lot.
Jump over projectiles too. It can render a lot of TBlocks moves almost useless when I'm playing the right character.

Also learn how to dodge I. The air at the right time. It took me some time to learn but it helps.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:35:42 AM »

I also got a chance to play Mewtwo on Saturday at a friends, he wasn't great, his up throw was magical, and his air game was okay. He feels really light, which I quite liked.

Not even close to a top tier character, but I really liked him. Anyone had a chance to get used to him yet? I only get him tomorrow.

Also, if anyone wants to play a few games on 3DS today, hit me up, I wanna see how good this place is.

My fiancé got it for the 3ds but he traded it back before I could play it. He hated it, and said they really messed up the controls. Is this true?

Serious / Re: Can racism ever end?
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:35:02 AM »

No because media subliminally  encourages it.

Name one time the news hasn't made something racial for no reason.
Thank you

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 26, 2015, 10:05:15 PM »
Just watched this movie and Yep now I'm afraid of you all...

الذهاب تقتل نفسك
Aka "go kill yourself"

The Flood / Re: In a bad mood, cheer me up
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:36:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: Formerly locked thread in Arabic.
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:32:40 PM »
Feel free to post in Arabic you will have no responses and will be considered the biggest shitposter. Have fun talking to yourself and annoyed people.

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:18:32 PM »

(I'll talk SSB4 strictly for this)
What character(s) are your best and which are your worst, why?
Best: Link, Zelda, Little Mac. Worst: Ness, Bowser, Luigi
What are your strengths AND weaknesses?
Strengths: Dodging and timing attacks have always been pretty good for me. Weaknesses: Gimping and/or anything to do with ledges. I suck with edge guarding.
What's your favorite level, why?
Final Destination when not on Omega. With Omega Onett it my favorite.
What is your favorite move?
I've always loved Link's Down A
What are your tips for n00bs?
Try a lot of characters to find the one you're best at and keep an open mind.
You never said why you do awesome or suck with your characters!

Oh good point! I mainly suck because I originally played smash on the N64 and never really played GameCube as a kid so I had to get adjusted to the controls, and character wise I suck with super quick ones like falcon and lucaria mainly because I usually end up dashing myself off the stage.
I'm good at avoiding attacks and have mastered dodging and  juggling my opponents in the air.

Hmm... Maybe you should try using one of the Fire Emblem swordsman. Maybe Marth or Roy in Melee/PM.. They can juggle pretty well, aren't too fast, and have pretty good range. I'm not sure about that last one. I haven't played the previous games recently due to Smash 4.
Yeah I've been practicing with marth.
I tried out deedeedee today and did pretty well despite his slowness

Gaming / Re: Smash Bros
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:11:38 PM »

(I'll talk SSB4 strictly for this)
What character(s) are your best and which are your worst, why?
Best: Link, Zelda, Little Mac. Worst: Ness, Bowser, Luigi
What are your strengths AND weaknesses?
Strengths: Dodging and timing attacks have always been pretty good for me. Weaknesses: Gimping and/or anything to do with ledges. I suck with edge guarding.
What's your favorite level, why?
Final Destination when not on Omega. With Omega Onett it my favorite.
What is your favorite move?
I've always loved Link's Down A
What are your tips for n00bs?
Try a lot of characters to find the one you're best at and keep an open mind.
You never said why you do awesome or suck with your characters!

Oh good point! I mainly suck because I originally played smash on the N64 and never really played GameCube as a kid so I had to get adjusted to the controls, and character wise I suck with super quick ones like falcon and lucaria mainly because I usually end up dashing myself off the stage.
I'm good at avoiding attacks and have mastered dodging and  juggling my opponents in the air.

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:51:35 PM »

Ok, here we go.

>Been sick since February with IBS and ulcerative colitis. Went from 185 lbs to 169. I have blood in my poop, yuck. For three months

>Working at a Kmart as a glorified cart pusher, and I hate every second of it

>I can only teach with my degree. I have tried since last May and have applied for 80+ jobs hoping that an employer will give me a chance and be willing to train me in such fields as marketing, sales, insurance, technical writing, editing, etc..

>Sexually frustrated at 23 because I've only ever kissed and been single for three years. Thought I would get laid in college like everyone else

>"friends" that I have had since middle school have their own lives now and the friendship barely exists now besides texting every once in a while. They didn't even remember my birthday and haven't seen them in a year.

>I go to the movies by myself

>Only things that are keeping me from jumping off of a cliff are The Force Awakens, H5, and Battlefront (which will most likely be a disappointment)

Damn dude. You need to go out to a club and makes some friends! I hope you get better soon!

I don't like going to clubs or bars. Well, I've actually never been to either. I don't think there's a point of going by myself to get drunk and then worrying about how I'm going to get home.

Either troll... Or don't get drunk go to dance and mingle or get a taxi

The Flood / Re: I need some grammar help.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:49:28 PM »
All of them

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:47:00 PM »

Gamer first world problems.
I have a blood blister from playing too much smash bros.
But I want to play more it just hurts like a mother fucker...

>Not posting tits
Is Kitsune the new Isara now?

Uhhhmmm... What?

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:42:31 PM »

Ok, here we go.

>Been sick since February with IBS and ulcerative colitis. Went from 185 lbs to 169. I have blood in my poop, yuck. For three months

>Working at a Kmart as a glorified cart pusher, and I hate every second of it

>I can only teach with my degree. I have tried since last May and have applied for 80+ jobs hoping that an employer will give me a chance and be willing to train me in such fields as marketing, sales, insurance, technical writing, editing, etc..

>Sexually frustrated at 23 because I've only ever kissed and been single for three years. Thought I would get laid in college like everyone else

>"friends" that I have had since middle school have their own lives now and the friendship barely exists now besides texting every once in a while. They didn't even remember my birthday and haven't seen them in a year.

>I go to the movies by myself

>Only things that are keeping me from jumping off of a cliff are The Force Awakens, H5, and Battlefront (which will most likely be a disappointment)

Damn dude. You need to go out to a club and makes some friends! I hope you get better soon!

Serious / Re: Can racism ever end?
« on: April 26, 2015, 06:50:21 PM »
No because media subliminally  encourages it.

The Flood / Re: Let's discuss our favorite anime.
« on: April 26, 2015, 06:49:18 PM »

This joke was never funny.

I still have no idea how it even caught on

I actually saw this shirt at the mall today:

I'm pretty sure most kids know the meme but have no idea where it's actually from...

The Flood / Re: Let's discuss our favorite anime.
« on: April 26, 2015, 06:44:26 PM »

im actually curious, what do the weebs here think about DBZ?

i know some don't consider it real anime but whatever

cool bonus gif

I grew up watching dragon ball and dragon ball z. I love it regardless if some don't consider it anime.

The Flood / Re: Let's discuss our favorite anime.
« on: April 26, 2015, 06:43:00 PM »
Hmm..... That's a hard one... I do love Chobits.... But my favorite anime would have to be Jellyfish just because of the awkwardness of the main character.

The Flood / Re: Extremely bored.
« on: April 26, 2015, 06:41:15 PM »

Gamer first world problems.
I have a blood blister from playing too much smash bros.
But I want to play more it just hurts like a mother fucker...


Stop constantly posting this shit you autist.
I'll stop if you pay me.
If you want to jerk your little dick over beheadings in your personal life, then that's up to you. Nobody here wants that shit on here.
>implying that this thread wasn't made for shits and giggles

Stop implying shit it's really annoying just like your persistent need to post terroristic acts. Just stop already!
Uh, what's the need? There is no need. Lol.

Yea there is no need for pictures/videos/gifs of the beheadings here. So glad you agree lmao
Honestly, I wouldn't be making these threads if it weren't for a certain *somebody* in this thread who can be *very* annoying at times. (not you)

Then don't make them. -.-
Eh, that *somebody's* reactions justifies them usually. :P
What reaction? Where I call you cringy?

Don't act like you're trolling anybody dude. It's not just me that's getting sick of you jacking off to ISIS and terrorist bullshit.

Great reply. Maybe you have finally realized that shit isn't cool even if you're trying to troll someone. If I wanted to see that shit I would own cable and watch the fucking news.
I don't really care either way. >__>

::kiss:: not a furry but I'll take it.
Challenger and Kitsune sitting in a tree.....
Kill yourself.

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