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Messages - Kitsune 狐

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The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:22:59 PM »
Something something furries.

How clever...

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:14:35 PM »
I think it's soft, and I actually own a fox's tail.
Don't judge me. I used it for my LARP character who is a fox.
I'm really not against it although I know I should since the easiest way to skin an animal is while it's still alive and that freaks me the fuck out...
but yeah I'm hypocritical...

Gaming / Re: Watching Others Play Video Games
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:11:59 PM »
I yelled at my brother so much when he played Skyrim or DA:O that he won't even play it anymore.

Also when i was younger I couldn't play a game by myself (I was 5 or something) because I got scared or some shit apparently. ( I only played banjo and kazooie back then and I was forever stuck on the level with the gigantic circus boss thingy)

I have recently picked back up on playing Banjo Kazooie and I am struggling with the first levels I feel like a noob but I didn't remember it being that hard lmao

Gaming / Re: Watching Others Play Video Games
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:10:15 PM »
I like watching people play

It's what I grew up doing. My mom would always play Spyro, Quail, Final Fantasy, and other RPG games that at the time being so young I couldn't fully grasp how to play (obviously Spyro was a little easier than the others)

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:20:12 PM »
Well english is the official language of America... But I had to learn some basic Spanish even though I live on the east coast in order to increase my tip average with Hispanic customers. It really helps and it freaks them out when I understand what they're saying and laugh at their jokes. One mother called her daughter a cow and I said "Awww that's not nice she's not a cow..." The mom was mortified and the daughter laughed her ass off.

The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:15:52 PM »
Oh damn it got my age: 23

Septagon / Re: Selective Moderation
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:18:19 PM »
It's called special treatment. If a popular member is banned it can cause a negative flux of good thread content. Plus I bet each mod has their favorites.

The Flood / Re: which members here would you consider memes?
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:16:39 PM »
Elegiac for sure

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:07:47 PM »

I thought you were referring to proxy organizations, which is far more interesting than the proxies you're referring to. >__>

Ooo what's that? Teach me the ways of the internets!!!

Pretty much acting through proxies in nearly any scenario. It happens extremely often and it's interesting to read about.

I'll have to read this when I get off of work tonight thanks!


those people are like pokemon trainers, you just can't get passed them without them calling you over
Omg this metaphor though <3

Yeah I worked at a diner for about three years and there was this army recruit guy that would come in all the time. At first he was really nice and would bring in his 4 year old son and would only bring up recruiting me every once in a while. Then he became creepy and started hitting on me all the time and he knew I had a boyfriend at the time he had even met him. He would always ask me on dates that I would politely decline because I had a boyfriend and plus he was 8 years my senior (I was about 19 at the time). Then one day he snapped and got mad at me for not going on a date with him. He started screaming at me and I got scared and my manager had to ask him to leave, and luckily he never came back after that. I was seriously scared because the following three days an unmarked government car parked outside of my job and they never came in. I had my coworkers walk me to my car for two weeks straight after that.

The Flood / Re: I live in Baltimore AMA
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:59:24 PM »

Do you think Joe Flacco will ever win another super bowl?
no. While flacco had a great year when they won I think a lot of other players had a massive impact on the season.

If you don't know why this is thread worthy turn on the news or move to America

Just because you live there doesn't mean this thread is worthy of anything especially because you offered no initial original content other than "I LIVE THERE!!! DERRRHHH"

So what is the view outside your window?
Do you actually live in the area that's being affected or are you just speculating from afar? 
we could see the fires from my school library and hear sirens almost constantly. My school also has a curfew until the riots stop. Nothing has happened on my campus though

There we go! I redact my statement. That's intense. Do you have any videos or pictures you could share with us?
Do you feel safe where you live?
I don't have any pictures or videos, but I had a doctors appointment downtown today, every entrance of the hospital had a cop and an armed member of the national guard. Ravens stadium parking lot was full of humvees, big ass trucks and tons of natl guard members

I'm actually not really in any danger here. My campus is just outside the city and there's nothing to loot here. I was pretty nervous about going into the city today.
I was at the Orioles game last week and there was a mob of people screaming racial slurs and stuff at my girlfriend and I as we were leaving

Oh damn dude!
Well if you see anything interesting while your downtown today think of us and take pictures and/or videos! I know we would eat that shit up! Be safe!

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:57:34 PM »

I thought you were referring to proxy organizations, which is far more interesting than the proxies you're referring to. >__>

Ooo what's that? Teach me the ways of the internets!!!


Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

You is hero.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I forgot something. I forgot a part of the trick.


Logically you'd think that would be 62 F then. But it's not.

30 C is 86 F.

I'm missing something here.
Yeah, the problem is that a 10 degree change in Celcius is an 18 degree change in Fahrenheit.

Like, I just have all the conversions from -100 to 100 (Celsius) in intervals of 5 memorized (since you'll very rarely need to go beyond -100 and 100)

Okay I'm really bad at math and I start to zone out when numbers join in the conversation...
So 10 degree change in F is an 18 degree change in C?
I don't think I'm getting this.
They "taught" me the metric system in elementary school briefly but after that they were like NOPE too bad you just don't get that knowledge.

-40 C is -40 F (it's where the Celcius and Fahrenheit intersect)
-30 C is -22 F
-20 C is -4 F
-10 C is 14 F
0 C is 32 F
10 C is 50 F
20 C is 68 F
30 C is 86 F
40C is 104 F

So when the value in Celsius goes up or down 10 from 0, Fahrenheit goes up or down 18 from 32.

Ah god I feel like an uneducated idiot it makes more sense now though thank you!

It is kind of tedious to choose one when I started changing my nameplate I was afraid I would annoy everyone by changing it so quickly. Paranoia problems...

The Flood / Re: swag thread #2
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:53:02 PM »
Wow it turned into a goat thread... Good job guys lmao


Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

You is hero.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I forgot something. I forgot a part of the trick.


Logically you'd think that would be 62 F then. But it's not.

30 C is 86 F.

I'm missing something here.
Yeah, the problem is that a 10 degree change in Celcius is an 18 degree change in Fahrenheit.

Like, I just have all the conversions from -100 to 100 (Celsius) in intervals of 5 memorized (since you'll very rarely need to go beyond -100 and 100)

Okay I'm really bad at math and I start to zone out when numbers join in the conversation...
So 10 degree change in F is an 18 degree change in C?
I don't think I'm getting this.
They "taught" me the metric system in elementary school briefly but after that they were like NOPE too bad you just don't get that knowledge.

The Flood / Re: The cost of raising a child.
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:47:46 PM »

Huh, only $13,630 a year. Damn, US minimum wage for one person just barely covers that.
That's why the rest of us have to subsidize poor people who have kids and why I'm against poor people breeding.

I'm all for a coupon/ration based welfare system, but I can see where you're coming from. People on benefits shouldn't be allowed to have flatscreen TV's or obese kids, they need fucking books and fresh food.

Problem with that is a cheeseburger is the same price as an organic apple... Also I'm pretty sure in the United States they offer free birth control to those on welfare... Thank Obamasan you fucking cunt.

A lot of apples are a dollar a pound.

But how many hormones are in them?
::replies while eating processed chips::

That's why I started growing a lot of my own. Even organic is often not better at all than regular grocery products. Plus, you never know if there's fluoride in the organic food unless you know the farmers.

I understand why there are so many synthetic foods out there (demand > organic supply) but it's ridiculous how much more organic foods can be at least in America. I live on the east coast too so I could only imagine the prices on the west side in states like Washington, California, and Nevada.

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 04:00:36 PM »

They can be used for stuff like the guys above said, but they can also be used for 1337 hax0r stuff I guess, but that's only if you have one that won't sell you out/ is good.

Not looking to get into that stuff despite how interesting it is. I just honestly want more security.

The Flood / Re: swag thread #2
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:58:31 PM »

A Fashion thread is hardly to thrive... #2?
Swag -> kill yourself.

You didn't mention the brand names of the clothes.
I love jean jackets...

no face 'cause hair is shit.

Jacket by Love Culture
Shirt by Band Minnasota
Jeans by Kiss Me
blandcore as shit

Le sigh
you were dressed as oatmeal

Ah thanks oatmeal is tasty!

The Flood / Re: swag thread #2
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:56:28 PM »

I need a fukkin denim jacket

I got the one in wearing for $8 at a thrift store.

The Flood / Re: swag thread #2
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:55:46 PM »

A Fashion thread is hardly to thrive... #2?
Swag -> kill yourself.

You didn't mention the brand names of the clothes.
I love jean jackets...

no face 'cause hair is shit.

Jacket by Love Culture
Shirt by Band Minnasota
Jeans by Kiss Me
blandcore as shit

Le sigh

The Flood / Re: swag thread #2
« on: April 30, 2015, 03:54:53 PM »

A Fashion thread is hardly to thrive... #2?
Swag -> kill yourself.

You didn't mention the brand names of the clothes.
I love jean jackets...

no face 'cause hair is shit.

Jacket by Love Culture
Shirt by Band Minnasota
Jeans by Kiss Me
>tells me to kill myself
>opens picture
lol okay

Haha it's a sign of my adoration, love.

The Flood / Re: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:26:42 PM »
I'm both.

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:22:15 PM »

I've had a go a few times at basic proxies (just google "proxy server" and it does it all for you), mostly to access AMD for Walking Dead or that Pandora radio thing that seemed interesting at the time.

Now I never use 'em, have no real need, though I now have Hola! ( in case for VPN's.
I'm an idiot, I was talking about VPNs in my posts ::)

Demet, well yeah VPNs do what I was talking about >.>

What are VPN's?
They do what I was talking about lol, makes it appear that you are from a different region and all that.

I meant what does it stand for lol

The Flood / Re: Should I dye my hair Black?
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:21:32 PM »

I remember Felicia telling some girl not to dye her natural red hair black because it would ruin it and take years to get out. IIRC she was talking from personal experience.

That's about all I know about hair dye. It's not something I take part in.

Ah yeah thanks. I've been dying my hair since I was about 9.

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:18:49 PM »

I've had a go a few times at basic proxies (just google "proxy server" and it does it all for you), mostly to access AMD for Walking Dead or that Pandora radio thing that seemed interesting at the time.

Now I never use 'em, have no real need, though I now have Hola! ( in case for VPN's.
I'm an idiot, I was talking about VPNs in my posts ::)

Demet, well yeah VPNs do what I was talking about >.>

What are VPN's?

The Flood / Re: The cost of raising a child.
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:14:04 PM »

Huh, only $13,630 a year. Damn, US minimum wage for one person just barely covers that.
That's why the rest of us have to subsidize poor people who have kids and why I'm against poor people breeding.

I'm all for a coupon/ration based welfare system, but I can see where you're coming from. People on benefits shouldn't be allowed to have flatscreen TV's or obese kids, they need fucking books and fresh food.

Problem with that is a cheeseburger is the same price as an organic apple... Also I'm pretty sure in the United States they offer free birth control to those on welfare... Thank Obamasan you fucking cunt.

A lot of apples are a dollar a pound.

But how many hormones are in them?
::replies while eating processed chips::

Serious / Re: Proxies
« on: April 30, 2015, 12:43:18 PM »
Okay so how would you know if it's a secure proxy or not?

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