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Topics - TepStep

Pages: 1
The Flood / (Two Complete) Hey leg beasts, I'll draw you things.
« on: July 17, 2016, 10:52:03 PM »
 Hey spodes, I'll draw you things. Keep it semi serious / fun and we'll have a gud ol' time.

 So here's some o' my jams so you can see the sorto thing I do.

Robot Dude

I'll randomly pick things and I'll post em' up after I finish em'. Might keep going later tomorrow or day after since I've got a procedure early tomorrow.

 Get goopin'!


 Banjo as a cat, Kazooie as a different bird

 I have just completed a laborious (butt pleasant) poop and fap and have no plans on sleeping for the next few hours. So send some requests my way and I'll fill them out in a very inefficient and helter skelter manner.

 The basic rules are; limit it to one character, and try not to get too silly.

 Here's some shit I've done for reference; note these took longer than 20 mins so quality of requests may vary




 Come at me bros

 Completed Requests:

Hitler's Space Brigade

Father Time

Nazi Bober Foots

The Flood / (SEVEN COMPLETED) I'll draw you things in 30-20 mins
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:10:48 PM »
 Hey you sexy fucks, I have no plans to be a productive human being today so I'll draw you things in 20-30 mins or less. Nothing outrageous as in "Stalin giving hitler a hand job while parking a unicorn with a penis for a horn into a mcdonalds driveway". So I'd say keep it to one object or person with a reasonable amount of accessories as in; "Spaghetti Officer Mustard Chef with a laser baguette."

 As I draw things I will post an update saying how many are done, the links to them and I'll reply to you directly.

 And to show you what kindsa things I can do, here's some stuff I've done:

And this one has some nudes so watch out I guess:

 So ask away you sick beautiful things you!

Onion Beetle and Friend

Bear V. Crab


Communist Panda : D!

Knight Dude

Bored Computer Chick

Bearded Dragon Knight

Pages: 1