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Messages - Zizzy

Pages: 1 ... 878889 9091
The Flood / Re: Your honest opinion of Kiyo
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:46:53 PM »
You seem like a good mod.

The Flood / Re: We have Ninjas, now we need Mentors.
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:44:05 PM »
I think they can move threads, but that's about it.
Which probably means they can edit posts.

The Flood / Re: I don't even know.
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:26:35 PM »
Why didn't I think of that!?

The Flood / Re: R8 The Member Above You
« on: August 07, 2014, 09:10:35 PM »
Seven out of ten...

The Flood / Re: Honest opinion of Uncle Kinder?
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:30:12 PM »
There's so many of these damn threads and I don't have anything to say in any of them.

The Flood / Re: Protheans vs The Covenant
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:42:48 PM »
But Protheans have particle beam weaponry that recharges on it's own indefinitely.

"Fucking lasers"? I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...

The Flood / Re: 9 things only 90s kids will understand
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:39:45 PM »
  • WWF
Indeed, the World Wildlife Fund was way better back then.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing?
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:37:16 PM »
Goddammit, both of you. May I please be to knowing what type of tea it is?
Normal tea.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing?
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:54:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: What are you doing?
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:42:48 AM »
Drinking tea.

The Flood / Re: Honest opinion of Noelle
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:35:43 PM »
I don't  know. We seem to agree on certain things, but other than that I don't really know you... well enough to make a (longer) comment, anyway.

The Flood / Re: I am not an admin, ask me anything
« on: August 06, 2014, 01:28:13 PM »
Remember when I kicked you from Lurulu and deleted all your threads? Good times.

The Flood / Re: Your honest opinion of me?
« on: August 06, 2014, 08:38:58 AM »
Don't really know ya, but you seem alright :D

The Flood / Re: I'm a benevolent goddess. AMA
« on: August 06, 2014, 04:08:22 AM »
Favourite guitar solo ever?

The Flood / Re: I'm a benevolent goddess. AMA
« on: August 06, 2014, 04:07:47 AM »
But that guy was a douche!
Freaking JERKxes.


The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:35:23 PM »
That was my point, calling Gaelic Irish is a little off as Gaelic is spoken in parts of Scotland and even places in the West of Wales
This is the exact opposite of what I was saying. Gaelic that is spoken in Scotland and Wales is a different language.
Gaelic in Ireland is Irish Gaelic.
Gaelic in Scotland is Scottish Gaelic.
Referring to Irish Gaelic as the broad term "Gaelic" is less accurate, as the word "Gaelic" pertains to any one of the languages (including a third one, Manx Gaelic).
There's no confusion with the word "Irish".

The Flood / Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football (soccer) (Premier League)
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:27:20 PM »
But i'm going to feel abused and lonely

I can't into owning a PC, i'm mobile-only
There's an app for that.

The Flood / Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football (soccer) (Premier League)
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:27:01 PM »
Does the community shield count? If it does, you have until Sunday.
No. Premier League only.

The Flood / Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football (soccer) (Premier League)
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:17:04 PM »
ok :3

what's the link?
Doesn't exist yet.

But it will....

The Flood / Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football (soccer) (Premier League)
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:07:16 PM »
I'm just talking about joining the fantasy league

I'll join your one, if you get enough people joining
Join my one :3

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 06:06:17 PM »

I do know, and I was just saying that the official name is Gaelic, whilst I am English I spend a lot of time in Ireland. In fact, i'm heading over Tuesday for two weeks
Both are correct, the main difference being that "Irish" is far more commonly used in conversation (and that it is more accurate, given that Gaelic isn't specific to the Irish language). Your correction was kinda pointless.

The Flood / Re: Yahoo Fantasy Football (soccer) (Premier League)
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:55:50 PM »
Already have a team set up on

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:43:56 PM »
True, but it is Gaelic, a lot of Irish people just refer to it as Irish to save confusion, especially as areas of Scotland speak Gaelic as well
Two different languages.

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 05:28:33 PM »

Sure thing pal.
Also, "anann" in Irish.


It's like saying Israelis speak Israeli, rather than Hebrew
I live in Ireland, I speak Irish, and literally no one I know refers to it as "Gaelic". Sure, if someone said " I speak Gaelic", you'd know what they're talking about, but it's not used in that context often. Everyone uses "Irish" or "Gaeilge" when referring to it, "Gaelic" is almost always used to denote the sport of Gaelic Football.

The Flood / Re: Ascended Users Hangout
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:52:28 PM »
Since when was there so many ascended members?

The Flood / Re: Music thread!
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:31:56 PM »

Gotta love fold-ups.
Great song!

The Flood / Re: Why can't we just spell phonetically?
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:26:41 PM »
Blame the French for fucking up the English language.

Sure thing pal.
Also, "anann" in Irish.

The Flood / Re: Official motherfucking desktop wallpaper thread
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:24:12 PM »

Didn't we have one already?
Well, it's still this.

The Flood / Re: You have transformed into your forum picture!
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:13:48 PM »

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