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Messages - Sylvie

Pages: 123 45 ... 17
Gaming / Re: fuck SSB is so fucking mean
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:59:19 AM »
Apparently you can get banned for targeting a specific player.

Which is just a little bit silly.
For attacking one specific person?

The Flood / Re: Did you know?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:51:23 AM »
That if you view a Bald Eagle in a zoo,

That you're looking at the symbol of American freedom, in captivity.

That's just so wrong.

The Flood / Re: What's your favourite dog breed?
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:49:33 AM »
Dogs and cats are all adorable

The Flood / Re: GET IN HERE!
« on: May 01, 2015, 07:43:50 AM »

Depends, the average doesn't tell you if the data is skewed.

E.g. There could be a ton of retards or a ton of geniuses that are messing up the average, meaning relative to the average we are either "smart" (amongst retards) or "dumb" (amongst geniuses).
That's my point.

End her life support unless the birth is imminent.
Ireland tried the other option that people have chosen; and the body was decomposing on the maternity ward around new parents and parents to be.

The Flood / Re: How much do you bench
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:45:13 AM »
Benches are inferior to chairs.

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:26:39 AM »
I thought spam was prohibited.
Harassment on the other hand...

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:24:18 AM »
wHy YeS CoMmS
LeT uS cHaT

y u do dis
Aww, he got banned.

WHAAAAAT?! Haha! Is it because I was just putting pressure on Flee and now they have to make it look like they are actually trying? What has he done in the last hour to warrant a ban? This is too good.
In fairness, he did spam, we have a policy here to hit people harder if they have a history of getting warned and banned.
So it was warranted.
What isn't fair is that he's doing it to make a point to the staff and he wasn't hit for doing it yesterday.
So again, selective moderation.

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:21:50 AM »
Not talking bout the meat in a can; the kind that clutters up your email box and comes from Iran.
Oh look, I got another message from my good friend Bill; you can gain four inches just by taking a pill.

My glasses have photochromic lenses, which work great for me.
But I wouldn't be opposed to having prescription sunglasses. I'm not keen on contacts myself due to how they feel; but you might like them more.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:09:46 AM »

The Flood / Re: unofficial chat thread
« on: May 01, 2015, 05:05:22 AM »
Let's go to the official chat thread

Holy shit wtf
This fact is depressing
But it's not a fact :/
Statistics don't work that way.

The Flood / Re: How ripped are you Flood?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:11:10 AM »
Eh, I don't wanna be muscular.
I'm just kinda really slim.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:08:22 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?
Dual national from Australia and England. Currently in England.
Mmm, England's a fun place. Got quite a bit of family down in London, and it's well off the beaten path, and it's a great city to just stroll around. Countryside's really fricking beautiful there as well.

How the fuck did you end up being a national of Australia and England though? Those are two very different countries to be citizens of. But then again, so are the US and Greece.
Lived in Australia for 11 years; gained citizenship after like 2.
Born in England.
Oh fuck, how old are you then? >___>

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:06:36 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?
Dual national from Australia and England. Currently in England.
Mmm, England's a fun place. Got quite a bit of family down in London, and it's well off the beaten path, and it's a great city to just stroll around. Countryside's really fricking beautiful there as well.

How the fuck did you end up being a national of Australia and England though? Those are two very different countries to be citizens of. But then again, so are the US and Greece.
Lived in Australia for 11 years; gained citizenship after like 2.
Born in England.

The Flood / Re: How old do you look
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:03:09 AM »
One gave me 29 and another 21 and all I did was slightly turn my head. This thing seems inaccurate as fuck.
Well our  perception of things does deviate when viewing from different angles.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 04:00:03 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.
Funny, I actually live about 50 miles down south of San Francisco. I like it here far more than other parts of the US.

Which country you living in right now then? And are you a US national, foreign national, or what?
Dual national from Australia and England. Currently in England.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:59:31 AM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Drink more water.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:58:05 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.
Yeah, it's such crap.

More icing on the giant cake which is my reason to leave this place though. The day is coming soon when I no longer have to wake up every morning in the US and I cannot wait for it..
I lived in San Francisco for a while, and really liked it there. Lots of nice non-judgemental people.
But overall, I prefer living outside the US.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:56:39 AM »

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:54:49 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?
I really have no explanation for that. I think it's fucking stupid. But it really depends on who you talk to. Some people are open minded, and others hate all foreigners. There seems to be an aversion to foreign things, but I can't really say for certain since I'm living in an area where there's a huge amount of foreign nationals compared to other parts of the country.

In the end, it largely depends on which part of the US you're in. Some parts are very intolerant, and other parts are more tolerant. And I was thankfully born in a part with a large foreign population.
I have come across people in my home countries who're also really xenophobic; but there seems to be less of them on average than those I've met from America. I dunno, it just never really occurred to me to be angry that people are coming to my country as it just means we get to meet more interesting people.

The Flood / Re: Is music the most powerful medium?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:52:02 AM »
It really depends on what form of media resonates with you the most.
I find the written word to be equally as powerful when the writer is particularly adept at portraying their point.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:46:52 AM »
I don't have an issue with it if I don't have to kill the animal, or it's not fur from an endangered species.
I'll happily wear it because it's soft.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:43:28 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?
Cause many Americans never leave the US (even for visiting other countries), and many of the ones who do never stay in other countries long enough for there to be a need to learn another language. Shows how much money they make. Or at least what their priorities are.

So the vast majority of the people here only know English, unfortunately.
But they come into contact with foreign nationals so much; and their automatic response is to complain that someone from another country isn't fluent in their language.
How the hell do they think people even get fluent in the first place?

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:12:48 AM »
Why are Americans so frightened of learning another language?

So you lot are angry that misleading health claims are banned in ads?

Let's not

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