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Messages - Sylvie

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 17
I'll die before I let some inbred royal dictate my future.
I just want to let people know he doesn't speak for all of us Americunts. This post hurt to read.
>unironically not shitting on monarchy, objectively the worst form of government in history.
>not knowing what a Constitutional Monarchy is
This is part of the reason we think Americans are dumb. They understand very little about what they hate.
Great way to generalize.
It is every non-American's duty to generalise you strange lot a lot; yet still somehow a lot less than you do to everyone else.

I've never heard any Americans say that.

Why do all other countries insist on circpejerking their hate for America?

Because there's a lot to hate. It's a country founded on war and violence. War to form the country. War on the native, original poplulation. Violence towards blacks via slavery. Vietnam. The conflicts in the east.

The government is, without even arguing, retarded. The companies and corporations that originate from are oppressive string pullers over there that nikel and dime you and others.

And some of the people, although I'm not saying they're bad, are riding a very old hype train of "we're the best" based off old events in history when the world is leaving them behind right now in advancements.

And lastly, the population itself is so divided and against itself.

The proof is in the numbers. More speficially, I'm not saying it's the people. But the american government, its sociatal values, its blind patriotisim and practical propaganda, make the country a place to dislike and a place to hate, and an easy target.
Russia fits this little stereotype of yours far better than America.

Do we see people hating on Russia they way they hate on America? Nope. Because nobody's jealous of Russia. Russia isn't anywhere near as relevant in anything as America is.

There are very valid criticisms to make on America. The ones you just made can be applied to every single country on the planet.

You know, part of the reason stereotypes exist is because they play a hand in reality. They do, have a founding. A stereotype is just too broad of a generalization and yet at the same time it still has a vague sense of merit.


A true point to dislike about America. It's an expansive, smothering and consuming culture. Case and and point.

Mcdonalds. Walmart. Target. Best Buy.

These stores are all across the world. These places push into other cultures and erode them over time. Japan. Japan's youth are having problems because they're moving away from their countries traditional way of eating and going to Mcdonalds.

This is what you'd call passive aggressive culture smothering. Set up shop in a country, and sell them your shit, and you gain control. You influence the culture passively by selling them your shit until all that's left is another western-esque clone and a shell of a country, its people, and its culutre.

This, is undeniable. And it's America that pushes this across the entire world.
Nobody's forced to go to McDonalds.

There's no "cultural smothering" going on. People like going to McDonald's, so they go eat there. If the Japanese youth is fucked up, that's Japan's problem. McDonald's doesn't make young Japanese people not have sex and become obsessed with anime. That's traditional Japanese culture, funnily enough, being too strict and forcing kids to go to extremes.

These American stores wouldn't stay open for years and years in there countries if the locals didn't buy things from them. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

But don't dare act like America itself has this agenda of destroying every other culture when

1. These are companies expanding to make more money and become more successful.

2. America is the most culturally diverse place on the planet.

3. Neither the American government or people have any say in the matter of McDonald's setting up shop in Tokyo.

There's nothing "undeniable" about any of what you said. It's just more foreigner hatred for America from yet another foreigner who hasn't set foot in America.
Lol, cite sources pls.
My sources say that your information is bullshit

The Flood / Re: ITT: We Talk About Races People Hate.
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:33:42 AM »
British people
That's a race?
American education isn't looking good right now.
Sorry to kill your raging hard on for Americans, but Byrne is Irish.
He's basically an American with that logic.

I think you need to go back to school.
Except that outside the US, we typically refer to people as their nationality unless their ethnicity is a necessary identifier.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We Talk About Races People Hate.
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:27:38 AM »
British people
That's a race?
American education isn't looking good right now.
Sorry to kill your raging hard on for Americans, but Byrne is Irish.
He's basically an American with that logic.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We Talk About Races People Hate.
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:25:03 AM »
No motorsport has as much passing action as Nascar. Stay mad and keep watching your single-file eurofaggot races.
I live in America...
Florida = practically not even America
Yeah, in the same way that NSW isn't  part of Australia.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We Talk About Races People Hate.
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:23:02 AM »
British people
That's a race?
American education isn't looking good right now.

The Flood / Re: What's so entertaining about Nascar?
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:21:03 AM »
It's for Americans who don't like using brain power for entertainment.

The Flood / Re: People with iPods or iPhones get in here
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:20:14 AM »
iOS is absolutely disgusting.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 07:19:17 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.
I feel like this doesn't really constitute stalking.
It doesn't. Why would I stalk someone?
Sorry, this just put me under the impression.

Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I was just being silly.

Still gonna dress all my friends in cute clothes though.
Dress them as seapunks.
They're dressing as girls whether or not they want to.
I'm sure it will be dramatic.
It will amuse me greatly.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 06:11:02 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.
I feel like this doesn't really constitute stalking.
It doesn't. Why would I stalk someone?
Sorry, this just put me under the impression.

Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I was just being silly.

Still gonna dress all my friends in cute clothes though.
Dress them as seapunks.
They're dressing as girls whether or not they want to.

The Flood / Re: Women are not funny.
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:50:25 AM »
Eh, it's just that a lot of funny ones tend not to be comedians.
There are funny girls.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:14:34 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.
I feel like this doesn't really constitute stalking.
It doesn't. Why would I stalk someone?
Sorry, this just put me under the impression.

Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I was just being silly.

Still gonna dress all my friends in cute clothes though.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:03:14 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.
I feel like this doesn't really constitute stalking.
It doesn't. Why would I stalk someone?
Sorry, this just put me under the impression.

Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I was just being silly.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:59:41 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.
I feel like this doesn't really constitute stalking.
It doesn't. Why would I stalk someone?

The Flood / Re: Got my gun back!
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:58:58 AM »

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 04:56:40 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.
I already tried stalking him, he's really bad at getting stalked.
Yeah, but I know him from another group, and I'm so gonna visit him one day and bring all my cute clothes.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel like you're being lurked?
« on: April 27, 2015, 03:03:32 AM »
Ye like who want want to stalk my ass, honestly.
I do.
Eventually you'll be wearing cute clothes too.

I'll die before I let some inbred royal dictate my future.
I just want to let people know he doesn't speak for all of us Americunts. This post hurt to read.
>unironically not shitting on monarchy, objectively the worst form of government in history.
>not knowing what a Constitutional Monarchy is
This is part of the reason we think Americans are dumb. They understand very little about what they hate.

I'll die before I let some inbred royal dictate my future.
I just want to let people know he doesn't speak for all of us Americunts. This post hurt to read.
>unironically not shitting on monarchy, objectively the worst form of government in history.
The government is separate to the monarchy, you fool.

They're taught to believe that killing civilians was justifiable. 

The Flood / Re: Which US state do you live in?
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:57:04 PM »
Secret option 53, America sucks

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:59:08 AM »
It's under 0.4, so it's being rounded down.
This is my home to a server in London, so it's not exactly a professional LAN event.
Even in the case of a LAN event, they're just rounding up instead of showing the actual figure.
Of course, I'm just surprised how two people linked with fibre in the same room ends up as 2-3 ms ping for events like Quakecon and CS:GO tournaments, while you're at <0.4 at 50 miles away. Doesn't seem to make much sense that you're getting better response times than they are, unless speedtest calculates / displays its ping differently than most games do.
They don't use expensive fibre cables like you'd find in an underground line for the LAN events, so there's more resistance.
And there's more ping in a game server than there is from just a one-off connection because you have to account for all the other players.
Servers I get 10ms ping on with just me and maybe another player can jump up to around 50ms ping when full.

The Flood / Re: Just watched "Unfriended" AMA me anything
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:54:12 AM »
You're as bad as the people that say PIN number.
to be fair, i think less people would know what the fuck you're talking about if you just said to them "pin"
Maybe in America. :^)

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 08:15:40 AM »
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
buying a game online is hell for me. i will never stop buying disks.
My condolences, have some of this:

That's a bullshit result
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
buying a game online is hell for me. i will never stop buying disks.
My condolences, have some of this:

Is that bugged? Having a 0ms ping is pretty much impossible.
I'm on fibre, I'm less than 50 miles from the server.
Photons travel at the speed of light.
It's not exactly 0, it's just somewhere below 1, but above 0ms.
I can do the maths later on if you're really interested.
No, I understand the math. Just rather confused by how the rounding here works, as even on professional gaming LAN events using fibre with two people sitting right next to each other, they still generally get a ping of 1-2.
It's under 0.4, so it's being rounded down.
This is my home to a server in London, so it's not exactly a professional LAN event.
Even in the case of a LAN event, they're just rounding up instead of showing the actual figure.

The Flood / Re: Just watched "Unfriended" AMA me anything
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:32:22 AM »
You're as bad as the people that say PIN number.

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:28:31 AM »
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
buying a game online is hell for me. i will never stop buying disks.
My condolences, have some of this:

That's a bullshit result
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
buying a game online is hell for me. i will never stop buying disks.
My condolences, have some of this:

Is that bugged? Having a 0ms ping is pretty much impossible.
I'm on fibre, I'm less than 50 miles from the server.
Photons travel at the speed of light.
It's not exactly 0, it's just somewhere below 1, but above 0ms.
I can do the maths later on if you're really interested.

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 06:04:53 AM »
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
buying a game online is hell for me. i will never stop buying disks.
My condolences, have some of this:

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:56:14 AM »
Sell the disk separate from the case.

$60 = The game disk
$20 = The case
$20 = Story mode as on disk DLC
What is this? 1992?
People still buy discs?
Why do you keep posting this?
I'll stop posting it when people stop buying discs.
But I like to actually own my games and have a collection.
I do actually own my games, they're just in digital format.
I don't want to take up vast amounts of space with my video games.

Pythagorean Theorem is useful.
The square root of 69 is 8-something.
Good facts to know when youre going down on a grill

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: Remember Flood, you should never flip off a monkey.
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:49:07 AM »

Pages: 1 ... 345 67 ... 17