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Messages - Luciana

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Gaming / Re: Why is Piper so cool
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:36:34 PM »
Why must you people make so many threads for the same shit?

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:35:54 PM »
Edit: Nvm, saw the reply in the other thread

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:29:52 PM »
So I'm enjoying the game lots but

The fact you cannot be evil, and the fact the dialogue wheel narrows so much player choice, is just a horrible boner killer for this game. It's literally only

No (which is really yes)

You had more choice, even in Fallout 3. It's just so bad.

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:25:12 PM »
Level design in Dark Souls 2 was boring. Gameplay was better than DS1 if it wasn't for the HORRIBLE HITBOXES AND THEM TYING YOUR I-FRAMES TO A SKILL INSTEAD OF YOUR WEIGHT!

Other than that, I got way more hours out of it than DS1. I just think DS1 had a better atmosphere, intricate level design, etc.
let's not forget how the majority of the weapons were just reskins of five different main weapons. And soul memory. And that goddamn hp creel we've been seeing since DaS1 got really bad in DaS2.
The only thing that I really liked about ds2 was how much variety your builds could have. But even then it wasn't enough for me to so a second playthrough.
Soul memory gives me a sad, along with buffing weapons.

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:24:09 PM »
All this talk about New Vegas makes me realize just how shit the dialogue wheel/diversity of it is in Fallout 4. That's going to be the main complaint after the first wave of playthroughs and hype settles down. I just know it is.

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:17:45 PM »
Level design in Dark Souls 2 was boring. Gameplay was better than DS1 if it wasn't for the HORRIBLE HITBOXES AND THEM TYING YOUR I-FRAMES TO A SKILL INSTEAD OF YOUR WEIGHT!

Other than that, I got way more hours out of it than DS1. I just think DS1 had a better atmosphere, intricate level design, etc.

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:16:37 PM »
Oh you've played before, duh. You know then.
Didn't get too far into the game and this was years ago, though. Didn't even play any of the DLC. My companion bugged out during the Memory Lane quest. Couldn't find him anywhere. Tried all the suggestions I could find to no avail. Figured I'd just move on and forget about him. A little while after, some other quest required me to temporarily accept another companion to continue with the story line (if I remember correctly), which I couldn't do because it kept saying I already had an active companion that I couldn't dismiss or anything. I didn't feel like reloading an old save and replaying hours of lost gameplay, so I kinda just stopped playing the game at that point.
The main story is literally you just trying to purify a glass of water. The writing is shit in that department.

The DLC is actually pretty decent, so I'd say get to like level 10 or 15 and just dive right into them.

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:15:48 PM »
Bloodbornes PvP was a huge turnoff for me. That's why I ranked it last out of the ones I've played. Story and music were something, sure, but the longevity of it comes from replayability and PvP for me.

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:11:47 PM »

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:07:07 PM »
I formatted it wrong I guess but I'm way too lazy. From the series I played it goes from best to worst for me.

Gaming / Re: List your favorite franchise's games from best to worst
« on: November 17, 2015, 12:02:20 PM »
Fallout Series

Fallout NV
Fallout 2

Fallout 1
Fallout 4 (I think it's safe to say I'll think this)

Fallout 3

Fallout 4 is still undecided entirely, but for the most part I think it's safe to stick it there for quite a few reasons. Dialogue is meh, can't really be evil, etc.

Metal Gear Series

S:Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid 2

Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid V

Not counting the original 2.

Zelda Series

The Wind Waker
A Link to the Past
Ocarina of Time

Twilight Princess

Majora's Mask

Others I played but just... can't be asked. And yes, despite the popular opinion, I didn't enjoy Majora's Mask as much as the others.

Souls Series
Dark Souls

Dark Souls 2/SOTFS whatever


Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:59:43 AM »
Oh you've played before, duh. You know then.

Gaming / Re: Playing Fallout 3
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:58:11 AM »
Prepare for a shit black and white (knight) Brotherhood of Steel that Bethesda basically retcons in Fallout 4 because they too realize it was shit.

The Flood / Re: Anonymous declares war on ISIS
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:45:27 AM »
Many are joking it's just keyboard stuff, but you'd be amazed how much intel you can mess up from the web by doing this.

Many complaints too that ISIS wins via propaganda messages that people like the US can't match. Anon doing this is kinda a good thing.

The Flood / Re: TSudndere
« on: November 17, 2015, 11:40:02 AM »
Fuck off

Realistically speaking

What political experience does he have?

Obama had what? 6 years as a senator. Not much experience.

I'll take a business man over a politician anyday.
6 years as a senator is pretty substantial compared to nothing.
It's still zero executive experience though, which is something a president should have. The white house is no place for on the job training.
Does Trump have executive experience?
Is this a legitimate question?

I'm pretty sure his entire campaign (aside from wall building) has been to remind people that he's a some big shot CEO.
He'll get it done


I swear, Flee has consistently been the most level headed and intelligent person in these discussions.

Edit: Also, death penalty costs more of the tax payers money than life in prison. You also forget we have the most incarcerated citizens in the world, and both sides of the isle are agreeing that needs to change and to loosen up some crimes.

And American exceptionalism is weird because it's the belief we're inherently different from other nations. Well, I guess if we're the only 1st world country to not guarantee health care, have no gun regulation whatsoever, and have most incarcerated citizens in the world (even bigger than China who we constantly say are bad on human rights. Ironic), then yes.

We do have quite the little tidbit of American exceptionalism.

Gaming / Re: Which Pokemon game had the best music
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:30:42 PM »
I got confused and thought Tru was me

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 16, 2015, 06:30:14 PM »
Holy shit if you hold the X button you can move your entire house at once.
Oh my gosh really?

That's so useful holy snap
It is


On a side note: Does anyone else think it's a little sad that the top 2 people in the GOP race with the highest ratings (along with Fiorina who also seems to be doing well) have absolutely no political experience? Do people seriously believe that these 3 clowns would make for a good Potus and heal the nation? Or is it just their emotionally-charged rhetoric that's getting the stupids to bite?
It's a message that US citizens are sick of the people who've been in Washington and become a part of the problem. I don't agree with Fiorina on a lot of things, but she did bring up a good point in that even those who don't wish harm and want to do better, can't because they've been in that political cesspool forever. It's all they know.

Gaming / Re: Which Pokemon game had the best music
« on: November 16, 2015, 05:24:55 PM »
Lance/Red's theme was HG/SS was faaaaar better than it was in the Black and White 2 remake, simply because if the build up to the main tune, and the solo bit it had. BW2's problem was it was too dubby dub step.

Also, found a good mashup of the old Elite Four from Gen 3 plus the new, so claps are in.


Gaming / Re: Which Pokemon game had the best music
« on: November 16, 2015, 05:10:07 PM »
I like the trumpets though. Doesn't bother me at all. The remakes did a great job with the soundtrack too, though the Elite 4 theme seemed to be a bit lacking. I think it was because it left out the clapping sound (I think it was clapping)

The Primal Groudon/Kyogre and Deoxys themes were amazing tho.
I disliked how similar they all sounded. I think Fire Red/Leaf Green showed how to diversify the music on the same system.

And yes, it was the clapping. However the fight between the faction leaders was some of the best music I've heard.


If I handed you 1000 grapes and said 2% are poison, would you eat any of them?
I'd shove em down your throat and demand raisins because that was a horrible analogy.

Even if he is nominated, he won't be elected.

You underestimate how much people hate Hillary.
I know a lot of people dislike her. But a lot more think Trump is incompetent and rightly so.

I'm not saying Trump is a great candidate. But nothing about him is incompetent. Dude is exactly what America needs right now.
It's so much easier to say what's wrong with something and not offer any solutions. His tax plan has already been proven to be flawed and his wall talk is absolutely ridiculous. Let alone him deporting that many people. It will never happen.

How many fucking debates do you burgerclaps have to have before electing a candidate?

Democrats have six, I want to say.
Republicans have 12

Plus three debates in the general, and at least one for the VP candidates.
Why do democrats have so far fewer?

Serious / Re: Fuck your show of solidarity
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:59:03 AM »
We'll get to a stage where profile pictures are just black with all the filters for events applied to them. Already there's people in my FB feed with the gay pride and french flag filter shoved on top of each other.

A show of solidarity is nice but not very useful. Aid, monetary or military support would be better.
Considering the majority of people are not in such a position, it still is some support to show they're united.

The fact some people are already getting upset over pictures after it JUST happened is freaking weird.

People can still care without telling everyone like it matters.

And it applies more to countries for the latter point.
Well yeah, people who brag about it is an odd thing, really. But changing your profile picture background to their colors? I don't think so. It's a sense of symbolism too for countries to do something like that.

Gaming / Re: "It's good to be back." | Fallout Megathread
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:55:40 AM »
I love being the Silver Shroud

What I loved was making Kent Connelly happy. I always play the good guy in Fallout but this instance in particular brought a smile to my face.
His naivety was adorable. I picked the bad option once and felt terrible. Saved before it though.

Does he ever upgrade your Shroud costume like he says he will once you save/convince him? I love the outfit and still have it on.

Serious / Re: Fuck your show of solidarity
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:40:14 AM »
We'll get to a stage where profile pictures are just black with all the filters for events applied to them. Already there's people in my FB feed with the gay pride and french flag filter shoved on top of each other.

A show of solidarity is nice but not very useful. Aid, monetary or military support would be better.
Considering the majority of people are not in such a position, it still is some support to show they're united.

The fact some people are already getting upset over pictures after it JUST happened is freaking weird.

Gaming / Re: Which Pokemon game had the best music
« on: November 16, 2015, 08:14:56 AM »
You honestly think RSE had the best music? Sorry, but I don't like trumpets for literally every single track. The remakes did it fine, maybe, but not the original.


RSE in a nutshell


I'd argue it was either Black and White 1 or Heart Gold/ Soul Silver. Also also argue Cynthia's theme is the best champion theme.

What with N's theme


Elite 4

and obviously, Team Plasma

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