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Messages - Luciana

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Is that not the entire point of laws in a liberal republic?
I've never seen a more self fulfilling prophecy than the social conservatives freaking out and passing these bills under the auspices of protecting their religious freedom when in reality it's just discriminating against people or beliefs they don't particularly feel comfortable with.

What happened to that one small line in the Deceleration of Independence people love to champion. The whole "All men are created equal" thing?

Also, can you elaborate on your liberal comment in an earlier post? I wanted to know what you meant.
They were equal until they decided that they want to be a special snowflake.
I asked him, not you. If I want your opinion on it, I'd ask for it.

Gaming / Re: Free to play Smash Bros: Brawlhalla
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:07:15 PM »
Seems fun. I'll download it.

The Flood / Re: Lol Barcelona
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:39:48 PM »

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 05:02:47 PM »
when Christians are just as annoying with it.
Are you insane?

iirc some catholic dude committed suicide on the alter of Notre-Dame in France when the government legalized gay marriage there

it's not exactly unreasonable to expect this kind of behavior from Christians as well
I remember that.

The Flood / Lol Barcelona
« on: April 02, 2016, 03:22:45 PM »

Real Madrid won lol Messi sucks and all that stuff.

Contrary to stereotypes, the south usually actually handles black/white relations a lot better than a lot of northern states do. It's not the South your granddad used to know.

The Flood / Re: I found a kitten outside today
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:24:46 PM »
That's so cute. Make sure to get it shots and such if you keep it. You did a good thing saving the cute little guy (girl?) though.

I don't think anyone should take Cindy seriously when she does that crap. She can easily post an intelligent opinion without doing that.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 01:54:34 PM »
when Christians are just as annoying with it.
Are you insane?

*fart noises*

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 01:52:03 PM »


Christian? Both are so up in arms about them gays, but hey that's religion for you.
The shooting occurred Tuesday when police responded to a call at the family home and found the bodies of Amir Issa, 29, and his mother, who was not identified. Officers later arrested Issa’s father, Shehada Khalil Issa, who faces one count of premeditated murder.
I know, I read it the night before. It was a joke and kind of a jab that you're getting on a religion when it involves gays, when Christians are just as annoying with it.

Either way, hope he rots in prison.

Serious / Re: Father killed son because he was gay
« on: April 02, 2016, 01:42:43 PM »


Christian? Both are so up in arms about them gays, but hey that's religion for you.

The Flood / Re: okay I'm calling it
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:29:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: okay I'm calling it
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:27:57 PM »
hey luci let me do what i want pls
nuh uh

The Flood / Re: women art fucking confusing
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:27:31 PM »
this thread is messing with meeee

The Flood / Re: women art fucking confusing
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:37:14 PM »

i had to read this like 5 times, but being high doesn't help

Get off the fucking drugs thou fucking stupid degenerate cunt, thou're a mom. thou're suppose to lead by example
I'll lead by example!

The Flood / Re: What a disaster
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:36:30 PM »

What a disaster. What. A. Mess. I come in here reading this in Donald Trump's voice. This is horri- this is absolutely horrible. I'll change that, believe me I will. Believe me.

The Flood / Re: women art fucking confusing
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:31:53 PM »

i had to read this like 5 times, but being high doesn't help

I agreed with most of your post, but I would counter with the classic, "women are sexualized, men are idealized" argument that typically comes up during these debates.

Not that such stereotypes aren't also harmful to men in their own way, but it's slightly different. The men are typically stereotyped to appeal to male ideals such as strength, toughness of will, and so on where as females are also stereotyped to appeal to male ideas - specifically the male gaze which the video touches on.
Fair enough. Still, I think showing off to all the boys the whole "THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD STRIVE FOR" is harmful in of itself. Hell I think this turns more into a society thing in general than just video games. Like I said before, even on woman magazines it's the same thing.

Freeze Peach!!!!
Don't freeze Peach, he's an okay member.

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that I never seem to care about these things.
I'm the same when it comes to anything Tumblr/4chan/Reddit related

Decent video. Not sure the Destiny example holds up, since men and women do tend to sit differently, and I wonder if she'd make the same criticism over a pose where the women sits with her legs spread apart like the male character does.
I was going to say the SAME THING but forgot to.

But the government is quite literally advocating people are allowed to choose and pick with the passing of these bills, specifically in North Carolina more so.

Though you do bring up a good point that Jim Crow was more so a demand rather than a suggestion.

I'm more so playing devils advocate (or maybe just doing a shitty job at it). I honestly don't find it out of control the whole cake thing. I thought the whole thing was personally stupid.

Well yeah someone is gonna bring it up when you said something as basic and vague as "Being able to deny business seems like a pretty basic right for a businessowner to me, regardless of whether they're wrong or not."

"regardless of whether they're wrong or not."

There needs to be a basic set of rules to follow

I think we can all agree that businesses should not legally be allowed to discriminate against customers based on sex, race, religion, age, or disability.
I disagree with this. Being able to deny business seems like a pretty basic right for a businessowner to me, regardless of whether they're wrong or not.

I feel you should give that a read.

 I feel like we've descended into cakedom and forgot about the bill itself >_>

Is this an April fools thread
No, it's just a prank, bro.

Not one word was mentioned of any Islamic bakeries that behaved similarly towards LGBT customers.
Those exist? Well that's news to me.


Not one word was mentioned of any Islamic bakeries that behaved similarly towards LGBT customers.
Those exist? Well that's news to me.

look, laws that actively prevent someone from doing something based on sexuality, ethnicity, etc are discriminatory. I do not advocate those. However, as far as I know, this law does not do that.

Unless I have missed something, this law ensures a person can refuse to do business based on their religious beliefs. That is far from discrimination. There are quite a few wedding cake stores in that state. As far as I know.

The liberal position here is that man may choose who he does business with. Sorry, that's it. Like you wouldn't ask a gay man to bake a cake that says "god hates fags", a man whose religion is opposed to homosexuality shouldn't be wrangled into making a gay wedding cake.

Now, if this bill actually lays out a policy that discriminates (like the bathroom law in NC), I am misinformed and would be happy to reassess based on the accurate information.
Understandable, but I'd like to point out one thing.

Like you wouldn't ask a gay man to bake a cake that says "god hates fags", a man whose religion is opposed to homosexuality shouldn't be wrangled into making a gay wedding cake.
The only problem here is for this cake example you're bringing up, the gay couple wouldn't have used hate speech whatsoever. There is a difference between stupid and ignorant hate speech, and just refusing someone simply because they may love their same sex.

when in reality it's just discriminating against people or beliefs they don't particularly feel comfortable with.
Except this is exactly what progressives do when they demand that Christian business owners serve LGBT individuals. When you say to a Christian bakery, or whatever, "You have to cater to this gay wedding" you are discriminating against them because you are uncomfortable with their beliefs.

I'm not saying whether I agree or disagree with the law; just that you're being a hypocrite.
I actually disagreed with that whole cake store thing to begin with. If someone who's super religious isn't comfortable with it, I think that's fine to an extent. However on the flip side, it is a business. And as a business, I don't think it's right to disapprove someone simply because of something like their sexuality. I don't think the couple should have gone as far as to sue them, but I do think it's rather petty for both sides to not come to some agreement, especially in America where 50% of straight marriages fail anyway.

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