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Messages - Mox

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The first boss fight in RE4,(The one in the barn) I was low on ammo, and I saved right when I entered, literally took me 30 or so tries to beat.

The Flood / UN game(in response to this shitposting pandemic)
« on: December 18, 2014, 04:30:17 PM »
Alright guys, since people are bitching about the shitposting. I have decided to take matters into my own hands. This thread will be host to a UN game. Which will decide how we deal with the bitching and arguing.
Two teams of five, one representing anti shitposters and one representing shitposters. Will compete a normal UN game.

If shitposters win, anti shitposters have to stop bitching and move one with their lives.
Anti SP win, the shitposting needs to calm down for a while.

Decide who you want representing your cause, I will be on the anti SP team.

SP members

Anti Sp members

Good luck, and may this free the sticks from your bumholes,

The Flood / Re: The quality of posts here is awful
« on: December 18, 2014, 04:21:47 PM »
All i'm asking for is for threads with topic not just "cheat iz nigger" "blak peeple are blak". Most of the shitty posts are just gibberish with no discussion value

Especially the "I bet you won't fucking lock this thread" posts. Those trigger me so hard.

The Flood / Re: The quality of posts here is awful
« on: December 18, 2014, 04:13:42 PM »
you know what would spice things up

a civil war

shitposters vs anti-shitposters or some crap like that

Maybe we could settle this in a UN game, a very extreme UN game,

The Flood / Re: The quality of posts here is awful
« on: December 18, 2014, 04:10:58 PM »
you know what would spice things up

a civil war

shitposters vs anti-shitposters or some crap like that

Hmmm, and what side would you be on?

The Flood / Re: I ate some food that had gone bad, and now my head hurts
« on: December 18, 2014, 04:09:55 PM »
Maybe lay off of the radroach meat for a while?

The Flood / Re: these are true facts
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:10:55 AM »
so now you're copying me?



lol no. Have you ever seen the Illuminati confirmed videos? And since you were doing something similar I thought it was appropriate to do this. Chill out

For reference.

The Flood / Re: these are true facts
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:34:06 AM »

The Flood / these are true facts
« on: December 18, 2014, 07:31:11 AM »
Black people. You know what else rhymes with black people? That's right, Green tiger beetle. Green tiger beetles are a type of beetle. They are also the color green. Green. You know what else is the color green? That's right, the color green. Green has 5 letters. Black also has 5 letters. People has 6 letters. 5+5+6=16. 16 is how old Hitler used to be when he was alive. You're able to get your driving license when you're 16. Driving. Driving has 7 letters. 7+16=23. 3-2=1. There is one eye in the illuminati symbol. Black people are illuminati confirmed

Let me get a capture card and i will gladly do it.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:06:28 PM »
Thanks for the advice everyone. I will give updates on the situation in the coming weeks.

The Flood / Re: Isn't it downvote RC day? #MODFUCKINGBIAS #MODSMODSMODSMODS
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:04:55 PM »
This isn't like you, what's up with all of the shitposting?

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:01:59 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight right now.
So this happened two years ago? >.>
I may have missed that in the OP then.

You should still strive to find out, searching shit like marriage records for your mother's name etc. It's not impossible, but it's not going to be piss easy.
yes, I mention how he was eight at the beginning of the op. And when the MK shit happened I mentioned how he was six.

Ehh I just didn't add two and two together on it.

But still, I doubt your conscience will let you get off if you don't at least try >.>
. But how in the world am I supposed to find her? Say I do go down there, them what? I have no info to go on.
Well, I'm sure you can find out her maiden name somehow if you don't already know it.
Then search a marriage registry for someone with her name marrying someone names pavel. When you find a match, you have a possibly up to date name. You can then run that through various record services iirc or just go to the police with a name.

The point is, someone or something has the information you need but it won't come to you unless you are proactive about it.
Ok, but say i get there. What else can I do? My dad can't take custody. Since he's a recent felon and isn't even on his birth certificate. My mom has no criminal record. I'm only 16 so taking custody is out of the window. No one is fit to take him except my father, but he can't. All I can do is kick the shit out of Pavel. And the only way I can bring him home is if I take him by force. Which doesn't benefit me or enzo. I need a plan, but none of the odds are in my favor. The only way I could have a chance of getting custody is waiting a couple of years and becoming financially stable them manage to find her and take her to court. But by then it will definitely be too late.

Extended family?
grandparents on my fathers side have passed away. Don't talk to anyone on my mothers side of the family anymore. No one can take him, literally. This situation is so fucked I could scream.
Social services then, it's far from ideal but at least they aren't likely to just harm him to get attention.
I will try, I'm getting a car soon, there won't be much I can do.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:58:16 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight right now.
So this happened two years ago? >.>
I may have missed that in the OP then.

You should still strive to find out, searching shit like marriage records for your mother's name etc. It's not impossible, but it's not going to be piss easy.
yes, I mention how he was eight at the beginning of the op. And when the MK shit happened I mentioned how he was six.

Ehh I just didn't add two and two together on it.

But still, I doubt your conscience will let you get off if you don't at least try >.>
. But how in the world am I supposed to find her? Say I do go down there, them what? I have no info to go on.
Well, I'm sure you can find out her maiden name somehow if you don't already know it.
Then search a marriage registry for someone with her name marrying someone names pavel. When you find a match, you have a possibly up to date name. You can then run that through various record services iirc or just go to the police with a name.

The point is, someone or something has the information you need but it won't come to you unless you are proactive about it.
Ok, but say i get there. What else can I do? My dad can't take custody. Since he's a recent felon and isn't even on his birth certificate. My mom has no criminal record. I'm only 16 so taking custody is out of the window. No one is fit to take him except my father, but he can't. All I can do is kick the shit out of Pavel. And the only way I can bring him home is if I take him by force. Which doesn't benefit me or enzo. I need a plan, but none of the odds are in my favor. The only way I could have a chance of getting custody is waiting a couple of years and becoming financially stable them manage to find her and take her to court. But by then it will definitely be too late.

Extended family?
grandparents on my fathers side have passed away. Don't talk to anyone on my mothers side of the family anymore. No one can take him, literally. This situation is so fucked I could scream.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:54:00 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight right now.
So this happened two years ago? >.>
I may have missed that in the OP then.

You should still strive to find out, searching shit like marriage records for your mother's name etc. It's not impossible, but it's not going to be piss easy.
yes, I mention how he was eight at the beginning of the op. And when the MK shit happened I mentioned how he was six.

Ehh I just didn't add two and two together on it.

But still, I doubt your conscience will let you get off if you don't at least try >.>
. But how in the world am I supposed to find her? Say I do go down there, them what? I have no info to go on.
Well, I'm sure you can find out her maiden name somehow if you don't already know it.
Then search a marriage registry for someone with her name marrying someone names pavel. When you find a match, you have a possibly up to date name. You can then run that through various record services iirc or just go to the police with a name.

The point is, someone or something has the information you need but it won't come to you unless you are proactive about it.
Ok, but say i get there. What else can I do? My dad can't take custody. Since he's a recent felon and isn't even on his birth certificate. My mom has no criminal record. I'm only 16 so taking custody is out of the window. No one is fit to take him except my father, but he can't. All I can do is kick the shit out of Pavel. And the only way I can bring him home is if I take him by force. Which doesn't benefit me or enzo. I need a plan, but none of the odds are in my favor. The only way I could have a chance of getting custody is waiting a couple of years and becoming financially stable them manage to find her and take her to court. But by then it will definitely be too late.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:46:20 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight right now.
So this happened two years ago? >.>
I may have missed that in the OP then.

You should still strive to find out, searching shit like marriage records for your mother's name etc. It's not impossible, but it's not going to be piss easy.
yes, I mention how he was eight at the beginning of the op. And when the MK shit happened I mentioned how he was six.

Ehh I just didn't add two and two together on it.

But still, I doubt your conscience will let you get off if you don't at least try >.>
. But how in the world am I supposed to find her? Say I do go down there, then what? I have no info to go on.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:36:07 PM »
I am getting a car next month. I guess I could go for a road trip.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:34:15 PM »
So lately I have been having very, very serious family problems. Now I know most people here don't know me so you probably won't give two shits, but I feel that I need to talk about this somewhere.

   So,here is the back story. Currently, I have two sisters, Gabi and Ali. And one little brother, enzo. But, about 13 years before I was born I had a third sister, Rachel. Now, before my mother met my father she was with another man, and this is how Rachel was conceived. My mother left the man and moved on to my father. My father practically raised Rachel, and Rachel was his daughter even though he wasn't her real father. So, all is well. Until one night when my father is at work he gets a call from !y mother saying Rachel isn't breathing. My dad meets my mom at the er. Rachel is saved, but after diagnosed it appears that Rachel OD'd...... On my mothers prescription pills. I believe you can see where this is going.
    Three weeks later rachel dies in the hospiotal , she was 4 at the time.
My dad, knowing the circumstances began am investigation. He was suspicious of my mother, who claimed that rachel got up(at 1:00 in the morning) opened the cabinet, and took the pills herself. Even though the bottle had one of those "push and turn" caps. What made my father even more suspicious was when my mom demanded a cremation and wouldn't allow am autospy.

    I was told this not only by my father, but by my aunts and uncles on both sides of the family. So I am pretty sure these accusations are true. My mom was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and I have unofficially diagnosed her with munchausen byproxu disorder, you might want to google that. Amyway , the reason I included this whole backstory is to explain why I'm in such a dark place right now. This is where we start talking about my brother enzo. Who is currently eight years old.

 Enzo is a very bright, happy, and sweet kid. When he was born I couldn't have been more happy in my life. I was able to go to my mothers and see him, at first. But here is where the real trouble starts. My father got custody of me and my sisters. But enzo was born after the court disputes, and because my father denied at first that enzo was his son, my mom didn't put my dad on the birth certificate. So my mom has custody. Anyway, my dad and mom started to break the ice again. And for the first time in several years, my dad let my mother visit. So, she came over with my brother enzo.
And all was well. I had finally found a copy of MK Armageddon, so I wanted to play it with my brother. Of course, MK was no game for a six year old with minor autism, so instead we played the MK racing game on the same disc. Which is basically Mario kart with MK characters. We had a really fun time playing. And then he had to go. Everything was fine, until I get a call from my mother. I answered the phone, only to have my mother start screaming at me. Turns out enzo told her about motor kombat. When she thought I was playing real MK with him. Then to make things worse one of her co workers tells my mom about how graphic MK3 is and how she used to play it when she was in the military.
   I tried to explain to my mother. But she wouldn't listen. She then told me I would never see him again and she hung up. This put me into a state of sadness and fear, fear for my brothers life, every time I would go to my mother so saw how my mom was purposefully turning m brothers minor autism into something worse, she would not pay any attention to him and would just sit him in front of the TV with graham crackers and he would watch the same shows over,and over,and over, and over. This was his daily life, and he became entirely dependent on her. Next week I notice that my mom had booked me on Facebook as well as my number. A month later I get a letter from my mother telling me she moved to Alabama after marrying a 19 year old man from Russia named pavel (my mom is 54).

And this was the last time I heard from my mother, I then found out however, that my oldest sister has met Pavel before... And that he hits my brother.

I can't sleep
I have nightmares
My brothers life is in danger
And its all my fault
And I'm jus counting the days till I get a letter from my mother saying that my brother has died. And I will kill myself if I am the cause of another "rachel" happening in the family.
 Make fun of me all you want, but I needed to get this off of my chest and talk to somebody about it, and I posted this in serious for a reason.
I think you need to go to Alabama and fuck up Pavel. If I had a little brother, nobody would touch him without me getting involved.
if I ever meet him.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:31:58 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight right now.
So this happened two years ago? >.>
I may have missed that in the OP then.

You should still strive to find out, searching shit like marriage records for your mother's name etc. It's not impossible, but it's not going to be piss easy.
yes, I mention how he was eight at the beginning of the op. And when the MK shit happened I mentioned how he was six.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:28:23 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post
Just did, I assume you at least know her surname/maiden name if you don't know the surname of the russkie. The authorities can track them down if you give them that much detail I'm sure. At the very least they should send someone to look into it.

But then... this is alabama we are talking about...
Ech, what an awful situation. You still need to get the authorities involved over Enzo's welfare though, regardless of what happened to rachel all those years ago. If it happens again then jesus.
no one knows his last name. And for all I know they could be out of the country, enzo was six when they left. He is, or should've been eight  now.

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:22:22 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.


OP, act now. Get on the phone, ring the police or get your dad to do so. The fact that someone with BPD is in custody of a child with autism is bad enough, if she does indeed have Munchausen's by proxy then Enzo is already in serious danger. If this russkie is hitting him too, god almighty.

Yeah, you need to get this one to the attention of the police/social services immediately.
Read above post

Serious / Re: I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:18:54 PM »
The Rachel shit needs to go to the authorities and you need to get your ass to Alabama and get the authorities involved to stop this.
That happened several years ago, I don't know where my mother is in Alabama. And Rachel was cremated. No investigation whatsoever. My father also sent to jail recently(he's out now) so a custody battle would not work at all.

Serious / I need to get something off my chest
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:11:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Who wants to go to Stalin's World?
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:03:04 PM »
 We can listen to this on the way!

The Flood / Re: I bet you won't fucking lock this thread
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:58:52 PM »
Are you not a mod anymore?

The Flood / Re: Which of these sounds better?
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:16:19 PM »
Since the picture you provided looks kind of.... Childish. I will be glad to make a concept for you op. Just pm me the details

Eh. Don't worry about it. I have better designs, that was the first one I could find. I did that a couple years ago, but that was before I learned what proportions are.
Ok op. Also I think OGRS sounds pretty cool. But I would also try and change things around a bit with their design. They sound waaaaay too much like ODST's

The Flood / Re: Which of these sounds better?
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:09:53 PM »
Since the picture you provided looks kind of.... Childish. I will be glad to make a concept for you op. Just pm me the details

The Flood / Re: your favorite anime theme songs?
« on: December 17, 2014, 02:03:25 PM »
[/spoiler] I don't really watch many animes but I like this one.
Also my favorite, I posted that one in the op

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