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Messages - Mox

Pages: 1 ... 456 78 ... 51
The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:06:26 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

They are interested, but it depends on the job and how much you're willing to pay.
. We would like you to secure supply lines for us, as well as scout for forerunner artifacts, you will be able to split supplies with us 50/50. And possibly get better weaponry with some more man power as well.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 07:35:47 PM »
The raid on nearby colonies is a success.

Two CRS cruisers are captured along with a pre-schism weapons cache containing beam rifles. Everything valuable was stripped from the settlements and either sold off or traded for weapons, ammo, and other necessities.

Smaller clans impressed by this flawless raid across several worlds join with this major clan in the promise of good raids and better loot.

With their numbers bolstered by the influx of frigates and corvettes a prominent Kig-Yar ship master, Tevek Fel claims leadership of the clan unopposed.

Looking to set up a more permanent base of operations he sends scouts out to look for a suitable world. [to be completed page 5].

Tevek also seeks to establish a sniper corps. He hires a legendary Kig-Yar sniper to train his marksman under to regret doctrine. [sniper corps to be trained by page 6]
  The Sanghelli republic asks if these pirates are for hire.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:36:47 PM »
Call the fucking police, or I'll contact some federal agency and let them know about your account and they can track you down from there

Please stop. I'm already doing it. I don't need the trouble.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:30:35 PM »

I don't feel like going through this whole story again.
It just seems so...made up. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but the fact that you did all that without saying a word? It just seems unlikely. Why didn't you question her about what happened?
. If you've known half of the shit this woman has done you wouldn't say much to her either, just stop posting here if you don't know what's going on, I really don't feel like getting into detail.
It just seems strange, is all I'm saying. I'll leave it at that.
let me put it this way, my brother was my numberone priority, I didn't go there to socialize with her. I went there to find my brother.
..and I'm not talking about socializing, I'm talking about questioning her to figure out what the fuck happened.
put yourself in my shoes, if you found out what I did. Knowing this woman was the cause of it,  would you want t stay in that place? And like I said before, you don't know the kind of shit this woman put me through. If I stayed in that house, things wouldve turned out worse than they already are.
Max is right. It was a mistake not to question her.
so you're saying I should've questioned a woman that's literally insane about how my brother died? For fucks sake. When something like this happens to you come talk to me, until then don't tell me how I should've gone about things.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:13:37 PM »

I don't feel like going through this whole story again.
It just seems so...made up. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but the fact that you did all that without saying a word? It just seems unlikely. Why didn't you question her about what happened?
. If you've known half of the shit this woman has done you wouldn't say much to her either, just stop posting here if you don't know what's going on, I really don't feel like getting into detail.
It just seems strange, is all I'm saying. I'll leave it at that.
let me put it this way, my brother was my numberone priority, I didn't go there to socialize with her. I went there to find my brother.
..and I'm not talking about socializing, I'm talking about questioning her to figure out what the fuck happened.
put yourself in my shoes, if you found out what I did. Knowing this woman was the cause of it,  would you want t stay in that place? And like I said before, you don't know the kind of shit this woman put me through. If I stayed in that house, things wouldve turned out worse than they already are.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:07:42 PM »

I don't feel like going through this whole story again.
It just seems so...made up. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but the fact that you did all that without saying a word? It just seems unlikely. Why didn't you question her about what happened?
. If you've known half of the shit this woman has done you wouldn't say much to her either, just stop posting here if you don't know what's going on, I really don't feel like getting into detail.
It just seems strange, is all I'm saying. I'll leave it at that.
let me put it this way, my brother was my numberone priority, I didn't go there to socialize with her. I went there to find my brother.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:03:33 PM »

I don't feel like going through this whole story again.
It just seems so...made up. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but the fact that you did all that without saying a word? It just seems unlikely. Why didn't you question her about what happened?
. If you've known half of the shit this woman has done you wouldn't say much to her either, just stop posting here if you don't know what's going on, I really don't feel like getting into detail.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:00:31 PM »

I don't feel like going through this whole story again.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:55:28 PM »
Oh my lord, that is absolutely devastating. From the bottom of my heart I really am sorry. It is a terrible thing to lose a sibling.

Although if I may ask how are you completely sure Enzo has passed? Did she say?

Is there not a chance Enzo was taken into care?
  there's no one that couldve possibly taken him. And she would never give him up.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:25:36 PM »
I'm sorry, but I am going to have to resign, all heretic tech, ships, and soldiers given to the covenant separatists

EDIT: forget that last comment. ^

Serious / My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 05:18:13 PM »

This is over, lock this thread. I don't need this.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 01:14:42 PM »
The heretics have been renamed as the "Sanghelli republic"

The Sanghelli republic has found an abandoned forerunner ship, the size of a planet,  it can hold the entire republic. While it has no weaponry whatsoever. It can be outfitted with plasma weapons, but due to the vast differences in technology this will take a very long time. All females and offspring are transferred to this ship. This ship has been named " The Ray of Norma", and will lead the expedition to the Norma arm.
It is likely that this ship will be for exploratory purposes as well as housing the general populace.

We have also discovered an abandoned forerunner mining staion.
Annexation due next page.
Expected in Norma arm by page six

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:01:56 AM »
Are we able to rename our factions?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:19:34 AM »
50 ships sent to Norma arm. Due page 4.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:13:36 AM »
The heretics begin refitting their current mining installation to be mobile, this project will allow the heretics to be more nomadic, due page 6.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:08:18 AM »
Sesa Refumee sends 20 scout ships to look for other forerunner installations
Discoveries expected by page 4.
Just to let you know, if you find a Halo Ring it can't be used. Its only usefulness is as a Fortress World. OP will be updated.
good, sounds fair

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:04:15 AM »
Sesa Refumee sends 20 scout ships to look for other forerunner installations
Discoveries expected by page 4.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:59:41 PM »
Can i be flood? I wont go overboard though.
Flood is too dangerous, sorry. They are a non-playable faction, choose another one.

Exactly what era are we in?
Post-War but I'm using some pre-war stuff like the Insurrectionist leader and Heretics for more players.
well there goes muh prehistoric humans.


The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:57:13 PM »
Can i be flood? I wont go overboard though.
Flood is too dangerous, sorry. They are a non-playable faction, choose another one.

Exactly what era are we in?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: The Halo Universe
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:54:37 PM »
Can i be flood? I wont go overboard though.

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:10:50 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.
So you're going to beat the guy up, go to jail, and solve nothing?

Sounds like a plan.
. No, probably not. I was joking, but you don't realise how much I want to beat the shit out of this guy. But like others have said, my eris my numberone priority, perhaps after i get him in a good loving situation.
...The guy or your brother?

My brother, and my phone was laggy so I misspelled a few words

Look, just do things the legal way. Or, make sure you don't get caught.
lol, I don't think I'm going to fight the guy. But honestly, its going to be extremely tempting if he's there when I go to their house.
Like I said, compile evidence and go to social services. I don't know what you hope to accomplish going there on your own.
. Well I can't exactly compile evidence by taking pictures and what not. My mom also has no criminal record whatsoever. Cops can't do anything. But I also need to verify they are there. And Pavel has never seen me before, which is an advantage. I'm just trying to do my best.

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:07:20 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.
So you're going to beat the guy up, go to jail, and solve nothing?

Sounds like a plan.
. No, probably not. I was joking, but you don't realise how much I want to beat the shit out of this guy. But like others have said, my eris my numberone priority, perhaps after i get him in a good loving situation.
...The guy or your brother?

My brother, and my phone was laggy so I misspelled a few words

Look, just do things the legal way. Or, make sure you don't get caught.
lol, I don't think I'm going to fight the guy. But honestly, its going to be extremely tempting if he's there when I go to their house.

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:04:52 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.
So you're going to beat the guy up, go to jail, and solve nothing?

Sounds like a plan.
. No, probably not. I was joking, but you don't realise how much I want to beat the shit out of this guy. But like others have said, my eris my numberone priority, perhaps after i get him in a good loving situation.
...The guy or your brother?

My brother, and my phone was laggy so I misspelled a few words

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:01:59 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.
So you're going to beat the guy up, go to jail, and solve nothing?

Sounds like a plan.
. No, probably not. I was joking, but you don't realise how much I want to beat the shit out of this guy. But like others have said, my brother is my number one priority, perhaps after i get him in a good living situation.

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:59:44 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.
you're gonna lynch blacks?

No, more like probably kick the shit out of a russia bastard.

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:58:31 PM »
Did you get arrested for assault and battery yet?

In due time

The Flood / Re: I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:57:46 PM »
make sure to lynch a few fags while you're there.

Well I am here to do something similar.

The Flood / I am now in alabama. AMA
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:55:28 PM »

The Flood / Re: Beginning my trip now
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:41:40 AM »
Don't get arrested for assault, mkay?

I'll try not to

The Flood / Re: Beginning my trip now
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:27:39 PM »
Not sure what's going on but good luck, I guess?

Oh, well rocket man provided the original thread in my last update.
Thanks though.

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