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The Flood / Re: UN game round 5?(Multiverse)
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:04:51 AM »
I think we need something more rooted in one universe. You know, to keep things simple and easy to follow.

Hmmm.  That does sound like a good idea. Should've thought of that, I could see people picking elves or something from LOTR and not even be able to do anything against space faring factions.
Or we could perhaps limit what universes you can pick from? I could pick three universes. Since this would make it simple but still keep some variety.

The Flood / UN game round 5?(Multiverse)
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:00:11 AM »
I have decided to bring back the UN strategy game that was popular on the first offsite. Except, now you can pick any faction you want from a fictional universe. You can discover new planets, Destroy planets, and everyone is at a certain starting tech level         (depending on what you choose).
RULES: Forerunners, precursors, and the flood are not allowed. These factions are too game breaking to be played.
Basic rules from the original UN game are the same here.
You must start off at a homeplanet of your choice. Or if you're a nomadic race(like the necromongers) you must choose a planet you start close too.
You will have a certain amount of time before the actual game begins to pick your alliance,faction,and home planet.

GAMEMASTERS: I am the game master here. And so is TBlocks if he chooses to be(since he started the original UN game)
I will appoint more(you can request to be a game master, applications for game master will not be accepted after page 2)

OBJECTIVES: you and your allies(if you have any) must completely take over the universe, but, the universe will constantly have new things put in(this also means new players can join any time they want) also, the flood will appear at a certain point in the game(probably as an end game) this will only be used by a gamemaster. Also, anyone who journeys to the center of the universe will uncover new secrets(maybe even a new enemy) and have huge technological advancements. But, it will take atleast 100 pages before you can even consider journeying there.

So, that's everything you need to know(for now) you may now choose your faction and make allies. Good luck!

My faction is.... The Necro Mongers.

EDIT: also, due to the sheer overpowerdness of the whole warhammer universe(40k and fantasy) ANY factions from 40k or fantasy are not allowed!
EDIT 2: List of unusable factions
The flood
Time lords
Any thing from 40k and fantasy
Anything from LOTR(you wouldn't be able to do anything)
The Q
I will decide on whether or not reapers are allowed later. So no one pick it.
More factions will be added to this list.
Edit 3:(sorry for mass edits) Please DO NOT pick any factions yet,we are deciding on what two universes people can pick from to make the game less hectic and simple.
RULE CHANGE!: You are now limited to dr who and 40k. Sorry folks,  but we have to make limit on how many universe there are to keep the game simple. So from now on its warhammer vs dr who!

I've seen 2 being used as their profile pic in an hour.
UNLESS they are just pics of random people..........but yeah.

Why exactly is this a problem?

But my retarded self decided to sell Halo: Reach a year ago because it got boring.
And right NOW, its not boring.

HOLD ME!!!!!!!!!

and to the person who kicked me from the party because I "was on Halo 3".......go hump a cactus.
I've got a headache right now, so Im kind of a loose cannon.

I would've been there too, if I hadn't run out of gold a few weeks ago.

« on: September 01, 2014, 08:22:38 AM »

*slaps elegiac again*

« on: September 01, 2014, 08:08:05 AM »
What's the point of triforce?

*slaps elegiac*

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 08:01:33 AM »

dug simply takes under verse

dug is

That's it. The necromongers simply cannot coexist. *nukes temple of dug*

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 02:05:13 AM »

dug consumes the under verse

dug is the under verse

the necromongers are consumed into dug

Dug cannot simply take the under verse. The necromongers are willing to share it with you. But you may not become the under verse or take over it.

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:56:54 AM »

Dug is now the mother of your children

Then this is a sign of peace. Dug and the necromongers shall travel to the under verse..... TOGETHER!

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:55:50 AM »
Dug keeps what he kills though
>implying he can kill The Lord marshal that is also from the matrix.

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:55:16 AM »
no u

Then I'll have your soul!
*takes TBlocks' soul and destroys it*

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:53:47 AM »
dug will eliminate his enemies.
you are now an enemy.

Convert or die!

The Flood / Re: Temple Of The Dug
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:51:43 AM »

he is your new master. Do not question why, only how.

Meditate on this thought

transformation of dug

Dug stage 1

dug stage 2

dug stage 3

dug stage 4

dug is skeleton man

skeleton man is dug

proof of above statement

dug is gud
dug is touch
dug is taste
dug is smell
dug is sight
dug is sound
dug is balance
dug is force

dug is all

all is dug

High priests of dug:


new preists are needed to make dug please


I follow the necromonger way. I will not follow your false beliefs!

The Flood / Re: Zoe Quinn is going to attack again.(possibly)
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:23:24 AM »
Again, I'd prefer not to because I'd rather my opinion not be swayed by cool motion and sound effects. From what I've heard about the Youtuber, he has a conservative bias, and that doesn't fly with me.

It's not just him talking. He shows photos of the things that have happened that you can even see for yourself if you look in the right places. Either watch the video and learn about it or stop asking us why we even care in the first place if you refuse to learn about the situation.

The Flood / Re: Zoe Quinn is going to attack again.(possibly)
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:16:48 AM »
I'd really rather not watch that simply because I feel better not to get information from youtube vloggers with heavy handed opinions. How exactly does she have Kotaku 'under her thumb?' And what is the worst that you are expecting to happen? That society is going to start considering gamers sexist? How realistic is that really?

Watch the video and then you will know. It literally answers all of your questions in that video if you would just watch it. And the indie game company is relevant because it shows she has some power and influence.

The Flood / Re: Zoe Quinn is going to attack again.(possibly)
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:12:51 AM »
So far this is just a bunch of internet rumors. Thus far, you have shown me no reason why anyone should be concerned about anything.
They're not rumours. This new "plan" is a rumour which is why I said it will probably happen in the OP. Everything else is a fact. Did you even watch that vid sceptile posted?  If that's the one I'm thinking of. It talks about how she fucked up this indie game company. With photographical evidence of it.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 01:01:30 AM »
*sigh* ok,now up voting me to ascended is a little much. I do want to earn it, I'm just asking that it be easier to.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:51:51 AM »
Let me just add being neutral and off the radar isn't so bad. I mean would you rather be super popular like Sentra and Comms and have the "DeeJ" title?

But not being able to do certain things unless you're in the circle jerk is bad.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:49:08 AM »
Yes Korra, that post means you.

I said Most not all.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:48:27 AM »
...honestly I think you're just mad because you left a really bad first impression for yourself.
I think it's perfectly possible for new members to work their way up, given time. This forum has been around for maybe about a month now, so that's how long it took for current Mythics to get there.

Lol, that joke thread wasn't a "first impression" not to mention thats literally the only thread I made like that. I'm not brand new, I've been in the flood for a year. It's not like I literally just joined a few weeks ago.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:46:43 AM »
There isn't anyone above Mythic yet.

I didn't know that, but I included mythic in what I said.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:44:56 AM »
For good reason. And you don't really have that many posts in comparison to users like SoporificSlash or TBlocks. Like I said, the system will be tweaked to make it easier to progress if you're actively posting, but you will always be at risk of sliding backward. That's just the way this works, and it's the reason there are two measures of how well you post (Trust and post count).

>Soporific is a mod. Of course he's going to be more active than me.
>TBlocks has been here longer

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:43:30 AM »
I don't get why you're so worked up about it.
It's not like it's the end of the world if you don't get everything you want.
No, but its stupid as shit how everything is a popularity contest. If you're a new member of the community you get treated like shit and don't get access to anything. Since because you're not part of the inner circle you have a 0% chance to ever even be upvoted to be able to have more customization options. Not to mention I hate how all of the voting for our moderators was based off of popularity,  not by whether or not said user that was nominated has even moderated anything before.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:40:11 AM »
I've recently figured out how to grab the info for custom plates, so that'll be a work in progress soon. But it's not going to be handed out to everyone from the start.

Sorry if that pisses you off, but rewards for high rank on forums (and in video games) promotes activity. The Prefixes will be tweaked to make it easier for active members to progress and the other custom stuff will bind to other criteria like posts or a combination of posts and Trust. Custom titles will be only for the high Prefix, but the others (nameplates, user bar color, and post color) will probably be dependent on something else.

I'll say that again: custom nameplates won't bind to the top Trust rating. That slot is for custom titles. I don't know what it will bind to, but it'll most likely be a high post count rank.

There are plenty of active people here that are still on the starting rank. Most of the people with mythic and up are part of the circle jerk. 

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:38:05 AM »
He does.

You said the highest rank gets custom titles. I'm not talking about nameplates anymore.

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:32:34 AM »
The highest rank unlocks custom titles.
Read my whole paragraph again. Last time I checked. He doesn't have to add each title to the forum now does he?

The Flood / Re: When can I have the green titlebar?
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:25:22 AM »
No idea what it'll be used for, but I don't intend to make it a public nameplate. It'll serve as a reward one way or another.

Just give us custom nameplates already! Instead of having people vote on crap that they want that others might not want. Let us make nameplates and titles to our satisfaction. Jesus Christ, all of the good shit here is based off of whether or not you're in the "inner circle" and everyone votes on your shit because you're popular. For example, Custom nameplates. Which you said can only be used by people at the mythic rank. When the only way to even get there is to be up voted by people. And just because some asshole downvotes you for no reason  you can never get to mythic. Everything here is based off of a goddamn popularity contest and whether or not the circle-jerkers like you. Which is not how it should be. Shit,  even some of the mods were only voted due to the fact that its a popularity contest. Just let everybody here be able to customize their profile as they see fit. Without having to be at some bullshit rank to even get nice nameplates/custom titles.

The Flood / Re: Zoe Quinn is going to attack again.(possibly)
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:11:27 AM »
I'm not sure if this thread derailed already, but does this Zoe girl even have any influence or power for her opinions or agenda to really matter? And how are we supposed to know if any of this legit? All of you have horrible reputations for stretching the truth and becoming erratic when it comes to any topic on feminism, so who's to say these are her actual opinions and agendas? And again, even if they are, what kind of power or influence does she hold that makes it such a threat for you guys?

I wasn't becoming "erratic" over her being a feminist. She's fucked up the industry and she does infact have influence in the industry. Not to mention she has done plenty of shit before. Including fucking up indie game companies. Don't say I have a reputation of becoming "erratic" when I'm one of the newest members here.

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