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Messages - Winy

Pages: 1 ... 222324 2526 ... 106
The Flood / What is your favorite thing about yourself?
« on: May 21, 2016, 08:28:49 PM »
Share it with us, please.

The Flood / Re: If two identical twins had sex
« on: May 21, 2016, 06:44:18 PM »
Quadratic twins.

The Flood / Re: Favourite Disney Princess and why.
« on: May 21, 2016, 06:42:58 PM »
Tiana's hot as fuck.

The Flood / Re: I'm heading back to High School after summer AMA.
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:12:52 PM »
You really should try to keep up the home schooling as much as possible. The public school system is utter trash and irredeemable garbage. I will NEVER forgive the public school system for its incompetence and ultimately lack of care as far as I as an individual wanted or needed. I was literally just another number to them that they used for their own benefit/gain. My child will NEVER be public schooled and I swear on my blood to uphold this value.
I feel like you're projecting.

The Flood / Re: I'm heading back to High School after summer AMA.
« on: May 19, 2016, 09:11:03 PM »
Do you know how to socialize with people? Or are you a social paraphernalia?

There's a difference between a game that's been stylized and a game that just doesn't look good.
That's what I was saying. If you don't think a game looks good, that's fine. But don't blame that on the graphics. Blame that on the game not looking good. There is a difference.
Oh, no. I agree, sorry for misunderstanding.

I don't understand why you think graphics don't matter. Games are often, if not always, meant to have some artistic input, and the integration of very realistic-looking environments or models can make a game experience much more immersive. Games like Red Dead Redemption thrive off of the aesthetic appeal of the environments, and I can certainly say that the experience wouldn't be nearly as great if the game looked like trash.
Because you absolutely do not need realistic graphics to have immersion. In fact, it's LESS immersive, because the more realistic something is, the more attune your brain is to finding every little imperfection--whereas in a more stylized game, you can naturally accept anything that you see, and be immersed.
There's a difference between a game that's been stylized and a game that just doesn't look good. Gaming is a partially cinematic experience, because a lot of how a player processes what's going on around them is determined by the appearance of what they're interacting with. Absorbing the atmosphere created by the scenic parts of Red Dead (I'm going to keep using it as an example) isn't possible without the actual art being showcased- I wouldn't be able to admire the views as much if they had poor graphics, and that isn't a matter of style. Games that strive to look realistic should be criticized if they don't pull it off. Appearance does make a difference, and can give a game a completely different flavor depending on how art is represented.

I would much rather look at this:

Than this:

I don't understand why you think graphics don't matter. Games are often, if not always, meant to have some artistic input, and the integration of very realistic-looking environments or models can make a game experience much more immersive. Games like Red Dead Redemption thrive off of the aesthetic appeal of the environments, and I can certainly say that the experience wouldn't be nearly as great if the game looked like trash.

I completely forgot that people pronounced it differently than "Al-um-in-um."

The Flood / Re: Rank drugs
« on: May 18, 2016, 08:16:18 PM »
Only ever smoked weed, I'll probably try shrooms, LSD, and Acid at some point, but I only want to try any of those once.

The Flood / Re: The most delusional statements people make.
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:40:39 PM »
You're making it sound so fanciful and deep, but the truth is that space funding at this point in time will bankrupt us. We need to cut extraneous things like defense and space if we want to be economically viable as a country again.
Funding some amount of space exploration will not "Bankrupt" us. We currently do fund space exploration, albeit not much, and I'd argue that it isn't anywhere near a contributing factor to the United States' poor economic state.

The Flood / Re: Your thoughts on going down
« on: May 17, 2016, 05:27:18 PM »
I've done it a few times- It was fine.

But I'm not sitting here thinking to myself "WOW, man, I can't wait to just stick my TONGUE in that PUSSY."

Vaginas aren't he most appealing thing in the world when they're fully spread.

The Flood / Re: Is it wrong for me to expect sex
« on: May 17, 2016, 12:34:48 PM »
These hoes don't understand respect.

You're really not getting what I'm saying here, at all.
Because none of it makes ANY rational sense. At all.
I'm literally just stating facts. When you die, you won't be able to see or comprehend anyone finding your body or being upset over it. Does that mean it doesn't matter? Does that mean it's not immoral? No, I never claimed anything of the sort. I'm just talking about the point of view of the mind. If you're the type of person who does care, and is concerned with others after death, then you'll make preparations around that before you die.
Why would you not care about other people after you die?
Same reason you wouldn't care about others before you die. Selfishness. The only difference is that you won't be able to feel the guilt for your bad act after you die.
Yes, exactly. It would be selfish to not take into account the reactions of other people if you made the decision to kill yourself- I was getting the impression you were arguing it wasn't selfish, and that there was nothing wrong with it just because "Well, I'm dead, so who cares?"

I'm sorry if I misunderstood you.

You're really not getting what I'm saying here, at all.
Because none of it makes ANY rational sense. At all.
I'm literally just stating facts. When you die, you won't be able to see or comprehend anyone finding your body or being upset over it. Does that mean it doesn't matter? Does that mean it's not immoral? No, I never claimed anything of the sort. I'm just talking about the point of view of the mind. If you're the type of person who does care, and is concerned with others after death, then you'll make preparations around that before you die.
Why would you not care about other people after you die?

If you're going to kill yourself (Don't) with a gun, don't do it in a place that will cause your family to find you. I can't think of a more appalling thing for someone to see; the weight of a family member's suicide would be tragic enough, there's no need to make them look at your mutilated corpse, either.

The Flood / Re: I'm in over my head
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:55:31 PM »
Yeah, I've been jumping around from location to location but I would like to make a career here.

You work at Disney World?
That's pretty sweet, my senior trip was to Disney World and it was literally the best experience of my life. Been there twice but when you're with your entire class, it's stupidly fun.

The Flood / Re: I'm in over my head
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:51:03 PM »
You work at Disney World?

The Flood / Re: Best Mejican invention?
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:44:58 PM »

The Flood / Re: The most delusional statements people make.
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:21:03 PM »
Each and every one of those broad concepts is an entire endeavor in and of itself that will cost billions of dollars in funding. And we really can't afford that right now; we're literally coming a few decades close to an energy crisis. We need to be sinking every spare technological dollar on efficient renewable energy at this point. Once we have that mastered, we'll have the stability to put energy and money into space shit.
I don't disagree, but to argue that research and exploration of things outside of Earth is entirely pointless is very misleading. The prospects associated with space exploration are obviously very favorable, and there should be investment in any sort of space-faring operations that can benefit people back on Earth significantly- But this doesn't have to mean it's as tangible as I'm sure you'd like. I certainly agree that some things, like asteroid mining, are quite a ways off, and there are things down here that we should fix first before we throw our money in that direction.

That being said, there certainly are technologies developed in aerospace that have provided applicable gadgets for doctors, engineers, physicists, etc. There was a very large surge in STEM interest during the space race, and I would argue if humans decided to make landing on Mars a priority in the coming decades, we would experience a similar spike, and get more and more people interested in technology, engineering, and science. All things that can help humanity to live contently.

Helping people to understand at least the basics of how the universe functions and its history widens the scope of their view of reality and generally provides them with a sense of wonder and intrigue that can foster interest in other fields of STEM subjects- Which I'm sure you would agree is a good thing for everyone. Curiosity is never something we should discourage in people. Of course, space isn't the only thing that can provide this sort of inspiration, but it is one source, and that in itself makes it at least somewhat appreciable. I don't feel comfortable with a big portion of humanity not really thinking about anything beyond Earth- I've found that the general public has basically no idea about anything that goes on in space. Everyone should, in my opinion, at least be given some sort of idea of where we are in the universe and our history. Helps with the whole "Think big," concept, y'know?

The Flood / Re: The most delusional statements people make.
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:05:36 PM »

Response below pretty much made this one pointless.

The Flood / Re: There's a guy named Vezakam online right now.
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:42:40 PM »
Nobody shits on Vez while I'm around.

Anti-bullying countermeasures in full fucking throttle right now >:0
I'll fight you and I'll fight Vez with just my left bear-handed pinkie
Fuggin' dead, kiddo.

The Flood / Re: There's a guy named Vezakam online right now.
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:22:38 PM »
Nobody shits on Vez while I'm around.

Anti-bullying countermeasures in full fucking throttle right now >:0

Gaming / Re: Battlefield 1 Historical Trailer Analysis
« on: May 15, 2016, 08:40:41 PM »
I always find it really surreal to think that the Ottoman Empire was involved in WWI.

I mean, it's a group I always think about as existing around the 1500's and pretty much just fading out from there on, but they were a real force for a long time, I guess.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever witness someone last moments alive?
« on: May 15, 2016, 08:29:56 PM »
I haven't, luckily. I saw my step-grandfather (Think that's the appropriate term, but it's sort of weird to read) during his last day battling with cancer, but he wasn't awake so I didn't get to say anything to him- I guess that's also the closest I've come to seeing someone pass away. He was a good man and the only grandfather figure I had on that side of my family, I was too young when my grandfather was alive to have any memories of him.

The Flood / Re: There's a guy named Vezakam online right now.
« on: May 15, 2016, 08:27:23 PM »
Is he bad news?
Vez is awesome.

Always comes back to anti-natalism, somehow.
He was too late to say "oh boy here we go xDDDD" so he said "another thread ruined lmaoooo xD"
I wasn't saying the thread was ruined.
You weren't saying shit. You have literally nothing to say in this thread but regurgitate opinions from people you like or make these passive pussy bullshit posts.
I didn't actually express an opinion.
That's what I said. You either enter a thread to regurgitate an opinion or post this passive bullshit.
Yes, I know.
So stop doing it? Nobody's going to kill you if you come on here and post an opinion nobody likes.
I'm sorry, I'm a little bored and didn't have the energy to really weigh in on the whole shabam so I just posted something pretty meaningless out of boredom. I'll try not to do it anymore.

Always comes back to anti-natalism, somehow.
He was too late to say "oh boy here we go xDDDD" so he said "another thread ruined lmaoooo xD"
I wasn't saying the thread was ruined.
You weren't saying shit. You have literally nothing to say in this thread but regurgitate opinions from people you like or make these passive pussy bullshit posts.
I didn't actually express an opinion.
That's what I said. You either enter a thread to regurgitate an opinion or post this passive bullshit.
Yes, I know.

Always comes back to anti-natalism, somehow.
He was too late to say "oh boy here we go xDDDD" so he said "another thread ruined lmaoooo xD"
I wasn't saying the thread was ruined.
You weren't saying shit. You have literally nothing to say in this thread but regurgitate opinions from people you like or make these passive pussy bullshit posts.
I didn't actually express an opinion.

Always comes back to anti-natalism, somehow.
He was too late to say "oh boy here we go xDDDD" so he said "another thread ruined lmaoooo xD"
I wasn't saying the thread was ruined. Just something that happens a lot.

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