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Messages - Winy

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The right thing to do would be to tell the boyfriend that the girl is trying to cheat on him.

The Flood / Re: How do you say "Nike" ?
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:04:21 PM »
It's "Nike-ee," they say it in the advertisements.

The Flood / Re: american cheese
« on: June 02, 2016, 01:58:22 PM »
no, because my morals compel me not to
i have a question that's kinda related to the topic:

how long did it take for you to make the full switch to veganism? It's been almost a month since I became vegetarian and eventually I do want to take the leap towards veganism, but eggs and dairy are such a big part of my diet. Do you have any advice on how I could substitute these items?
Almond milk or soy milk, in my opinion, actually taste better than dairy milk. If you aren't fond of their taste, you can buy flavored cartons without spending much more money. I wouldn't say that they actually taste like milk, but they float around in the same pond of flavor, so they're adequate substitutes. They offer vegan yogurt alternatives at a lot of grocery stores (Although I'm actually not sure what they're made of), and the same goes for cheese.

I think it's important to take some time to feel around with vegan alternatives to foods you love without blindly jumping into it. Of course you want to cut the animal products out sooner than later, but it's best to make a gradual switch rather than go face-first into it and then end up crashing because you're overwhelmed. Take your time and experiment.

The Flood / Re: american cheese
« on: June 02, 2016, 01:38:52 PM »
Was never a huge fan of American cheese on anything besides cold-cut sandwiches, I'm in the minority when I say I actually hated when people melted cheese onto my burgers. Something about melted American cheese just... Bleh.

Serious / Re: Who will Trump pick as his VP?
« on: June 02, 2016, 01:37:13 PM »

The Flood / Re: What was your last dream about?
« on: June 02, 2016, 10:36:11 AM »
Was giving some girl I know a back-rub, accidentally touched her sunburn, we ended up having sex.

Pretty sick.

The Flood / Re: Pronounced Gif or Jif?
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:42:17 AM »
This thread has made me lose all hope in humanity.

The Flood / Re: Pronounced Gif or Jif?
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:51:59 AM »
>"Gif" is winning

I'm physically ill

The Flood / Re: Pronounced Gif or Jif?
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:18:01 AM »
jif sounds retarded

gif sounds normal
The majority of people (Correctly) pronounce it "Jif," and the creator of the file type has explained this a couple times. Any time I hear someone say "Gif" I automatically think they're a goofball.

The Flood / Re: Pronounced Gif or Jif?
« on: June 02, 2016, 12:53:33 AM »
It's "Jif," and anybody who says something different is wrong.

The Flood / Re: What happened to Mad Max?
« on: June 01, 2016, 08:20:42 PM »
Oh, I remember him.

He was a bit of a weenie.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: June 01, 2016, 04:58:04 PM »
Nice assumptions there
Even if you support you have to have some transphobia
Because you just have to have it right
What are you even talking about? I said that a large chunk of people who support transgender rights have transphobia, and the reason is that we were not born into a society that has seen such a large presence of them before, so clearly this is a new group of individuals that are being more publicly accommodated than before. Obviously, there will be people who need to adjust to this, and that's okay. There was no "Assumption."
We're not allowed to be ok with them and let them do their own thing anymore
We jhave to support them
Literally all that 99% of people need to do is treat them as equals, and nobody would be complaining. That is no more "Support" than you give anybody else, ever. Stop acting like you have to make some sort of grand self-sacrifice for the transgender community.
Shame how you actively ignore the things I say regarding treatment
Do you honestly think I want them put them into concentration camps or something
No, and you knew the answer to that question before you asked it.
This is what I'm saying
It's a legit condition
Which is why I'm so against the movement of people telling them to embrace it and act like it's a fucking virtue
As Verb said, regardless of whether or not it's a medical issue, the impact it has on other individuals is incredibly non-intrusive and reasonable. You don't have to shift your life around because transgenderism exists, you probably won't even run into them on a weekly basis, if you ever even interact with one in the first place. If you're going to say there's something wrong with them, fine, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't treat them fairly, which you are not doing if you have an issue with their media appearances.
Then transgender started becoming a major issue in America so I listened to some speeches and read news articles (from both sides) and I came to the conclusion that it is a mental disease
The fact that you've realized it was a mental disease doesn't mean anything, which has basically been the point of this discussion. Even if it is a mental disease that we should want to eliminate from humanity, right now it isn't going anywhere fast, and to accommodate for this community, all we need to do is a few non-intrusive things to make them happy.
I actually used logic and facts to come to my conclusion
Practice more, you messed this one up.
"Look children, mental illness is ok and we advocate it"
Are you actually this dense? Nobody is saying that the disease is some fantastic, celebration-worthy condition that makes things better. Gender dysphoria is a terrible thing that people suffer from every single day. The message is that these people exist, and suffer from this condition, and that for them to be happy, we need to learn to accept them for who they are, because they suffer from it. It's about acceptance, not advocacy. Nobody's pushing for more people to become transgender, transgenderism fucking sucks for the people it affects. The fact that you think people are glorifying it is an indicator you actually have no idea what the issue with the condition is, or what they're asking for.

The Flood / Re: I want a gf but I have no desire to have one
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:19:54 PM »
I have a desire for something, but I don't actually want it.
I'm confused as hell.

Serious / Re: "Morality is subjective"
« on: June 01, 2016, 01:09:00 PM »
I don't really know how to answer this question. A lot of the discussion about this boils down to semantics, and I get frustrated and confused while talking about it. Look, all that I want to do is help people and make everybody live as comfortable and free a life as possible. Whether morality is objective or not, it doesn't really matter to me. That's what I want, and I think that's a very reasonable and agreeable position.

The Flood / Re: i think i found my new favorite meme
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:30:32 PM »
Contagious laughter videos literally kill me every time.

The Flood / Re: Hanging, electric chair or gas chamber
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:28:12 PM »
I feel like hanging is the best of all those options.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:08:17 PM »
Nazis are people, should we care if they feel like outcasts, too?
Nazis are doing something wrong, transgender people are not.
On what grounds do they think they deserve what they want, though? Demonstrate to me that they have a right to these things, and I'll change my mind.
Are you actually asking me for justification for basic comfort and acceptance of an individual who isn't doing anything wrong, and is simply trying to live comfortably? I don't even need to give you a demonstration, hopefully that question in itself proves that these people are entitled to basic benefits of societal interaction.
Of course they're not completely incapable, but that's besides the point. Their mental illness prevents them from thinking rationally, but only in those areas affected by their illness. I'm sure a kleptomaniac can drive and take out a reasonable insurance policy just fine, but I'd still keep my eyes on him in a department store.
That comparison is horrendous. Being afflicted by a mental illness doesn't necessitate a lack of capacity to self-introspect. A transgender person's issue is that they don't feel comfortable with their body, it has nothing to do with a sudden lack of rationality that prevents them from understanding, "Oh, I would feel more comfortable as a woman/man."
someone with a gender identity disorder will have difficulty forming a rational understanding of his sex.
See above. Mental illnesses aren't indicative of an inability to think rationally about the condition. Whether or not the condition is irrational, it doesn't matter- That person is affected by the condition and shouldn't be forced to cope with their misery for other peoples' convenience.
Why does this weird double standard exist where we can call, for example, asperger's, a disease, and acknowledge that some things (mostly social cues) are by and large difficult for aspies, but we have to cater to a gender disphoriac's every delusion on the grounds of tolerance?
Because they aren't delusions. They're literally just asking to be treated fairly.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 08:00:52 PM »
In 2OO2, 61% of people were ok with transgenders and today it's 77%
That's a majority
There's a difference between accepting somebody, and saying that you're "Okay" with them. There's no doubt that the majority of people in the US are probably supportive of their cause, but most of those people likely exhibit some form of subconscious transphobia. You can be supportive of something without being 100% comfortable with the idea. That in itself is a problem.
And I'm very few of the 23% who oppose it or are undecided actually go out and yell at people who look like they're trans
You say that like you take pride in it, which you shouldn't.
Anybody who opposes a cause and wants something done about it sounds like a white man talking about black people on a bus
You're actively denouncing the fair and rational treatment of an entire group of people, so actually, you're just being a conservative, stingy old man.
Nor do I think they're inferior to me
You very clearly do.
I disagree with their way of thinking and the acceptance of this thinking
There is no "Way of thinking." Transgenderism is not some typical case of mistaken identity, it's a legitimate problem where an individual is entirely uncomfortable with being their birth sex. They aren't stupid people who can't "Think their way through" this mental condition, it's something that is painful to live with, and there are only so many options available to help them.
So this attempt to try and paint me as a person who's on the same level as those disgusting white supremacists is bullshit
No it isn't. You're literally just stuck on tradition.
You seem to be stuck in this mindset that because I disagree with trans people, I'm advocating their harassment
You're advocating for their exclusion from certain forms of media, which is "Harassment," by some standards. But whatever it is, it's stupid and wrong.
To bully someone who is already suffering is intolerable cruelty
I never said anything about excluding them from society
You're the one bringing that up
Then stop complaining about trans people being in comics.
And yes they do feel better after treatment but the problem is still there
A little more relieved but still a glaring problem, based on regret research and suicide rate
It fixes it in the same way that putting makeup on an insecure girl makes her feel better
Yeah she feels better
But she's the insecurity is still there
Uh, if the insecurity was still there in its entirety, trans people wouldn't bother to undergo the treatments. Clearly it does something.
And I don't have a solution
Perhaps something along the lines of cognitive behavioral therapy
But things like HRT and SRS are stopping the search for a cure because they are deemed the cure
But really, they just ease the pain
Uh, no, I assure you that people are still quite eager to find a biological way to prevent this sort of condition. Until then, you're stuck with HTR and SRS. Get use to it.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:37:26 PM »
They are people and should be treated like people, not outcasts.
Not always a small request when the one asking is also the one defining "fair,"
Transgender people want to be called certain pronouns and use certain bathrooms. Such a tragedy. All they want is to be treated like the gender they feel they identify most accurately as. This isn't a big deal, and they shouldn't really have to be fighting for this.
Why on earth should we take up a mentally-ill person's perception of him/herself?
Do you think all mentally-ill people are incapable of making rational decisions? I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, does that mean I can't think properly, and can't adequately understand my personal feelings about myself?
Not really the point.
It's the entire point, dude.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:21:02 PM »
Like who the flying heck cares if there's a gay or transgender character in a piece of media? It's inexcusable to have a problem with it. Gay and transgender people are a part of our society, and shouldn't be forcibly erased from sources of entertainment because they're different or, as people like to keep harping on, "There's something wrong with them." Understanding that transgenderism can be classified as a mental disease/disorder doesn't speak for the treatment of those afflicted. It'd be like making sure your movie didn't have characters with ADHD, or OCD, or some other random "Defect."

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:14:41 PM »
Are you kidding me
Trans people are accepted in America by the majority
No they aren't. A lot of people are very transphobic, even if they support the cause of transgenderism. That's something people would like to stop, they just want them to be viewed as normal people that aren't some sort of abomination.
It does affect me because it's another piece cog to the machine that will be teaching my children that mental illness is ok
It will be putting in affect laws that affect me and everyone around me
You sound like a white man in the 60s talking about blacks being able to sit next to you on the bus, I'm just saying.
And beyond what it does to me, think of what it does the transgenders out there
I think it is one of the cruelest thing imaginable to promote a destructive mindset instead of getting them the help they need
You seem extraordinarily misinformed about transgenderism and the issues that people face because of it. Even if it is a mental disease, that doesn't mean the people it affects should for some reason be excluded from society in some way. The only known "Cure" to transgenderism seems to be actually acting on the desires of someone who doesn't feel comfortable in their body through HTR and sexual reassignment surgeries. Do you actually think that trans individuals don't try to purge the thought of wanting to be a different sex from their heads? You don't think they try everything imaginable to convince themselves that they're okay the way they are? Until you've conjured up an actual, tangible method that can make someone perfectly comfortable being their birth sex, the options I listed before are the only ones available that seem to do anything.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 06:51:18 PM »
But when you do it with an actual mental disease, it's a different story

Not everyone gets a civil rights movement
Blacks got one
Women got one 
Gays got one
So now any minority claiming victimhood has to have one and if you say different, you're labelled a bigot and casted out of society
Transgender people seem to be more open about their "Condition" (If you want to call it that, I don't really care about the terminology) nowadays, and they are not a very well-accepted part of our society right now, so anything that will ease them into normality is a good thing. Literally all that they're asking is to be treated fairly and as they perceive themselves, and there isn't anything wrong with that. The fact that a comic has incorporated a transgender character isn't a big deal. It really doesn't cause you any inconvenience at all.

The Flood / Re: >tfw Red Skull is redpilled af
« on: May 31, 2016, 06:21:31 PM »
Except you know that this is just the SJWs demanding this shit be shoved in our faces
I mean transgender people want to be and should be treated as "Normal," so it would make sense that eventually, writers would try to incorporate trans characters into comics. Yeah, it might seem weird at first, but eventually it won't be. Remember how it was a huge deal when the first interracial kiss aired on Star Trek? Would anyone care about a black woman and a white man kissing now? Probably not.

Times are just changing for the better.

The Flood / Re: A serious discussion on what it means to be in love
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:03:20 AM »
Nature's method of cozening the human race into reproduction.
Do you appreciate anything for just feeling good, or do you have to have some sort of cold, analytical perspective on even basic human interaction? Love isn't even exclusive to people reproducing, it's not like infertile couples don't love each other. Lighten up, Verb. It's okay to smell flowers and think "Wow, these smell wonderful," without having to criticize how superficial a sense of smell is.
I'm aware of all this. Someone had to make the obligatory cynical comment, so it had to be me.

In a more romantic/intelligent sense, love to me is simply an affection for someone strong enough to where you care more for their health, welfare, emotions, etc. than you do yours. It delights you to see them happy, and it upsets you to see them distraught or depressed. You may consider yourself an imperfect person, but something about them just completes you in some way--and as a result, you have the ability to trust them unconditionally. It's the realization that you no longer have to be alone to endure what you may have considered a cold, shitty, callous world--because now you have a caring person to share all your thoughts and experiences with. They're a reason to wake up in the morning.

Like Sol put it, when you're with them, it's like the whole rest of the world becomes mute, irrelevant.

It's easy to dismiss love as a series of chemical reactions in the brain--but it really is one of the most staggeringly powerful chemical reactions we've come to know (for better or for worse), and that can't be dismissed.
What a surprisingly lovely response.

The Flood / Re: A serious discussion on what it means to be in love
« on: May 31, 2016, 12:12:09 AM »
Nature's method of cozening the human race into reproduction.
Do you appreciate anything for just feeling good, or do you have to have some sort of cold, analytical perspective on even basic human interaction? Love isn't even exclusive to people reproducing, it's not like infertile couples don't love each other. Lighten up, Verb. It's okay to smell flowers and think "Wow, these smell wonderful," without having to criticize how superficial a sense of smell is.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post Things That Would Impress Any Woman.
« on: May 30, 2016, 11:22:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: I hate sponge bob
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:54:31 PM »
You don't like Spongebob?

Give me your fucking lunch money, buckaroo.

The Flood / Re: You can kill one person in history...
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:27:05 PM »
Kill Jesus, end the meme once and for all.
I mean isn't that what started the meme in the first place

Before the magic tricks and stuff. Back when he was a nobody, back when he was just...

Jesus Smith.

The Flood / Re: You can kill one person in history...
« on: May 30, 2016, 04:24:28 PM »
Kill Jesus, end the meme once and for all.

The Flood / Re: Do you kill spiders or let them out
« on: May 27, 2016, 01:45:45 PM »
What's wrong with flies?

flies are pretty scummy and worthless
They vomit on your food.

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