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Messages - Winy

Pages: 1 ... 171819 2021 ... 106
The Flood / Re: It's Happening
« on: June 06, 2016, 05:41:52 PM »
Bun is not for sexual

I personally think it's really unattractive, yeah.

Man, people getting mad salty in this thread.

The Flood / Re: everyone change one word
« on: June 06, 2016, 03:31:35 PM »
Hello faggot, I like to ride my mom all around the town and wave at the friendly people.

Serious / Re: i'm in a major tornado warning
« on: June 06, 2016, 03:13:52 PM »
Don't die.

jasmine is like second worst tbh
How can anyone have taste as awful as yours

The Flood / Re: What name do you think your pet gave you?
« on: June 06, 2016, 01:02:55 PM »
My dog knows that my name is Connor, but my guinea pig probably thinks I'm the sound of a refrigerator opening.

The Flood / Re: the best kids show
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:48:13 AM »
My personal favorite cartoon of all time is Ed Edd n' Eddy.

I even made my own Plank when I was like six, he's still in my room.

The Flood / Re: the best kids show
« on: June 06, 2016, 11:47:30 AM »
danny phantom was pretty dope

really, just go down the list
Fuck yeah, Danny Phantom was my shit.

Sucks that it ended sooner than it should have, they left a few story threads left untold. The second to last episode involved Valery swearing she was going to take revenge on Vlad for using her for most of the series, then boom: The finale was the next episode.

azula is hands down the best avatar character and possibly the greatest animated character of all time

Elsa and Anna literally have the same face model but different hair

If you think Anna is sexy you sort of have to think the same of Elsa
um we're talking about their character, not how "hot" they are

they only hot cartoon is azula
>not Ty Lee
>Not Korra
>Not Asami

Actually die

Elsa and Anna literally have the same face model but different hair

If you think Anna is sexy you sort of have to think the same of Elsa



Tiana > Jasmine > Elsa > Belle > Ariel > Rapunzel > Everyone else

The Flood / Re: Fuck you. Honestly. You know nothing
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:04:18 AM »
Oh my

Is Secondclass for real

The Flood / Re: Retirement plans?
« on: June 05, 2016, 12:38:34 PM »
Really just want to spend that part of my life traveling around the world and seeing as many different cultures and regions as possible. So many cool things to see out there, and I feel like I'm partially wasting my life if I don't go see them for myself.

The Flood / Re: i just smothered my cat
« on: June 04, 2016, 03:59:31 PM »
I wish I wasn't allergic to cats...

The Flood / Re: Opinion on Visual Novels?
« on: June 04, 2016, 11:03:06 AM »
I didn't know that they had VNs that didn't involve siscon fantasies.

The Flood / Re: i just smothered my cat
« on: June 04, 2016, 10:49:15 AM »
Guinea Pig

My dog is the biggest baby ever. He's terrified of any animal significantly smaller than him, including other dogs, and he always hides behind us when one is nearby. Any time I bring my guinea pig near him, he freaks out and runs away. Around dogs his size, though, he acts completely normal and has the time of his life with them. He also has the cutest walk ever, because he doesn't seem to move like most dogs, he trots around like a horse.

Guess I was wrong. I was probably under that impression because you liked the post, signifying that you agreed with it.
Not all of it. I'm not the type of person who's pushing a monumental increase in federal money being dumped into space exploration, because I don't believe it's going to help people very much right now. Things like asteroid mining, dyson spheres, or any of that stuff isn't feasible right now, so I don't advocate for the construction of such things. However, when people (Like you) tell me that all of the money that has been put into researching space was and still is a waste, it upsets me, because that position is grossly wrong. I am happy to share some of the more practical applications that astronomy has lent to technology and engineering, because they aren't obvious.

All you did was give a laundry list of huge projects, each one requiring billions of dollars and thousands of days of work to be even somewhat practical

It was BaconShelf, actually. Please think more carefully before you post next time:

"Space travel and research is a waste of time and money."
the delusion is in thinking that this statement is delusional

>practically infinite free water that's already clean
>Basically infinite fuel sources, be it fusion fuel in gas giants or in lunar dirt, or millions of earth's worth of hydrocarbons on titan
>abundance of rare (andnot rare) earth materials in asteroid belts
>the need for lightweight materials necessitating research in materials development, quantum computing, renewable sources of food and energy and air
>microgravity and climate-controlled environments allow for better crop yields than on earth
>lack of atmosphere allows solar energy to be much more efficient than earthbased measures
>the ability to literally dispose of harmful materials by throwing them into a star or a gasgiant and permanently dispose of them

Also one to appeal to you

>meat being a highly inefficient means of nutrition means anyone living in space wouldn't be eating animals all too often

There's a bunch more I've forgot but I'm on the train right now so eh. The long term benefits outweight the short term disadvantages. Also, I haven't mentioned colonisation once, just something to note. Space travel directly or indirectly spurs the development of sustainable energy and other resources, as well as materials science allowing current manufacturing processes to get cheaper, quicker, less resource-intensive overall.

Plus, it enhances our knowledge of the universe we live in and the rules that make everything work. For me, that's prospect enough.

Except every cent that goes into space exploration research is a cent completely wasted. Defense actually serves a purpose.
I already had this discussion with you some weeks back in another thread. Do I need to explain why you're wrong a second time?
Except you didn't say shit last time. All you did was give a laundry list of huge projects, each one requiring billions of dollars and thousands of days of work to be even somewhat practical
You're mistaking me for another user, because I actually didn't advocate for any of those projects that were listed (Like asteroid mining, or whatever it was). You should clarify things before trying to accuse other people.

Except every cent that goes into space exploration research is a cent completely wasted. Defense actually serves a purpose.
I already had this discussion with you some weeks back in another thread. Do I need to explain why you're wrong a second time?

We need to take all the money that's going into space exploration and put it here.
There is barely any federal money put into space exploration. The NASA budget is 0.5% of the federal budget (Which is already small), but it's not really important, because NASA isn't restricted to research in astronomy, so an even smaller percentage of that money is actually responsible for looking at things in space. Actually, only twenty-two percent of NASA's budget is responsible for space exploration research, so total federal spending comes out to 0.0011%. What a random, minimal area of funding to try to take money from.

You'd be much better off taking a small chunk out of the United States' unnecessarily enormous defense budget.

The right thing to do would be to tell the boyfriend that the girl is trying to cheat on him.
lmao no

the right thing is to walk away, he has no right to get involved in their private business
He actually does. If he has access to the boyfriend's contact info and can save him the trouble of continuing a relationship with a cheater, then he absolutely should tell him. That's information that I would like to be given regardless of how it was obtained.
He actually doesn't. That's between two people, and one of them isn't him.
If your girlfriend was cheating on you, and someone informed you, would you appreciate that they told you? You obviously would, unless you're insane. It really doesn't matter how that information was obtained unless it somehow posed a threat to your safety which, in this case, it doesn't. Saying that it's "Personal business," and therefore you're incapable of intervening is incredibly short-sighted. If you saw someone beating the shit out of a girl in an alley, would you actually turn around and walk away if the guy assaulted her said to you "This is just between me and her, go away?"
Beating up someone and cheating on them aren't comparable.
Debatable, but that really wasn't the point. You have the capacity to stop something immoral, but choosing not to because "It's none of my business." That's flat-out stupid. It becomes your business when you can let someone in a relationship know that the person they're with is trying to cheat on them.

He doesn't.
How can any rational human being possibly have this opinion

The right thing to do would be to tell the boyfriend that the girl is trying to cheat on him.
lmao no

the right thing is to walk away, he has no right to get involved in their private business
He actually does. If he has access to the boyfriend's contact info and can save him the trouble of continuing a relationship with a cheater, then he absolutely should tell him. That's information that I would like to be given regardless of how it was obtained.
He actually doesn't. That's between two people, and one of them isn't him.
If your girlfriend was cheating on you, and someone informed you, would you appreciate that they told you? You obviously would, unless you're insane. It really doesn't matter how that information was obtained unless it somehow posed a threat to your safety which, in this case, it doesn't. Saying that it's "Personal business," and therefore you're incapable of intervening is incredibly short-sighted. If you saw someone beating the shit out of a girl in an alley, would you actually turn around and walk away if the guy assaulted her said to you "This is just between me and her, go away?"

The right thing to do would be to tell the boyfriend that the girl is trying to cheat on him.
lmao no

the right thing is to walk away, he has no right to get involved in their private business
He actually does. If he has access to the boyfriend's contact info and can save him the trouble of continuing a relationship with a cheater, then he absolutely should tell him. That's information that I would like to be given regardless of how it was obtained.

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