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Messages - Winy

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The Flood / Re: What device can you type the fastest on?
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:16:36 AM »
I use to be able to type just as fast on a phone, but only when I had a flip one.

I can't type fast on an iPhone at all.

Gays should get out and stay out

The Flood / Re: Since this site has officially died
« on: July 09, 2016, 09:02:05 AM »
I'm in this list

but how

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:34:17 PM »
they make me feel bad for those animals, but they do not make me feel guilt for eating meat.
You are literally



Paying them to continue to do it. You should feel guilty.
cutting out all food that tastes good from my diet is not easy, sorry.
You've got to have some shit-ass cooking skills if you can't prepare a meal without meat that tastes good.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:30:12 PM »
I guess he just really really hates the meat industry. I just find it hurtful for him to take that out on me because I've known him a long time and respect his intelligence.
I'm not taking anything out on you because it's you, I just have an incredibly low tolerance for stupid bullshit.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:27:20 PM »
maybe it is sub-optimal, but I feel no guilt for eating a delicious piece of chicken, and there's nothing I can do to make myself feel guilt for that.
Go find footage of the inside of a farm ran by Tyson. You'll get your dosage of guilt.
of all the things I do wrong, that's at the very bottom of the list of things I would care about. all human problems, even the tiniest ones, are of more concern than animal problems to me.
And yet you're probably barely active in those departments, too. You literally would just need to cut your consumption of certain kinds of foods. How insanely easy.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:24:19 PM »
Max isn't and never has been an asshole.

He just says a ton of shit I find absolutely ridiculous and misinformed.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:17:03 PM »
Like, I don't really give a shit if you acknowledge that eating meat from factory farms is wrong. If someone says "I know I'm doing something immoral, but I don't have the willpower to stop," then I think, "Okay, you can admit your flaws. Moving on." I don't think my family is a bunch of disgusting pigs with no moral compass because they eat steak sometimes.

But if you get into an argument about it, and actually try to justify it, claiming nothing is wrong, I think you're pretty dense.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 08:08:26 PM »
you're not harshly criticizing my argument, you're harshly criticizing me. that's why I'm upset. saying "hey, this thing you do is psychopathic" is exactly the same as saying "hey, you're a psychopath"
Get over it.
not eating meat isn't healthy or natural.
First off, you should know by now that if you ever have to justify a stance by saying an alternative "Isn't natural," you're probably arguing for something poorly justified. That's the same crap that anti-homosexuality groups try to use to demean gays. Second, people are fully capable of living healthy and complete lives on a vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian diet. In fact, studies show that such a dietary lifestyle is favorable. If you didn't know this, you clearly haven't even tried skimming the surface of researching what a vegan diet involves.
there is no alternative other than taking synthetic pill bullshit to replace it, and that in my opinion is no way to live.
Taking a vitamin B12 supplement is actually going to damper your life that significantly? Give me a break. Did you ever take vitamins when you were a kid? Where you miserable because of it? Of course you weren't, because it's literally of no inconvenience.

The Flood / Re: i start driver's ed today
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:57:58 PM »
Highways don't bug me.

Now, driving in cities? That's fucked.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:21:57 PM »
if you're so damn concerned about empathy, you should care about how what you say makes people feel.
If I'm saying a statement in a completely calm and composed way (Which I am), it's not my problem if you suddenly feel cornered as a result of me harshly criticizing your argument. It surely isn't the first time.
But that doesn't make eating meat immoral, because there's no alternatives.
There are, like, a billion alternatives. Literally any other food. I have much stricter dietary requirements than most people, and if I can pull it off, then everybody else can.
That's capitalism for you. You should attack the industry, not consumers that are forced to buy from it because of monopolies.
You aren't forced to buy it.

Proof: I don't buy it.

The Flood / Re: i start driver's ed today
« on: July 07, 2016, 06:46:27 PM »
Driving is my favorite thing to do, honestly. A nice, long ride with music blasting is basically my definition of heaven.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:28:37 PM »
what ever, the point is the same, you're calling me a psychopath and I don't like it.
I really don't care that you don't like it. I don't like your "Baby murderer" shtick when you try to argue against abortion, but you don't see me crying about it. It doesn't actually have any substance in an argument; show me I'm wrong if you're so convinced that I'm being irrational about the treatment of animals. "I don't like your attitude" is a terrible reason not to try to demonstrate your perspective is better than mine.
you know how you said for people to tell you when you're arguing like an ass again? you're doing it now.
No, I'm not. I haven't insulted you even if you'd like to think I have. I described a ridiculous and psychotic mentality ("If it's dumb, it doesn't deserve to be treated ethically") as exactly what it is; psychotic. The only reason anybody would say I'm arguing like an ass right now is because I'm challenging basically the entire fabric of conventional dietary habits in most countries, which is an inconvenience to you- But it's an appropriate reason to argue and demean the practices of an industry.

Factory farms literally suck huge, smelly ass.

The Flood / Re: Do you use sunglasses?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:16:34 PM »
My job and daily life involves having to stare in the direction of the Sun, so I need them.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ, what the fuck...
« on: July 07, 2016, 03:11:05 PM »
For what fucking purpose Master Chief

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 07, 2016, 05:46:28 AM »
being called psychotic for holding a common ordinary ethical stance is something I would take as an insult.
Who cares? Slavery use to be the literal backbone of American agriculture, and right now, are you telling me that the belief you can own another human being isn't deplorable and "Insane?" The fact that something is a "Common" belief doesn't mean anything, plenty of times throughout history we can now see the majority of people were wrong about things.
there's a lot of opposing ethical stances I could describe as psychotic, but I don't because it's simply a prick move, and it's not accurate because people don't hold those views out of psychosis. you know this. people who eat meat and don't feel bad about it aren't psychotic, to say so is stupid, ignorant, and judgmental.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said "If you eat meat, you're a psychopath," I said if you think that intelligence is a legitimately smart way to judge whether or not you can torture something for your convenience, then you're a psychopath. And that's exactly what you were just trying to pass off as rational.

The Flood / Re: remixes which are better than the original
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:41:01 PM »

this is p. garbage fam
You are entitled to your opinion

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:01:59 PM »
If you want to discuss this, don't insult me. I thought we were done with that years ago.
I didn't insult you. I said that if you actually believe lower intelligence is a justification for inflicting pain, then you're a psychopath. That is a psychotic mentality.

The Flood / Re: remixes which are better than the original
« on: July 06, 2016, 03:10:42 PM »


The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:31:47 AM »
I have all the empathy in the world, but not for animals that aren't even aware of their own existence. In fact, by definition you can't have empathy for unintelligent animals. Empathy is to place oneself in another person's shoes, but you can't do that with an animal because they aren't conscious. You can't imagine what it would be like to be a cow because cows don't experience things in the same way we do.
Go stab yourself with a knife and then tell me how it feels. Did you like it? No, of course you didn't. The cow doesn't, either. It has nothing to do with the fact that animals are "Dumber" than people, they're still capable of feeling distress and pain to an extent that absolutely warrants prevention, especially when your excuse is as miserable as "But they taste good!" You're a psychopath if you think that because somebody or something is less intelligent than you are, you have more of a right to inflict suffering onto them.
If you're going to say it's wrong to eat chicken, than it's also wrong to step on ants. But living like that is absurd, because every day you'd be killing various animals unintentionally no matter what you do.
They aren't even remotely comparable, because insects do not feel pain in a way that's comparable to animal senses.

Pls no conflict we can all talk without fighting

The Flood / Re: post your favourite "mainstream" music
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:42:37 PM »
I mean, Learn to Fly by the Foo Fighters is one of my favorite songs of all time, and the Foo Fighters are my favorite band.

I'd say they're very mainstream rock.

Don't be mean

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:16:00 PM »


See, when someone says "I know eating meat from factory farms is wrong, and I admit that," it's one thing. I can respect somebody who acknowledges what they're doing something immoral, but they don't have the drive to stop. But when someone just says, "Heh it's a cow, I don't give a fuck," that's when I get legitimately upset with somebody. That's psychotic, and because you base that belief on Christianity and having "Dominion" over animals, it's another reason why I think religion is supah bad.

Like, you're just causing a bunch of things pain, but don't care at all. That's what bothers me. You have no empathy.

The Flood / Re: recent changes in your philosophical outlooks?
« on: July 05, 2016, 12:11:09 PM »
I can't really say I've had any big ones recently.

I've been largely pescatarian for the past two months, but that's just because I got the willpower to make significant changes in my diet; I already had the view that it was wrong to buy into the meat industry long before that.

You generally don't know- That's sort of the point of science. Exploring ideas and phenomena that didn't seem to have any appreciable effects on peoples' lives have and will continue to lead to new and practical discoveries. The entire point of science is to be curious about the world and figure out how it works. People then see what sorts of practical applications you can get out of it, but sometimes you look in areas that don't deliver, and that's okay. Maybe you do find something useful, but it doesn't actually prove itself to be useful for many hundreds of years. That's okay, too. Many people throughout history died not knowing the impact their work would have on the future.

I would never discourage curiosity because I think that's a terrible thing to do. People are curious about the universe and a lot of people find some inspiration in the sense of wonder that it carries to understand more about where we exist and how we got here. When you do things like this, you can give new knowledge to the public, and sometimes that knowledge clicks right in the minds of a group of kids and they decide they want to learn more about things, too. Maybe one gets interested in biology just at the thought of "Wow, look at what these scientists did!" and becomes a doctor, or one gets the next Nobel prize in physics. You can't know with things like this, but when you set out to learn about anything and that knowledge inspires thought, I don't think it's a bad investment.

Just if someone's looking for figures, NASA's budget accounts for less than half of a percent of federal spending (0.486%), and only about one-fifth of NASA's expenses actually go into space exploration and research. That's 0.0972% of federal spending, which is just... Really not a lot. There are other areas of government spending that I would target first if I'm going on a hunt for "Wastes of money," but that's just how I view it.

Space exploration isn't the most practical thing in the world, I know that (At least, not yet). But I do get upset when people try to pass it off as a total waste of money that has no benefits at all. That's just not true, if you ask me.

The Flood / Re: The Conjuring 2 was insanely good.
« on: July 05, 2016, 05:31:03 AM »
The bit where they have to turn around and the girl slowly morphs into the old man out of focus was well done and creepy
Yeah, I thought this was a really clever piece of cinematography.
FUCK that painting scene.
Literally the scariest thing I've ever seen.

The Flood / Re: The Conjuring 2 was insanely good.
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:08:34 PM »
was it better than the babadook
I didn't think that the Babadook was honestly that good, but take what I say with a grain of salt- I watched that movie in a pretty inconsistent way because it was on while I was at a party. But even as someone who really doesn't get into horror movies, I think this is a great one to go see in theaters with your friends just to have the shit scared out of you. Even barring the horror elements, the film was genuinely interesting and enjoyable.

Usually horror films are awful at developing characters so that you actually feel concerned when they're in danger, and when someone dies, I just don't care. But this entire film, any time someone was at risk, I was legitimately upset at the thought of something happening to them.

The Flood / The Conjuring 2 was insanely good.
« on: July 04, 2016, 07:00:48 PM »
Has anybody else seen it? I'm not the biggest fan of horror movies, but this one was honestly amazing in every way. It was terrifying, but it had a good story, great characters, and I actually felt invested in what was going on. I never saw the first one, but now that I know how good this was and considering people speak even higher about the original, I definitely want to see it.

It's mistakes like this--and I'm just ONE example--that separate the good parents from the bad parents. Good parents don't exist because the mistakes that parents make, no matter how small, can lead to catastrophic results. Even if your child ended up happy and successful in adulthood, that doesn't make you a good parent. It makes you lucky.
I don't believe that the entirety of whether or not parents can be said to have properly raised their child is determined by luck. At least, not primarily. Sure, there are some influences and facets of life that can't be controlled, even by parents who sincerely place the well-being of their child above all else, but I still don't think that making the blanket statement "All parents are bad" is accurate. A parent who has done everything possible to ensure their kids live healthy and happy lives is doing, as far as the term "Parenting" goes, as "Good" a job as could ever be asked of them.

My issue with the original statement was that it's redundant to say, from either his or your perspective (I don't know how closely they align), "Good parents do not exist." The root of that idea, where you say that because they had kids, they are bad parents, doesn't follow. If you're a parent, you've already brought a child into existence, so the original moral quandary about the ethics of creating a new person are thrown out the door. You can say you're a bad person for having a kid, but you can't say, when they're born, that the parents are somehow "Bad" at parenting. Parenting is the process of raising someone, not making the decision to birth them.

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