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Messages - Winy

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The Flood / Re: Flood Sexuality Survey
« on: September 13, 2015, 12:49:19 PM »
I sexually Identify as a ghost pirate. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of sailing the undead seas searching for the afterlife of dave jones' locker . People say to me that a person being a ectoplasmic-sea captain is Impossible and I'm fucking retarded but I don't care, I'm sp00ky. I'm having an ethereal cutlass created, a 17th century french sloop and a ghostly crew of shanty singers bought. From now on I want you guys to call me "deadbeard" and respect my right to kill rival poltergeist and photonically phase my being into the next realm . If you can't accept me you're a phantom-buccaneerphobe and need to check your undead-aquatic privilege. Thank you for being so understanding matey.

"If you don't drink beer then you're a fucking pussy"
I have maybe one beer every couple days. That is my own "empty calories" that I eat between all my other meals. Do you know how many calories is in a can of guinness draught? 120. Sit the fuck down and shut up, you just lost.
You just made a thread about whether or not it was unhealthy to have a beer every day.

"If you don't drink beer then you're a fucking pussy"

The Flood / Re: If you don't drink beer then you're a fuckin pussy
« on: September 13, 2015, 10:26:40 AM »
Being jacked > Alcohol

The Flood / Re: Anime tunes you like
« on: September 12, 2015, 07:01:29 PM »
The opening to Gurren Lagann is pretty damn awesome.

The Flood / Re: Is having a beer a day unhealthy?
« on: September 12, 2015, 02:09:32 PM »
Alcohol isn't good for you in any way.

I doubt it will be detrimental, but Beer has no nutritional value besides carbs, and they aren't particularly good carbs.

The Flood / Re: What is the most Romantic thing you have done?
« on: September 12, 2015, 12:01:06 PM »
Not sure, I tend to do small romantic things spaced out here and there with my girlfriend. I'll sometimes run out and get her a random gift, just because I want to make her happy. She tells me not to do it, and that it's totally unnecessary, but I get enjoyment out of doing little things for her every so often. I've got some plans for surprising her by coming home early this upcoming weekend, though.

Gaming / Re: what are feats you're proud of doing in games?
« on: September 11, 2015, 04:08:49 PM »
Sonic 2 is fucking hard at the end.

The Flood / Re: random question
« on: September 11, 2015, 04:07:40 PM »
ah okay then I'm an introvert I suppose. I don't have a problem with people and can talk to them just fine its just my preference to be independent and by myself but on the same hand when I do socialize with people I try to aviod personal relationships mainly because I find it difficult to express empathy towards anyone really.
An inability to express empathy isn't really a problem of introversion, as far as I know...

The Flood / Re: You know what's fucking stupid?
« on: September 11, 2015, 04:03:24 PM »
I think it goes like this:

Your body generates heat that dissipates much easier at lower temperatures. It's also important to note that your core temperature is something like ninety-eight degrees, but your skin temperature isn't. That's about fifteen degrees cooler, on average (If I remember this right). Anyway, heat can only move from hotter to cooler environments, so when your body temperature and the outside temperature are the same, the excess heat that your body generates doesn't really have anywhere to go.

The Flood / Re: random question
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:51:10 PM »
After doing a bit of reading, it looks to me like people APD are significantly more prone to feelings of being unwanted, or feeling lonely. It's not as general as a preference of solitude, like somebody who identifies as an introvert. Introverts, if they actually do qualify to be called that, are fine being on their own, and actually receive satisfaction from their time away from people (Not to say that they don't enjoy people, they just very much like independent ways of being entertained), whereas somebody with ADP actually suffers from their own avoidance of socialization. Basically, introverts are fine being alone, people with the disorder are not.

Serious / Re: There's a political test which calculates your bias
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:37:02 PM »
I left the page by accident.

All I remember it said I got a higher score than 75% of other people who've taken the test.

Don't remember how many I got right.

Find out who did it then get red chalk and draw a pentagram and 666 in front of their dorm/locker/house.
This would be pretty funny tbh lads

The Flood / Re: Thinking of Making a 9/11 joke for internet points?
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:17:50 PM »
9/11 was horrendous and a tragedy, but I don't care that people make jokes about it. There are equally, and countless more terrible things that have happened throughout the course of human history, and people freely make jokes about them without objections from anybody. Time goes on, and people will move away from sensitivity towards the events. People who make jokes about things like this, when you really get down to it, almost always acknowledge the true horror of what happened, but they don't want to focus on that. Most of the humor from this type of a joke comes from the irony; it's such a completely unfunny and morbid thing to think about, that the idea of making a joke out of it is funny in and of itself.

The Flood / Re: You can only eat at one fast food restaurant for life
« on: September 10, 2015, 11:00:44 PM »
Five Guys cause muh soda machines and muh fries
Does Five Guys count as "Fast food?"

The Flood / Re: You can only eat at one fast food restaurant for life
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:59:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: Give me some dank memes to spam my ex with.
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:56:23 PM »
That's stupid.


The Flood / Re: You can only eat at one fast food restaurant for life
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:55:38 PM »
Can I not eat there?

Fast food is almost universally terrible.

Serious / Re: English should be the primary language of the US.
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:54:40 PM »
I support the idea that US citizens should have at least a moderate grasp of English, but I would never argue it be necessary, or push for an "Official" language of the country. Like others have said, that wouldn't actually do anything beyond make a statement nobody is obligated to follow. My summer job is at a family-owned picnic area/waterslides, and as someone who needs to communicate with customers frequently (Parking instructions, questions, etc), it's frustrating when the people in the car have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. It should be expected.

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:20:14 PM »
There are no facts that support the concept of morality being anything more than subjective.
The point is that there are if you can identify the best definition of morality.
I think this sentence made all of your previous posts make sense to me.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:30:50 PM »
I also showed you a video on thermite reactions to compare it to the image. It looks pretty similar. Perhaps thermite charges were placed around key points in the buildings structure?

The "motherfucking plane on fire" as you so eloquently put it could have ignited the thermite.
You posted a fucking still-framed image of sparks coming out of a burning building that had just been hit with an airliner.


Timestamp says 9:52am on the image. The planes hit at 9:03am. This was a good 55 minutes after the planes hit.
Pretty sure long after a plane impact, let alone under an hour, various things can continue to break, bend, spark, and cripple under the stress of the impact and damage. This is a plane we're talking about. A 767, filled with electronics, fuel, and various other flammable substances, crashing into a building filled with wires, things with wires, and mechanical parts. You have zero experience with this type of forensics. It's completely out of your league. It's out of mine, too, but I'm very sure that every materials scientist or chemist would be blowing their load at the sight of these pictures if it was so obviously the work of thermite. I'm pretty sure you're just messing with me, honestly.

I'm not saying that it was thermite, but it looks like it. Did you even watch the video I posted? Thermite burns for a long, long time if it has a lot of metal to eat through.

And yeah, no, I'm not messing with you. So sorry for having a different perspective.
Your perspective is ridiculous, and it's incredibly easy to demonstrate why. You don't very likely don't "Know a little about thermite reactions" anymore than any other person in this thread. What credentials do you have? Are you a chemist? A materials scientist? And how could you possibly support such a ridiculous idea that nobody else, specifically experts in the fields required to analyze this type of destruction, seems to be a proponent of?

Your supposedly fantastic and convincing video shows a chemical reaction where, big surprise, something burns for an extended period of time. So would a building and the various different materials in it that just got rammed into by a 150-ton fuselage of jet fuel and electronics. Playing "Devil's advocate" doesn't negate that what you're saying is beyond stupid, and you are continuing to defend it.

It was already debunked and I stopped defending it, so you can just go ahead and kindly drop it, thanks.

It was debunked on the first page.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 06:22:26 PM »
I also showed you a video on thermite reactions to compare it to the image. It looks pretty similar. Perhaps thermite charges were placed around key points in the buildings structure?

The "motherfucking plane on fire" as you so eloquently put it could have ignited the thermite.
You posted a fucking still-framed image of sparks coming out of a burning building that had just been hit with an airliner.


Timestamp says 9:52am on the image. The planes hit at 9:03am. This was a good 55 minutes after the planes hit.
Pretty sure long after a plane impact, let alone under an hour, various things can continue to break, bend, spark, and cripple under the stress of the impact and damage. This is a plane we're talking about. A 767, filled with electronics, fuel, and various other flammable substances, crashing into a building filled with wires, things with wires, and mechanical parts. You have zero experience with this type of forensics. It's completely out of your league. It's out of mine, too, but I'm very sure that every materials scientist or chemist would be blowing their load at the sight of these pictures if it was so obviously the work of thermite. I'm pretty sure you're just messing with me, honestly.

I'm not saying that it was thermite, but it looks like it. Did you even watch the video I posted? Thermite burns for a long, long time if it has a lot of metal to eat through.

And yeah, no, I'm not messing with you. So sorry for having a different perspective.
Your perspective is ridiculous, and it's incredibly easy to demonstrate why. You very likely don't "Know a little about thermite reactions" anymore than any other person in this thread. What credentials do you have? Are you a chemist? A materials scientist? And how could you possibly support such a ridiculous idea that nobody else, specifically experts in the fields required to analyze this type of destruction, seems to be a proponent of?

Your supposedly fantastic and convincing video shows a chemical reaction where, big surprise, something burns for an extended period of time. So would a building and the various different materials in it that just got rammed into by a 150-ton fuselage of jet fuel and electronics. Playing "Devil's advocate" doesn't negate that what you're saying is beyond stupid, and you are continuing to defend it.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 02:08:00 PM »
I also showed you a video on thermite reactions to compare it to the image. It looks pretty similar. Perhaps thermite charges were placed around key points in the buildings structure?

The "motherfucking plane on fire" as you so eloquently put it could have ignited the thermite.
You posted a fucking still-framed image of sparks coming out of a burning building that had just been hit with an airliner.


Timestamp says 9:52am on the image. The planes hit at 9:03am. This was a good 55 minutes after the planes hit.
Pretty sure long after a plane impact, let alone under an hour, various things can continue to break, bend, spark, and cripple under the stress of the impact and damage. This is a plane we're talking about. A 767, filled with electronics, fuel, and various other flammable substances, crashing into a building filled with wires, things with wires, and mechanical parts. You have zero experience with this type of forensics. It's completely out of your league. It's out of mine, too, but I'm very sure that every materials scientist or chemist would be blowing their load at the sight of these pictures if it was so obviously the work of thermite. I'm pretty sure you're just messing with me, honestly.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:50:36 PM »
I also showed you a video on thermite reactions to compare it to the image. It looks pretty similar. Perhaps thermite charges were placed around key points in the buildings structure?

The "motherfucking plane on fire" as you so eloquently put it could have ignited the thermite.
You posted a fucking still-framed image of sparks coming out of a burning building that had just been hit with an airliner.


Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:35:16 PM »
I'm pretty sure anything would fall apart if a few planes hit it.

Yeah, though this image does look like the workings of thermite

An airliner smashed into a building. It caused everything in its relative impact area to set on fire, melt, or incinerate, and that's a pretty broad "Similarity" for suspicion of some government organization carefully placing thermite in the structure of a who-knows-how-many floor skyscraper. Pretty sure, of all chemicals to assist in the destruction of the World Trader Center, thermite would not be a good pick. Your armchair forensics aren't exactly impressive.
I have first hand experience with thermite, and those red-hot spark things in that image above do kind of look like that kind of reaction...

The stuff melts and destabilizes the shit out of metal.
You know what it looks like to me?

A fucking 767 flew into a building. That might cause, god forbid, some things to spark.

Serious / Re: Your thoughts on 9/11
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:03:46 PM »
I'm pretty sure anything would fall apart if a few planes hit it.

Yeah, though this image does look like the workings of thermite

An airliner smashed into a building. It caused everything in its relative impact area to set on fire, melt, or incinerate, and that's a pretty broad "Similarity" for suspicion of some government organization carefully placing thermite in the structure of a who-knows-how-many floor skyscraper. Pretty sure, of all chemicals to assist in the destruction of the World Trader Center, thermite would not be a good pick. Your armchair forensics aren't exactly impressive.

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 09, 2015, 05:30:52 PM »
Why does this still not make sense to me.
Think of it this way:

We get facts from physics, not because we actually study reality (which you realise when looking at the philosophy), but because we have defined physics in such a way as to yield useful results about the world we find ourselves in. We acquire knowledge by defining the terms of our study and then drawing conclusions.

Think of it like a filter that you put sentences into, then apply an algorithm which then yields a binary result of either "True" or "False".

We argue it's the same as morality. We simply have to identify the best definition of morality, and thus the facts will follow.

I plan on doing a post on epistemology and truth, however, just to elucidate on how definitions fit into the whole scheme of things.
I believe you drawing parallels to studying the not-so-real "realities" of physics was the closest I've come to completely understanding this. I think I might have a grasp, at least mostly, but the way I'm thinking still sees there to be a division between "truths" found through mathematics and physics, and those found in something like moral codes. Can you expand on that?

Serious / Re: Is morality objective?
« on: September 09, 2015, 04:21:12 PM »
Why does this still not make sense to me.

This is one of those conceptual situations in my head where all that needs to happen is for one "Click" of a connection to happen, and the entirety of this argument will be completely understood by me. But that click isn't happening, and it's pissing me off. It's like not getting a mathematical idea until you've been presented it just the right way for it to be perfectly sensible.

Fucking hell.

Britbongs yay

The Flood / Re: Why did cartoon network become such shit?
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:54:32 AM »
Chowder was the beginning of Cartoon Network's downfall.
oh no bro chowder was a good show
Chowder was fucking hysterical.

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