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Messages - Winy

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The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:59:20 PM »
Oh, I didn't know that this was happening elsewhere.

That's fucking stupid.
that makes, like, two or three things you didn't realize
That's because the only time I've really heard about this was when it happened on my campus, which was four days ago (I think maybe three). And the only instance of it happening was in a very public place on my campus at like 9:00, so it wasn't like the person wasn't close to a residence hall, or not within fifty feet of another student.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:55:42 PM »
This goes beyond a college prank. It's a nationwide thing and people are doing it everywhere from subdivisions to apartment complexes. If you can't accept that legal action should be taken towards scumbags trying to give nonconsenting bystanders panic attacks, you should at least accept that it's an immoral thing to do.
Oh, I didn't know that this was happening elsewhere.

That's fucking stupid.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:51:19 PM »
It's harassment, pure and simple. People who go to haunted houses filled with this shit want to be scared. Someone walking from class to class at 10pm, you don't know if he's brave, timid, stable, or unstable. Going out of your way to strike terror into random strangers is always immoral, whether it's October or February. They should be arrested.
There are circumstances where someone should be arrested for pulling this sort of prank, I agree. Some of the dumb shit on Youtube where someone busts into a room with a fake chainsaw and rushes an unsuspecting person is beyond retarded, and there should be legal action taken. That goes beyond a joke, and becomes near-assault.

But the legal system needs to raise its standards if they believe some goofball on a college campus yelling at a random person walking around a bunch of residence buildings is worthy of an arrest. Everyone on this campus was basically celebrating the "Clown sighting" we had a few days ago. Everyone wanted to be a part of this big, dumb game. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be consequences, but legitimate legal action is more than likely excessive given the incidents I'm hearing the most about.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:43:00 PM »
And there's nothing wrong with being a timid person. Being unable to sleep out of sheer terror from the memory of the clown you saw gesturing toward you from the edge of the woods isn't "harmless". This is happening in more places than college campuses, but even it if weren't, it would still be bad. No one has the right to scare you without your consent.

People attacking the clowns are going too far, but police action should definetely be taken.
The extent of "Police action" being taken should be "Hey, buddy, stop dressing up as a clown and scaring people." Not arresting someone. There are circumstances where this can be done with some degree of appropriateness, although I have no doubt there are many others where this is just an awful idea. Some deserted bike path? Bad place to do this. Public college campus, relatively close to people and near various buildings? I would be hard-pressed to argue any sort of legitimate legal action should be taken. Maybe a meeting with the dean of students or some basic, inconsequential talking-to.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:32:41 PM »

For dressing as a clown.


The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:31:41 PM »
No one should be forced to "get into the spirit" of a holiday that revolves around fear. Some people fucking hate fear, and that's reasonable and should be respected.

People partaking in this clown craze should be arrested for disturbing the peace.
"Disturbing the peace?" Give me a break. On a college campus, of all places, nobody has any right to hurt someone just because they're dressed as a clown and maybe jumping out at people when they walk past some bushes, or just standing eerily along a footpath. If the person dressed as a clown runs up and physically threatens an individual (Grabs them, rushes at them with any sort of weapon, etc), then that's just plain stupid- And the use of violence as a means of defense is understandable. The blame then falls on the person pulling the prank. But this dumb craze can be appropriately handled and regulated as harmless fun in the hands of people who aren't idiots.

Unless there are any reasonable suspicions that an individual has a right to harm someone, nothing should be done. Scare a few people, who cares? If you can't laugh that sort of thing off, you're too timid of a person.

The Flood / Re: Now that the dust has settled
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:24:35 PM »
5 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:17:55 PM »
I mean apparently kids have reported that some clowns were trying to lure them into the woods
Oh, that's pretty fucked up, actually.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 08:16:53 PM »
As far as I know, it's just a bunch of people dressing up as clowns to fuck with everyone (Which, honestly, I think is hysterical).
Being scared out of your mind in the middle of the night is just so funny
It absolutely is, as long as nobody is getting hurt. If some goofball wants to dress up as a clown and spook some kids on a college campus, let them. It's near Halloween, so people should expect that some get a little more into the spirit of the holiday than others. Harmless fun that you're easily going to laugh at in the future.

People nowadays are way too paranoid, and way too sensitive.

EDIT: Apparently, some of the people dressed as clowns have gotten the shit beat out of them. That's pretty fucking stupid, people need to relax.

The Flood / Re: the best verse in rap
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:07:43 PM »
I made somethin' out of nothin', Sean Don the magician
She doin' tricks with her pussy, I guess she's a vagician

- Logic

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 01:05:50 PM »
As far as I know, it's just a bunch of people dressing up as clowns to fuck with everyone (Which, honestly, I think is hysterical). There was a "Clown Sighting" on my campus like four days ago, and a horde of students were gathered in a mob at 11:30 with baseball bats and random blunt instruments because they were going hunting for him/her.

The Flood / Re: Some of you guys are weird as fuck
« on: October 04, 2016, 09:40:21 PM »
We're all weird in our own terrible, special ways.

The Flood / Re: Handwriting Thread
« on: October 04, 2016, 06:55:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: New picture thread
« on: October 04, 2016, 12:55:20 PM »
I was actually gonna ask if it was a Frogfoot, but I was confused as to why you had Sukhois where you were.

That's pretty lame on his part.

But all's fair in love and war, y'know?
I don't buy into that saying.
I don't really either, but there are circumstances where scummy things need to happen in order for two people to end up together. I'm not siding with Jive's friend, I'd never do something like what he's doing, but at the risk of sounding like an ass, there's always a possibility that it'd be for the best. Incredibly unlikely, but hypothetically possible.

The Flood / Re: New picture thread
« on: October 04, 2016, 11:37:07 AM »
What plane is that behind you?

That's pretty lame on his part.

But all's fair in love and war, y'know?

The Flood / Re: New picture thread
« on: October 04, 2016, 11:20:19 AM »
Something like this


Almost got me, just because I didn't know what I was getting into.
Thoughts on the other one? If you've watched it, that is.


If you're willing to spare five minutes.


To be fair, AddictingGames was awesome.

Gaming / Re: How do you guys feel about voiced vs. silent protagonists?
« on: October 02, 2016, 05:43:00 PM »
I honestly prefer to have a character that's written with some depth, but I can imagine many circumstances where that isn't necessary, and a silent, self-insert protagonist is fine. If the game is heavy on storytelling, then I'd like for the main character to be as well, because I can't imagine it being easy to create a game world where everyone besides you is interacting with the story and voicing themselves. But in some goofy, non-serious game like Mario, or Sonic? You don't need to give them some extravagant, complex character, they're just an avatar to have fun as.

I've honestly never seen someone try to justify a bad game's quality with this statement.
This is an old thread, but I just had the conversation with someone the other day. I said that Smash 64 kinda sucked, and someone was like, "How can you say that? WIthout 64, there would be no Melee."
Maybe they're looking at it from the perspective of the significance or importance of the game, instead of how good it necessarily is. Instead of taking the statement to mean "It doesn't play well," it's interpreted as "Everything about this game, and anything it spawned, is bad." And that's inaccurate, because if you say "Smash 64 is bad," it should be assumed that you mean the actual game itself, not its importance in the history of a gaming franchise- But I can see how it might be misinterpreted.

I've honestly never seen someone try to justify a bad game's quality with this statement.

The Flood / Re: what's gunna be your Halloween costume?
« on: October 01, 2016, 11:52:18 PM »

Do you like memes?

The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: September 30, 2016, 04:40:44 PM »
it's still not a word i'd use to describe anyone other than bodybuilders,
That's perfectly acceptable, I'm just pointing out that, like many other elements of language, the meaning of certain words is very dynamic and applies differently depending on context, environment, and culture. In this circumstance, I've been a part of the "Lifting community" for many years now, have interacted with so many different people of different body types, and have just come to understand what certain words mean to the people who are most experienced with critiquing and understanding this type of body morphology.

You can say you're a "Good person" for doing x activity, but of course, one person can do something exponentially more good than another, but still just be called a "Good person." Each statement still stands as correct, but it must be understood that there are varying degrees of "Good." It's the same with body descriptions. You have to specify in regards to what you are basing your judgements. And, considering most people will judge physiques based on standards, the casual definition of "Jacked" isn't as high and mighty as you think for most people- It's just "Guy with reasonably big muscles." It isn't a word with an objective meaning. There's very little pride in the term for me.

It's just a nice complement, it doesn't make me swell up with confidence and think I'm some king of the gym. And it's a silly thing to cause a fuss over, I just feel the need to explain to you why that word is used the way it is.

The Flood / Re: Who's the hottest male on all of sep7agon?
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:34:59 PM »
I'm like the worst person you could ask

muscles are muscles to me
i don't know, "stacked" just seems like a grossly hyperbolic word to aggrandize yourself with

ronnie coleman is stacked--winypit82 is not stacked
The word, if I remember right, was actually "Jacked," which, by most conventional and casual uses of it that I've heard, describes me pretty accurately. I wouldn't argue that I fit the category of "Jacked" if I wasn't repeatedly called it by various people over the course of the past few years. That was a classification other people gave to me. The thing about single-word descriptions of physiques is that it's somewhat fluent in how the word can be applied, depending on how frequently you encounter people with bigger and/or more muscular builds.

There is no single, objective definition of a casually-used word in the world of muscly body types, but if many, many people say "You are jacked" to me, then the word tends to stick. I think you're overestimating the kind of body that's needed to be off-handedly referred to as that word. It typically just describes someone with much bigger muscles than average, so you can apply it to a big range of people. It's not as hyperbolic as you'd lend yourself to believe, and that's partially because you aren't particularly immersed in gym culture and terminology. The word isn't a huge compliment.
But this is a goofy thing to argue over, the word used to describe what my body looks like to most people isn't all that important.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else see the new season of South Park?
« on: September 30, 2016, 03:09:36 PM »
I haven't watched any of the new episodes, I actually sort of fell of with South Park after whatever season had "Medicinal Fried Chicken," and the parody of the Jonas Brothers. That was while I was in sixth grade, although when some of the older episodes ran on TV, I would watch them when the opportunity came up. I think part of why I've lost interest in the show is that, while the comedy was always partially dependent on parodying things going on in the world at the time, the show has actually become too politically charged for me to enjoy it. I might just not be giving enough of a chance, but once the show steered away from being more "Just a bunch of dumb kids doing stupid things," and more towards having a structured agenda, it lost its charm to me.

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