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Messages - Winy

Pages: 1 ... 717273 7475 ... 106
Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:30:57 PM »
the less government intervention in the market the freer the people

if that helps
Not sure how I feel about that. I've never really given it much thought.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:29:54 PM »
Clone Wars was suppose to be nine seasons, right? If I read correctly, it was going to extend into and a little beyond the ROTS chronology, which would've been fucking amazing. The Clone Wars would've depicted Anakin's fall to the dark side ten times better than the movies did.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:23:19 PM »
Ayo. How about that motherfucking Rebels episode tho. I really didn't expect Gregor to come back.
I thought their choices for returning clones was kind of weird, save Rex obviously. Wouldn't Jesse have made more sense? For one of them? And how did Rex even get into contact with Gregor?

And... Why Wolfe? Don't get me wrong, Wolfe is cool, but why? I don't remember them ever interacting that much.
Yeah.. It didn't really make sense. I'm pretty sure a lot of them were just dead or worn out. Remember, Rex and so on are basically "retired" on the planet. They've been thrown away by the Imperials. They never actually stopped fighting for the Empire. They aren't traitors. They were soldiers until their use was over.

So that means at one point and time, Gregor was found and put back into the Republic military.
I know they still served, but we really don't know to what extent Fives' warning managed to convince other clones of what was going on. I mean, if Gregor and Wolfe believed it, then Jesse had to have, considering how close he was with Fives. Like you said, they might have just died between TCW and Rebels, but it just bugs me.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:21:23 PM »
i feel pretty successful being the farthest right person in this thread
But that's evil
the freer the market the freer the people
I have shit knowledge on economics so I'm under-qualified to answer those sorts of questions.

But I put "Agree" to that.
Interesting. That would kind of go against what your compass says and what I've gathered off of you based on your posts. But I don't really know your beliefs enough to say for sure.
In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure I understand what the phrase means.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:18:11 PM »
i feel pretty successful being the farthest right person in this thread
But that's evil
the freer the market the freer the people
I have shit knowledge on economics so I'm under-qualified to answer those sorts of questions.

But I put "Agree" to that.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:16:59 PM »
Ayo. How about that motherfucking Rebels episode tho. I really didn't expect Gregor to come back.
I thought their choices for returning clones was kind of weird, save Rex obviously. Wouldn't Jesse have made more sense? For one of them? And how did Rex even get into contact with Gregor?

And... Why Wolfe? Don't get me wrong, Wolfe is cool, but why? I don't remember them ever interacting that much.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:14:21 PM »
How about Darth Maul, are you not excited to see what they might do with him?

Please god, no more Savage Oppress bullshit.
Savage is dead, bruh

I just want to know what happened to Maul after Son of Dathomir.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Mega Thread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:12:39 PM »
lol Sabine has no neck in that first shit in the preview.

The Flood / Re: My Little Pony Megathread
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:09:29 PM »
Winy is having some vivid flashbacks of whacking it to Fluttershy.
Winy jerked it to Rarity though.
Yeah, if you're gonna bust me for having been a Brony, at least get my favorite one right.

Fucking losers.

Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 11:08:07 PM »
i feel pretty successful being the farthest right person in this thread
But that's evil

Serious / Re: Political Compass Test
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:46:18 PM »

Same as last time.

The Flood / Re: My Little Pony Megathread
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:38:22 PM »

The Flood / Re: My Little Pony Megathread
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:33:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: Has anyone read the new comic issue for star wars?
« on: October 20, 2015, 10:28:15 PM »
I try to keep up with the Vader comics, but none of the other ones. I rely on people posting their scans in /co/ threads to read them, so I'm definitely behind. Last comic I read was Palpatine intervening after Vader fought against those imitation-Jedi who mimicked the force with neurotechnology, or something.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:43:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:28:06 PM »
well, he's a religious nut, isn't he

so he probably would take issue with the whole transgender thing
Panzie? I don't think he's very religious at all. He's just a dick about sexual identity labels.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:27:12 PM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake
Cindy is trans?
i mean, i guess

heard it on the grapevine, and she hasn't denied it, so *shrug*

not that it matters
There was a confession and week long drama on Bungle about it.
Uh, not really. There wasn't any drama.
Bob and panzie.
Wait I used to like Panzie what happened I wanna hear this delicious drama
I have no real issues with Panzie other than the fact that his opinions on transgendered people are... Kind of nasty. He's very intolerant of the idea that they want to be called a different gender than you'd assume based on their biological sex. Sapphire, one of the older members from Bungle, wanted to be called a girl, but Panzie refused to do it because she hadn't undergone surgery and HRT.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:22:24 PM »
I thought we'd banned Bob by the time Cindy came out as trans, but clearly I don't remember it that well.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:21:40 PM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake
Cindy is trans?
i mean, i guess

heard it on the grapevine, and she hasn't denied it, so *shrug*

not that it matters
There was a confession and week long drama on Bungle about it.
Uh, not really. There wasn't any drama.
Bob and panzie.
Bob and Panzie are retarded. They don't qualify as people.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:19:57 PM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake
Cindy is trans?
i mean, i guess

heard it on the grapevine, and she hasn't denied it, so *shrug*

not that it matters
There was a confession and week long drama on Bungle about it.
Uh, not really. There wasn't any drama.

The Flood / Re: Dipper and Mabel incest is super hot
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:17:49 PM »
This type of thread isn't allowed on the this good Christian forum.
ur mom is allowed on my unholy dick
Oh my

The Flood / Re: Dipper and Mabel incest is super hot
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:04:13 PM »
This type of thread isn't allowed on the this good Christian forum.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:59:55 PM »
Fruit is trans, Cindy is trans...

Is there anyone else I should know about?
for posterity's sake
None that visit this forum, I don't think.

The Flood / Re: Are there any females on this website?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:53:26 PM »

I think
fruit is not a girl bruv
Fruit is transgender. So she's a girl.

The Flood / Re: I think Hayden Christensen is an "okay" actor
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:35:08 PM »
His acting in Episode II was... Not very good, if you ask me.

Episode III? Fine. Even with the shitty dialogue here and there. And he was especially fantastic at expressing emotions. I think his acting skills shine the most when he doesn't have to say anything.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Picture Thread (Version 3.0)
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:32:23 PM »
Eh, one more. My girlfriend and I:

Suppose it is a Dyson Sphere.
Ok, no what?

A theoretical mega structure designed to harness the power of the sun directly. AKA what is most likely being observed in the articles next to debris of some odd sort.
"Most likely."

No. It's almost certainly just debris.

The Flood / Re: Halloween plans
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:37:28 PM »
Visit the gf

The Flood / Re: pink floyd is shit
« on: October 20, 2015, 01:29:58 PM »
They definitely have some good songs.

But I don't go out of my way to listen to them.

It'll probably be some new kind of celestial body. Hope it's not, but that's what I would bet on
It's a collection of multiple bodies, not one. Most likely a massive cloud of comets/asteroids, or the remnants of a recent planetary collision.

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