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Messages - Winy

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The Flood / Re: Here's why believing in god is stupid
« on: October 22, 2016, 02:05:31 PM »
What's Tim been up to these days?

The Flood / Re: Donald Glover will play Lando in upcoming Han Solo film
« on: October 21, 2016, 07:51:52 PM »
This is the only Star Wars movie I'm going to plan on not seeing. Harrison Ford is Han Solo and Billy Dee Williams is Lando Calrissian.

I would have preferred an Obi Wan Kenobi spinoff instead.
I cannot imagine anyone else in the role of Lando - he even voice acted Lando in Rebels/Battlefront
That was actually him voicing Lando in Rebels? Damn, that's awesome.

The Flood / Re: Why is stoner culture so cancerous?
« on: October 21, 2016, 05:14:55 PM »
They're pretty scum.

The ones that think they're more mature and intelligent for only smoking "occasionally" and believe that they're somehow "above" weed culture are just as bad, though. There are NO good pot-smokers. You're all terrible.
They obviously aren't as bad, I don't get why you're equating them. Part of what makes stoner culture obnoxious is the frequency that people associated with it bring up weed or try to encourage others to get involved with it. One of the other unfavorable stereotypes is that stoners are lazy and stupid, but you can be both of those things regardless of whether or not you smoke every so often. If you aren't characterized by things like this, you don't fit into the "Stoner culture." Some well-behaved and responsible kid who smokes, like, three times a year is clearly not the same as someone who smokes their brains out on a daily basis, and has no work ethic.

You might say, "They're stupid for smoking pot in the first place, no matter how much they do it," but I think even you would agree that there are degrees of stupidity involved in doing something that you consider bad. I'd rather someone do dumb activity x three times rather than fifty, and I'd respect the former more than the latter. "Stupid" is a term that exists on a gradient.

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 21, 2016, 10:01:44 AM »
So... Is this a continuation of the previous X-Men films? I'm confused on the timeline. Is this set after Days of Future Past?
At this time it's just best to forget any semblance of continuity and treat each film as an alternate take on the franchise.
Fair enough. It's just confusing considering they have them all being played by the same people, but apparently they don't have anything to do with each other...

The Flood / Re: Logan trailer
« on: October 21, 2016, 09:15:17 AM »
So... Is this a continuation of the previous X-Men films? I'm confused on the timeline. Is this set after Days of Future Past?

Serious / Re: Tonight - The Final Debate
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:51:28 PM »
Men are monsters who have no business having any level of political power, what a twist
That's pretty extreme.

« on: October 20, 2016, 01:50:53 PM »
I mean, it was nice to look at, but I wouldn't call it "Insane." The only thing we know now is that the game looks gorgeous and will probably have as amazing an atmosphere as RDR, but it's not like we needed confirmation that would be the case.

Serious / Re: Rip Finland
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:49:09 PM »
But what's gonna happen to Peelo?

Gaming / Re: Rockstar possibly teasing a new red dead
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:45:26 PM »
First impressions of the trailer have me thinking we're returning to the same place. The oil field next to Bill's Fort, the swamp area near Blackwater, the rocky formations of Mexico and the trainline with bulls outside Blackwater are all shown.

Seeing as it's not a remaster, the bison being there (considering there's an achievement for making them go extinct in RDR) could mean it's in the past...?
I don't really think any of the areas we saw in the trailer are reminiscent of any of the locations from RDR. At least, there are no landmarks indicating it's set in the same region. Just because we see a forest like Tall Trees and a bunch of plains like the areas in West Elizabeth doesn't mean we're going back to New Austin and all of those territories.

A lot of the landscapes are totally new, like those big valleys. That's nowhere to be found in RDR.

The Flood / Re: Thinking about ordering an ocarina
« on: October 18, 2016, 10:00:03 PM »
Also, this thread made me realize that an "Ocarina" is an instrument.

Can honestly say I never knew that's what it was.
You've never played Zelda?
As surprising as this is to a lot of people, no. I certainly know what Ocarina of Time is, but I never owned any Nintendo consoles growing up (Besides a Gameboy, and I only had a few games), so I never got too into all the Nintendo franchises.

I love me some SSBB, but I think most people get more out of the game than I do just because they actually played a lot of the games that the characters are from. I'm sure that makes it a lot more surreal for a fan when you're kicking the shit out of Donkey Kong as Marth or Kirby.

The Flood / Re: Thinking about ordering an ocarina
« on: October 18, 2016, 09:52:09 PM »
Also, this thread made me realize that an "Ocarina" is an instrument.

Can honestly say I never knew that's what it was.

The Flood / Re: Thinking about ordering an ocarina
« on: October 18, 2016, 09:50:58 PM »
If you're legitimately interested in becoming good at playing it, it's probably best to buy at least a semi-decent one. I've always wanted to pick up some sort of instrument, but I feel like I'd lack the motivation to continuously practice. I'd be too eager to be good with it, and have a difficult time trudging through the inevitable starting period where you suck ass. I'm just impatient with that sort of thing, unfortunately.

I experimented with music production for a while, but it required that I stay inside on a computer all day, so my interest just kind of faded. Wish I'd kept going with it, though. Electronic music has always resonated with me and I loved the idea of actually producing my own songs, I just think it's so awesome that you can create a huge range of sounds with just technology.

Gaming / Re: Rockstar possibly teasing a new red dead
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:15:08 PM »
Was the game really that good?
It was phenomenal. The characters, the story, the themes, and the setting were unreal. There's an element of charm to the game that I can't say I've ever experienced with anything else I've ever played. It's such an immersive experience to go through the game for the first time and gradually explore the world they give to you, and see how the story unfolds. The good thing is, assuming you aren't just trying to blaze through everything and take your time to run around and do other activities, the game can take you a full twenty-four hours to complete, even more if you're really trying for all of the challenges and awards.

It's the only game that I find so enjoyable that I can play it over and over without getting sick of it, no matter how many times I do a run-through.

Really, what set this game apart from anything else is the atmosphere and setting. It was released in 2009, and it looks better than the majority of titles I see being released nowadays. You legitimately feel like you're in the Old West when you're playing the game, and I can honestly say there are times I play it solely for the purpose of riding around and looking at the vistas. Everything feels... Legitimate. You can tell that the artists spent an unbelievable amount of time making sure that every little detail in the game feels like it belongs in a Western setting.

Everything about this game is fantastic. I fell in love with it the second I started playing.

The Flood / Re: What's your workout music?
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:03:23 PM »
I play extremely brutal dubstep, usually.

Gaming / Re: Rockstar possibly teasing a new red dead
« on: October 17, 2016, 10:02:39 PM »
Just based on the look of things right now, the game is likely going to be a prequel where we play as John during his earlier days in Dutch's gangs. There's been a lot of speculation that this was going to be the case for a long time, but the silhouettes seem to suggest John, Williamson, Escuela, and Dutch, possibly Abigail, and two others that we don't know of (Which would make sense, I always found it a little small of a group to call  a "Gang" if it only included four gunslingers). The hair on the front character and his build seem to suggest John, and the one to his right has a bent cowboy hat, which Bill always wore. Next one over could possibly be wearing a sombrero, which is why I'd suspect it's Escuela.

I'm amazingly excited, but slightly disappointed. Red Dead is possibly my favorite game of all time, but a prequel isn't quite what I was hoping for. Not a sequel, either. John's story has already been told, so it'd be hard to maintain any sort of suspenseful buildup during the story because we know exactly how it's going to end- With a botched bank robbery that leads into the events of RDR. We already know who makes it out alive, so I would much rather us be given a new cast of characters and a completely different setting, just so that it would be so obvious what was going to happen.

The other thing that bothers me about the idea of playing during John's earlier days is that I don't necessarily want to play as John when he was a more hardened, ruthless outlaw. Despite the events of RDR suggesting John always believed Dutch's gang was doing the right thing, I feel like it'd be a backwards progression of his nobility, and I don't want to play as him during that time period. I can see it sort of working if we begin back when the gang arguably was doing the right thing, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor- Then John begins to question the methods of Dutch as he's driven further into insanity as the game progresses, but I'm not sure if that makes up for the lack of narrative ambiguity.

I could still be wrong, and the game might not be a prequel, but even if it is, that isn't going to dissuade me from buying this. I've wanted this game to be announced for too many years, and it's finally happening.

Gaming / Re: Rockstar possibly teasing a new red dead
« on: October 17, 2016, 09:04:27 AM »




Gaming / Re: Rockstar possibly teasing a new red dead
« on: October 16, 2016, 09:29:33 PM »
If Rockstar is fucking with us, I'm going to shoot up their studio.

Red Dead Redemption is one of the greatest games ever made.

The Flood / Re: I've stopped exercising
« on: October 16, 2016, 02:03:39 PM »

The Flood / Re: "Enjoy your food!"
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:47:46 PM »
Honestly bro that's not even bad, if you know how to and with a little confidence you can pull off anything without being embarrassed
This. As long as you yourself aren't embarrassed (And there really isn't much of a reason to be, it's a petty, goofy mistake), you can play it off fine and just laugh about it with the person you were talking to.

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 15, 2016, 07:27:09 PM »
Apples or Grapes
Apples are the superior fruit.

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 15, 2016, 06:26:15 PM »
i watch big bang theory so i'm an intelligent nerdy individual and i know about science

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:57:46 PM »
I actually mostly agree, but not 100%. I wouldn't say that school performance is completely indicative of someone's general intelligence (There are always just lazy people), but you don't think it says a little something about them? Even a tiny amount?

And believe me, the argument that "Anyone can be a good student, it's just a matter of effort" is something I know way too well personally. It's the argument I have to give myself all the time to stay motivated in school, because my courses tend to make me feel like an absolute idiot.
Well, sure, some people are definitely quicker to learn subjects like math than some unfortunate others--but I don't believe that there are people who are intrinsically incapable of doing math. At worst, you might have a slow-learner with dyscalculia who lives in a horrid learning environment and goes to a shitty public school with nearly-retired teachers who don't give a fuck. That would certainly put your chances of attending Harvard at odds with the average person--but that's a rather extreme example. And so are people who are so mentally handicapped that they can't even talk. Those are obvious exceptions.

But yes, in general, I have a (perhaps uncharacterically) optimistic viewpoint when it comes to the average person's potential in an academic front. Some people are naturally brilliant--some people have to work very hard--but all of us are capable of being intelligent.
I'm glad we see eye-to-eye in that regard. I was never a particularly good math student in high school, primarily because of a lack of effort, but also because I adopted the very common defeatist attitude that "Well, I'm just terrible at this stuff, so I might as well accept it." It certainly doesn't come as easily to me as others, which makes me feel particularly out of place in my major-related courses, but I do find motivation knowing that what I'm attempting to achieve is attainable, but it requires a lot of sacrifice.

Particularly, it means the leisurely college experience many people seem no nostalgic about isn't something I'm going to find while I'm here. At least, not to the degree I think most people will have it. But I've come to accept that, because I want this to happen, admittedly partly because I want to prove to others that it's doable. What better person to become a teacher in these fields than someone who knows exactly what it feels like to think they're hopeless?

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 14, 2016, 03:56:55 PM »
Lol ok,%20Ryan.pdf
School performance has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.
What makes you say that?
See above.
I actually mostly agree, but not 100%. I wouldn't say that school performance is completely indicative of someone's general intelligence (There are always just lazy people), but you don't think it says a little something about them? Even a tiny amount?

And believe me, the argument that "Anyone can be a good student, it's just a matter of effort" is something I know way too well personally. It's the argument I have to give myself all the time to stay motivated in school, because my courses tend to make me feel like an absolute idiot.

The Flood / Re: what you enjoy says a lot about your intelligence
« on: October 13, 2016, 09:14:08 PM »
The fact that you're comparing rolling in the grass to a sport is fucking retarded.
is it, though

is it really
It is. Playing a sport properly requires a level of precision and experience that takes an enormous amount of practice to understand. On top of this, athletes obviously need to condition themselves through training, which is a hefty task in and of itself. Not anybody can just hop into a complicated game like basketball or soccer and immediately become a phenomenal player- It takes time and hard work. Regardless of what you think about the obsession many people have with national sports leagues (Which I do personally think is a little excessive sometimes), playing a sport isn't analogous to rolling around in grass. It's a bit more thoughtful than that.

The Flood / Re: For all the nay-Sayers against the new Godzilla
« on: October 13, 2016, 09:09:15 PM »
I heard it was an excellent film, but I don't really see myself going out of my way to watch it right now. Once it comes out on DVD or it gets streamed somewhere, sure, but I actually don't even think that it's playing in any theater close to me.

The Flood / Re: New Rogue One Trailer
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:36:35 AM »
The cinematography in these trailers has been phenomenal, hopefully the entire film looks this great.

I'm really excited that Saw Gerrera is in this. Great throwback to fans of The Clone Wars, and he was a minor enough character that it's not like you'll be missing any details if you hadn't heard of him before. It's just cool to have a character like him appear in an actual live-action film.

The Flood / Re: Anime is a legitimate form of artistic expression
« on: October 08, 2016, 05:34:28 PM »
How does this even happen?

Someone needed to write this.

What's worse is that multiple people had to take the time to animate it.

The Flood / Re: Most degenerate thing someone from your school ever did?
« on: October 07, 2016, 09:48:12 PM »
Kid took a shit in the stairwell.

The Flood / Re: Ok, what's going on with the clowns
« on: October 06, 2016, 09:45:52 PM »
Oh, I didn't know that this was happening elsewhere.

That's fucking stupid.
that makes, like, two or three things you didn't realize
That's because the only time I've really heard about this was when it happened on my campus, which was four days ago (I think maybe three). And the only instance of it happening was in a very public place on my campus at like 9:00, so it wasn't like the person wasn't close to a residence hall, or not within fifty feet of another student.
It's been off and on all around the east coast for a month or so

I was wrong.

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