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Messages - Winy

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 106
The Flood / Re: Drunk Mod AMA
« on: February 05, 2016, 11:29:49 PM »
Hey I just got back from a party and I'm hammered too you want to go to my place and fuck each other?

No commitment just raw, unrestrained sex.

« on: February 05, 2016, 05:00:37 PM »
>you will never fly your BF109 over the skies of England for glory and the Reich
FW-190 > Bf-109.

The Flood / Re: Seeing Force Awakens for a sixth time, AMA
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:38:44 PM »
There are theaters still playing it?

The Flood / Re: What are your valentines day plans?
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:33:45 PM »
I don't know, I've started seeing this girl but I doubt we'd be dating by the time Valentine's Day rolls around, so probably nothing special.

The Flood / Re: How far down do you go?
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:31:52 PM »
This list is retardedly inconsistent.

Groundhog Day.

Serious / Re: Spanking is for the unintelligent
« on: February 04, 2016, 07:19:10 PM »
Are there studies done on the effects spanking has on children?

The Flood / Re: A simple question I have come to ask you
« on: February 02, 2016, 11:44:28 PM »
Pretty retarded to open the box.

The Flood / Re: Who on here is NOT suicidal and or depressed?
« on: February 02, 2016, 12:08:06 AM »
I'm not even close to either of those things

Serious / Re: Who here has had suicidal thoughts lately?
« on: February 01, 2016, 11:07:06 PM »
I don't think I've ever seriously considered killing myself before.

I mean I've experienced some shitty times very rarely where I say to myself, "Y'know, sort of wish I wasn't alive for this," but the feelings pass quickly enough for me to get back to my normal, sane mentality. Emotional blockage is really the only thing that could ever make me entertain the thought of taking my own life.

There's this new thing called "non-biological factors"
I just showed you evidence against that

And Door destroyed Winy.
Your move, Black revisionists.
Well you didn't even touch on any of my other points, but alright.

Because, let's say you were at a Thanksgiving dinner. There's food all around, and it all looks absolutely delicious. Your father starts putting the food into plates and handing it out to everyone at the table, but when he's done you find out that it seems he's neglected you. You walk up to him and show him your empty plate, motioning to it with a hand and saying, "Hey, I need some food."

Your father smiles and pats you on the head, a grin coming across his face. He lifts a finger and nods, rebuttling with, "Everyone needs food!"

Well, that's true. He's not wrong, per se, but he didn't really...address what you were talking about. "Yeah," you continue, "I know everyone does. But everyone else already has food and I'd really like to have mine."

Your father's brow furls, "Are you saying that you don't care if the other people at this table get any food? Are you saying that you wouldn't care if they STARVED?"

"Well, no, obviously not. It's just that I-"

"How DARE you! You obviously just hate everyone here!"

See how ridiculous this sounds? "Black Lives Matter" OBVIOUSLY does not imply that other lives don't, it's simply addressing the facet. Just as with, "I need my food," there is an implied "too" withing the sentences. You're saying, "I need my food too," just as they're saying, "black lives matter too." Not "Only I need my food" or "only black lives matter."

The "all lives matter" retort is a handy way to give yourself a little smug pat on the back for being so considerate and egalitarian whilst entirely ignoring what the other person is talking about and not addressing the problem whatsoever.

Yeah, Africa certainly accomplished nothing across its history. Mali, Egypt, Songhai, quite possibly the first expedition to the American continent, any of these ringing a bell?

And why's it a shithole today? I dunno, maybe because it was ravaged and split up by a bunch of warring, non-native nations that looked at anything less technologically advanced as something to be exploited? Maybe because languages like Afrikaans (which evolved from Dutch) and French are so widespread across the continent due to the fact that Prussia, Belgium, Frace, Italy, and England invaded and claimed tons of that land for themselves to use as manual labor, and plenty of the nation's own populace was shipped overseas to be used as a human workforce with a complete lack of any sort of rights only for the world to turn around and go, "Well, you've gotten yourself into quite a mess, haven't you? Why can't you clean it up?" Similar to how it's done with much of the middle east and southern asia.

Of course, none of this even TOUCHES on the fact that your post is centered around the "muh biotroofs" idea of race realism, which is a hilariously outdated way of thought. Prejudice is fine - well, not fine, but it shouldn't be looked down upon as much as it should be assisted because most people have some level of it - but plain, flat-out racism is a whole different game, entirely. Thinking that people act differently because of the color of their skin is one of the most disgusting things to think about the human race.

And if you decide to come back from that with a spiel on how "[you] don't hate blacks, just black culture," then please describe to me what separates that from the culture of scandinavian black metal? What about groups like Mayhem that had internal feuds and burned down churches in the name of Satan - encouraging that in their music as well? What about violent video games, and the sort of things they encourage? Wouldn't you say that, after things like the Columbine killings, that violent video games should be banned outright? After all, it encourages such terrible notions in our children!

I seriously hope that this is a joke post.

Oh my god yes

What a great way to go.

The Flood / Re: What do you think of abstract art?
« on: January 30, 2016, 11:54:28 PM »
Can be lovely.

Not my job to judge how someone else decides to express emotions. Whether or not it resonates with me doesn't matter; it's fascinating that someone can make something that nobody else "Gets" despite it being very personal and emotional.

I've started all of my major courses and they're somewhat difficult, so I have to get a lot of extra help to make sure I'm on top of things. Guess the biggest "Internal conflict" I have is wrestling with my confidence in my ability to do this stuff, but that's really it. I'm a hard worker- I'm willing to give it my all so I can succeed in doing what I love.

The Flood / Re: Can we get a fitness thread going??
« on: January 30, 2016, 04:23:12 PM »
my right leg is a lot stronger than my left leg, my squats are slightly lopsided, plz help.
That's... An odd imbalance to have.

Might want to just lower your squat weight to the point where your legs can work equally and build up once their strength levels out.

The Flood / Re: Can we get a fitness thread going??
« on: January 30, 2016, 04:15:38 PM »
8% bf is pretty difficult to get to, do you have a caliper?

The Flood / Re: I wish someone would love me
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:50:06 AM »
You got your wish on Bungle lmao


The context that I found this picture in always made me laugh

It's just so fucking goofy.
No, that's Daffy.
I've been refraining from using the word "Goofy" to describe that picture because I knew that joke was gonna end up being made.


The context that I found this picture in always made me laugh

It's just so fucking goofy.

The Flood / Re: What are your irrational fears?
« on: January 28, 2016, 05:48:22 PM »

This thing has freaked me out since I was a kid.

My list was a joke how could you possibly think I was serious

Highlander 2
Spy Kids
Out of Jimmy's Head
Human Centipede 3

The Flood / Re: Post a pic of what you wore today
« on: January 26, 2016, 07:11:30 PM »
Some people have shapely, thick, voluminous hair.

I was born with pretty awful hair genetics so I just gotta keep it short, can't do anything fancy with it.

The Flood / Re: Post a pic of what you wore today
« on: January 26, 2016, 06:50:34 PM »
Mad jealous of that hair.

The Flood / Dog makes unbelievable recovery after injury (Graphic)
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:31:43 PM »

The beginning is absolutely horrible, but holy shit, I can't believe how far he came because of treatment.

Medical science is fucking amazing.

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