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Messages - challengerX

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The Flood / Re: List of Users Who Require Hugs.
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:12:25 PM »
LOL Why is Meta going after Omega?


The Flood / Re: Reasons why the South is better than the North
« on: September 18, 2014, 06:06:15 PM »
Florida sucks massive dick and is humidity central, and southern hospitality is a myth. There's excellent barbecue everywhere in America.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
the government is becoming the largest economy
Except they don't make up "the economy". When you talk about a country's economy you're talking about everybody, not its billionaire politicians the government does not make the economy. There are a ton of rich criminals and people who are not affiliated with the government.

The Flood / Re: Had This Site Failed Yet?
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:42:54 PM »
That grammar.

Had your momma stopped sucking every dick she saw she'd still be here. RIP IN PEACE


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
the government is becoming the largest economy

Serious / Re: I need to have a talk with my fellow Christians
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:31:18 PM »
dug ponders this thought

and let's your false deity live


The Flood / Re: Bill Hicks is the best
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:29:42 PM »
He's pretty good.

His whole view on disarming nations is pretty fucking naive, though.

Pollution allows hospitals to create profit off asthma patients. I see no problem.
I know you're being sardonic but it's so mundane as to be banal.
Simmer down with them big words there fella, we don't take too kindly to that there city talk round these parts.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
China's GDP figures aren't necessarily reliable, even disregarding the fact that GDP figures aren't great in the first place.

China's miraculous growth, while admirable, masks a lot of internal debt and the social pressures exerted by the growing middle class.
Don't forget the intense pollution in rural areas and urban areas making Watts look like a miracle wonderland.
Pollution allows hospitals to create profit off asthma patients. I see no problem.

Serious / Re: Obama goes full foreign aid
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:24:58 PM »
Looks like OP was the one going full retard.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

If China was socialist you wouldn't have people running around saying that socialism doesn't work.
Except China is Socialist and it proves Socialism doesn't work
China is fast becoming the largest economy in the world.
China's GDP figures aren't necessarily reliable, even disregarding the fact that GDP figures aren't great in the first place.

China's miraculous growth, while admirable, masks a lot of internal debt and the social pressures exerted by the growing middle class.
Don't forget the intense pollution in rural areas and urban areas making Watts look like a miracle wonderland.

Serious / Re: I need to have a talk with my fellow Christians
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:21:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: I DID IT AGAIN
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:20:02 PM »
SHIT that dude is black. God damn.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

China is run by a communist party.

They aren't real communists, but at least acknowledge the fucking facts.
China is a Single-Party Socialist nation

No it isn't.

It's "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics".

The last refuge of a dogmatically Marxist State which refuses to acknowledge itself as State capitalist.
Yes it is

Hell, even under Wikipedia it's government is stated as Single-Party Socialism

News / Re: Vote for Nameplates!
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:12:19 PM »
Bring back swage god damn it. It's the only thing we have to remember WeedCommando by. While he was an idiot at times, he was cool.

That's fucked up you took that away. Really.

The Flood / Re: did i tell you guys about the time ian hit on me
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:10:03 PM »
That dude is the epitome of a beta. In fact, he's probably the sweaty neckbeard in the drawings.

Serious / Re: Dad Forces Son to Drink Alcohol until Unconcious with No Pulse
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:04:03 PM »
"lel it's good parenting to almost kill your kid stop being such a liberal"

Fucking slow down.

There's no such thing as profit under socialism.

Wages =/= profits.
I'm speaking intuitively. Not that I agree with socialism anymore because I no longer believe in democracy, but the point is that in a theoretical socialism the whole of society works to create technology; works to mine new resources; collects energy; and create arts all of which expand upon the collective wealth of society creating a profit — without taking it from other people.
Theoretical communism is all roses too.

But we can see how much that's worked in Russia and China.


And profiting still happens under socialism
. . .

China is run by a communist party.

They aren't real communists, but at least acknowledge the fucking facts.


Seeing as the Jews rewrite history constantly, it's not anything I'd take seriously. Hence why I think this thread should be moved to The Flood.

Tell me, where in between the genocide and fleeing of the Jews did they have time to rewrite history?
>not believing in a jewish conspiracy to bring about a new world order.

Believing an entire group of people can work together in such perfect harmony and not make any mistakes when no group of humans ever has is quite delusional.

People are simply jealous of their history of wealth. I believe the reason why they have a huge financial history is because Christians had them attend banks, businesses, etc as Christian beliefs forbid the idea of profiting so  an easy way around is to hire people who share the same God but not the exact same beliefs.

Even more going back is the differences of their monotheistic beliefs against the polytheistic beliefs of many ancient civilizations centuries ago like Egypt and I believe, if they were around, Phoenicia and maybe Babylon
Does that mean you controverted to socialism or authoritarianism?

And profiting still happens under socialism
Sure but everyone profits equally.
Theoretically or real life?

Because that doesn't exist in the social democracies in Europe and Scandinavia.


Seeing as the Jews rewrite history constantly, it's not anything I'd take seriously. Hence why I think this thread should be moved to The Flood.

Tell me, where in between the genocide and fleeing of the Jews did they have time to rewrite history?

Serious / Re: Drinking Iced Tea While Black is a Criminal Offence
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:50:52 PM »
Nothing wrong here expect for the guy

It's called reasonable suspicion. If the officer suspects a person doing something illegal, such as having a drink of something in front of a liquor store and can't identify the can, then it's assumable for anybody, including the officer and the court, that the guy was consuming alcohol in public

Better example is if you see somebody smoking something and it looks like a rolled up joint. You're going to assume it's weed and so will a cop

Having reasonable suspcion gives the cop the authority to detain the individual and if he doesn't comply and resisting then that can be bumped up to probable cause and conduct an arrest. If the guy either simply showed the cop what he was drinking then this wouldn't happen but he didn't, broke the law, and most likely playing the retarded victim and race card

Shame on the media trying to make this based on race. Fucking disgusting and just holds back society to archaic ideas
Actually, it's racial profiling which is fucking disgusting.

You don't have to give a cop anything because he doesn't like the way you dress/talk/color of your skin. If he doesn't smell alcohol or some sort if illegal substance, he's badgering a person for no reason. Especially when he wasn't acting crazy or bothering anybody. Is it illegal to drink ice tea in public now?
Did you even read what I posted? I can tell you didn't

Reasonable Suspicion: Drinking an unidentifiable container right in front of a alcohol store.

Reasonable Suspicion: Smoking what looks like a blunt

If it's associated or looks like something illegal or something illegal being conducted and if you think it's illegal, then a cop is going to think it's illegal and conduct a stop and detainment. Learn the legal system

It's no racial profiling, that's just a pathetic excuse to start unwarrnated riots and  hissy fit. If a black cop did it then would it still be racist?
Oh I read your post. It seems you didn't read the OP.

The cop knew he was drinking ice tea, yet he approached him and asked him if he had alcohol in his ice tea. It's suspicious to drink ice tea in front of a liquor store? I've done that a ton of times. Cops have asked me if I had anything in it but I let them smell it and said "no sir". Maybe he should have done the same to avoid trouble, but he was fully within his rights to not allow a search, which it technically is. Unless the laws are different there but I doubt it.

Serious / Re: Drinking Iced Tea While Black is a Criminal Offence
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:41:07 PM »
Nothing wrong here expect for the guy

It's called reasonable suspicion. If the officer suspects a person doing something illegal, such as having a drink of something in front of a liquor store and can't identify the can, then it's assumable for anybody, including the officer and the court, that the guy was consuming alcohol in public

Better example is if you see somebody smoking something and it looks like a rolled up joint. You're going to assume it's weed and so will a cop

Having reasonable suspcion gives the cop the authority to detain the individual and if he doesn't comply and resisting then that can be bumped up to probable cause and conduct an arrest. If the guy either simply showed the cop what he was drinking then this wouldn't happen but he didn't, broke the law, and most likely playing the retarded victim and race card

Shame on the media trying to make this based on race. Fucking disgusting and just holds back society to archaic ideas
Actually, it's racial profiling which is fucking disgusting.

You don't have to give a cop anything because he doesn't like the way you dress/talk/color of your skin. If he doesn't smell alcohol or some sort if illegal substance, he's badgering a person for no reason. Especially when he wasn't acting crazy or bothering anybody. Is it illegal to drink ice tea in public now?

It's strange how almost everywhere they've gone they've been persecuted.

It's mostly because their lack of a nation forced them to "buy" other nations by getting into banking. You'll see that everywhere the Jews went. Always banking so that they could have a say and control aspects of a country. You have to admit they're far more admirable than other groups who have lost their nations. They've persevered throughout a lot of time and a lot of persecution.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:30:16 PM »
What the fuck?
He seems to find the death of astronauts funny.

Typical knuckle dragging fascist. SCIENCE BAD

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:29:19 PM »
Nobody should ever tolerate religion. saying that for real?

I'm sorry there, but it sounds like you are supporting intolerance.
Nope. Religion supports intolerance and religion makes society backwards. Religion should be abolished so that people can be more open minded and humanity can actually advance.
>is religious
>is open minded
>isn't intolerant

It's bad enough you lie to us, but don't lie to yourself like that.
"hur he sed sumtheng bad on da inturnet. he mus be raecest"

What people post on the internet. You're taking it too seriously
What are you even trying to say?

You're intolerant and closed minded. Don't lie to yourself.
Try something called reading, then you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Oh wait, forgot you're diagnosed with challenged X. What I'm trying to say is this


Now, is that easier for your incoherent mind to understand?

And that's really hilarious saying that I'm "intolerant" and "close minded" coming from your outh. I'm not the one who thinks homosexuality and transgenderism/transsexualism is unnatural and a mental disability or whatever you think
"challenged X"? Is that seriously all you can come up with?

What's a joke? What are you even talking about? You're intolerant and closed minded. It's funny, but it's not a joke.

Transgenderism and homosexuality are perfectly natural. Doesn't change the fact that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder.
Or I can call you Space Shuttle Challenger if that makes you happier

Yeah, I'm not intolerant or close-minded. I make simple jokes and jabs at others but that doesn't mean I'm a hateful individual. I have a large, multi-cultural and multi-racial family, all with different ideas and stances. I'm FAR from being what you claim with no evidence

Lol, that damage control. Just yesterday, or the day before, you were going on how it was a mental disorder and that shit. You need that narcissism and memory loss checked out
LOL You realize these schoolyard insults make you look desperate to try and get back at me. You've been in a downward spiral ever since you lost your shit in that thread. You going to have an episode every time you see an Obama speech?

You are extremely intolerant and close minded. Your beliefs and and attitude show that. You're also incredibly insecure.

Why do you keep saying "damage control"? You realize it just shows how much I bothered you by saying that to have you saying it every chance you get, right? The hilarious part is you have no idea what it means and you use it every time somebody corrects your posts.

Narcissism? What the hell?

As for what I said (which was yesterday, might want to stop sniffing glue so you don't lose your memory), there's nothing wrong with it. Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Fact. You can stop white knighting for Noelle now.
This is just too rich, especially coming from your retarded mouth. So it's perfectly fine for you to use schoolyard insults on me, like "Kinder Surprise", but I can't call you Space Shuttle Challenger? Talk about being desperate and butthurt. No, I don't get mad at Obama speeches. What I get mad at is your inability to tolerate a person who doesn't think what you think. You've not only criticized, belittle, and show hatred to my beliefs but you do so to everybody else that doesn't think like you. What you are is a worthless, pathetic life form who can't handle the fact others have something called opinions and beliefs. You seriously need some help

Actually, my beleifs and attitudes display the opposite of what you claim. I respect every race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexuality, and everything else. I don't go around saying homosexuality or transsexualism s a mental disorder or do I not go around with some edgy, angsty attitude that "hur gawd aent rel. ur st00ped if u beleve it" Your actions show FAR more intolerance than I ever will display

Yes, narcissism. A disorder extreme and excessive self-centeredness. You're viable angry that I point out where you lie and make a fool of yourself to the point of trying to make what you say sound entirely different

How desperate you are to show dislike by getting all huffy-puffy that I don't remember exactly when something had taken place. Your boner for me is showing. And it's even more showing when you think me actually having a higer moral view on something means I'm being a "white knight". Get over yourself already
LOL Are you seriously asking for equal treatment with insults? Man you really are retarded Kinder Egg.

I criticize and belittle you because you have no knowledge of anything and you think you're the expert. I don't have to tolerate fascism, I think it's hilarious you think I have to. I don't tolerate your racism and bullshit because it has no place in our society.

You respect every race and culture? Gee I guess that's why you insult blacks all the time and called me a terrorist and woman beater.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. That is a scientific fact.  Homosexuality isn't a mental disorder and I never even talked about homosexuality yesterday. Get that through your head because I never claimed otherwise. In fact, I invite you to point where I have ever said that. Fun Fact: I didn't.

God isn't real. Never claimed people who do believe in god are stupid. Ever. I've called it a mass delusion and a fairy tale because that's what it is, but far be it from me to restrict what somebody chooses to believe. As long as it doesn't get involved with government, I don't care. But when it does, then I will call the politician basing a law off the bible or Quran an idiot, because he is one. Religion has no place outside of someone's mind or home.

I haven't lied about anything. You're twisting what I said about transgenderism and then adding in homosexuality for some reason when that wasn't even discussed. Do you honestly expect people will believe your bullshit when that thread is still on the front page? When everybody saw what I wrote? Nice try, but you've failed yet again.

Moral value? Your feelings have no place in a scientific discussion, nor does anybody else's. Noel/Noelle may believe he is a woman, but he isn't. He's a man. He has a mental disorder called gender dysphoria which I hope can be cured one day. I wish those who are homosexual could be cured one day as well. Does this make me a bigot? No. I recognize that these things are not the way humans are intended to be and I'm being scientific about it. Otherwise, I have no problem with homosexuals or transgender people. They're regular people, and there's only something "wrong" with them from an evolutional standpoint.

Go ahead write another wall of text projecting your insecurities and bigotry onto me, but you won't get anywhere with it.

>criticizes me for using schoolyard insults
>gets mad I use them right back
>still uses schoolyard insults

You're a certain type of special, aren't you?

Yeah, I'm far from fascist and far from a racist. You're the fascist for getting all upset at somebody having a different opinion, just look how much shit flinging you do whenever somebody doesn't uphold to your twisted ideals

So I guess literally everybody on this site is a racist since just about everybody uses the word nigger? News flash: It's the internet. I feel VERY sorry for you if you actually take everything said seriously and you actually try to form an understanding of a person's character by going soley what they post on the internet. People joke about different races and cultures all the time. I'm Hispanic, Irish, and Polish and make jokes about them ALL the time and blacks joke about whites all the time themselves, does that mean they're racist? Well, considering I'm talking to somebody who tries to play the race card constantly you;ll just say something retarded like blacks can't be racist

Are you living under a fucking rock? Gender Dysphoria is NOT a mental disorder. Keep on spreading your ignorance
OH. My. Fucking. Gawd. You so did talk about homosexuality yesterday and even said "There is something wrong with homosexuals for them to be attracted to members of their own gender instead of the opposite." Tell me, how EXACTLY is that NOT talking about homosexuals when you said homosexuals are wrong for being homosexual


Because calling it a mass delusional and a fairy tale is no way shape or form an insult to religious people also? I guess if you're going to insult homosexuals and transgenders then might as well spread your angsty, edgy, and euphoric ideas onto religious folk. Congrats, you've replaced Yishae as retard of the forums

Actually, you are lying. I'm not twisting anything. You did criticize homosexuals, just look at the link to the thread and the image for utter proof. Your damage control is failing harder than Nixon's cover-up with Water Gate buddy

Lawdy, you sound like one of those idiot Tea Baggers who follow the Bible literally. Homosexuals should be cured? I'm sure that's just as, if not more far-right than PSU. Your ignorance and stupidity is purely pathetic
Of course I'm going to do it. It's obviously driving you up the wall.

No, I don't get upset that you have a different opinion. I'm not upset at all, this is all very amusing to me. I call you out on your bullshit and bigotry. How many times do I have to explain this? Stop projecting.

Saying "nigger" all the time is not funny. At all. It's funny you think casual racism is ok. And blacks can be very racist. I know that firsthand.

Gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. That isn't even up for debate.

As for what I said about homosexuality? I stand by it 100%. If you finish reading my post you can clearly see I have absolutely no problems with homosexuals. The point I'm making is this: HOMOSEXUALITY IS WRONG FROM AN EVOLUTIONARY STANDPOINT AS IT HAS NO POSITIVE USE FOR HUMANITY AND THOSE PEOPLE ARE ATTRACTED TO THE SAME GENDER INSTEAD IF THE OPPOSITE WHICH IS NECESSARY TO PROCREATE.

Understand now? Or are you going to keep cherry picking and twisting my words? Jeebus what a failure. You highlight that part of my post as if it's this condemning sentence, when if you finish reading the post (which you stupidly left in the picture) you can see what I mean. Homosexuality is not right in the technical sense, as those people do not want to procreate. Otherwise, there's nothing "wrong" with them at all. They're perfectly normal people and we have enough people on this planet as it is.

Once again you failed big time. Now your reply will be full on damage control as you've been proven wrong AGAIN. You really should quit now and stop embarrassing yourself.

Serious / Re: Is Religious Tolerance on a large scale possible at all?
« on: September 16, 2014, 02:10:44 PM »

If you don't hold a grudge, and I'm a random person to you, how is it my statement (which is completely irrelevant to your life remember, as I am nothing but a random person on the internet and you surely must have come across enough people to see something equally as hypocritical in your eyes if not more so) is THE MOST hypocritical on the planet? In comparison to who? This won't do at all my boy, you simply must give me an explanation at once old chap.
It's honestly the most hypocritical thing I've seen, and I've seen many people who were massive hypocrites pull the same shit, they use the same kind of speech to cause murder, bigotry, and intolerance. That's why I find it the most hypocritical thing on the planet, to disregard the one thing on the planet that a person holds the closest, then try to assert your own beliefs is bullshit.
Seeing how I'm not murdering anybody or advocating taking any rights from anyone, please keep your stupid comparisons to yourself.

I'm calling him out on lying because he isn't open minded or tolerant. You wouldn't believe the things he's said. Shit even PSU is more intelligent, open minded, and tolerant.

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:52:00 PM »
"Plot"? Do I detect disbelief and sarcasm? Why, such an intelligent individual such as yourself would never do such a thing, would he?

My word.
Arming the FSA so that ISIS will steal their equipment and then we can engage in military action makes no sense. It's basically trying to fabricate justification for something that's already justified.
It's for oil and to destabilize the region and distract Iran and Hezbollah. This is what Israel think tanks do in America. The longer these conflicts last and the more Arabs kill each other, the better everything is for Israel and America.
Yeah... no. Destabilization of the middle east is bad.
Oh really? Why do you think Israel is having such an easy time stomping Hamas? Because Iran and Hezbollah are too busy with the Syrians and Iraqis.

Hell, even news sources report on this. McCain said "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. Pit them against each other and the longer the conflict the better." He said that in 2012.

Serious / Re: Would you support American troops returning to Iraq?
« on: September 16, 2014, 01:37:03 PM »
"Plot"? Do I detect disbelief and sarcasm? Why, such an intelligent individual such as yourself would never do such a thing, would he?

My word.
Arming the FSA so that ISIS will steal their equipment and then we can engage in military action makes no sense. It's basically trying to fabricate justification for something that's already justified.
It's for oil and to destabilize the region and distract Iran and Hezbollah. This is what Israel think tanks do in America. The longer these conflicts last and the more Arabs kill each other, the better everything is for Israel and America.

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