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Messages - Incan

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The Flood / Re: Post your current love interest
« on: February 07, 2016, 08:01:02 AM »

Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit: The War Has Begun
« on: February 07, 2016, 06:49:22 AM »
IIRC, the developers said that they're considering bringing the game to XB1 and PS4 at some point. But the last one didn't do too well on consoles so it made more sense for them to spend as much effort making the PC version as good as possible and then consider porting it to consoles later on.

I hope it does come to XB1, looks pretty good. And apparently you don't need to have played the original as it retcons the original's ending anyway (TotalBiscuit's video).

Edit: I just checked. The CEX in my town (I walk past it every day) has a couple of copies going for only £3 for the 360 - is it worth it? XCOM 2 looks pretty cool and it's piqued my interest in the 'original' one.Original as in not ancient.
Get this version fam, it's the base game and the top notch expansion which makes the game a whole lot better.

Gaming / Re: (official) TOWN OF SALEEEM
« on: February 05, 2016, 02:23:16 PM »
I am the Doctor.

what the heck


Gaming / Re: Sep7 XCOM Unit
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:30:13 AM »
I'm down to clown with the Ranger

Gaming / Re: Pip Reviews: The Division BETA
« on: January 31, 2016, 09:40:11 AM »
This game looks damn pretty.

Reaching a new bonfire is exciting and all, but it kinda sucks that I have nothing to show for it. I know it's just a few souls, and I can just gain it all back, but this game really eats up your time to extents I wasn't really anticipating.

Playing again.

Question: Is there a faster way to travel from bonfire to bonfire? Because that would suck if there isn't.
Yes there is, but you get it about half way through the game, and it's limited in which ones you can travel to.

Gaming / Re: Thel Vadamee is coming to Killer Instinct
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:40:36 AM »
I can now have a Battletoad vs the Arbiter now. 10/10

Gaming / Re: I'm installing WoW right now
« on: January 31, 2016, 08:38:52 AM »
WoW is good and fun if you take your time and listen to all the story and such for your first character. Might want to get some parties to help you through some raids that wrap up expansions so you can experience the story of them first hand. Current end game raiding is apparently really fun, however the last patch was on 22nd June, the content drought in that game when you hit the end is outstandingly bad.

However, I'd say it's still enjoyable first time for one play through.

Go McFuck yourself.

Serious / Re: If censorship improves a work, should it be done?
« on: January 27, 2016, 03:37:47 PM »
Is it actually sexual with children or not? Because if it isn't this thread is retarded.

This is the extent of it from what I see

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 27, 2016, 10:07:19 AM »
It also seems that same-sex S ranks may have been removed in the European version, but the source on this is a little wonky. We will have to wait on something more official.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:55:37 AM »

a DLC map had it's name changed from "Terrifying Spirit Mountain" to "Boo Camp"

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Detective Trailer
« on: January 26, 2016, 04:04:29 PM »
Pretty cute and looks funny, interested in learning more despite not being interested in main line Pokemon.

Gaming / Re: LC
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:49:29 PM »
Little odd for them to remove, wish they kept the game as is really, not a big fan of content being changed/removed for other region releases.

Serious / Re: God I really hate Clinton
« on: January 25, 2016, 10:24:55 AM »
Cunt is a sexist slur, no different than if you called Obama a nigger to disparage him. People like Verb using the c-word as a general insult is retarded.
that's offensive to retards
They're not called retards.
i don't even know WHAT the PC term for them is nowadays

it's offensive to them, is the point

language policing is silly, is the point
When you call someone a retard, you're not calling them out for being actually mentally slow. It's not a personal attack. That's why "retard" isn't a slur.

When you call someone a cunt/nigger, you're calling them out for being female/black. It is a personal attack, which is why both are slurs.

You can do this whole "I call women and men cunts" routine, but that's literally no different than if you went around calling white guys niggers. It doesn't make it okay to call black guys that, it just makes you look dumb when you say it to white guys.
Does this also mean if a woman calls a man a dick then that's sexist towards him?

Legit curious.

Gaming / Re: What is the worst game you have ever fully completed?
« on: January 25, 2016, 09:43:24 AM »
Halo 4

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 is $40 on Amazon
« on: January 24, 2016, 03:13:36 PM »
I'd say wait till it's a bit lower then that.

It was to my impression you were asking for the game to pause while checking the menus.
oh, hell no, that would be lame

Stats and settings are still eh to me, although a pause might be okay, I still think it would take a bit away from a wandering enemy to just go fuck you up because you didn't  wait for a safe space. That and when checking your stats normally when I do it I'm by looking at them before I level up, or comparing an item's requirements I just got, and I prefer the feeling of "oh shit I just got stabbed" after something jumps out while I check it out.
how about just having the word "pause" on the screen and nothing else, like OG Nintendo games

you could even make the pausing/unpausing animation really slow, to help prevent frame abuse
I'd probably be okay with it if you can only do it when enemies weren't around, like if you had cleared them off and the game saw you weren't in any patrol paths. That would be alright to me, I just really don't like the idea of it being when you're fighting enemies at all, as again that goes against the idea of earning your safety. Where as I suppose a safe space in a clear part not near a bonfire wouldn't be, and that would be okay to me.

I feel as if managing inventory without a pause is one of the better examples of why it shouldn't pause, going "oh shit" as I reached to change weapon mid fight was such great fun for me in PvP and PvE. If it were to pause, then you could possibly quickly equip say a flame resist shield as an attack is coming down on you and block in time. However in the current system, you need to get distance before even thinking of doing such a thing, and trying to do it would cost you your life.
This isn't what I want, by the way. I agree that the game shouldn't pause when you're shuffling through your items, like in Fallout or something. That would definitely make the game a lot easier, and that's not what I'm arguing for.

I want something more along the lines of what Egg is saying.
It was to my impression you were asking for the game to pause while checking the menus. To my response to settings and stats, check my last post.

But things like the settings menu or stats and the like could pause things.
Stats and settings are still eh to me, although a pause might be okay, I still think it would take a bit away from a wandering enemy to just go fuck you up because you didn't  wait for a safe space. That and when checking your stats normally when I do it I'm by looking at them before I level up, or comparing an item's requirements I just got, and I prefer the feeling of "oh shit I just got stabbed" after something jumps out while I check it out.

Well there is an issue, because again that would go against the idea the game is built upon directly. The game actively tries to make sure nothing is too overpowered and can exploited.
They were pretty lazy with backstabs.
Which if, the player can freely choose to, devolves the game into an endless spin simulator just trying to loop around enemies with slower turn speed. In DS2 they sometimes created cool solutions to the problem with the turtlebros, but they largely only patched it over by artificially changing the turn speed faster than the animations could compensate for so we have horrible looking sliding in place.

As much as I love how much of a great skill inventory management is in Dark Souls, there is no reason for it to exist.
I feel as if they fixed backstabs in Bloodborne, with you need a charge attack to deal start it.

I feel as if managing inventory without a pause is one of the better examples of why it shouldn't pause, going "oh shit" as I reached to change weapon mid fight was such great fun for me in PvP and PvE. If it were to pause, then you could possibly quickly equip say a flame resist shield as an attack is coming down on you and block in time. However in the current system, you need to get distance before even thinking of doing such a thing, and trying to do it would cost you your life. 

Well there is an issue, because again that would go against the idea the game is built upon directly. The game actively tries to make sure nothing is too overpowered and can exploited. Sometimes things do split through the cracks, like dark magic. But the game shouldn't have to give you the pause feature, it's like the Phoenix mode in the new Fire Emblem game. To many that shouldn't even be an option, as it means you can afford to be wasteful and not think much while playing. I say Dark Souls shouldn't have a pause because it goes against the entire idea of overcoming a challenge, like I've said many times already you shouldn't be able to get your rest so freely in that game, it's something you work for, not something you're just flat out given.

No need for the name calling by the way, I'm just trying to be civil for the most part here.
You've thus far failed, utterly, to demonstrate what makes the extra challenge worth it.

Why is the gimmick worth sacrificing basic features. You just say that it is worth it, but I don't see how.
Because it makes the sweet taste of a bonfire feel better that you've worked hard at it.

Some people think maybe magic is a bit cheap, but if that's you're plan there's nothing wrong with it.
Then there should be nothing wrong with having a pause feature, either.

It's not like the game would force you to pause. If you don't like pausing, then don't ever pause.

And wouldn't that be great, anyway?

It would be yet another thing for you cancerous Dark Souls sycophants to be elitist over!
"You actually PAUSE the game? xDDD LMAO FUCKING CASUALINA"
Well there is an issue, because again that would go against the idea the game is built upon directly. The game actively tries to make sure nothing is too overpowered and can exploited. Sometimes things do split through the cracks, like dark magic. But the game shouldn't have to give you the pause feature, it's like the Phoenix mode in the new Fire Emblem game. To many that shouldn't even be an option, as it means you can afford to be wasteful and not think much while playing. I say Dark Souls shouldn't have a pause because it goes against the entire idea of overcoming a challenge, like I've said many times already you shouldn't be able to get your rest so freely in that game, it's something you work for, not something you're just flat out given.

No need for the name calling by the way, I'm just trying to be civil for the most part here.

If challenge is SUCH an important theme for the game to have, then my earlier shitpost has become a legitimate argument.

Presumably, you use weapons that deal more than 1 damage.
Presumably, you use resting areas.
Presumably, you don't allow the game to take over your life.


Are you a casual?

Don't you know if you don't make the game as difficult as possible for yourself, then you're ruining the game?
The game gives you the tools, it depends of how you use them. I personally I love playing the game when I'm stuck at level 1 for the entire thing, or placing heavy restrictions. Something that Souls players often do to the embrace the spirit of the game. If you want to do anything else, that's a fine way to play the game. Some people think maybe magic is a bit cheap, but if that's you're plan there's nothing wrong with it.

Like your last point is just turning off the game as the solution, as you would with anything. Turning it off is a valid point and is plenty good enough, you debunked absolutely nothing.
I'm not trying to "debunk" anything. I'm explaining to you why I think having no pause feature is retarded, and your justifications are all bullshit. I shouldn't have to quit the game and I shouldn't have to turn the system off. I should be able to press a single button. It wouldn't take away anything.

Your precious little game is flawed. Deal with it.
Your justifications just make zero sense, you aren't entitled to a pause button, nor would having one improve the game in anyway at all. You're not entitled to one, and in fact there's a system which takes at most 3 hits of a button to stop the game to go away and do something.

I'm not trying to say my opinion is better then yours, I'm just trying to explain why I'd think it would be heavily detrimental to have a pause button. You're entitled to your opinion, but that's just what it is, not a fact.

And guess what Verb? I do think Dark Souls 1 is flawed, some of the bosses are a little lazy, and the later area's are a bit shit. The netcode could be better, and PvP could also been more balanced. Other then that though, Dark Souls is a wonderfully designed game (in terms of mechanics and game play, levels towards the end are a bit shit as stated) with interesting lore.

Sorry if I'm defending something I think was a good idea just because it doesn't match up with your arbitrary ideas of how a game should be.

Quote from: Fuddy Duddy II
Having a pause feature does compromise the gimmick of the game because the game relies on your earning your rest, by being able to pause takes away from it because it's giving you a moment of rest with you working towards it.
Then the gimmick itself is fundamentally flawed and incompatible with reality.

People have shit to do with their lives. Therefore, there needs to be a pause feature. You shouldn't have to quit the game. It isn't instantaneous, it's cumbersome as fuck, and it kills the immersion.

He treats you with respect by showing you how good it feels to finally go through an area by working through it without getting that moments rest, that is his gift you you the player.
If he treated the player with respect, he'd recognize that people have lives to attend to and that a pause feature is necessary.

I think if I could just pause when I was playing offline it wouldn't be anymore fun to me, in the end for me all it would do is take away the tension of being vulnerable and open to enemy patrols.
But you're still vulnerable. You still have to play the game--you can just pause it now. Big fucking deal.

When there's no patrols about and pausing then? There's no reason to have a pause there either really as you can just leave the game running.
What are electric bills?
All of this just boils down to "Oh well I'll quickly back track for a total of five seconds and get safe" or "Oh well I'll turn it off for now."

Like your last point is just turning off the game as the solution, as you would with anything. Turning it off is a valid point and is plenty good enough, you debunked absolutely nothing.

By taking away the traditional option of pausing the game, this causes the player more of a stress and a burden
Like I said--I've already addressed this whole point. I know what the game is about and what it's trying to do. My whole argument is that 1.) it's not worth it, and 2.) it doesn't do it well enough, in that respect. You should be able to pause the game. The director is well within his right to prioritize artistic vision over treating his audience with respect. I think that's a stupid and counter-intuitive choice, but that's his right. But if his decisions make the game less fun for me, then I'm going to point it out.

And not being able to pause makes the game a little bit less fun for me. It's a necessity for a game in my eyes.

The fact is, having a simple pause feature for the offline mode hardly compromises the game's gimmick. The game is obviously challenging enough. Having a pause feature wouldn't change anything.

When you do however do manage to overcome it even with stress on your back, it's meant to feel great, a release.
But it doesn't.

But the response I'll get is just the game doesn't treat the player "with respect" and therefore it's awful and the worse choice in the world.
It's a bad choice. Just because you have a good artistic purpose for doing something on paper doesn't mean it's worth it in practice.

I don't see what's so good about not being able to pause when you absolutely need to. I don't see why bolstering the game's gimmick is so fucking important.
Having a pause feature does compromise the gimmick of the game because the game relies on your earning your rest, by being able to pause takes away from it because it's giving you a moment of rest with you working towards it. He treats you with respect by showing you how good it feels to finally go through an area by working through it without getting that moments rest, that is his gift you you the player.

I can't see how or why pause is necessary,  or why it's more fun to be able to just start and stop. I think if I could just pause when I was playing offline it wouldn't be anymore fun to me, in the end for me all it would do is take away the tension of being vulnerable and open to enemy patrols. When there's no patrols about and pausing then? There's no reason to have a pause there either really as you can just leave the game running.

Without the gimmick, Dark Souls just isn't  anything really. It's just a game with a fun combat system and good level design for the first half. The gimmick I think really completes what it is to be a Souls game.

Like sure the community can be cancerous, but when thinking about the game you need to think about what the director was trying to achieve, and how he's gone about doing it. Which in Dark Souls the entire theme is overcoming challengers. So the game is going to be tough on you the player, but for the most part the game is very fair. By taking away the traditional option of pausing the game, this causes the player more of a stress and a burden, one they must overcome. If you need to go in a hurry then you can exit the game and reload when you're back, or have the choice of going and clearing the area.  When you do however do manage to overcome it even with stress on your back, it's meant to feel great, a release.  Because after all, what have you done to earn that pause? Nothing, so you're gonna have to work towards it.

But the response I'll get is just the game doesn't treat the player "with respect" and therefore it's awful and the worse choice in the world.

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