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Messages - Mr. Psychologist

Pages: 1 ... 509510511 512513 ... 569
Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:50:27 AM »
Cool it people <.<
Kinder getting down and dirty with someone other than ChallengerX? I feel like the fine familiarities and intrigue of the Flood Soap Opera are taking a turn for the interesting.
If somebody is going to respond to me with stupidity and insults then I will tell them what's up and make a fool of them

What is 'Turn the other cheek' ?
If someone responds to you with stupidity then just post 'K' or 'Potassium' or something like that rather than trying to make a fool of them which Always ends in a flame war.

Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:46:48 AM »
Cool it people <.<
Kinder getting down and dirty with someone other than ChallengerX? I feel like the fine familiarities and intrigue of the Flood Soap Opera are taking a turn for the interesting.

Shall I make a guest appearance?


Serious / Re: Cop Shoots Man as He Complies
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:43:22 AM »
Cool it people <.<

OT: It begins!

This was posted previously but it's certainly still worth talking about, this ex-officer got what was coming to him. Trigger happy paranoid eejit ._.

Serious / Re: First baby born through womb transplant
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:08:20 PM »
Holy shiet .-.

(Somewhat relevant)
It's funny, I spent a while researching the loopholes on human genetic experimentation in the UK and it's surprisingly lax <.<

They make the assumption that the only way to bring a baby into the world is with a mother's womb, well if you can transplant one... it's not too far-fetched to conceive (pun intended) of an artificial womb >.>

If someone makes one of those, then assuming that they haven't updated the law in the last few years... someone could sneakily and quickly breed glow in the dark human babies >.>

And what would you do with said glow in the dark babies?

Some things are best left unsaid.

But it would certainly be a night to remember.

Serious / Re: Do you think cloning humans is immoral?
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:06:41 PM »
Not immoral, no <.<

I'd like to see it done, for psychological research purposes into development and nature/nurture >.>

The Flood / Re: Court is fun. (Follow up on my court case)
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:02:44 PM »
Nice, is this the stab cash you were talking about previously? <.<

Or did you get stabbed again? >.>

The Flood / Re: Britbongistan general
« on: October 05, 2014, 08:22:46 PM »
I am ready to die for the Sultanate.

The Flood / Re: Do you recognize ain't and y'all as words?
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:48:12 PM »
Oi liv in britbongistan and yes I do <.<


Gaming / Re: Halo 5 - Agent Locke is the "Primary Character"
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:45:23 PM »
I can't say I'm overjoyed...

But it could be interesting nonetheless <.<
I bet people were pissy about the arbiter missions but they still turned out to be favourites.

I live on the frontier, someone has to keep the feral welshmen and northern badger people at bay <_<

So what genre are the majority of those books?

It's about 30% Violent Sci-fi (40K stuff mostly) 30% Historical Fiction (Also violent) 30% Textbooks/encyclopedias and the remaining 10% are other books that are mostly ones that I've 'inherited' from my parents libraries <_<
Sounds like fun reads.

They are indeed :D

If like to hear your thoughts on the new F/SN adaptation.

I'll let you know as soon as I watch it, which will probably be tomorrow night now >.>

So what genre are the majority of those books?

It's about 30% Violent Sci-fi (40K stuff mostly) 30% Historical Fiction (Also violent) 30% Textbooks/encyclopedias and the remaining 10% are other books that are mostly ones that I've 'inherited' from my parents libraries <_<

About a Mile down the road from where I used to live <.<
That seems pointless.

Well, to put it like this... You could fit my old house into this one three times over. And the garden about five times >.>

It's quite the upgrade :D

About a Mile down the road from where I used to live <.<

The Flood / Good News Everyone! (Want to see the real Psykana Librarius?)
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:16:16 PM »
As some of you know, I've been moving house over the last few days hence the decreased activity <.<

Again, a few of you know that I'm addicted to books <.< So I thought that taking an inventory whilst unpacking my ... 18 boxes... of books would be a good idea >.>

It's still underway but so far I've unpacked and catalogued 165 books.

Pics of the boxes

Things are settling down as I unpack and soon I can perhaps post pics of my library when it's unpacked and arranged. I have so many fracking books lol.

Also any questions ama me anything you know the drill <.<

The Flood / Re: Anyone here play an instrument?
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:07:33 PM »
The Piano <.<

I never practise because I'm too shy to play around other people, but hopefully I'll be able to play it more often now we are in the new house.

Serious / Re: Piers Morgan attacks Obama
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:17:36 PM »
Piers Morgan AND The Daily Mail.

Fucking lol 10/10.

I think there was a petition to revoke his citizenship of the UK so you yanks have to keep the fucker. Or kill him. >.>

The Flood / Re: My dog was almost killed.
« on: October 04, 2014, 08:16:04 PM »
Bloody hell.

I hope that foman wraps his throat around a lamp-post and successfully rids the world of just his idiocy.
Sadly wankers like him never seem to do that, they always end up killing someone else.

There wouldn't be a whole lot left to bury or cremate of anyone who harmed my doge, I'd probably end up in a padded cell for eating half of their throat.

Fucking vermin.

The Flood / Re: Anyone who doesn't love Starbucks is living in denial
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:36:42 PM »
When they stop evading tax AND charging 300 shekels per drink, I might be a little more fond of them <.<

Either do an Amazon and use the tax evasion to give lower prices, or fucking cough up with ze money.

Not really, It's a dick move but the kids get the candy back and everyone is a winner.

They also learn that life is a bitch and will actively steal the sweets from your hand to get some cheap laughs on a late night TV show.

Serious / Re: First baby born through womb transplant
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:05:50 PM »
Holy shiet .-.

(Somewhat relevant)
It's funny, I spent a while researching the loopholes on human genetic experimentation in the UK and it's surprisingly lax <.<

They make the assumption that the only way to bring a baby into the world is with a mother's womb, well if you can transplant one... it's not too far-fetched to conceive (pun intended) of an artificial womb >.>

If someone makes one of those, then assuming that they haven't updated the law in the last few years... someone could sneakily and quickly breed glow in the dark human babies >.>

Serious / Re: Radical Offers Reward for Abducting President Obama
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:00:41 PM »
Did you use that same name on Assuming you were even on that site.

Well shit me, I honestly thought you'd been nabbed by the NSA <.<

The Flood / Re: Close your eyes
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:57:10 PM »
My dog won't go to sleep.

My dog won't go to seep.

Close enough <.<

The Flood / Re: Favorite Anime art style?
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:53:59 PM »
Shaft's Monogatari stuff is exquisite <.<
It's just enjoyable to watch even without the story/rest of the show. Just the art and animation is top tier.

P.A Works for Angel Beats and Another >.>

Ufotable's stuff (That I have seen) is also god tier. I'm thinking of fate/zero in particular here.

You can add unlimited blade works to the Ufotable section. It came out today and the animation is every bit as good as Fate/Zero.

Wonderful :D

I'll be watching that tomorrow <.<

The Flood / Re: Favorite Anime art style?
« on: October 04, 2014, 06:28:16 PM »
Shaft's Monogatari stuff is exquisite <.<
It's just enjoyable to watch even without the story/rest of the show. Just the art and animation is top tier.

P.A Works for Angel Beats and Another >.>

Ufotable's stuff (That I have seen) is also god tier. I'm thinking of fate/zero in particular here.

Gaming / Re: So... new MCC cutscene...
« on: October 03, 2014, 08:01:14 PM »
Holy shit that looks good.

Gaming / Re: 30fps makes for the most Cinematicâ„¢ experience
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:21:50 PM »
Can we all realize that games like Destiny don't run at 30fps on all hardware for "console parity"? It's because the hardware is shit and they couldn't hit 60fps if they wanted to.

Well obviously, they went for parity with the last gen consoles and the Xbone. Density could easily be 60fps on the PS4 and probably on the Xbone if they put more effort in/reduced the 1080p to 720 or 944 (I forget the shitty middle ground).

Even if it was 1080/60fps, that wouldn't actually make it less of a bland grindfest though.

I honestly don't think they could hit 60fps unless they went for a very low resolution. How do console manufacturers expect to compete with 4k if they can't even hit 1080p? I just don't get it.

I think it's certainly possible, perhaps not right away though.
And 4k is impressive stuff but it won't be the standard for a while at least. Things will basically stay the same, with the bar being shoved up a bit for multiplats.

Consoles determine the general standard* of games, because they are the larger and more profitable demographic. When the old gen consoles are phased out, which is beginning to happen now with multiplats going for next/current gen and PC only the features/shit in the game is going to expand (Hopefully)

Whilst PC is always going to race ahead and PC exclusive games like Star Citizen are going to dazzle minds it's still going to have to follow the pace of the workhorses to a degree. I know that rustles the jimmies of a few outright elitists and I can understand the feeling when features in BF4 were cut to make it work on the last gen systems but it's just the way things are <.<

(/2am incoherent rambling)

*I mean in terms of graphics/scale/scope and the like not how good/shit it is.

Gaming / Re: >BFBC2
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:15:26 PM »
Well shit, I guess I just saved myself some money/effort then <.<

If the multiplayer doesn't work then that's basically the only reason to get it >.>

I'll probably still get XBL for BF3 shenanigans though.

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