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Messages - CIA

Pages: 12 34
I blame some of it on me having a baby face. I'm 18 and people say I look like I'm 15.
Same here. Hasn't stopped me.

The Flood / Re: The one downside to asking for life advice as CIA
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:21:17 PM »
Can someone explain this meme to me.

Who is your avatar and where is it from

The Flood / The one downside to asking for life advice as CIA
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:19:06 PM »
I'm opening myself up completely to baneposting. All of my threads crash with no survivors.

ITT: BC humblebragging about all the ass he gets

Is this supposed to be a counter argument?
I doubt you're being serious >.>

Being against the degradation of women=/=being an SJW

Kupo pls

Well while we've changed the subject, if it's degrading for both genders, or if they're doing it on their own accord, is it really degrading at all?
The answer is no. It's not degrading if they're willing. Plus the fact that I found this thing at all was so unlikely in the first place that I doubt anyone else has figured it out.

what does it even mean to "live in the moment"
for fuck's sake
Must everything be a debate and philosophical thing with you? You seem like someone who just hates his life and sees everything half empty.
That's Verb.

then why is it a big deal that i don't always quote people when it's not 100% necessary
You fail to quote people on threads that aren't theirs.

oh and let me hold your hand by notifying you
I check my own shit. I'm not retarded. How do you think I saw your comment earlier where you didn't respond to whoever?

I've heard at least twenty people complain about that exact thing in the last three months specifically in regards to you.
on b.old

no one ever complained about it on b.old

in case you haven't noticed, this entire forum is composed of fucking retards
so of course they're going to be upset/offended by stupid shit like that
I don't talk to idiots from this forum. Believe it or not, there are decent people here.

I think the real issue here is that you don't talk to girls because you're overly pessimistic and hate humanity. Lighten up a little. Humanity is pointless. You might as well get some enjoyment out of it though because this is all you've got.

FYI he responded to you but he didn't quote you so you didn't see his response. You have to be vigilant with this asshole.
holy fuck

you honestly believe that's why i sometimes don't quote people?

the reason i don't do it is because there's no point if the person i'm responding to is directly above mine
i've been doing it like that since b.old, and no one has ever complained about it
I've heard at least twenty people complain about that exact thing in the last three months specifically in regards to you.

Nobody wants to go out with someone who isn't confident in themselves/who is shy and shit.
i do
I'm talking about people who are friendly and sociable and shit. You don't count, my friend.

get over yourselves
have fun and enjoy life.
Live in the moment
if i spoke in platitudes, i think i'd kill myself
Do you promise?
FYI he responded to you but he didn't quote you so you didn't see his response. You have to be vigilant with this asshole.

"confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence" "confidence"

buzzword of the fucking decade
It's not a buzzword. Nobody wants to go out with someone who isn't confident in themselves/who is shy and shit.

Also it's hard to get people interested in you when you hate everything, Verb. Oh, and as a side-note, replying to someone without quoting them (causing them to not see your reply) doesn't mean you've won an argument. That isn't happening here (nevermind you literally just did it) but I figure I'll touch on it anyway since it seems to be how you get off.

My friends and I almost never talk about video games.

Hey, wanna talk about Gears of War with me?
Sure, why not.

I don't mind talking about vidya occasionally. But when it's all someone talks about it's pretty annoying. I suppose I should have specified that in the OP.

At least all my friends from high school. And then going into CS in college doesn't change a whole lot. The worst is when these guys try to talk to girls about vidya out of the blue and it makes me cry.

as long as you're just not shit-faced ugly and have somewhat of a personality you can get a girl. Having chemistry is the key, not so much as to say, aesthetics(unless you're picking up shallow sluts)
I suppose I should have touched on this as well. Chemistry is the real key. Although I shouldn't really have to lay it out.

The Flood / #rekt
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:26:30 PM »

Only Roman does this shit actually.
Are you talking about


GTA IV or something?


I'm talking about the user RomanGladator you nitwit.
I'm sorry, do you think based on my post count or registration date that I would know this shit?
Yes because you're an alt account. you assume that any dipshit who hasn't been here long is an alt? Get a grip.
lol mad cuz reket
You see, it works better when Slash does that because he's actually (somewhat) charming whereas you're just an ass.

Only Roman does this shit actually.
Are you talking about


GTA IV or something?


I'm talking about the user RomanGladator you nitwit.
I'm sorry, do you think based on my post count or registration date that I would know this shit?
Yes because you're an alt account. you assume that any dipshit who hasn't been here long is an alt? Get a grip.

Only Roman does this shit actually.
Are you talking about


GTA IV or something?


I'm talking about the user RomanGladator you nitwit.
I'm sorry, do you think based on my post count or registration date that I would know this shit?

*The reason fat girls don't want to date you.

No desirable woman wants a lardo.
I have friends who are like 20 pounds overweight and they complain about this shit. I'm not talking lardo obese Kinder-level shit. I mean average-looking folks.

Only Roman does this shit actually.
Are you talking about


GTA IV or something?


OP is the biggest faggot on this site.
OP is pretty cool isn't he?

Or because you're a "nice guy" or whatever the fuck you morons say these days.

Oftentimes it's because you have zero personality and don't know how to carry on a conversation that isn't about vidya and bullshit. Additionally, these same people also lack confidence. Being uninsteresting and shy are the reasons you can't get laid, not because you're not super attractive or are a "jerk".

Additionally, I can't stress the importance of personal hygiene enough. Like, come on. Fucking bathe. Wash your junk. This isn't complex stuff I'm describing here.

I don't know that I necessarily see sep7agoners complaining about this shit constantly but I do see it from people like you (aka visitors to /b/). Just absorb this information and try to make yourself less shit.

Source: I'm fat but I still get women.

The Flood / Re: holy fuck- NSFW
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:08:42 PM »
(ADDENDUM: Most of the time it's also because they're not interesting to be around or talk to. People often overlook this)
I do love when people don't realize this.

I figured that out about myself years ago, therefore I'm better than all these omegas. I am their king, and I shall use them to conquer a small island off the coast of Guam.
People have no personality and then complain that girls only care about looks and not personality. The truth is that a majority of girls do care about a guy's personality and confidence. It's just that so many people lack both of those and wonder what went wrong because they're not self-aware.

The Flood / Re: So wait, is Deci self diagnosed with Aspergers?
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:06:50 PM »
i have self diagnosed supreme intelligence
-Decimator Omega 2015

The Flood / Re: holy fuck- NSFW
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:55:37 PM »
You know what? If I ran a fetish blog, I'd fucking reblog that just for shits and giggles.
Asking someone not to reblog for fetish shit is equivalent to saying "PLEASE REBLOG"

I don't find people with body hair disgusting. I find people who don't give a shit about their personal hygiene and health disgusting. I don't refuse to date you because you have pit hair, it's because you're disgusting.

I have friends in the field of CS and they bitch about the same shit. "She doesn't like me because I'm not hot/a jerk" when in reality it's because they're fucking rank (ADDENDUM: Most of the time it's also because they're not interesting to be around or talk to. People often overlook this). Get a grip.

The Flood / Decimator Omega is at 100% on the autism spectrum.
« on: February 28, 2015, 05:49:51 PM »
His constant attempts to assure everyone how smart of a guy he is only serve to make him look like more of a dumbass. Smart people generally don't need to tell everyone how smart they are.

Additionally, just because you made some games on Unity3D it doesn't mean you're a developer. I spent 300+ hours making maps and minigames in CS:Source but that doesn't make me a developer. You don't even have to call yourself a gamer if you don't want. Just don't mislead people. Once again, the guise of "Developer" only serves to make yourself look better (which it fails at) and to inflate your ego.

You can't multitask. It's called being unskilled at Halo. You can't graphical design. It's called not being creative. And that's okay. Just own it.

Please for the love of Bane cut this the fuck out. All of what I've mentioned above is why people dislike you. If you stopped acting like you're above everyone else and started treating people like equals or with respect, maybe people would soften up to you a bit. But no. You remain as pretentious as ever.

This isn't meant to insult. This is meant as a wake-up call for you. Realize these flaws within yourself and work to fix them. Stop striving to bring others down when you could be working to raise yourself up.

Or to just stop being bad at Halo.

Was you seeing her picture a part of her plan?
Unlikely. kek

Pages: 12 34