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Messages - Yu

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The Flood / Re: Can we get a light theme for this site?
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:28:49 PM »
Maybe if Cheat has the time for it, since he has a life and has to spend his spare time fixing things on here, he could add in a couple of other color themes for people to use.
we all know you just want a purple theme

well that's okay because so do i

Purple theme eww
Purple juice
purple drank

The Flood / Re: Can we get a light theme for this site?
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:25:14 PM »
I rather not get more blind than I already am.

The Flood / Re: i didn't realize things were this bad
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:24:14 PM »
I find it funny that the people still on #Offtopic actually tried to retake #­gaming by making threads that belonged in there, the desticles just came back and retook it within a few days any way.

Gaming / Re: The Fallout Classic Collection on sale on Steam
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:17:01 PM »
I bought it.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:11:14 PM »
I thought reviews were supposed to be in the News board.
Cheat hasn't moved it yet.
Oh shit, I did not even notice that you were unable to create new topics on that board.
Cheat specially mentioned that he would move the review threads to the News section himself.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:06:52 PM »
I thought reviews were supposed to be in the News board.
Cheat hasn't moved it yet.

The Flood / Re: XxxXXxD4nKw33d1M1G108OnoScopezXxxXXx dubstep thread
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:06:18 PM »
>tfw Pendulum split to make Knife Party
Feels bad, man.
>tfw rob swire said pendulum will be coming back together to make a new album
shh no tears now
Please, make it so.

The Flood / Re: You're worse than me
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:03:12 PM »
Few are worse than you.

The Flood / Re: PSY. PSY. PSY.
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:39:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why are there so many anime nerds here?
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:29:17 PM »
What like 4 of us?

The Flood / Re: Who do you hate most here?
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:28:05 PM »
Zesty for the constant shitposting that clogs the front page.
Dustin for being that fucking stupid.
Verbatim, for being angry all the time. it's not like we're the ones who raped him with baseball bats.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:02:54 PM »

Easily my favorite anime. Ladd Russo is so kickass.

Great review, man!
Thanks mate.
He is pretty cool.

The Flood / Re: Where're the articles at, guys?
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:37:38 PM »

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:35:41 PM »
I'd actually recommend the English dub for this ones. It's really well done and fits the setting perfectly.
Hands down one of the best dubs I have ever heard.

Gaming / Re: The Fallout Classic Collection on sale on Steam
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:32:17 PM »
I have never played Fallout, this is probably a good time to do so.

News / Re: Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:30:48 PM »
during some violent parts containing excessive amounts of blood.


But that really does sound great <.<

*bumps it up to next in line for watching*
Damn straight.

News / Anime: Baccano Review
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:24:48 PM »

Baccano is set during the prohibition era of the US, taking place mostly in New York, among a few other locations. It tells the tale of opposing mafia families, a train robbery, the search for a lost brother, and even a man who tries to gain immortality by creating an elixir made long ago. Packed with intertwining stories and characters, it's a captivating adventure that will surely have you wanting more out of the mafioso filled plot.

The way in which the story is told in Baccano is different than most anime, for one it tells three stories throughout the entire anime. Not only that but the three stories are interlaced within each other and are told at the same time. The three main stories consist of the robbing and massacre on board of the train The Flying Pussy Foot, the search for Dallas Genoard, and the disputes in New York between the different mafia families that also involves the creation of an immortality elixir.

The anime uses a non linear method to telling its story, from beginning to end each episode contains part of stories from different years, arcs, flashbacks and third person retelling of stories. Each following some sort of issue issue with the group or family that it focuses on, which can create a bit of a random and unpredictable viewing experience. Due to this, the story can be hard to follow at first and unless you are making sure to pay attention then you'll lose track of important events.

This kind of story telling has its pros and cons in regards to the viewer experience. New viewers and anime fans familiar to the old plot formula will find it becomes a bit difficult to to keep track with the overall plot line of the series in the beginning and throughout the anime until the later portion. At the same time this method provides something new for the viewer as this method is rarely ever used, and done well at that. Also it gives the viewer wanting more out of the story by playing detective, until the very end, as most relationships and conclusions are not revealed until the later portions of the anime.

One of Baccano's strength is its portrayal of the setting of its story, rarely will you find an realistic to semi-realistic anime that does not have the story in Japan at some point. The anime does a fantastic job of giving a natural feel of the later part of the prohibition era, it features speakeasies, clothing suitable for the time, and even careful use of words for that time in America and proper accents for the time within the dub. Not only that but most of all the characters are depicted in a way that seems believable for there time period and universe, almost all of them do not suffer from typical anime tropes; not in appearance nor behavior.

There are a plethora of characters in Baccano, each a part of one group or another, all of them having relationships that span and affect others in other arcs and years. The other main strength of Baccano is its cast of characters, none of them are actual stereotypical characters found within anime. All of them have rich personalities befitting their role in the plot. Though most characters do not have much development throughout the anime, only in small bits here and there. With the strong personalities that each possess, the relationships that all the characters have with one another is what drives the story, Some characters have a bloodthirsty lust to hunt down others, some have beef with others due to their connected pasts, and some drive others by the small interactions with the characters.

Though most of the characters appear only in their respective arc, with a few exceptions to the time in which they appear, there are only two that managed to make an appearance in practically everywhere. The comedic duo Isaac and Miria, while their own shenanigans are an amusing spectacle to watch, they do serve a purpose besides comic relief. These two serve as a plot anchor of sorts that bring together all of the plot lines and parallel stories. Though the might not be much of a back story for these characters, they provide the viewer with important information by talking to all of the characters they come across and inquiring about themselves and their reasons for whatever they may be doing at the time.

Produced by a joint effort of Aniplex, Brain's Base, and Movic, the anime has above average animation during its time. Mostly shining during the fight scenes and during some violent parts containing excessive amounts of blood. As for the art style, priority is given to the characters, not surprisingly so, in order for them to have an authentic 1930s New York mafia feel. Though not the best what 2007 had to offer as other anime had taken the spot light with its top tier animation, like Kara no Kyoukai, however it was far from sub par.

The soundtrack does a much better job of setting the tone of the anime itself, using a combination of jazz, and swing, the soundtrack gives the anime a genuine 1930s feel to it. With the help of the piano, brass pieces and some other instruments that were common during the time, the anime becomes much more immersive. See example below.


Personal Enjoyment
Before watching this I was used to the linear story telling method that just about all anime use, watching this was a nice change in pace compared to what I was used to, even if it threw me for a loop at the beginning. I especially enjoyed just how well the anime depicted the prohibition era and had a more authentic period feel to it. There was never a shortage of interesting things going on throughout the anime and I enjoyed watching the complex interactions between all of the characters.

Review Score
The anime had a more complex web of relationships with its characters then most anime I have seen, and with strong and likeable characters to boot. Though the non linear plot method may be a bit jarring for those new to anime and those who haven't watched much anime, it was a refreshing change. There were some characters that lacked proper development but all of them served their roles to the extent of the story arc in which they were in. Overall its worth the watch for anyone who wants a character driven show that shows off how an anime can properly depict a period in time.

Personal Score
While a did enjoy watching all of the characters go about solving their issues the main issue I had was that Baccano had me out of the loop for a good three episodes before I started piecing the plot together. Despite that I enjoyed viewing something that was vastly different to most of the anime I usually watch in both story telling and in character relationships.

The Flood / Re: ɐuʌoƃ oןןǝ
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:22:18 PM »
Just got back from work.

The Flood / Re: So this happened....
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:34:26 AM »

The Flood / Re: thread number two
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:06:36 AM »
yeah but this the second one since the lol one
I'm waiting for the third.

The Flood / Re: thread number two
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:01:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: What would you do?
« on: September 20, 2014, 08:34:08 AM »

The Flood / Re: Who's READY for some FOOTBALL???
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:39:31 AM »
I don't like playing football.

The Flood / Re: Do you take milk with your coffee?
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:14:46 AM »
Depends on the type of coffee, but not usually.

The Flood / Re: So this happened....
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:12:20 AM »
That looks delicious.

The Flood / Re: WHERE ARE THEY?!
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:10:58 AM »
In the ocean.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agay foot thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:39:32 PM »
This is going to be a field trip for SecondClass.
>Anime avatar

Well shit, never thought I'd see the day.
Hey, its one of my favs.
Something I've been meaning to ask, why in the world did you start to watch Attack on Titan when you don't like modern anime?
A friend. He kept asking and asking me to watch, so I gave in and gave it a try. Liked it.
What did you think of it?
I'm pretty sure that when I meant I liked it...I liked it. Its really emotional and action packed.
I should have specified, I was looking for a more detailed answer.
Let's not derail this thread.
Not like anyone is posting anime, just wanted to hear your detailed thoughts on it.
The show is really good with its characters, they go deep on Eren and Mikasa really well. They explain the world they live incredibly and the titans are downright creepy. Even the side characters like Jean are interesting. Very interesting. Everything makes so much sense! It pulls on my feels really well as well.
I can kinda of agree with all of that except Jean, more of your typical jerk that changes his thought process, his development wasn't all that great, he didn't seem all that fleshed out for what he could have been.

Also Eren is a bitch, Mikasa does all the heavy lifting.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agay foot thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:31:59 PM »
This is going to be a field trip for SecondClass.
>Anime avatar

Well shit, never thought I'd see the day.
Hey, its one of my favs.
Something I've been meaning to ask, why in the world did you start to watch Attack on Titan when you don't like modern anime?
A friend. He kept asking and asking me to watch, so I gave in and gave it a try. Liked it.
What did you think of it?
I'm pretty sure that when I meant I liked it...I liked it. Its really emotional and action packed.
I should have specified, I was looking for a more detailed answer.
Let's not derail this thread.
Not like anyone is posting anime, just wanted to hear your detailed thoughts on it.
The show is really good with its characters, they go deep on Eren and Mikasa really well. They explain the world they live incredibly and the titans are downright creepy. Even the side characters like Jean are interesting. Very interesting. Everything makes so much sense! It pulls on my feels really well as well.
I can kinda of agree with all of that except Jean, more of your typical jerk that changes his thought process, his development wasn't all that great, he didn't seem all that fleshed out for what he could have been.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agay foot thread
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:24:46 PM »
This is going to be a field trip for SecondClass.
>Anime avatar

Well shit, never thought I'd see the day.
Hey, its one of my favs.
Something I've been meaning to ask, why in the world did you start to watch Attack on Titan when you don't like modern anime?
A friend. He kept asking and asking me to watch, so I gave in and gave it a try. Liked it.
What did you think of it?
I'm pretty sure that when I meant I liked it...I liked it. Its really emotional and action packed.
I should have specified, I was looking for a more detailed answer.
Let's not derail this thread.
Not like anyone is posting anime gifs, just wanted to hear your detailed thoughts on it.

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