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Topics - Loaf

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Gaming / Anyone excited for the new hatred?
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:57:54 AM »

This really pisses me off. Would people stop acting like crusaders against things they don't like? I actually really wanted to play Hatred. It's the first video game which I really wanted to play in years actually.

gameplay footage

The Flood / Is anyone else kinda sick of the emo femboy style?
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:56:44 PM »
So emo guys are really adorable and they look sexy as hell. The problem is the more I look at them the more vapid they start to seem to me. It's a style based entirely off aesthetic. The post that really did in emo for me was this though. Read the description Biggest attention seeker on the planet.

click for cute half naked emo femboys

The Flood / Find me some songs more badass than these
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:35:03 AM »
do it now. don't post shit that isn't badass.







The Flood / Does anyone else hate trying to make new friends online?
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:06:03 AM »
I can't stand it anymore. I am always putting my skype info in skype threads on 4chan. I know that seems like a shitty place to make friends... it definitely is. It seems like most of the time when I add someone it just turns into a really long 3 hour conversation the first time we meet, and then we never talk again. I talked to someone for a couple hours, a couple days ago and when I woke up this morning I was removed from skype. Most of the time when I add someone on skype they just want to talk about sex for hours and hours. A lot of people just want to show me their cock immediately after they add me.

I am really fucking sick of it. All the chat rooms I go to really cancerous. I go to a music chat room that's filled with hatred. I go to a few steam chat rooms that are really slow and boring and I hate video games and I only have steam to play counterstrike. I went to another 4chan based chat room and it was really fucking hateful and cancerous. I am so fucking lonely and tired of trying to meet people. I have been trying to make friends online for like 2 years since I graduated high school. I made one friend but she turned on me and told me I was shit after knowing her for like a year.

I have gotten to the point where I hate people, and I literally just have an irrational hatred for every single person that I see walking around outside. I never get to leave my house because I have no job, and I am unable to complete a college education because I just hate college so much. I hate being around the students because they're all snobs who never take the time of day to even look at you. I hate jobs so much. I had two jobs as a bus boy and a barista at a coffee shop. I hate menial jobs so much and I hate being around the people who I have to work for and work with. I honestly just hate living sometimes.

The Flood / Say you're a toilet!!!
« on: January 10, 2015, 05:27:27 AM »


The Flood / Things that make you jealous
« on: January 09, 2015, 09:36:14 PM »
I am really jealous of these guys named alex matt and gizzy. they all live together in england. they take pictures of themselves every day and post them on tumblr. I follow them because I think they're really adorable and I am really jealous of them. I hate the fact that i can't get over how badly I want their life. I feel like I am living vicariously through them a tiny bit. Someone please help me, this is bullshit. They all live with each other with possibly more people. I am guilty of following their tumblrs and watching their twitch streams. How do I handle this? They're really cute but at the same time I resent my jealousy. They are all over 18 btw, just saying.


The Flood / Come and eat, my little birdies
« on: January 09, 2015, 07:01:02 PM »

I was eating some salad with spinach, two tablespoons of light dressing, and blackberries. I was trying to keep the dressing low and I just kept adding more and more spinach so I could eat more of it. Well eventually there was no more dressing and I had a mouth full of plain spinach. So it was too gross and I spit it out. I thought that maybe some of my little baby birdies would appreciate the nutrition. Eat up little birdies ^‿^

The Flood / whoaaa this is just like the old site
« on: January 09, 2015, 04:02:49 PM »
good times man. good times. remember when it used to be a good forum and not weird af? do they still let you block people here?

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