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thanks for the heads up roman.

The Flood / Re: You guys need anything encrypted?
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:13:11 AM »
"0109595920349963455199940647270931408968307415360 5308806395102238032234708955460277191533333207311 0851906237911432749251029040369078679836943901020 2545262406679376519271205543264252706641878640958 6287960726312392064403968319715881181195776812295 2312307808157930321037588354007666682883117033646 4523797794327970510822689715320728222052530574440 4846483365566371309072972330427311904589502367599 8085469529656452084323532348251139696499026465043 5345194963090670577342181016862157181391284336186 0927949172879305920006547835347944377606436227368 4350865537332011653822856612564198411143738246135 5122617247511267670552240493760393471238889532048 5839807585209457766222632102023742710777921520011 0928808529093367502106078751793859046623267321045 3196692071419866252322077210988111391699978497736 4159385214791773100957792659289509246071323255396 4264404063606199791250009930492054717295985719420 750619"
Thanks. Now I can keep that safe from the Liberals.
It's a well know fact that liberals are actually scared of encryption. Inform them that this is an encrypted message and they'll just run away.

If you'd like to trigger them to death, tell them that the message is actually offensive. They won't know which group should be offended, so they won't know who to be offended on behalf of, they'll have to be offended for everyone everywhere, and they should die by mass triggering.

The Flood / Re: You guys need anything encrypted?
« on: February 06, 2016, 10:04:43 AM »
"0109595920349963455199940647270931408968307415360 5308806395102238032234708955460277191533333207311 0851906237911432749251029040369078679836943901020 2545262406679376519271205543264252706641878640958 6287960726312392064403968319715881181195776812295 2312307808157930321037588354007666682883117033646 4523797794327970510822689715320728222052530574440 4846483365566371309072972330427311904589502367599 8085469529656452084323532348251139696499026465043 5345194963090670577342181016862157181391284336186 0927949172879305920006547835347944377606436227368 4350865537332011653822856612564198411143738246135 5122617247511267670552240493760393471238889532048 5839807585209457766222632102023742710777921520011 0928808529093367502106078751793859046623267321045 3196692071419866252322077210988111391699978497736 4159385214791773100957792659289509246071323255396 4264404063606199791250009930492054717295985719420 750619"

The Flood / Re: You guys need anything encrypted?
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:45:47 AM »
"1309877994271154486099890628463297948020347160140 8703159976924305932983102829791768919224100437308 7031599769243059329831117424317182114923590272130 9877994271154486099891643867687963122217544931174 2431718211492359027213098779942711544860998916438 6768796312221754493041765318567265055119934"

The Flood / Re: You guys need anything encrypted?
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:43:18 AM »
"1444183998074581892235030298469600771345913049990 8703159976924305932983102829791768919224100437308 7031599769243059329831123010434219435793045091130 9877994271154486099890623982200320250185595570084 1578112059098460641213098779942711544860998913098 7799427115448609989"

The Flood / You guys need anything encrypted?
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:26:46 AM »
Make sure it's in text form. You'll never know how to decrypt it, but at least it will be safe.

Gaming / Re: Did any of your files in any Halo game get popular?
« on: February 06, 2016, 06:51:03 AM »
op rams dogs.

The Flood / Re: Anyone else hoping Lance Armstrong wins the Superbowl?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:33:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you ever feel "pressured" into liking posts?
« on: February 05, 2016, 12:31:06 PM »
please no like this post.

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate and simseoh's avatar
« on: February 04, 2016, 11:16:28 AM »
it's not fun when you join in.
I thought the same thing about you as soon as I saw who posted :/

But I can make it fun for the rest of us cool cats though, leeet's step it up a notch
are you high? i'm the banter king here.

also nice avatar, I'm glad you like it.
Im the only banter king here
funny, i didn't see you on the banter bus this morning...

You may have been fun back in the day, but not anymore. And I don't even remember what you were like back on bungie, all I knew you for was as the guy who got the last post on old flood. Were you popular?
You became a whiny bitch here, and no, I wasn't.
What you call banter is not banter. It's embarrassing adolescent pissing contests and edgery. Banter is in good fun and high spirits, it's not some unhappy little prick trying to take his frustrations out on the internet.
And it was you and the rest who became whiny little bitches. I never changed, I still haven't. But suddenly it was nonstop whinging, bitching and hate... "I doooon't like elegiac's threeeaads... I don't liiiiike elegiac but I just can't stay awaaay from him boohoohooboohoo ect ect ect"


you've obviously never experienced banter in your life.

Remember when you non-stop pm'd mods and spam reported? I'd call that whining like a pretty big bitch. Someone calls you dingo? Time to make a thread about it on sep7agon. Mods don't lock something you reported? Time to make a thread of sep7agon calling out the obvious mod bias and shitty mods.

That coupled with the pretty terrible threads you shit out makes you pretty annoying. Make threads with actual discussion value and I won't mind. You made this thread simply to try and get a rise out of Deci. Nothing else. No discussion value at all.

also if I were trying to take my frustrations out of the internet, and I'd do it to everyone. I've given you a good summary of my dislike. I have my reasons, and it's not because I'm angry.
Could you perhaps say something that isn't complete BS? Mmmm? As I said at the time 'dingo' was being used to derail my threads and anything else I did. It was that constant harrassment which is what I complained of. You had that one kid who was suicidal following me around telling me to "OD you druggy", but when I turned it back on him and told him to kill himself Psy had a fit. If that ain't mod bias...

My threads are none of your business, if ytou don't like em then don't be in em. Simple. For the thousandth time I wish our enhtire community had of moved over here. Brats like you would have remained firmly in your place (obscurity), where you clearly belong. Everything you say and do demonstrates as much.

I'm done. I got bored with fighting against this unhealthy hatred for me from the less reputable members of this community. And I'm still bored with it. You're a guy behind a screen. I can't force any of you to face up to yourselves.
I didn't even know about peopel telling you to kill yourself, but if you told a suicidal person to kill themselves... What did you expect?

I wish it was like that, unfortunately there is no other way of getting you to improve your quality of threads. Maybe in time you'll understand.
Also, stuff like 'reputable members' and thinking members belong in their places makes me genuinely laugh. You take this place way too seriously.

Gaming / Re: Got Mass Effect 2
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:46:13 AM »
Try using the biotic classes. They're the most fun and entertaining. Tech is good as well, but you'll enjoy your first playthrough with biotics more.

The Flood / Re: I got into the teaching program
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:38:52 AM »
good job. don't screw it up.
I still haven't clicked the button yet. It's just that there's a chance to meet dream girl, which the probability if very low if there's only around 20 something students.
are you doing this to literally just get a girl?
And to be out more, in a classroom setting with other people my age, and not to work in retail anymore.
That's better I guess. If you want to socialize why not join to clubs or something?
Don't do this just to get a girlfriend, you won't enjoy it if that's your motivation.

The Flood / Re: I got into the teaching program
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:36:51 AM »
good job. don't screw it up.
I still haven't clicked the button yet. It's just that there's a chance to meet dream girl, which the probability if very low if there's only around 20 something students.
are you doing this to literally just to get a girl?

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate and simseoh's avatar
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:35:56 AM »
it's not fun when you join in.
I thought the same thing about you as soon as I saw who posted :/

But I can make it fun for the rest of us cool cats though, leeet's step it up a notch
are you high? i'm the banter king here.

also nice avatar, I'm glad you like it.
Im the only banter king here
funny, i didn't see you on the banter bus this morning...

You may have been fun back in the day, but not anymore. And I don't even remember what you were like back on bungie, all I knew you for was as the guy who got the last post on old flood. Were you popular?
You became a whiny bitch here, and no, I wasn't.
What you call banter is not banter. It's embarrassing adolescent pissing contests and edgery. Banter is in good fun and high spirits, it's not some unhappy little prick trying to take his frustrations out on the internet.
And it was you and the rest who became whiny little bitches. I never changed, I still haven't. But suddenly it was nonstop whinging, bitching and hate... "I doooon't like elegiac's threeeaads... I don't liiiiike elegiac but I just can't stay awaaay from him boohoohooboohoo ect ect ect"


you've obviously never experienced banter in your life.

Remember when you non-stop pm'd mods and spam reported? I'd call that whining like a pretty big bitch. Someone calls you dingo? Time to make a thread about it on sep7agon. Mods don't lock something you reported? Time to make a thread of sep7agon calling out the obvious mod bias and shitty mods.

That coupled with the pretty terrible threads you shit out makes you pretty annoying. Make threads with actual discussion value and I won't mind. You made this thread simply to try and get a rise out of Deci. Nothing else. No discussion value at all.

also if I were trying to take my frustrations out of the internet, and I'd do it to everyone. I've given you a good summary of my dislike. I have my reasons, and it's not because I'm angry.

The Flood / Re: The Knights of Deci
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:08:23 AM »
Creating threads with the sole purpose of communicating with another member (calling out) is discouraged, and the thread in question may be locked, depending on the content and context of the thread. Calling out a user maliciously will automatically earn a lock and may include a warning of 5% to 15%, depending on the severity.

The Flood / Re: I got into the teaching program
« on: February 04, 2016, 10:05:04 AM »
good job. don't screw it up.

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate and simseoh's avatar
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:55:12 AM »
it's not fun when you join in.
I thought the same thing about you as soon as I saw who posted :/

But I can make it fun for the rest of us cool cats though, leeet's step it up a notch
are you high? i'm the banter king here.

also nice avatar, I'm glad you like it.
Im the only banter king here
funny, i didn't see you on the banter bus this morning...

You may have been fun back in the day, but not anymore. And I don't even remember what you were like back on bungie, all I knew you for was as the guy who got the last post on old flood. Were you popular?
You became a whiny bitch here, and no, I wasn't.

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:41:44 AM »
it's not fun when you join in.
I thought the same thing about you as soon as I saw who posted :/

But I can make it fun for the rest of us cool cats though, leeet's step it up a notch
are you high? i'm the banter king here.

also nice avatar, I'm glad you like it.

The Flood / Re: ITT we steal Deci's nameplate
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:17:29 AM »
it's not fun when you join in.

The Flood / Re: verby, will you please give me a chance?
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:43:17 AM »
i hope verb isn't homophobic.

it's worrying in this day and age that people will still discriminate against people because of their gender.

The Flood / Re: A fucking balloon next to my window exploded
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:40:07 AM »
your life is literally just one big explosion lmao.

nope. literally no one cares in the uk.

40 million people in the UK watch. Thats not "literally no one".
40 millions people in the uk don't watch it lmao. where did you get that statistic from?

Research guy @ NFL Films this past weekend.

He said between 30-40 million UK viewers watch the game live or a later rebroadcast.
that is flat out wrong.

apparently, 20 million people in the UK watched the final of the world cup.

football is honestly a million times more popular than American football in the UK.

if 40 million people were watching it, around 2/3s of the population, I'd think I'd heard about it a bit more than about 1 advert on channel 4 every year.

there is literally no way more people are watching the superb owl than the world cup final.
either you've remembered the wrong number, or that research guy is just wrong.

Notice how I said "later rebroadcast". Obviously 2/3's of people in the UK aren't going to watch something at midnight on a sunday.

The LIVE numbers are low because of how late the game is on in the UK.
yeah, they're not watching the "later rebroadcast" either. Nobody talks about the superb owl. Like I said, all I ever hear of it is 1 advert on channel four. If it were being viewed twice as much as the world cup, I'd hear a lot more about it than one advert. 40 million is wrong.

Maybe its just the people you talk to that aren't interested in the Super Bowl.

30-40 million for both the live and rebroadcast seems pretty spot on to me.

The NFL regularly sells out every London game (usually 2-3 a year). People might care more about soccer, but they still do care about the NFL.

i know a lot of people interested in sports, and I read sports news every day. No one has mentioned, hell it's not even on the BBC Sport homepage, then only way I could find it was searching by NFL.

30 - 40 million is completely wrong. you do realise like only 30-40% of Americans watched it. whereas 40 million UK viewers is like 60-70% of brits.

you've got to be completely retarded to believe that. i don't get what you're having trouble grasping. American football isn't popular here. The vast majority of the population won't even know what the NFL is.

maxing out 2 to 3 times a year makes perfect sense. it's a rare event, and people from all over the country will go down to London to watch it if they're interested in it.

40 million is wrong mate, completely wrong.

nope. literally no one cares in the uk.

40 million people in the UK watch. Thats not "literally no one".
40 millions people in the uk don't watch it lmao. where did you get that statistic from?

Research guy @ NFL Films this past weekend.

He said between 30-40 million UK viewers watch the game live or a later rebroadcast.
that is flat out wrong.

apparently, 20 million people in the UK watched the final of the world cup.

football is honestly a million times more popular than American football in the UK.

if 40 million people were watching it, around 2/3s of the population, I'd think I'd heard about it a bit more than about 1 advert on channel 4 every year.

there is literally no way more people are watching the superb owl than the world cup final.
either you've remembered the wrong number, or that research guy is just wrong.

Notice how I said "later rebroadcast". Obviously 2/3's of people in the UK aren't going to watch something at midnight on a sunday.

The LIVE numbers are low because of how late the game is on in the UK.
yeah, they're not watching the "later rebroadcast" either. Nobody talks about the superb owl. Like I said, all I ever hear of it is 1 advert on channel four. If it were being viewed twice as much as the world cup, I'd hear a lot more about it than one advert. 40 million is wrong.

nope. literally no one cares in the uk.

40 million people in the UK watch. Thats not "literally no one".
40 millions people in the uk don't watch it lmao. where did you get that statistic from?

Research guy @ NFL Films this past weekend.

He said between 30-40 million UK viewers watch the game live or a later rebroadcast.
that is flat out wrong.

apparently, 20 million people in the UK watched the final of the world cup.

football is honestly a million times more popular than American football in the UK.

if 40 million people were watching it, around 2/3s of the population, I'd think I'd heard about it a bit more than about 1 advert on channel 4 every year.

there is literally no way more people are watching the superb owl than the world cup final.
either you've remembered the wrong number, or that research guy is just wrong.

nope. literally no one cares in the uk.

40 million people in the UK watch. Thats not "literally no one".
40 million people in the uk do not it watch it lmao. where did you get that statistic from?

nope. literally no one cares in the uk.

The Flood / Re: Banned on 4 accounts on Bnet
« on: February 02, 2016, 08:20:06 AM »
what was the joke?

i never knew the mods to ban people over feminist jokes, although I've not been on bnet in quite a while.

« on: February 02, 2016, 06:43:50 AM »
wow ender you're being pretty rude lately.
blame discord
you need to sit down and take a long hard look at yourself.
you can't make me, you're not my dad.
just wait until your father Fedorekd gets home, he will be furious.

« on: February 02, 2016, 06:37:27 AM »

The Flood / Re: 12 users.
« on: February 02, 2016, 06:34:41 AM »

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