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Messages - SpasticSprocket

Pages: 12 34 ... 8
The Flood / Re: The Last Will & Testament of Prime Whatever
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:26:11 AM »
GG. You went and ate bad chicken.
Had dinner at the big chicken

Probably have salmonella lmao
Definitely salmonella. Wanna share some of that chicken?
I only got the 3 tender meal tho

It was gone in like 10 minutes
>10 whole minutes.

You eat that slow and call yourself human?

The Flood / Re: The Last Will & Testament of Prime Whatever
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:24:02 AM »
GG. You went and ate bad chicken.
Had dinner at the big chicken

Probably have salmonella lmao
Definitely salmonella. Wanna share some of that chicken?

The Flood / Re: The Last Will & Testament of Prime Whatever
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:21:43 AM »
GG. You went and ate bad chicken.

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:04:04 AM »
I mean I guess making $10 is better than $9.50

I'd advise job hunting unless you're a teenager or something. I got a 3% bonus on what I made from April 2014 till March 2015, on top of pay raises every 6 months, and another pay increase next year in June.

I'm already working on a transfer out of the state, and outside of big retail, fast food, forestry and the military,  there's not a lot of options for jobs that MIGHT get you over 28 hours a week.
Tech support for a company usually it 25-40 hours. It's basically customer service over the phone though. Just help people troubleshoot stuff.
I don't recall hearing from anyone in tech support that they like their job though. Not that any of the other jobs available would be enjoyable.

The Flood / Re: Name an honest flaw/confession about yourself
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:55:56 PM »
Lol i can't help myself get out of random depressive moods every couple of months. There isn't motivation or anything to keep me going to combat it. I even doubt i like my coworker now.
Yes, a coworker i like >.>
Does she like you?
She's too young for him, bro.
Hey man, 16 is not bad for a 19 year old
Nope. Nope nope nope. Underage is no go. That's how you get in trouble.
It's not illegal if you don't have sex.
It's not about that. It's about the situation in general. The girl's parents wouldn't be at all happy with it I'm sure and that would cause major problems.

The Flood / Re: Name an honest flaw/confession about yourself
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:49:28 PM »
Lol i can't help myself get out of random depressive moods every couple of months. There isn't motivation or anything to keep me going to combat it. I even doubt i like my coworker now.
Yes, a coworker i like >.>
Does she like you?
She's too young for him, bro.
Hey man, 16 is not bad for a 19 year old
Nope. Nope nope nope. Underage is no go. That's how you get in trouble.

The Flood / Re: Wow.
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:34:28 PM »
I watched this whole thing.

Noticed some stuff.

Woman wouldn't start crying until there was some form of external witness

Son very clearly didn't want to go back, the mother's accusations that he was being impulsive and rash and letting the father manipulate or persuade him have pretty much no grounds when the kid is clearly willing to actively prevent his mother from getting him out of the car.

The mom was attacking the father's character which implies this is more about her disdain for the son's father than her own feelings for her son

The kid mentioned that the mother had hit him on more than one occasion and that she even slammed him against a wall holding him by the neck. My father has slammed me into walls on a few occasions and that's straight up abusive behavior.

The mother was willing to press charges against her own son just to get what she wants. That's not about loving your child and being concerned for their safety. That is again about her personal squabble with her ex-husband.

I've had a father who treated me the same way this kid says his mother treated him. Throwing me against a wall with his hands on my neck, throwing shit at me, yelling and screaming at me over shit I shouldn't be screamed at. I didn't feel comfortable around him, I didn't feel like I could be myself around him. He was too explosive when he got mad. On top of that my stepmother didn't treat me the same as her own son. She prioritized him over me and pretty much ignored me, she didn't treat me well and was always mad at me about something and claimed I was disrespectful. I never felt comfortable around them, I could never be myself, I ended up living in the basement and I saw my father maybe once a day. He wasn't nearly as involved in my life as he should've been at that point. I didn't want him to be though because I didn't feel comfortable. I became a hermit just to avoid my own parents.

Instead of just insisting that I go live with my mother instead of him I just lived in his basement. It was a terrible decision as my mother and stepfather are better parents overall than he was. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to handle raising someone like me with the problems I have and it shows in the fact that I had to learn social skills and real world skills as an adult as opposed to as a child.

I'm probably revealing too much about myself and my personal life in this post but this sort of thing resonates with me because it's exactly the decision I didn't have the guts to make when my father pulled the whole "your mother would be a bad parent and she's just manipulating you." bullshit. I didn't believe him but I knew he'd start something that I didn't want started if I stood my ground.

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:56:59 PM »
>cost of living


should be 0
This post could be used as an excuse to segue into discussing universal base income. As in everyone gets a set amount of money every month for absolute bare necessities.

The Flood / Re: Wow.
« on: June 01, 2015, 06:18:55 PM »
I uh...

I don't even know.
What don't you know?

The Flood / Re: Name an honest flaw/confession about yourself
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:28:30 AM »
Not very self motivated. Leads to being a lazy bag of shit. It's loads of fun being a lazy bag of shit that everyone is disappointed in.

The Flood / Re: Walmart changed our raises.
« on: June 01, 2015, 11:01:13 AM »
You should really expect this bullshit from Wal-Mart. Like you should expect them to do anything possible to cheap out on everything without seeming like a completely obvious evil corporation from an 80's movie. The store I work at raised the minimum wage for employees to $9/hr so now they're of course cutting back hours.

As far as actually solving the whole insufficient income thing Lowering cost of living would take a lot of effort and money, raising the wages just requires sneaking a bill by the lobbyists that raises the wage immediately by a significant amount. Yeah sure there might be some turmoil at first but the end result could be that businesses start making more money because the low income workers are suddenly making enough money to actually buy stuff.

The Flood / Re: Minimum wage raising is pretty bad
« on: May 31, 2015, 10:54:00 PM »
Has anyone mentioned Seatac and what happened when they boosted the minimum wage there? Cause they boosted it to like $15 an hour all at once and what happened was interesting.

Serious / Re: Are these people fucking serious?
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:34:39 PM »
I didn't really care that much before.

Now I'm mad.

That annoying fucking habla-music though
Yeah because if anything should get you mad about ISIS its the fact they're destroying some stupid old sculptures nobody gives a shit about, not the people they're torturing or killing or anything, right?
But see, I don't really care about the people. Do care about the sculptures, though.

I hope they destroy more sculptures then. You should be ashamed you care more about a piece of rock than a human life.
See, here's the thing. Human life has very little value. There are ~7 Billion motherfuckers running around this earth, and the new ones are rolling off the factory floor faster than we can get rid of the old ones.

No matter what year it is, no matter which party is in charge of which government, no matter what anyone does, murder and violence will always happen. This is inevitable. We live in a world of limited resources and space. There is always going to be some group out there, usually many of them, in fact, slaughtering innocents by the hundreds. That's just how we are.

Now, what you do not hear about every day, is the destruction of ancient history, of artifacts that tie a people to their ancestors. You have to be genuinely insane for that. For a people to go around destroying their own cultural heritage in the name of Islam? To erase their own history in the name of ideology? Absolutely disgusting.

And I could care less about the artifacts they destroy when it's important to defend what we have today. It reminds me of Monuments Men. To a point I can sympathize, but in the end who gives a flying fuck about some paintings or statues being destroyed when you're trying to protect the present. Achieve victory first, THEN worry about the artifacts.

Not like they have much of a culture anymore anyway looooooool
Good lord you're both absolutely retarded
>Taking anything these people say seriously

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:31:02 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

>Implying that something being shit at certain things means it's shit at everything
I'm assuming that anyone who's had to use it for years has had to use it in multiple ways.
Certain swords and certain weapons are designed for certain tasks that are needed to be overcome for that time. The Katana would not fare well against chainmail or steel plate. It also did not help the Japanese win WWII.
I don't. That's not even a proper comparison.
What comparison do you want? It's past 4am, I can't sleep, and I'm not a mind reader.
I don't want any comparisons. I want to sleep. I see what you're trying to get at but saying a sword isn't as good as a gun is basically saying that water is wet. No fucking shit.
Do you use a formation of men equipped with daggers to oppose a pike formation? No, you do not, unless you want your men to die but that's another issue.

...You're still using weapons where one is obviously going to overpower the other. What you're implying isn't true. A Katana is an actual sword. Meant to be used in combat against actual swords. Sure it may not be super great at some things but saying that putting it against any other sword is like bumrushing some dude with a pike or a halbred when you're armed with a dagger is just a fucking retarded comparison.
I thought what I was saying was fairly obvious. Certain weapons, armors, and tactics beat other ones. Certain weapons are better at certain things. Swords tend to be more wieldy then Maces, as the point of balance is closer to the hand, but Maces can break plate and chainmail armor, while swords are not nearly as effective. Yes, you can half-sword and aim for the joints or strike with the pommel, but there are better weapons for the job.

Do you understand?  I'm not saying the Katana is shit against other swords indefinitely, but there are swords designed to do certain tasks better than the Katana can.
Earlier you were saying the katana is basically shit. Everyone was. I can't see a sword that was actually used by whatever crazy motherfucker as be-.. Why am I arguing this? I don't even care. I need sleep.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:22:21 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

>Implying that something being shit at certain things means it's shit at everything
I'm assuming that anyone who's had to use it for years has had to use it in multiple ways.
Certain swords and certain weapons are designed for certain tasks that are needed to be overcome for that time. The Katana would not fare well against chainmail or steel plate. It also did not help the Japanese win WWII.
I don't. That's not even a proper comparison.
What comparison do you want? It's past 4am, I can't sleep, and I'm not a mind reader.
I don't want any comparisons. I want to sleep. I see what you're trying to get at but saying a sword isn't as good as a gun is basically saying that water is wet. No fucking shit.
Do you use a formation of men equipped with daggers to oppose a pike formation? No, you do not, unless you want your men to die but that's another issue.

...You're still using weapons where one is obviously going to overpower the other. What you're implying isn't true. A Katana is an actual sword. Meant to be used in combat against actual swords. Sure it may not be super great at some things but saying that putting it against any other sword is like bumrushing some dude with a pike or a halbred when you're armed with a dagger is just a fucking retarded comparison.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:15:59 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

>Implying that something being shit at certain things means it's shit at everything
I'm assuming that anyone who's had to use it for years has had to use it in multiple ways.
Certain swords and certain weapons are designed for certain tasks that are needed to be overcome for that time. The Katana would not fare well against chainmail or steel plate. It also did not help the Japanese win WWII.
I don't. That's not even a proper comparison.
What comparison do you want? It's past 4am, I can't sleep, and I'm not a mind reader.
I don't want any comparisons. I want to sleep. I see what you're trying to get at but saying a sword isn't as good as a gun is basically saying that water is wet. No fucking shit.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:11:11 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

>Implying that something being shit at certain things means it's shit at everything
I'm assuming that anyone who's had to use it for years has had to use it in multiple ways.
Certain swords and certain weapons are designed for certain tasks that are needed to be overcome for that time. The Katana would not fare well against chainmail or steel plate. It also did not help the Japanese win WWII.
I don't. That's not even a proper comparison.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:09:32 AM »
No seriously this place is just gonna be another one of the fuckin' anti-weeb echo-chambers that thinks a katana is made of god damn balsa wood and shatters as soon as it hits something that isn't skin or bamboo

Bunch of ignorant bitch bastards

There are a bunch of weebs/anime fans here. We make jokes, we laugh at each other. Take it easy, or if you can't, then leaving might be best.

You do realize there is discussion right above you that is opposite of what you said you think it will be?

>Taking my abundance of curse words seriously

I mean, I don't you don't know me, but come on nigga. Come on.

And I just READ the discussion, homeboy. It's EXACTLY what I think it would be. It's people talking shit about pieces of Japanese culture, swords, and history they don't know dick bubkiss about.
What? I honestly didn't give a shit about you swearing, where did you get that idea from?

Katana is not god-sword. Katana is good sword for period and place it was used in, not outside that. Steel used to make Katana not as good as crucible steel. Ching Chong Ping Pong, we good?
Jesus fucking christ it's like you know exactly how to fucking bait her into continuing to argue.
You act like it's difficult, she's really easy and overly sensitive.

GOD dammit why does this board not have smileys, Spaps?

I could spam :incredulity: at this two-bit slut for days
Because it's an eternal Circle-jerk between the members posing as a legitimate forum.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:07:13 AM »
No seriously this place is just gonna be another one of the fuckin' anti-weeb echo-chambers that thinks a katana is made of god damn balsa wood and shatters as soon as it hits something that isn't skin or bamboo

Bunch of ignorant bitch bastards

There are a bunch of weebs/anime fans here. We make jokes, we laugh at each other. Take it easy, or if you can't, then leaving might be best.

You do realize there is discussion right above you that is opposite of what you said you think it will be?

>Taking my abundance of curse words seriously

I mean, I don't you don't know me, but come on nigga. Come on.

And I just READ the discussion, homeboy. It's EXACTLY what I think it would be. It's people talking shit about pieces of Japanese culture, swords, and history they don't know dick bubkiss about.
What? I honestly didn't give a shit about you swearing, where did you get that idea from?

Katana is not god-sword. Katana is good sword for period and place it was used in, not outside that. Steel used to make Katana not as good as crucible steel. Ching Chong Ping Pong, we good?
Jesus fucking christ it's like you know exactly how to fucking bait her into continuing to argue.
You act like it's difficult, she's really easy and overly sensitive.
I's just that This and Tumblrinas are the only things I've seen that hit a nerve.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:06:17 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

>Implying that something being shit at certain things means it's shit at everything
I'm assuming that anyone who's had to use it for years has had to use it in multiple ways.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:04:57 AM »
No seriously this place is just gonna be another one of the fuckin' anti-weeb echo-chambers that thinks a katana is made of god damn balsa wood and shatters as soon as it hits something that isn't skin or bamboo

Bunch of ignorant bitch bastards

There are a bunch of weebs/anime fans here. We make jokes, we laugh at each other. Take it easy, or if you can't, then leaving might be best.

You do realize there is discussion right above you that is opposite of what you said you think it will be?

>Taking my abundance of curse words seriously

I mean, I don't you don't know me, but come on nigga. Come on.

And I just READ the discussion, homeboy. It's EXACTLY what I think it would be. It's people talking shit about pieces of Japanese culture, swords, and history they don't know dick bubkiss about.
What? I honestly didn't give a shit about you swearing, where did you get that idea from?

Katana is not god-sword. Katana is good sword for period and place it was used in, not outside that. Steel used to make Katana not as good as crucible steel. Ching Chong Ping Pong, we good?
Jesus fucking christ it's like you know exactly how to fucking bait her into continuing to argue.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 03:02:09 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.
Technically speaking, they are.
Technically speaking if a weapon was actually absolute fucking garbage no one who sees regular combat would be retarded enough to use it. So whether they're shit is entirely up to whoever had to use one the most.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:57:18 AM »
No seriously this place is just gonna be another one of the fuckin' anti-weeb echo-chambers that thinks a katana is made of god damn balsa wood and shatters as soon as it hits something that isn't skin or bamboo

Bunch of ignorant bitch bastards
>getting this mad
み けくす ぷれあせ たけす でも

>thinking I'm actually this mad
Desu desu baka desu kawaii uguu senpai
>Having as big of a Japanese history boner as yours.

The Flood / Re: >he doesn't OC a katana for self-defense
« on: January 02, 2015, 02:55:46 AM »
This is Cindy. Group meet Cindy. Cindy meet Group. Cindy spends too much time reading comments made by idiots on reddit who like to say Katanas are shit.

The Flood / Re: So I just saw Fight Club for the first time....
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:18:39 PM »
As someone who didn't know the twist I can say not knowing makes it better.

I also read Lullaby. That was pretty interesting too.

The Flood / Re: Is Anarchy up?
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:07:45 PM »
Requested... It asked for a reason. I was like do I need one?

The Flood / Re: Is Anarchy up?
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:00:56 PM »
What is nameplate

The Flood / Re: eel of wisdom and wizardry
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:55:40 AM »

The Flood / Re: Christmas Preasent Thread
« on: December 25, 2014, 01:31:03 AM »
Tools for my bike is the only one I know. Cause I saw the label on the ups package.
For upkeeping? Or repair?
Both. Shit needs to be tightened and replaced regularly.

The Flood / Re: Christmas Preasent Thread
« on: December 24, 2014, 08:57:40 PM »
Tools for my bike is the only one I know. Cause I saw the label on the ups package.

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