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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:28:11 PM »
Fucking Jews. We were all just about to get your expert opinion after you studied these guys' Twitter account for 5 minutes and drew a conclusion based on your own bias.
Okay, so let's instead conclude that Islam is evil and that we should work to convince over a billion people that what they're believing is wrong.

Key point here being he joined an Islamic terror group and was brainwashed by Muslim extremists. This is how toxic ideologies work.
No, key point being that he was a fruit ripe for the picking by Islamic terror groups.

Unless they're, you know, already Muslims that decide to shoot people because they drew a cartoon of their prophet.

There's no excuse or way to twist this to have Islam look peaceful. The religion is violent in and of itself. You don't need to look at ISIS for that. Just look at how women are treated and how Muslim societies are. Where religions minorities are persecuted by the majority of Muslims and the Muslim government, not fringe groups.
I don't think that Islam is a peaceful religion. Not by any means. But what else are we supposed to do? Islam isn't something that you can just vanquish just like that. The most we can do is root out the people who want to use it as a vehicle to launch terror attacks. And trying to fuel the fire by hosting idiotic Muhammed drawing competitions is just going to make the problem worse and give legitimacy to groups like IS.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:13:26 PM »
I see Comms is here telling us to feel bad for the poor, provoked Muslims. Poor murderers.
I never said that.

I'm saying that the people hosting the event are fucking retards who wanted the shooting to happen.
Nope, they're just drawing pictures. If Muslims are going to be sensitive enough and get so offended they're going to kill people over cartoons, that's on them.
And the globs and globs of heavily armed security were there for what reason then? And come on, you can't just boil it down to just "drawing pictures". If they were smart enough to hire fuck-tons of security, they were smart enough to know that what they're doing is going to get a lot of people to hate them and might actually target them.
They're drawings.
Why the fuck would they even make them if it weren't to try provoking the Muslim community to react violently or have some sort of outburst?

And the people who launched the attack were just miserable and lonely people who just wanted to be remembered on the newspapers. This retarded picture-drawing contest was just an excuse for them to finally do it. The attack didn't have any sort of solid planning going towards it. I would show you the tweet they made which clearly indicates what I just said is true, but Twitter just loves to delete stuff like that which could actually be useful.
Well isn't that convenient for you.

They're muslims that blew a gasket and decided to kill people for drawing a picture of their so called prophet. There's no excuse.
So the attack was just a spontaneous reaction rather than a planned attack. Islam isn't what caused the people to be radicalized. The fact that their lives sucked is what radicalized them, and they just took Islam as a name for that radicalization. If they weren't going to attack in the name of Islam, they would have attacked in the name of some other ideology at another place and another time.

You're victim blaming saying they were provoking the Muslim community while at the same time acting as if the fact that they were followers of Islam is irrelevant.

Please, show me all this proof you have that their lives sucked.
Oh, I'd absolutely love to show you this proof, but as I stated before, their Twitter account was deleted, so there goes everything useful that could have been learned about the psychological profiles of the attackers. So I'll just refer to another person very similar to these attackers. Jihadi John.

He was a very lonely and sad person growing up (lots of articles I read made a point of this). Then he adopted radical Islam so he could feel like a member of a community. Then he goes over to Islamic State to kill under the name of his new identity. Why do you think he loves killing Westerners so much?

Which is can be put back into the story of these attackers, and many other attackers as well as people who go over to Islamic State.. They adopt Islam as a new identity, then they kill in the name of their adopted identity.

The Flood / Re: Locking too many threads
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:04:14 PM »

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:02:48 PM »
I see Comms is here telling us to feel bad for the poor, provoked Muslims. Poor murderers.
I never said that.

I'm saying that the people hosting the event are fucking retards who wanted the shooting to happen.
Nope, they're just drawing pictures. If Muslims are going to be sensitive enough and get so offended they're going to kill people over cartoons, that's on them.
And the globs and globs of heavily armed security were there for what reason then? And come on, you can't just boil it down to just "drawing pictures". If they were smart enough to hire fuck-tons of security, they were smart enough to know that what they're doing is going to get a lot of people to hate them and might actually target them.
They're drawings.
Why the fuck would they even make them if it weren't to try provoking the Muslim community to react violently or have some sort of outburst?

And the people who launched the attack were just miserable and lonely people who just wanted to be remembered on the newspapers. This retarded picture-drawing contest was just an excuse for them to finally do it. The attack didn't have any sort of solid planning going towards it. I would show you the tweet they made which clearly indicates what I just said is true, but Twitter just loves to delete stuff like that which could actually be useful.
Well isn't that convenient for you.

They're muslims that blew a gasket and decided to kill people for drawing a picture of their so called prophet. There's no excuse.
So the attack was just a spontaneous reaction rather than a planned attack. Islam isn't what caused the people to be radicalized. The fact that their lives sucked is what radicalized them, and they just took Islam as a name for that radicalization. If they weren't going to attack in the name of Islam, they would have attacked in the name of some other ideology at another place and another time.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:56:22 PM »
And the globs and globs of heavily armed security were there for what reason then?
The venue told the organization that they would not host such a controversial event without an incredible amount of security provided and paid for by the organization.
Then there's where the organization became without a doubt aware that what they were doing would infuriate a lot of people.

Hell, why the fuck would they even host a stupid picture-drawing contest of Muhammed if the aim wasn't to piss of Muslims?
Because that was the aim. SIOA, less radically known as American Freedom Defense Initiative is listed as an anti-islam hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. That said, what they did wasn't really illegal, just kinda on par with WBC tier scummery. And with that said, the only people still in the wrong are our two freelance soldiers of Allah who died doing what they love.

That's the point that I'm giving. That the people who hosted the event wanted this attack to happen. Or at least some sort of violent outburst from the Muslim community.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:55:32 PM »
I'm not justifying these shootings, but...

What the hell did these people expect to happen?

don't worry

the crops are safe
That was literally what the event was.

I don't who was more sad and deranged: the people hosting the event or the gunmen. Cause this event was clearly made with a greater agenda in mind.

I would have to go with the gunmen. You can't really fault the people running the thing as they were obviously prepared for shit to go down.

it's not like lives weren't saved
Yeah, but it's so incredibly easy to launch a gun attack here. And if the people hosting the event had so much security hired, it's probable that they wanted the gunmen to come, and then use that as a reason to intensify the already rampant Islamophobia going on in the world.

The gunmen weren't affiliated with al-Qaeda or IS. They were just lone gunmen who pledged "allegiance" to IS the instant before they launched the attack.

if they pledged "allegiance" to IS before the attack, then they are affiliated with the group. I'm not exactly sure they have a signup sheet.

whether the people running the thing wanted the gunmen to come is based on the personal outlook of the situation. They could have just as easily justified the heightened security with the recent charlie hebdo shootings over the same issue, which is what this even was honoring in the first place.

it's not like there isn't a problem with radical Muslims in the world. and when basic human rights such as freedom of speech are silenced because of such a threat, I commend anyone stupid/brave enough to put themselves in a position of danger to uphold dat shit.
There's a difference between shouting "I GIVE BAY'AH TO THE ISLAMIC STATE TIME TO MARTYR MYSELF ALLAHU AKBAR" on twitter immediately before going on an attempted spree and actually being planted in by the group and actively coordinating with the group for months before the attack happened.

This attack was really poorly executed, and it was clearly spontaneous. Hell, there was only one injured security guard, and the only two dead were the attackers.

isn't that a good thing?
I'm saying that the attackers aren't really members of IS, so they don't yet have the sufficient resources to co-ordinate attacks inside of the US, so yes. That's a good thing.

Serious / IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi rumored dead by Mosul Eye
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:54:26 PM »
I wouldn't be posting rumors of the death of al-Baghdadi since those are posted nearly every month by tabloids. But this one caught my eye.

For those of you who don't know, Mosul Eye is a source from a civilian living inside of IS-held Mosul, and he tries to give a perspective of what life is really like under IS control. This guy is obviously not with the organization, and IS is trying to find this guy to shut his organization down and execute him. He has some serious balls for doing this and deserves a lot of respect from everyone.

Anyways.... here is Mosul Eye's implication that al-Baghdadi is dead. This isn't 100% confirmed, but there is a real chance that he's dead.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:48:45 PM »

America is a joke country.
>joke country
>one of the powerful countries in the world

Lol such a joke country
America is pretty comical though.
the eu is still shit though
Eh, it's fine as long as you're a member of the anti-US circlejerk. :)

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:46:32 PM »
And the globs and globs of heavily armed security were there for what reason then?
The venue told the organization that they would not host such a controversial event without an incredible amount of security provided and paid for by the organization.
Then there's where the organization became without a doubt aware that what they were doing would infuriate a lot of people.

Hell, why the fuck would they even host a stupid picture-drawing contest of Muhammed if the aim wasn't to piss of Muslims?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:40:31 PM »
I see Comms is here telling us to feel bad for the poor, provoked Muslims. Poor murderers.
I never said that.

I'm saying that the people hosting the event are fucking retards who wanted the shooting to happen.
Nope, they're just drawing pictures. If Muslims are going to be sensitive enough and get so offended they're going to kill people over cartoons, that's on them.
And the globs and globs of heavily armed security were there for what reason then? And come on, you can't just boil it down to just "drawing pictures". If they were smart enough to hire fuck-tons of security, they were smart enough to know that what they're doing is going to get a lot of people to hate them and might actually target them.

And the people who launched the attack were just miserable and lonely people who just wanted to be remembered on the newspapers. This retarded picture-drawing contest was just an excuse for them to finally do it. The attack didn't have any sort of solid planning going towards it. I would show you the tweet they made which clearly indicates what I just said is true, but Twitter just loves to delete stuff like that which could actually be useful.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:33:24 PM »
I'm not justifying these shootings, but...

What the hell did these people expect to happen?

don't worry

the crops are safe
That was literally what the event was.

I don't who was more sad and deranged: the people hosting the event or the gunmen. Cause this event was clearly made with a greater agenda in mind.

I would have to go with the gunmen. You can't really fault the people running the thing as they were obviously prepared for shit to go down.

it's not like lives weren't saved
Yeah, but it's so incredibly easy to launch a gun attack here. And if the people hosting the event had so much security hired, it's probable that they wanted the gunmen to come, and then use that as a reason to intensify the already rampant Islamophobia going on in the world.

The gunmen weren't affiliated with al-Qaeda or IS. They were just lone gunmen who pledged "allegiance" to IS the instant before they launched the attack.

if they pledged "allegiance" to IS before the attack, then they are affiliated with the group. I'm not exactly sure they have a signup sheet.

whether the people running the thing wanted the gunmen to come is based on the personal outlook of the situation. They could have just as easily justified the heightened security with the recent charlie hebdo shootings over the same issue, which is what this even was honoring in the first place.

it's not like there isn't a problem with radical Muslims in the world. and when basic human rights such as freedom of speech are silenced because of such a threat, I commend anyone stupid/brave enough to put themselves in a position of danger to uphold dat shit.
There's a difference between shouting "I GIVE BAY'AH TO THE ISLAMIC STATE TIME TO MARTYR MYSELF ALLAHU AKBAR" on twitter immediately before going on an attempted spree and actually being planted in by the group and actively coordinating with the group for months before the attack happened.

This attack was really poorly executed, and it was clearly spontaneous. Hell, there was only one injured security guard, and the only two dead were the attackers.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:29:38 PM »
I see Comms is here telling us to feel bad for the poor, provoked Muslims. Poor murderers.
I never said that.

I'm saying that the people hosting the event are fucking retards who wanted the shooting to happen.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:28:22 PM »

America is a joke country.
>joke country
>one of the powerful countries in the world

Lol such a joke country
America is pretty comical though.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:28:02 PM »

America is a joke country.
>joke country
>one of the powerful countries in the world

Lol such a joke country
>Muricans instantly referring to power as a measure of whether a country is good or not

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:17:56 PM »
I'm not justifying these shootings, but...

What the hell did these people expect to happen?

don't worry

the crops are safe
That was literally what the event was.

I don't who was more sad and deranged: the people hosting the event or the gunmen. Cause this event was clearly made with a greater agenda in mind.

I would have to go with the gunmen. You can't really fault the people running the thing as they were obviously prepared for shit to go down.

it's not like lives weren't saved
Yeah, but it's so incredibly easy to launch a gun attack here. And if the people hosting the event had so much security hired, it's probable that they wanted the gunmen to come, and then use that as a reason to intensify the already rampant Islamophobia going on in the world.

The gunmen weren't affiliated with al-Qaeda or IS. They were just lone gunmen who pledged "allegiance" to IS the instant before they launched the attack.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:15:20 PM »
It's called "Talk shit get hit".
You're a disgusting person.
Being morally right doesn't make someone "disgusting". Being a bigot however, does.
Where do you get off calling people bigots when you call for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of Jews?

You're a joke, MAN.
Is calling for the destruction of Nazi Germany bigotry?
Yeah, no. Israel isn't even remotely similar to Nazi Germany....

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:13:36 PM »
I believe ALL able, body people of the age 18 should be required two years of military service. After that, they may continue, be on reserve or quit.

America takes so much pride in their military, yet it baffles me we still don't do this!
For starters it's completely unethical and incredibly stupid.
America's military is already overcrowded and overspending as it is. It's poinless, and a waste of time and money.

You're too patriotic and prideful for your own good, because it makes you think dumb shit like this.

You're just mad your military is a pussified shithole compared to ours
What has that got to do with mandatory service being retarded?
He's a troll.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:11:02 PM »
I'm not justifying these shootings, but...

What the hell did these people expect to happen?

don't worry

the crops are safe
That was literally what the event was.

I don't who was more sad and deranged: the people hosting the event or the gunmen. Cause this event was clearly made with a greater agenda in mind.

Serious / Re: Russell Brand U-turn on voting; says to vote labour
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:09:23 PM »
Better than David Cameron's party. :)

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:08:50 PM »
I believe ALL able, body people of the age 18 should be required two years of military service. After that, they may continue, be on reserve or quit.

America takes so much pride in their military, yet it baffles me we still don't do this!
For starters it's completely unethical and incredibly stupid.
America's military is already overcrowded and overspending as it is. It's poinless, and a waste of time and money.

You're too patriotic and prideful for your own good, because it makes you think dumb shit like this.

You're just mad your military is a pussified shithole compared to ours
>thinking that military size is relevant to anything

>being this patriotic

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:05:59 PM »
I'm not justifying these shootings, but...

What the hell did these people expect to happen?

Serious / Re: Breaking news: the NHS is still fucking terrible
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:00:42 PM »
For example, there were many Democrats who voted against ACA even though that was pretty much Obama's signature act.
"Many"? More like 34. Which is incredibly small when you consider there were 49 Blue Dogs in the House at the time.
On account of the fact that they had like 200 people in the House, that's 15% of Democrats who voted against their signature bill of Obama's term. That's fairly significant.

Gaming / Re: Arby 'n' the Chief Season 8 Teaser
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:36:29 AM »
Season 7 had a nice soundtrack.


The part starting at 12:00 I like the most, but it doesn't start to pick up until 12:45-13:30.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:01:42 AM »
I would mute you...

But France fucking sucks. It's in the same level as Canada.

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:01:05 AM »
Second time I went to the US, I almost missed out on the opportunity to get Taco Bell for the first time because just prior to my visit, an everyday law-abiding and licensed gun owner shot someone in their drive-through because the guy behind him honked and an argument started.


The Flood / Re: Suicide Squad Revealed in .jpg Format
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:49:16 AM »
Killer Croc looks shit.
u look shit

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:48:03 AM »
This poll sided
Wanna feel the other side ;)

*sips tea*
But your to-be wife is here?

Don't Cheat on her just like that!


You're cheating on her with Cheat!!! I know it.
Dat Nigga came on to me first!

*calls Flee*

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