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Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:55:17 PM »
Let's get one thing straight.

Terrorism, hate crime and related ideologies are not a function of economic deprivation, social exclusion or mental illness.
I don't get it. Since Sly's article also states that "At the time they joined jihad, the terrorists were not very religious. They only became religious once they joined the jihad. Seventy percent of my sample joined the jihad while they were living in another country from where they grew up."

So what attracts them to jihad to first place if it's not religion? Could it be for power? I dunno.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:47:47 PM »
sorry to butt in here but why are we veering off and talking about representing Muslims?

the actions here have nothing to do with them. this discussion is focused on those who would kill/harm others in the name of Islam.

everyone knows there is an overwhelming majority of of peaceful Muslims in the world and no one is denying it  but even .01 percent of 1.6 billion is a lot of fucking people willing to cause harm

no one here has said anything against them.
On the contrary, a lot of people are denying it. And Muslims actually have a higher proportion than that who are extremists unfortunately. But that's due to shit social conditions at the root of things, not the religion.
Very interesting. So this kind of dismantles both mine and Challenger's points, hm?
It dismantles your argument that social conditions/poverty lead/cause terrorism and that religion plays little to no role.

According to a Rand Corporation report on counter-terrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (US), terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease.

More than 45% of people convicted of Al Qaeda-associated terrorist offences in the UK have attended university/higher education institutions, or studied/achieved vocational or further education qualifications.

When Muslims and non-Muslims belonging to the same society are faced with the same economic and social conditions, Muslim are sometimes (e.g. as in the following case) infinitely more likely to turn to terrorism than their non-Muslim counterparts.

2011 study finds no link between poverty and support for militant groups, and suggests poorer people are actually less likely to support extremist groups than the more affluent

2/3 of UK terror suspects are from middle-class backgrounds, 1/2 are married (some have children), and 90% can be categorized as ‘sociable’ people with a high number of friends.

Compared with the world's Muslim population as a whole, Muslim terrorists are disproportionately from a higher education, higher income background.

Low-income countries are less affected by terrorism than lower middle-income countries

Sunni Muslim terrorists committed more than 70% (8,886) of the 12,533 terrorist murders in 2011. Note that the figure of 8,886 only covers the deaths caused by Sunni (i.e. orthodox) Muslim terrorists. Therefore, considering that the total figure includes deaths caused by Shi'ite Muslim terrorists, The Religion Of Peace's count of 9,015 dead bodies in 2011 is very conservative.
Hm. Well. Guess I learned something new today....

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:29:37 PM »
sorry to butt in here but why are we veering off and talking about representing Muslims?

the actions here have nothing to do with them. this discussion is focused on those who would kill/harm others in the name of Islam.

everyone knows there is an overwhelming majority of of peaceful Muslims in the world and no one is denying it  but even .01 percent of 1.6 billion is a lot of fucking people willing to cause harm

no one here has said anything against them.
On the contrary, a lot of people are denying it. And Muslims actually have a higher proportion than that who are extremists unfortunately. But that's due to shit social conditions at the root of things, not the religion.
Very interesting. So this kind of dismantles both mine and Challenger's points, hm?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:13:17 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.
While higher ups may not even be religious, the masses and foot soldiers most certainly are hardline Muslims.

Islam is toxic. Get over it.
And them even being hardline Muslims to begin with was motivated by destitute social conditions.
Really, then why were they just as hardline throughout history? Why are the rich Saudis some of the most hardline Muslims in the Middle East?

That bullshit about "destitute social and economic conditions" is just that. Bullshit. They're in dire straits because of their toxic religion which has them at a standstill and doesn't let them progress and civilize.
Then how did the Arabian Peninsula end up turning from some dirt-poor backwater region 90 years ago into nearly first-world living standards? Liberalization takes a long time to happen coming from dirt-poor conditions. And all of the people ruling Saudi Arabia are of the old generations who were growing up 70 years ago when Saudi Arabia was still poor.

And it's not just the people ruling Saudo Arabia, it's their sons and peoe from our generation who are rich and are extremely hardline.

But my point was that this region was extremely poor 90 years ago, and it takes a while to liberalize. Numerous reforms have already happened in Saudi Arabia.
And yet women can't eat with forks because the men are such perverts they think of a cock entering the woman's mouth when she uses a fork.

Saudi Arabia isn't even close to being socially equal.
It's not, and I never said that.

But there is some measure of progress.
Whatever the fuck it is you're linking isn't opening for me. Not that I really care, Saudi Arabia is a shithole.
That's your opinion, and I don't care much for Saudi Arabia much myself. Or Islam to be honest. But I'm not gonna hate any of that, because hating things just makes you into a hateful person, and being a hateful person is depressing.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:09:20 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.
While higher ups may not even be religious, the masses and foot soldiers most certainly are hardline Muslims.

Islam is toxic. Get over it.
And them even being hardline Muslims to begin with was motivated by destitute social conditions.
Really, then why were they just as hardline throughout history? Why are the rich Saudis some of the most hardline Muslims in the Middle East?

That bullshit about "destitute social and economic conditions" is just that. Bullshit. They're in dire straits because of their toxic religion which has them at a standstill and doesn't let them progress and civilize.
Then how did the Arabian Peninsula end up turning from some dirt-poor backwater region 90 years ago into nearly first-world living standards? Liberalization takes a long time to happen coming from dirt-poor conditions. And all of the people ruling Saudi Arabia are of the old generations who were growing up 70 years ago when Saudi Arabia was still poor.

And it's not just the people ruling Saudo Arabia, it's their sons and peoe from our generation who are rich and are extremely hardline.

But my point was that this region was extremely poor 90 years ago, and it takes a while to liberalize. Numerous reforms have already happened in Saudi Arabia.
And yet women can't eat with forks because the men are such perverts they think of a cock entering the woman's mouth when she uses a fork.

Saudi Arabia isn't even close to being socially equal.
It's not, and I never said that.

But there is some measure of progress.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:04:32 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.
While higher ups may not even be religious, the masses and foot soldiers most certainly are hardline Muslims.

Islam is toxic. Get over it.
And them even being hardline Muslims to begin with was motivated by destitute social conditions.
Really, then why were they just as hardline throughout history? Why are the rich Saudis some of the most hardline Muslims in the Middle East?

That bullshit about "destitute social and economic conditions" is just that. Bullshit. They're in dire straits because of their toxic religion which has them at a standstill and doesn't let them progress and civilize.
Then how did the Arabian Peninsula end up turning from some dirt-poor backwater region 90 years ago into nearly first-world living standards? Liberalization takes a long time to happen coming from dirt-poor conditions. And all of the people ruling Saudi Arabia are of the old generations who were growing up 70 years ago when Saudi Arabia was still poor.

And it's not just the people ruling Saudo Arabia, it's their sons and peoe from our generation who are rich and are extremely hardline.

But my point was that this region was extremely poor 90 years ago, and it takes a while to liberalize. Numerous reforms have already happened in Saudi Arabia.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:03:35 PM »
If they want to do that, why don't the just host a Genghis Khan or Stalin-drawing competition? There are plenty of assholes throughout history that could be drawn other than one who they know will piss off 1.6 billion people.
So we're supposed to be afraid of these 1.6 billion people and bow to their every demand and never fall out of line with them, right?

Fuck you.
How is not hosting events like these being afraid of them?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:02:10 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.
While higher ups may not even be religious, the masses and foot soldiers most certainly are hardline Muslims.

Islam is toxic. Get over it.
And them even being hardline Muslims to begin with was motivated by destitute social conditions.
Really, then why were they just as hardline throughout history? Why are the rich Saudis some of the most hardline Muslims in the Middle East?

That bullshit about "destitute social and economic conditions" is just that. Bullshit. They're in dire straits because of their toxic religion which has them at a standstill and doesn't let them progress and civilize.
Then how did the Arabian Peninsula end up turning from some dirt-poor backwater region 90 years ago into nearly first-world living standards? Liberalization takes a long time to happen coming from dirt-poor conditions. And all of the people ruling Saudi Arabia are of the old generations who were growing up 70 years ago when Saudi Arabia was still poor.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:58:33 PM »
Regardless of whether the artists were "provoking" Muslims, I think most of us should agree that the gunmen choosing to respond to the provoking with murder is obviously the greater problem here.
Which is a very good point which could have easily been gotten through without being covered in "mudslimes gonna mudslime" hate speech that other people have been saying.
That's what I and others have been saying this entire thread. Not a single one of us has used any slurs or condemned all Muslims as subhuman filth.

Man up and accept you're wrong and you're victim blaming. People drawing a picture of some pedo do not deserve to be shot at no matter how "provocative" it is to the sensitive baby Muslims.
I don't think that they deserve to be shot. That's ridiculous. But doing such an utterly pointless thing in full knowledge that you could get shot is idiocy in its own right.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:57:29 PM »
Some fucking seriously disgusting victim blaming going on ITT.

I'm sure you guys would be flipping shit if the shoe was on the other foot and Christians/Jews started gunning down atheists and Palestine supporters.

But oh wait, when was the last time that happened?
It's not victim blaming when the victims may as well have held up a giant, flashy sign saying "HAY GAIZ! ATTACK US!!! PLEASE!!!"
I don't even know what to say to this.

You are truly abhorrent, in every sense of the word.
This attack is barely even comparable to Charlie Hebdo. These guys were having their stupid competition in a fortress against some losers who just got out spontaneously, so the only two deaths were the retards who attacked.

In Charlie Hebdo, they were defenseless against very well-prepared attackers, and it was really a disgusting and cowardly massacre. Completely different stories.
No they absolutely aren't.

It's positively fucking pathetic in this day and age that we have to beef up security and employ fucking soldiers to protect an event that particpated in drawing pictures.

I'll say that again.

People have died and special law enforcement agencies are now beginning to be employed simply because people are having the gall to draw a fucking child molesting warlord scumfuck that existed 3000 years ago.

Please pull your head out of your PC arse.
If they want to do that, why don't the just host a Genghis Khan or Stalin-drawing competition? There are plenty of assholes throughout history that could be drawn other than one who they know will piss off 1.6 billion people.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:54:42 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.
While higher ups may not even be religious, the masses and foot soldiers most certainly are hardline Muslims.

Islam is toxic. Get over it.
And them even being hardline Muslims to begin with was motivated by destitute social conditions.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:52:54 PM »
Regardless of whether the artists were "provoking" Muslims, I think most of us should agree that the gunmen choosing to respond to the provoking with murder is obviously the greater problem here.
Which is a very good point which could have easily been gotten through without being covered in "mudslimes gonna mudslime" hate speech that other people have been saying.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:50:31 PM »
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.
Muslims. Hamas are a Muslim group. Palestine is poor because it's been fighting a losing battle for more than half a century.

They're fueled by Muslim doctrine. That's why they think Israel should be destroyed.
Israel's destruction is just bullshit rhetoric from Iran designed to appease their population so a second Iranian Revolution doesn't happen.


Hamas is a political terrorist group fighting for political aims.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:49:15 PM »
Some fucking seriously disgusting victim blaming going on ITT.

I'm sure you guys would be flipping shit if the shoe was on the other foot and Christians/Jews started gunning down atheists and Palestine supporters.

But oh wait, when was the last time that happened?
It's not victim blaming when the victims may as well have held up a giant, flashy sign saying "HAY GAIZ! ATTACK US!!! PLEASE!!!"
I don't even know what to say to this.

You are truly abhorrent, in every sense of the word.
This attack is barely even comparable to Charlie Hebdo. These guys were having their stupid competition in a fortress against some losers who just got out spontaneously, so the only two deaths were the retards who attacked.

In Charlie Hebdo, they were defenseless against very well-prepared attackers, and it was really a disgusting and cowardly massacre. Completely different stories.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:43:43 PM »
Some fucking seriously disgusting victim blaming going on ITT.

I'm sure you guys would be flipping shit if the shoe was on the other foot and Christians/Jews started gunning down atheists and Palestine supporters.

But oh wait, when was the last time that happened?
It's not victim blaming when the victims may as well have held up a giant, flashy sign saying "HAY GAIZ! ATTACK US!!! PLEASE!!!"

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:41:53 PM »
This argument is over. I don't care whether I'm considered the "winner" or "loser". But it's clear from your other posts that you hate Islam for more personal reasons, and I don't blanket hate on groups because of what a small minority of them have done.
Nope, I dislike Islam because of all the bullshit it causes and has caused. Apart from it personally affecting my and my family. And friends. I have Jewish friends in Israel who have grown up hearing bombs every night and have PTSD because of Muslims.

The violent Muslims are not a small minority. Not even close.
got some news to break for you, israel isnt some victim constantly under bombardment by the evil muslim overlords. israel and hamas are both equally at fault.
Actually, they aren't. Israel's definitely far more in the right than Hamas. But Hamas is a political terrorist group primarily.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:40:42 PM »
This argument is over. I don't care whether I'm considered the "winner" or "loser". But it's clear from your other posts that you hate Islam for more personal reasons, and I don't blanket hate on groups because of what a small minority of them have done.
Nope, I dislike Islam because of all the bullshit it causes and has caused. Apart from it personally affecting my and my family. And friends. I have Jewish friends in Israel who have grown up hearing bombs every night and have PTSD because of Muslims.

The violent Muslims are not a small minority. Not even close.
Muslims, or just Hamas? Hamas are worthless pieces of shit. And they are fueled by poverty and shit social conditions rather than Islam.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:34:37 PM »
Come on already. Global terrorist attacks happen everywhere.
...Yeah no shit. That's what "global" means.

Not all on the basis of Islam. You must be really stupid to think that only Islamic terrorism happens globally. Oklahoma bombings? Sarin attacks in metro stations? Even that Aurora attack.
Nice. 3 attacks compared to 3 a day in the Middle East and elsewhere due to Islam.

You don't think I know that as well?
Obviously not.


So let's instead provoke them into doing attacks like this by making as outrageous of an insult to them as possible. Great work.

And meanwhile, you're naive enough to think that blatant hate speech should be defended in the name of "free speech"
How is it hate speech? It's a drawing. Killing somebody over a drawing has no excuse.

Oh come on, there are over a billion Muslims in the world. Doing something like this and expecting not a single person to do something violent is retarded. These people who do these attacks are mentally ill just like the ones who do terrorist attacks for other reasons.
Nope, they're mostly all mentally sound.

They just believe in that shit so much, they're so devout, they'll give their life to it.
This argument is over. I don't care whether I'm considered the "winner" or "loser". But it's clear from your other posts that you hate Islam for more personal reasons, and I don't blanket hate on groups because of what a small minority of them have done.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:32:34 PM »
sorry to butt in here but why are we veering off and talking about representing Muslims?

the actions here have nothing to do with them. this discussion is focused on those who would kill/harm others in the name of Islam.

everyone knows there is an overwhelming majority of of peaceful Muslims in the world and no one is denying it  but even .01 percent of 1.6 billion is a lot of fucking people willing to cause harm

no one here has said anything against them.
On the contrary, a lot of people are denying it. And Muslims actually have a higher proportion than that who are extremists unfortunately. But that's due to shit social conditions at the root of things, not the religion.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:30:29 PM »
back in the 90's, the bhutanese government exiled the lhotshampa, ethnic hindus, 1/5 of the country's population. is that an accurate reflection of the values of buddhism? certainly not. to assume otherwise would be foolish.

timothy mcveigh and terry nichols killed 168 people. they were christians. do their actions reflect the values of christianity?

do not judge the whole for the actions of the few.
Except the majority of Muslims are shitty people that have an ass backwards culture and society snd attack people who question it.

Again, get back to me when you and your family have been persecuted.
And there's the underlying reason for your hatred. Your family was driven out of Iran by Muslims, so now you hate them. Nice work.

My family was driven out Africa by blacks, yet none of us hate them as a result of pure butthurt.

Grow up Challenger.
>family members literally raped, killed and robbed by Muslims

Drink some bleach.

Even if I wasn't personally affected by their bullshit, I'd still think the same thing. I'm just more anti Muslim because they've directly attacked my family. Doesn't mean I hate every Muslim I see.
So what are you going to do, hate people for the rest of your life until you die?

My family has had the same things happen to them. Yet I actually know better than to hate blacks because of what a very, very small minority of them have done.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:25:56 PM »
back in the 90's, the bhutanese government exiled the lhotshampa, ethnic hindus, 1/5 of the country's population. is that an accurate reflection of the values of buddhism? certainly not. to assume otherwise would be foolish.

timothy mcveigh and terry nichols killed 168 people. they were christians. do their actions reflect the values of christianity?

do not judge the whole for the actions of the few.
Except the majority of Muslims are shitty people that have an ass backwards culture and society snd attack people who question it.

Again, get back to me when you and your family have been persecuted.
And there's the underlying reason for your hatred. Your family was driven out of Iran by Muslims, so now you hate them. Nice work.

My family was driven out Africa by blacks, yet none of us hate them as a result of pure butthurt.

Grow up Challenger.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:22:44 PM »
Uh, what? LOL

[quMajority of them are in Muslim-majority countries or countries with a large Muslim minority.
What part of the word "globally" did you not understand? Thanks for proving my point for me.
Come on already. Global terrorist attacks happen everywhere. Not all on the basis of Islam. You must be really stupid to think that only Islamic terrorism happens globally. Oklahoma bombings? Sarin attacks in metro stations? Even that Aurora attack.

Yet another retarded comparison. So let's keep on allowing hate-mongering events like these to happen and then blame "them damn Mudslimes" once they predictably react to bait such as this.
Victim blaming.

If Muslims react to a drawing with violence, they're garbage. But I already knew this.
You don't think I know that as well?

What does that have to do with you?
The fact that you're on of those naive extremely left wing babies who's to afraid to criticize a dangerous group of people.

So let's instead provoke them into doing attacks like this by making as outrageous of an insult to them as possible. Great work.

And meanwhile, you're naive enough to think that blatant hate speech should be defended in the name of "free speech"

>still not acknowledging this fact that this event was held for the sole purpose of provoking Muslims
And it's acceptable for Muslims to respond with violence?

Victim blaming.
Oh come on, there are over a billion Muslims in the world. Doing something like this and expecting not a single person to do something violent is retarded. These people who do these attacks are mentally ill just like the ones who do terrorist attacks for other reasons.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:13:29 PM »
veering uncomfortably close to islamophobia here..
That's what I hate about threads like these. They just end up being Islamophobic circlejerks.
im all for criticism of religion, but when you use vitriol like this its just... i dont even want to read posts so full of hate.

some people would do well to remember that we are all born equal and we all die equal.
Dear God, tell me about it.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:10:41 PM »
veering uncomfortably close to islamophobia here..
That's what I hate about threads like these. They just end up being Islamophobic circlejerks.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:10:05 PM »

More like calling them out on their bullshit.

I'd love to see some statistics on that, because there are terrorist atracks committed by Muslims every day globally.
Uh, what? LOL

Majority of them are in Muslim-majority countries or countries with a large Muslim minority.

"She deserved it. She was wearing a skirt."
Yet another retarded comparison. So let's keep on allowing hate-mongering events like these to happen and then blame "them damn Mudslimes" once they predictably react to bait such as this.

Pretty rich coming from you.
What does that have to do with you?

I have yet to hear of this group attacking or harassing Muslims.

They held the contest because they have the right to draw whatever the fuck they want to draw. We don't love under Muslim law.

If Muslims have a problem with that, I hope as many of them as possible pick up a gun do we can jail and kill their asses. Anybody who would kill somebody else over a drawing is pathetic and complete scum.

You're victim blaming, plain and simple.
>still not acknowledging this fact that this event was held for the sole purpose of provoking Muslims

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:56:38 PM »

America is a joke country.
>joke country
>one of the powerful countries in the world

Lol such a joke country
>Muricans instantly referring to power as a measure of whether a country is good or not
I am concerned for how retarded you sound. Seek help quickly.
How is it then? Taiwan is a good country, yet their power pales in comparison to China. Singapore is also a good country.

Hell, a country being good or not is just a matter of opinion. You could be living in Pakistan and say it's the best country in the world just because you live there.
Now you make more sense

saying what country is best/worst is more autistic than waifu discussions. In fact at this point I think the hating America circle jerk is worse than those who love it.

I am triggered.
I don't believe there's actually a best or worst country. There are 50 on each end of the good/bad spectrum that you could validly claim to be the best or worst.

They've also threatened revenge against the UK for injuring him.

Let them come, it's about time we brought back the fucking noose.
Gah, fucking assholes. All of them in Islamic State. I really wish groups like these never existed, but I guess reality's a bitch sometimes.

Not like they have the capability to drown any country in blood anyways.

The Flood / Re: What's the worst country in the world?
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:53:50 PM »

America is a joke country.
>joke country
>one of the powerful countries in the world

Lol such a joke country
>Muricans instantly referring to power as a measure of whether a country is good or not
I am concerned for how retarded you sound. Seek help quickly.
How is it then? Taiwan is a good country, yet their power pales in comparison to China. Singapore is also a good country.

Hell, a country being good or not is just a matter of opinion. You could be living in Pakistan and say it's the best country in the world just because you live there.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:51:53 PM »
No, it isn't. Trying to convince over a billion people that their belief system is wrong is logistically impossible to even attempt, let alone succeed in. You're living in a dream world if you think that such a thing could succeed.
No, just that they are wrong for believing in that bullshit.
Yeah, and? What good does whining about the religion do?

He was already a radical. He would have found another reason to go and kill people. There are plenty of reasons to go kill people other than Islam. So the best solution would be to find out how to stop people from wanting to kill people, period.
You sound just like the retards against gun control. "IF YOU BAN GUNS PEOPLE WILL STILL KILL EACH OTHER"
Islamic terror attacks aren't as common as you seem to think they are. They just seem like a bigger threat because Islamic terror attacks are often supported by groups with access to lots of resources like IS and al-Qaeda. Charlie Hebdo was a stellar example of that. And your argument against me is stupid. This isn't like guns against knives/axes. It's like M-16s against Ak-47s. Terrorism kills a lot of people regardless of the ideology and we've seen far more deaths from politically motivated terrorism than Islamic terrorism.

Okay, so let's continue fueling the fire and actually create a religious war. Fuck off.
They're the ones drawing first blood.
And they're the ones egging them on and pressuring them into drawing first blood. They're nearly as guilty for causing these attacks.

You said so yourself that protesting in favor of hate groups like the KKK should be outlawed as well as the KKK themselves, yet now you're all of a sudden supporting this generic hate group just because they're against Islam. You should be seeing this as another generic hate group like the KKK needing to be outlawed, yet you are agreeing them because you agree with their ideals.
I don't agree with or support this group.

I do agree with drawing Mohammed as a protest against those who would silence free speech.
Are you seriously this naive? These guys weren't protesting against those who would silence free speech as some grand ideal. These jackasses just wanted to piss off the Muslim community and get them to respond violently like what we just saw. And there's no other possible reason somebody could hold a stupid Muhammed-drawing contest. They're pathetic bigots and nothing more.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:39:04 PM »
Now we're getting somewhere.
No, it isn't. Trying to convince over a billion people that their belief system is wrong is logistically impossible to even attempt, let alone succeed in. You're living in a dream world if you think that such a thing could succeed.

Which proves how toxic Islam is.
He was already a radical. He would have found another reason to go and kill people. There are plenty of reasons to go kill people other than Islam. So the best solution would be to find out how to stop people from wanting to kill people, period.

Nope, it weeds out the crazies and makes them look like sensitive babies for killing people over a drawing.
Okay, so let's continue fueling the fire and actually create a religious war. Fuck off.

You said so yourself that protesting in favor of hate groups like the KKK should be outlawed as well as the KKK themselves, yet now you're all of a sudden supporting this generic hate group just because they're against Islam. You should be seeing this as another generic hate group like the KKK needing to be outlawed, yet you are agreeing them because you agree with their ideals.

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