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Messages - Not Comms Officer

Pages: 1 ... 242526 2728 ... 158
fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?
So why should this mean that terror suspects can be allowed to possess weapons to begin with?
Because they are suspects, not perpetrators. Just because someone looks scary does not make them an actual threat.
Lol, this guy tried to join al-Qaeda in Somalia.

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
I think they are purposely being lazy like this to try and convince the public about banning guns one day.


The Flood / Re: Guys
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:56:23 PM »

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?
So why should this mean that terror suspects can be allowed to possess weapons to begin with?

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...
Because people can end up on watchlists for all kinds of stupid reasons. Anti-war activists have been put on no-fly lists. You cannot deprive a person of a natural right for something they are merely suspected of.

If this guy did legally obtain guns, and the organization supposed to be monitoring him did not begin taking steps to prevent them from being used, the blood is on their hands.
Where did you get that from?

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?
Again, I really doubt these were assault rifles. They are extremely difficult to obtain legally and the cost means they are only accessible to the richest of douchebags who treat them like classic cars.
Or, y'know. Any weapons in general...

The Flood / Re: Why does Comms have such a hard on for the EU?
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:40:41 PM »
Earth is just an island because it's surrounded by water
Get off the smack son, or at least stop acting like you are.

*sips tea*

The Flood / Re: The ISISpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:39:46 PM »

What was his name?
Fuck, he wasn't introduced by his name. He just walked in with another student in my class (who he was friends with and that student was the reason he came here specifically).

A representative of an irrelevant country for a global talking shop.

Uh, Pakistan isn't as irrelevant as you may think. Lol.

They're a regional power.
Only because theyre slaughtering people over it

*sips tea*
hur hur hur

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 06:01:03 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"
>implying that the technology needed for that endeavor won't help make the world a better place
>implying technology originally created for astronautical purposes hasn't and still doesn't help make the world a better place
> implying understanding the rest of our solar system doesnt help us understand earth so we can take better care of it
> implying that throwing all our money at something as vague as "let's make the world a better place" and singing kumbaya will actually get us anywhere
> implying that most of the money spent on space exploration isn't in fact spent on earth creating jobs

kill yourself
What I read: "hur lets go to space and evry problem wil magicaly fix isself XDDDD"
"les all hol hans and sin kumbaya an the worl wil be fix"
>unironically proposing an interstellar space program

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:55:06 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"
>implying that the technology needed for that endeavor won't help make the world a better place
>implying technology originally created for astronautical purposes hasn't and still doesn't help make the world a better place
> implying understanding the rest of our solar system doesnt help us understand earth so we can take better care of it
> implying that throwing all our money at something as vague as "let's make the world a better place" and singing kumbaya will actually get us anywhere
> implying that most of the money spent on space exploration isn't in fact spent on earth creating jobs

kill yourself
What I read: "hur lets go to space and evry problem wil magicaly fix isself XDDDD"

A representative of an irrelevant country for a global talking shop.

Uh, Pakistan isn't as irrelevant as you may think. Lol.

They're a regional power.

Serious / Re: If you can't speak English, you shouldn't be voting
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:36:02 PM »
Welsh isn't even on there.

I mean, if you were going to do a different language, might as well be a somewhat local one like Welsh or Scottish Gaelic (albeit barely used).
Probably an appeal to the lower-class, and most likely less well-informed voters.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:33:44 PM »
8-year old fantasies inbound
Nigga we gonna assplore the cosmos.
Cause that should be our focus with all of the shit going on on planet Earth.
kill yourself
"hurr instead of helping the world become a better place, let's send 300 people to MARS!!!!"

The Flood / The ISISpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:30:42 PM »


Discuss this brilliant invention.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:29:13 PM »
I read that as "ISISpresso" and expected shitty Comms jokes .
Thanks for the thread idea!!

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:26:07 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.
In a single isolated case? LOL.

In so many countries, that stuff happens on an almost institutionalized basis.
In so many countries in Europe the cops fire less bullets and kill less people than what our single developed US does. I don't care about what is going on in these "Nazi Germany like countries". What I do care about is that the cops in our developed country are like I said acting like it's the Wild West. Tell me. Did this guy really need to be shot 17 times and killed for throwing rocks?

Blah, blah, blah, Europe, blah, blah, blah.

The US had guns all over it since its inception, and gun culture never caught on in Europe the same way. Seriously, trying to use European solutions for American problems and vice versa is complete ignorance.
How does having a gun culture make it OK to use deadly force when it's not needed? Having a gun culture shouldn't mean the cops are free to use deadly force when it's not needed like on that guy. Like I said I wonder how the better trained cops in Europe would have handled that. Also a gun culture shouldn't allow cops to be able to freely turn off those dash cams.
Lol. Most cops in Europe aren't even armed with guns. They get tasers or batons, if even that.I've only seen a single armed cop during my entire time in the EU (about a year in total). And that's a consequence of gun culture. More guns = more criminals who get access to guns, so a more tense environment is a result.

Maybe learn your facts before you post them.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:18:21 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.
In a single isolated case? LOL.

In so many countries, that stuff happens on an almost institutionalized basis.
In so many countries in Europe the cops fire less bullets and kill less people than what our single developed US does. I don't care about what is going on in these "Nazi Germany like countries". What I do care about is that the cops in our developed country are like I said acting like it's the Wild West. Tell me. Did this guy really need to be shot 17 times and killed for throwing rocks?

Blah, blah, blah, Europe, blah, blah, blah.

The US had guns all over it since its inception, and gun culture never caught on in Europe the same way. Seriously, trying to use European solutions for American problems and vice versa is complete ignorance.

Could you understand him or did you need to speak with the manager?
Oh, his English was fluent.

I doubt he would have been in my class if he only knew Urdu.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:06:13 PM »
And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR
I would love to see you go five days without any food or water.
In a single isolated case? LOL.

In so many countries, that stuff happens on an almost institutionalized basis.

The Flood / Re: Saying that the US isn't free is pure ignorance
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:02:18 PM »
Free as in you're free to do say/do what you want for the most part. It's something that most people living in free Western countries fail to fully appreciate.
Like US cops being able to freely turn off those dash cams during an arrest?

Move over to an authoritarian state, and you'll be begging to have a police force whose worse problems are those.
After all begging to have a police force that guns down an unarmed black man running away is a great thing to have. We all know shots to injure are nearly impossible to do on someone who is running in a straight line away from you. We have to gun the person down instead of firing a single shot at them. It's a wonder how Germany manages to keep order when their police force fires so little bullets each year unlike the US.
Okay, so do you wanna live in a country where this could happen to you if you so much as be suspected of criticizing the Police? Cause this is what's happening right now in actual police states.

Extremely NSFW

This is literally Nazi-level shit going on, and you're just bitching about some minor police abuse without having to worry about becoming another corpse in a torture camp. Fuck off.

You don't know what an actual police state is like, and thank god you will never have to know.
If I lived in a middle east country then I would be worried, but I don't. I live in a nation that is supposed to be a developed first world country. Even though this is supposed to be a developed nation our poilce force acts like it's the wild west. A country that was formally Nazi Germany which you even mentioned treating people like what happened in the image you linked has a better poilce force than us. A single US cop can fire more bullets than a football size team of cops in a year. Our cops are way too trigger happy and they get away with shit they shouldn't be allowed doing. Those dash cams should not be setup to be turned off whenever the cop feels like it. When those lights go on they should stay on. Hell they should stay on the moment that cop goes on shift.
about some minor police abuse without having to worry about becoming another corpse in a torture camp. Fuck off.
No, I just have to worry about getting placed inside a cell like Daniel Chong and being forgotten about for five days.
Lol, don't even compare the US's story to Germany's story. Germany was pretty much destroyed and rebuilt 3 times over the last 100 years, while the US was founded on skepticism over big Government. You may as well compare Australia with Cote D'ivoire.

And oh no, 5 days.... HURRRRR

You have cancer. I'm sorry. It's terminal.

The Flood / Re: Why does Comms have such a hard on for the EU?
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:59:06 PM »

The two of you should really stop before you hurt yourselves. To quote Das, islands are defined as being subcontinental. This is first grade stuff here and from the example a certain someone provided I think the two of you are in need of revisiting it.
epic shrekt

fat load of good all this domestic spying is doing, eh? NSA might as well be captain hindsight.
"Hey, so this guy we're watching who tried to join al-Shabaab suddenly acquired two assault rifles. Let's sit here and do nothing about it."
well what are they gonna do? Knock on his door and ask if he's planning on shooting up Americans in the name of Allah with those rifles?

But of course clamping down on guns in Texas would cause a media outrage there even if it were against a guy who tried to join al-Shabaab.
And who in their right mind would answer yes to officers asking that?
Or y'know, obtain a search warrant for weapons?
But what if he obtained those weapons legally?
Lol, he's a frickin' terror suspect. Why would terror suspects be allowed to own assault rifles?

So yeah. It wasn't a Q/A type thing. He more or less just participated in my class's seminar today.

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