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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:12:11 AM »
bby pls don't leave, i luv u
I'll leave if it's homo.

If it's no homo, then i luv u 2 brah.

(I have no idea who you are)

The Flood / Re: Who are your F A V O R I T E SITE members?
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:08:37 AM »
God damn guys, it's a circle jerk thread. Quit questioning the OP and get your cocks out already.
Who the hell even makes all of those GIFs? It most take hours to make something like that. And that's less than an insignificant fraction of all of the well-made gifs on the internet.

The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:07:27 AM »
Is Kiyo still even here?

Kiyo is kill, son.
So it'd be a sausage-fest. Lovely.

Where did Kiyo go then?

The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:57:42 PM »
Honestly, I think this place has improved.

The mods have a function now.
What do they do that's new and different?
Put out

they give us SEXUAL PLEASURE you ignorant savage
But all of the moderators are guys except for Kiyo.....?

Is Kiyo still even here?

Look, Flee is cool and all, but I'm not gonna bang Flee. Just. No.

Are you jealous of the fact that only one of my classes gives me actual homework, and said homework I get twice a week and it takes me 15 minutes to complete each assignment?

My life is officially meaningless now.

The Flood / Re: my girlfriend dumped me.
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:55:37 PM »
>two weeks

Are you jealous of the fact that only one of my classes gives me actual homework, and said homework I get twice a week and it takes me 15 minutes to complete each assignment?


Gaming / Re: if fallout 4 doesn't get announced this year
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:53:22 PM »
If Fallout 4 isn't released by a year from now, I may never get the chance to play it. :(

The Flood / Re: Who are your F A V O R I T E SITE members?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:49:10 PM »

Flee and Mr P in all honesty though.

Flee cause he's freaking Flee. And Mr P cause he's a pretty cool guy.

Serious / Re: Why do people fetishize democracy?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:48:16 PM »
Cause it's the worst form of government of course!!

Except for all the other ones.

Serious / Re: Greece will probably leave the Eurozone
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:43:54 PM »
Oh shiiiiiiiiit!!!!!

It's going to be so awesome being a tourist for Greece. Euro to Drachma conversion ratios massively favor those converting from Euro. Too bad I never registered to vote in the Greek elections so I wasn't able to vote for SYRIZA like I wanted to. Maybe they could have gotten 150 or 151 seats with my vote rather than just 149.....

But in all honesty, Greece most likely won't leave the Eurozone ever. It's too symbolically important for the EU. There was a far greater chance of them leaving the Eurozone in 2008/2009 before they bottomed out, but they already bottomed out in 2013.

Serious / Re: Fuck you Obama! Fuck you!!
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:42:10 PM »

Good thing I'm not going to have guns, ever. So I don't have to give a shit. 8)

Serious / Re: I'm starting to dream more often..
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:40:18 PM »
I'd hate to break it to you, but everyone dreams every night, several times a night. It's just that most people don't end up remembering most of their dreams.

The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:34:26 PM »
Honestly, I think this place has improved.

The mods have a function now.
What do they do that's new and different?

They moderate. Sometimes.
Oh cool, I guess I can just spam the place with meatspin now without any consequences. :)


The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:33:58 PM »
Honestly, I think this place has improved.

The mods have a function now.
What do they do that's new and different?
Put out

The Flood / Re: How sexist are you? Time to find out!
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:33:09 PM »
Where the fuck is the neutral option? I shouldn't be forced to take sides on something I have no opinion about....

Hostile Sexism Score: 1.45
Benevolent Sexism Score: 1.18

The Flood / Re: is england safer than america?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:29:12 PM »
I think that the writers of the US Constitution really weren't thinking into the future when they made the 2nd Amendment. It's just giving too many idiots power (guns) that they shouldn't be allowed to have.

That being said however, I don't think that guns should be made illegal in the US since there are now so many guns in the country. It's going to require some out of the box thinking to really find a solution to gun violence.

Serious / Re: Does the 'liberal bias' actually exist?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:26:19 PM »
If by the GOP sense, then no. That's just them spewing shit and hiding the fact that they're biased.

But there's bias everywhere, so sure liberal bias exists.

Translation from Carson to English: "I am a retard."

The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:23:14 PM »
Honestly, I think this place has improved.

The mods have a function now.
What do they do that's new and different?

Serious / Re: Jihadi John was bullied at school
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:22:29 PM »
God, what a fucking loser. Ugh. He probably got a special pleasure by killing David Haines and Alan Henning then just because they were of the same nationality. This retard is no better than Elliot Rodger

The Flood / What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:19:58 PM »
Just decided to drop by. May get bored and leave tomorrow, may stay here for the next 10 years. So what did I miss?



I don't think it is so much our generation as it is people in general. Political discussions often end up being shit-slinging fests which most people understandably wish to avoid. Most generations probably valued comfort more than freedom of expression in general. Think about like this. Who do we really know from the 18th/19th centuries? The general populace or just the most successful people of those eras?

Serious / Syria Thread number 1 million.
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:15:35 PM »
Cause why not?

I'm just making these out of tradition by this point. Been following the conflict as much as usual, and I've learned a lot of interesting things about it, so ask away.

See you man. If you want my GT PM me. But Slash says you just use PC.
ye, only PC :^(
Gimme your Steam and if I buy a gaming PC we can get together.
It's CAESAR JIHADIVS for now. But I change it often, so just ask Slash or Mistah P or Flee if you get Steam.

Where are ya going?
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Leva-


I mean real life. Yeah, real life. ;)

Bye Comms
Will you ever come back again?
i dun no as of nau. :v/

See you man. If you want my GT PM me. But Slash says you just use PC.
ye, only PC :^(

bai bai LA dood

Good night Comms and Merry Christmas.
Good to have you back for this short while, and if you want to come back anytime just let Cheat know.

Cheers :D
Merry Niggerholiday to you too.

So, nothing of value lost.
"If it were not for me getting the proboards nuked, this site would have never taken off as the proboards would likely still be active."

'this site' means Sep7agon.

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