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Serious / Can Americans living abroad vote in US elections.
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:15:18 PM »
Just a bit of curiosity.

Since Congressional and Presidential elections are based on you voting in/for the area/person that represents you. And if you were living abroad, you wouldn't be living in any state or county which could be represented by a Congressman or by Electoral votes. So I imagine that Americans living abroad can't vote in US elections, unless someone could prove me otherwise...?

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:13:17 PM »
But I have no idea why people here get worked over which President or party wins elections. If they're as bad as they say the winning President/party is, then they'll just be booted out 4 years later.

You have a it too much faith in the democratic process.
I do, but it is because comparing to other forms of governance, democracy is the best one hands down.
I don't disagree, but the idea that Americans will just "vote against the shitty guy" is proven wrong every election cycle.
Eh, it's really hit-miss.

The Flood / Re: Who will win the US Presidential Election 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:12:16 PM »
I wonder what Hilary Clinton's nipples taste like
Don't even put that though into my head. That's disgusting. As hell.

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:11:06 PM »
But I have no idea why people here get worked over which President or party wins elections. If they're as bad as they say the winning President/party is, then they'll just be booted out 4 years later.

You have a it too much faith in the democratic process.
I do, but it is because comparing to other forms of governance, democracy is the best one hands down.

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:09:50 PM »
I'd honestly be forced to leave the country if Hillary wins.

You must be joking.
200% serious

fuck hillary
Where would you move to then? You stated that almost the vast majority of your family lives back in Oklahoma if I am not mistaken.

God, why the fuck am I trying to convince you to stay in the US when I am doing everything in my power to leave as soon as possible... Is this not insanity?

The Flood / Re: Who will win the US Presidential Election 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:05:09 PM »
I'm looking forward to Hillary's 16 year reign
She's 67 right now...

And why 16? She's barred by 8. And no, they aren't going to change the constitution just to let Clinton serve longer, that'd be fucking retarded.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored and I want purpose here.
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:03:36 PM »
Doxx someone or ddos the site
Deleted my serious facebook account 6 months ago, and my one I used for messaging people got disabled a couple of days ago, so.....

And even if I could, I'm not really interested in doing so. Unless it's Kinder. Then maybe. ;)

(Cheat cannot read this post)

Serious / Re: "I'm ready for Hillary in 2016!"
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:00:04 PM »
I'd honestly be forced to leave the country if Hillary wins.

I'd go as far to say that I'd rather have 4 more years of George W. Bush than Hillary. That's saying a lot.
"Mitt Romney lost the election, I'm moving to Canada hurrrrrr"

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

But I have no idea why people here get worked over which President or party wins elections. If they're as bad as they say the winning President/party is, then they'll just be booted out 4 years later.

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:52:05 PM »
Democrats are obviously going to nominate Clinton unless something drastic happens. Not a fucking shit given to who the Republicans are gonna nominate cause I'm gonna vote Democrat anyways. Assuming I can at least.
>voting for hillary
Better than any turdface the Republitards can shart out. Not by much, but still.
Then let us throw away our votes on a ballot for Gary Johnson.
Welcome to the world of US elections.

The Flood / Who will win the US Presidential Election 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:47:49 PM »
Who will win this final 2016 US Presidential Election?


Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:46:15 PM »
Democrats are obviously going to nominate Clinton unless something drastic happens. Not a fucking shit given to who the Republicans are gonna nominate cause I'm gonna vote Democrat anyways. Assuming I can at least.
>voting for hillary
Better than any turdface the Republitards can shart out. Not by much, but still.

The Flood / Re: Do you prefer seeing a male or female doctor?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:45:24 PM »
I like seeing female everything more.


Gaming / Re: ISIS Plays Hotline Miami 2... How does that sound?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:43:57 PM »
This would by totally Halal.

Khilafah approves.

Serious / Re: Who should the parties nominate in the run-up to 2016?
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:40:20 PM »
Democrats are obviously going to nominate Clinton unless something drastic happens. Not a fucking shit given to who the Republicans are gonna nominate cause I'm gonna vote Democrat anyways. Assuming I can at least.

This is fucking conspiracy shit.

Was this made by Alex Jones or Michael Chossudovsky?

The Flood / Re: Just had In-N-Out
« on: March 10, 2015, 07:37:44 PM »
There's this one Mexican place about 10 miles from where I live (biking distance), and this Hawaiian place 3 miles from where I live I frequent fairly often. They are both so good. Mmmmmm.

Cheat votes for Cheat.
Hi, Glorious Leader, you absolutely astoundingly sumptuously dedicatedly wise thing you. There's a certain petition going around, it's probably below your notice, but we mortals are having a little difficulty resolving it satisfactorily. 'Satisfactorily', in this case, of course, corresponds to the recognition, fulfillment and physical realisation of the general sentiments and ideas that have been proposed as being beneficial in the OP.

Please, if it pleases you, let us know what your thoughts are on such matters, as- and I hate to assume a dramatic position- long traditions and rituals of honour find their worthy legacy resting upon the outcome of these trifling matters, absurd as it must seem to your transcendent sapience.

Respectfully... *shuffles back*
Comms, when you take over the forum, can we Anwar al-Awlaki this guy?
We burn him with merciful flames of Allah!

The Flood / Re: Since I'll be studying in America for a year. . .
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:59:06 PM »
People generally don't seem to be very intelligent or knowledgeable about things.
How would you compare this to people in Europe? I get the feeling this is the case in Americans when you're comparing to Europeans, but I have obviously talked to not enough Europeans to really get a good idea of what Europeans are like.

Though most of the Europeans I talk to, I get along great with (in comparison to Americans), and we have a lot more in common I think.
Well, we do have our fair share of morons here too, lol. Plenty of stupid and close-minded people to be found all over the world. What I mean is that people in the US generally seem to be less educated and just not as knowledgeable about things that aren't part of their own little world. This shows in a lot of things, ranging from general conversations to politics and your everyday culture. Politics and policy are incredibly populist in the US, which is something that you're hardly going to find over here.

Take that thread in Serious about Hilary Clinton, for example. I commented the same thing there. It is almost disgusting how appeals to emotion seem to be a cornerstone of politics there. In her speech, she resorted to things like "it is clear that violent video games are out there to steal the innocence of our precious children", and ended it by having some guy, introduced as a parent of twins, come up the stage to appeal to parents in the audience. And this is a part of all politics. "Oh, you're running for president? Instead of actually making people vote for you because of your platform and beliefs, release a 2 minute ad of a black guy talking about how you heroically saved his wife's life when she was giving birth ten years ago because that's more likely to sway people in our culture". You would never find something like that over here.

But I'm mainly just talking about day to day things and conversations. I had people warn me beforehand and shrugged it off because I thought their warnings were too ridiculous to be true. A few months later, I already had to explain to two hairdressers that Belgium was not just out of state, but on another continent as well. On the 4th of July, I had to answer several people that, yes, I knew what fireworks were, that I had actually seen them before and that they weren't just an American thing. I blew someone's mind by informing them that I was familiar with the concept of "holidays" and that they do exist outside of the US ("no, we don't work every single day of the year. We have weekends and holidays just the same."). Another person was pretty baffled when I told them I met my American girlfriend online, as she apparently never really realized we "have those kind of things" (= internet/computers) on the other side of the Atlantic.

Now don't expect to come over to Europe and find only geniuses. Plenty of morons here too. But just speaking from my own experience, it does seem that people in the US are generally less educated and knowledgeable about things. Americans are generally amazed when they find out I speak Latin, while it's very common over here. Same thing with the amount of languages I speak, while virtually everyone here speaks at least 3. People here seem more interested in politics and news, what happens abroad included, which is also provided by (generally) less biased news sources. People seem to travel a lot more here too. Obviously, the US as a country is larger than any European one, but I've met people who just wouldn't leave their own state. I've received "why would I even want to?" as an actual response to my question of "are you ever interested in traveling abroad?"

You be sure to let me know if this is just my own experience when you get to talk to people in Germany. :)
I'll inform you once I'm there. And you should stay in Belgium (doubtful you'd ever want to leave there anyways) so I'd have an excuse to go to Belgium. You've probably been to Germany before, and how would you compare them to Belgian people? Are they actually poor communist nazis like I see on good, reliable, all-American FOX News?

Oh, yeah. And their thing of not traveling really shocks me. Like, most of the people in my classes have never even left their country once ever. And apparently that's normal since you're expected to instead pour your money into buying useless shit you forget you even bought one month later.....

Yay Capitalism!!!! :DDD

but I'm not a mod

You aren't even in this election. Allowing you to participate as a candidate is Haram as fuck.

you're easily our worst new poster
Not even new brah

The Flood / Re: ITT: Words people in your area use too often
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:11:47 AM »





Me bruv










...on account of his skin color.

Who shall we make the new site owner?

The Flood / Re: Since I'll be studying in America for a year. . .
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:05:40 AM »
People generally don't seem to be very intelligent or knowledgeable about things.
How would you compare this to people in Europe? I get the feeling this is the case in Americans when you're comparing to Europeans, but I have obviously talked to not enough Europeans to really get a good idea of what Europeans are like.

Though most of the Europeans I talk to, I get along great with (in comparison to Americans), and we have a lot more in common I think.


The Flood / Re: Have you ever actually...
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:47:00 AM »


vegemite is just gross how could you like that stuff
By not being a retarded nigger faggot, that's how.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever actually...
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:37:26 AM »
I've had marmite on numerous occasions, and vegemite on only one. How does vegemite taste/feel compared to marmite? I forgot what vegemite tastes like..
I've always thought Marmite was garbage and felt it was too tangy. I used to always have OCD bitchfits if a family member would give me a Marmite sandwich and say it was Vegemite. There is a very notable difference between the two.
How is it to spread? Is it easier to spread like butter, or harder to spread like goddamn fucking marmite which doesn't know how to not be clumped up into tiny fucking balls?

The Flood / Re: Have you ever actually...
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:33:53 AM »
I've had marmite on numerous occasions, and vegemite on only one. How does vegemite taste/feel compared to marmite? I forgot what vegemite tastes like..

Serious / Dear people who are economically literate:
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:24:11 AM »
Please tell me why inflation is a good thing.

Please enlighten my ignorant mind with your blessings.

Comms Officer

The Flood / Re: >walk into room
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:04:36 AM »
OP is wondering why he has no friends IRL.
No I'm not cus I already know why
And why's that?

The Flood / Re: >walk into room
« on: March 10, 2015, 01:00:04 AM »
OP is wondering why he has no friends IRL.

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