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Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:08:40 AM »
Yet I'm sure New York would still be happy to send her back to the Senate if she fails in her presidential run...
What does it matter as long as she doesn't become President? I don't give a fuck if she becomes a Senator as long as she's not the frickin' President.
I believe it was a joke about corruption in New York.
tfw missed le funny joek :^(

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:00:42 AM »
Yet I'm sure New York would still be happy to send her back to the Senate if she fails in her presidential run...
What does it matter as long as she doesn't become President? I don't give a fuck if she becomes a Senator as long as she's not the frickin' President.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:50:32 AM »
Yep, this is why I hate Clinton. All she represents are the big businessmen sitting at the top 0.01% of the US. Really hope she doesn't win. She's so bad, that I'd almost rather have a Republican in office than her.


The Flood / Re: Star Wars reimagined as an 80s High School Movie
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:32:08 AM »
Old but gold.

The Flood / Re: Discuss why American "food' tastes like dogshit.
« on: May 10, 2015, 09:20:00 AM »
You must've had a seriously bad batch of Dog shit to be comparing it to American food.

An anti-capitalist capitalist.

Never seen one of those before.

Brits don't have guns so they can't overthrow their government, and there isn't anything they can do if the Fourth Reich takes over their country.
Yeah, that's not happening ever. LOL

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:47:05 AM »
"They shouldn't have drawn Mohammed" is literally the equivalent of "she shouldn't have worn that skirt."
There's a difference between wearing a short skirt, and walking around in rural Afghanistan or Syria by yourself.
Of which these people did neither, so I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this.
No, my point is that there are different degrees of victim responsibility. Wearing a short skirt doesn't make the victim responsible for anything that happens, while going into a dangerous country unprepared or something similar really does give the victim some degree of responsibility, as doing that is incredibly stupid.
Did you even read the OP? Or are you just writing about one of your fantasies?
y chally y

It's a good point, and you know it.
No, it isn't a good point. We're talking about a terrorist attack in America. Not somebody wandering around Afghanistan.

The rape analogy works here because it's full on victim blaming. If it were another American journalist getting kidnapped in Acghanistan or Iraq, then I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Victim blaming is disgusting. Not only that, you've been wrong the whole thread and you were talking about imaginary Twitter posts which were deleted saying these people  didn't attack because of Islam.

Yeah no. You have no valid points to make here and you hadn't had any valid points this entire thread. Honestly I think you sympathize with Islamic terrorists.
Well, of course you'd think that. You literally just said:

I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Cause that's not generalizing an entire population at all. And if you think I sympathize with Islamic terrorists (which is a ridiculous claim in itself), I don't care.
Again, you have no excuse for your victim blaming in this thread.

Terrorists are a population? FUCKING LOL
Cause the only reason a journalist would go to a dangerous part of Afghanistan is to interview members of the Taliban. Speaking of which, they aren't recognized as a terrorist organization by the US Department of State. So the only terrorists in Afghanistan are al-Qaeda and a couple dozen IS recruiters.
No, they interview all sorts f people and members of the Taliban to DOCUMENT the region or the group.

And the Taliban are terrorists. I don't give a fuck what the Department of State says, they put Hezbollah on the list and take it off every few years and were reluctant to put Boko Haram on the list.
Well, you can learn a lot about how groups like these do well if you go into those sorts of populations and interview various villagers, etc. So he's not going in there for no reason.
They've already been documented. It's just redundant now.

And stop changing the subject. This is about terrorists shooting Americans in America for drawing Mo. You've already said your dumb shit and been proven wrong. Let the thread die now.
Well, I'm not sure of how many people are still going into Afghanistan now. But whatever.

I hate you.
You probably hate me as well.
So the feeling's mutual.
I graduated from having haters
I guess you're going in for your Masters degree in the subject now whether you want to or not.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:41:09 AM »
"They shouldn't have drawn Mohammed" is literally the equivalent of "she shouldn't have worn that skirt."
There's a difference between wearing a short skirt, and walking around in rural Afghanistan or Syria by yourself.
Of which these people did neither, so I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this.
No, my point is that there are different degrees of victim responsibility. Wearing a short skirt doesn't make the victim responsible for anything that happens, while going into a dangerous country unprepared or something similar really does give the victim some degree of responsibility, as doing that is incredibly stupid.
Did you even read the OP? Or are you just writing about one of your fantasies?
y chally y

It's a good point, and you know it.
No, it isn't a good point. We're talking about a terrorist attack in America. Not somebody wandering around Afghanistan.

The rape analogy works here because it's full on victim blaming. If it were another American journalist getting kidnapped in Acghanistan or Iraq, then I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Victim blaming is disgusting. Not only that, you've been wrong the whole thread and you were talking about imaginary Twitter posts which were deleted saying these people  didn't attack because of Islam.

Yeah no. You have no valid points to make here and you hadn't had any valid points this entire thread. Honestly I think you sympathize with Islamic terrorists.
Well, of course you'd think that. You literally just said:

I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Cause that's not generalizing an entire population at all. And if you think I sympathize with Islamic terrorists (which is a ridiculous claim in itself), I don't care.
Again, you have no excuse for your victim blaming in this thread.

Terrorists are a population? FUCKING LOL
Cause the only reason a journalist would go to a dangerous part of Afghanistan is to interview members of the Taliban. Speaking of which, they aren't recognized as a terrorist organization by the US Department of State. So the only terrorists in Afghanistan are al-Qaeda and a couple dozen IS recruiters.
No, they interview all sorts f people and members of the Taliban to DOCUMENT the region or the group.

And the Taliban are terrorists. I don't give a fuck what the Department of State says, they put Hezbollah on the list and take it off every few years and were reluctant to put Boko Haram on the list.
Well, you can learn a lot about how groups like these do well if you go into those sorts of populations and interview various villagers, etc. So he's not going in there for no reason.
They've already been documented. It's just redundant now.

And stop changing the subject. This is about terrorists shooting Americans in America for drawing Mo. You've already said your dumb shit and been proven wrong. Let the thread die now.
Well, I'm not sure of how many people are still going into Afghanistan now. But whatever.

I hate you.
You probably hate me as well.
So the feeling's mutual.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:36:32 AM »
"They shouldn't have drawn Mohammed" is literally the equivalent of "she shouldn't have worn that skirt."
There's a difference between wearing a short skirt, and walking around in rural Afghanistan or Syria by yourself.
Of which these people did neither, so I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this.
No, my point is that there are different degrees of victim responsibility. Wearing a short skirt doesn't make the victim responsible for anything that happens, while going into a dangerous country unprepared or something similar really does give the victim some degree of responsibility, as doing that is incredibly stupid.
Did you even read the OP? Or are you just writing about one of your fantasies?
y chally y

It's a good point, and you know it.
No, it isn't a good point. We're talking about a terrorist attack in America. Not somebody wandering around Afghanistan.

The rape analogy works here because it's full on victim blaming. If it were another American journalist getting kidnapped in Acghanistan or Iraq, then I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Victim blaming is disgusting. Not only that, you've been wrong the whole thread and you were talking about imaginary Twitter posts which were deleted saying these people  didn't attack because of Islam.

Yeah no. You have no valid points to make here and you hadn't had any valid points this entire thread. Honestly I think you sympathize with Islamic terrorists.
Well, of course you'd think that. You literally just said:

I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Cause that's not generalizing an entire population at all. And if you think I sympathize with Islamic terrorists (which is a ridiculous claim in itself), I don't care.
Again, you have no excuse for your victim blaming in this thread.

Terrorists are a population? FUCKING LOL
Cause the only reason a journalist would go to a dangerous part of Afghanistan is to interview members of the Taliban. Speaking of which, they aren't recognized as a terrorist organization by the US Department of State. So the only terrorists in Afghanistan are al-Qaeda and a couple dozen IS recruiters.
No, they interview all sorts f people and members of the Taliban to DOCUMENT the region or the group.

And the Taliban are terrorists. I don't give a fuck what the Department of State says, they put Hezbollah on the list and take it off every few years and were reluctant to put Boko Haram on the list.
Well, you can learn a lot about how groups like these do well if you go into those sorts of populations and interview various villagers, etc. So he's not going in there for no reason.

The Flood / Re: Discuss why American "food' tastes like dogshit.
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:29:40 AM »

So I guess you're not gonna have that meetup you guys were talking about.

why do you care so much about the forum users private lives so much?
I dunno. I just find it interesting. Nothing more. If you want me to stop, just say so and I'll stop.
you're American so I'd appreciate if you just stopped breathing tbh  ;D
gootsby pls no :^(

The Flood / Re: Discuss why American "food' tastes like dogshit.
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:28:07 AM »

So I guess you're not gonna have that meetup you guys were talking about.

why do you care so much about the forum users private lives so much?
I dunno. I just find it interesting. Nothing more. If you want me to stop, just say so and I'll stop.

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:27:01 AM »
"They shouldn't have drawn Mohammed" is literally the equivalent of "she shouldn't have worn that skirt."
There's a difference between wearing a short skirt, and walking around in rural Afghanistan or Syria by yourself.
Of which these people did neither, so I have no idea where the fuck you're trying to go with this.
No, my point is that there are different degrees of victim responsibility. Wearing a short skirt doesn't make the victim responsible for anything that happens, while going into a dangerous country unprepared or something similar really does give the victim some degree of responsibility, as doing that is incredibly stupid.
Did you even read the OP? Or are you just writing about one of your fantasies?
y chally y

It's a good point, and you know it.
No, it isn't a good point. We're talking about a terrorist attack in America. Not somebody wandering around Afghanistan.

The rape analogy works here because it's full on victim blaming. If it were another American journalist getting kidnapped in Acghanistan or Iraq, then I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Victim blaming is disgusting. Not only that, you've been wrong the whole thread and you were talking about imaginary Twitter posts which were deleted saying these people  didn't attack because of Islam.

Yeah no. You have no valid points to make here and you hadn't had any valid points this entire thread. Honestly I think you sympathize with Islamic terrorists.
Well, of course you'd think that. You literally just said:

I'd be more inclined to wonder why the journalist is risking his life for no reason trying to document savages.

Cause that's not generalizing an entire population at all. And if you think I sympathize with Islamic terrorists (which is a ridiculous claim in itself), I don't care.
Again, you have no excuse for your victim blaming in this thread.

Terrorists are a population? FUCKING LOL
Cause the only reason a journalist would go to a dangerous part of Afghanistan is to interview members of the Taliban. Speaking of which, they aren't recognized as a terrorist organization by the US Department of State. So the only terrorists in Afghanistan are al-Qaeda and a couple dozen IS recruiters.

The Flood / Re: Discuss why American "food' tastes like dogshit.
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:24:07 AM »

So I guess you're not gonna have that meetup you guys were talking about.


Serious / Re: Should Bronson ever be released?
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:06:07 AM »
I think he should be freed. Though he's spent most of his life behind bars so im not sure how well he could cope outside.
Which is why he shouldn't be freed, since he'd be a wilder card than the Courier.

If you've never played Fallout: New Vegas, you aren't human.

Why the fuck would you graffiti a war memorial though
Cause some people are retards.


Of course.
Firing squad or beheading?
Neither. cover them with raw meat and and drop them into a wolf infested forest.
Do we get to behead the remains?

Gaming / Re: Agor, an addicting little game
« on: May 10, 2015, 08:02:46 AM »
My name is JihadLord69420.


« on: May 10, 2015, 08:00:04 AM »
Your avatar perfectly suits your general behavior.

Fat people should be executed.
This guy gets it!

Uh, that's taking things a bit too far. Yeah, being fat is disgusting as fuck, but there are a lot of reasons that people could be fat other than "I can't control my eating".

>made in 16 Jan. 2015
I remember it like it was yesterday
Potatoes will never be made of cheese.

>made in 16 Jan. 2015

The Flood / Re: Who are your favourite members?
« on: May 10, 2015, 05:39:36 AM »

The Flood / Re: Vote for the most anti-American user in Sep7agon.
« on: May 10, 2015, 05:23:14 AM »
Challenger, because he's got that Sand Nigger blood in his veins.
You're gonna regret saying that when I find you irl and make you lose all your gains.

I'm sure you'll blow it up somehow.  Sand Niggers seem to have black powder for blood these days.
Yeah man good luck stopping me from buttraping you when I take away all your gains brah you're fucked irl
>confusing Voro with Jive
...No I'm just mocking Jive.

How the fuck could anybody confuse him with Jive?
I'm messing around....

Actually, my eyes sense a deep pain in your soul, and that explains every single last action of yours.
It is a black bitterness.
Stop describing the penises you take in your mouth.
I'm describing the penises you take in your mouth. The 13-inch ones that aren't quite as large as my one.

What, did you nigger faggots really think you were rid of me? Well, you better believe I'm back, motherfuckers, and I brought a little friend with me. His name is MY FUCKING 14-INCH COCK, you retarded faggots, and he's going to be staying in your assholes for a while. Better make some room, you fucking nigger faggots, cuz he's gonna need a lot of living space. I'll fucking jam the uncut tip of my forearm-length dick straight through your fucking faggot anus without any lube and thrust it straight upwards. Then I'll rape your bowels again and again until I shatter both of your kidneys into sloppy chunks of liquefied meat that'll flow out your nigger faggot asshole like water through a firehose the instant that I pull my gigantic cock all the way out. I'll use your fucking liquefied kidneys as lube for my second pass as I thrust upwards even higher, shattering your fucking faggot spine into bonemeal. Finally, I'll release a massive load in your violated abdominal cavity, which'll mix with the fucking powdered remains of your spine into an unholy stinking concrete that'll flow out your now dinner-plate-sized anus and harden on your crippled, useless legs, fusing them to the ground. Your horror at the gushing, gooey mess on the floor that used to be your internal organs will only get worse when you realize that you can't even drag yourself away. Since your asshole has now been violated to the point of complete uselessness, I'll bypass the middleman and plunge my cock straight through your skin, ripping a hole in your lower back as I go to work on the rest of your guts. I'll jam my cock in there and then pull it straight out, hooking your intestines with the massive hood of my cock and tearing them free. I'll fucking whip you with your torn, shit-filled intestines until your skin lies on the floor in soiled scraps, which I'll fucking stitch together with sinews ripped from your limbs into a very smart three-piece suit. I'll cut your fucking faggot dick off and turn it into a tie, and I'll fold your scrotum into a decorative flower that I'll pin to my lapel. I'll then jizz all over your barely-living skinless body so that you spend your last moments of life burning in pain as it seeps into your raw nerves and flesh. But it won't stop there, oh no. With my already-superhuman strength amplified by my continued arousal, I'll tear your lifeless head free of your corpse, pulling out with it the last cracked remnants of your violated spine. I'll pull those bits of spine free, and then I'll stick my cock straight into the gaping hole in the back of your skull. I will literally skull-fuck your brain so hard that my unstoppable member will break straight through to the other side. The raw power of my cock thrusting through your brain will spark synapses, causing you to come alive for a brief moment, just long enough to feel me raping a three-inch hole in the vessel for your nigger faggot consciousness. I'll fucking feed the gooey mess that used to be your mortal shell to pigs and then I'll start in on your family and friends. Surrender all hope, motherfucker.


In every hole.
He's the most feminine looking guy ever.

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