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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: Should I make a Syria thread to end all Syria threads?
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:41:42 PM »
Sgt Mag had a thread similar to this.
Oh shit, Sgt Maj was here?

Lemme check his posts and see where this Syria megathread was...

Though I do think he's too heavily biased towards the opposition side. I'd be better at a thread like this since I have equal disdain for all warring parties in this conflict.

Edit: Can't find the user. Link me his Sep7 account.
Nah it was on He never made an account here.
Hm. So should I make a Syria/Iraq megathread? On one hand, I'm really bored and I want something to do. But on the other, I'm concerned that nobody will read my thread.

Less than Athens. The main population of Greece (about 50% of the country) lives in Athens. So everything skyrockets there. The rest of the country is better distributed, so unemployment isn't as dramatic simply because there aren't so many people concentrated in the same place like Athens.

Yeah, I've been reading about the covert police support for Golden Dawn. Is Northern Greece doing as bad as Athens in terms of poverty and unemployment? It probably is, but obviously asking somebody who lives there is a better idea than looking up statistics...
A bit unfortunate on account of the fact that the vast majority of my family in Greece live in Athens...

Some of them are even bailing ship and jumping to the UK cause the youth unemployment is at around 60%.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit this is great.
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:54:16 PM »
Cringe overload!!!!

Serious / Re: Should I make a Syria thread to end all Syria threads?
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:42:22 PM »
Sgt Mag had a thread similar to this.
Oh shit, Sgt Maj was here?

Lemme check his posts and see where this Syria megathread was...

Though I do think he's too heavily biased towards the opposition side. I'd be better at a thread like this since I have equal disdain for all warring parties in this conflict.

Edit: Can't find the user. Link me his Sep7 account.

Septagon / Petition to make Comms Officer into a moderator.
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:10:17 PM »
I promise that I will ban all the users and nuke the forum if I'm made into a moderator.


See? I won't destroy the forum if I'm made into a moderator!!! MAKE ME INTO ONE NOW PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Just because you live in a country does not mean you know what is best for it, nor does it mean you understand it's politics.
Well, that statement's certainly true for Americans loolloolololollloloololollolooloololoololollololl ololololoollolo

"hurr dustin's a shitty troll, so lemme fall for his bait"

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:27:19 PM »
It'd still suck (for me), since the UK is a beautiful country, and I want to visit it again and again. But if they leave the EU, it'd make it great deal more difficult for me to enter to country to visit.

See, personal interest guides opinions!!!
I agree actually, I really wish we had a more liberal attitude to immigration considering how massively important it is. I'm just not convinced that the current benefits offered by the EU are worth the costs.
Yeah. For you, you really have no reason to give a shit about the EU, since you don't seem like you want to leave the UK. And you probably only see its more negative aspects. So you'd see the EU in more negative light.

While for me, having the EU survive is pretty much what my future plans are resting on, and they'd be affected a great deal if the EU fell apart, so I see it in positive light quite obviously.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:22:29 PM »
totes voting bnp this coming election
Goddamn, I've never seen such EDGE before!

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:22:01 PM »
And you're probably neutral or positive about them.
Positive about Farage and their policies.

Negative about their actual ability to govern. They're still to young, and I wouldn't trust them with the reins yet. Now, a minor Conservative government, with loose support from UKIP in opposition? I wouldn't mind that.

UKIP will probably end up being co-opted by the Tories depending on how the EU referendum goes in 2017, and whether or not the leadership can keep the party under control.
EU Referendum in 2017?

That could be a huge problem, since zero people out of my entire family living in the UK are actual UK citizens. All of them are living there either off of their French or Greek citizenship. Though they should be able to get UK citizenship on account of them living there long enough should they decide to leave the EU.
I don't imagine deportation will be an option during negotiations. EU citizens living in the UK at the moment will probably be fast-tracked for citizenship or given special rights of residency.
It'd still suck (for me), since the UK is a beautiful country, and I want to visit it again and again. But if they leave the EU, it'd make it great deal more difficult for me to enter to country to visit.

See, personal interest guides opinions!!!

Where I live the Golden Dawn activity is lower. (Some gatherings, at best) Their main operations are in Athens. They usually hand out food and other basic supplies to people, and do similar things there. (As you are aware) Due to the major poverty, and most of the problems being in Athens. They also have a major support from many members of the police, or at least the rumor goes, officially it's all denied, but there's a recent history of questionable deeds by the police against foreigners or non-native Greeks who live in Greece.

Yeah, you probably know about Golden Dawn's presence far more than I do, on account of the fact that I'm living in the US for the time being.

How much Golden Dawn is there where you live? When I went to Greece last time, they were giving food handouts to Greek citizens in Athens. Too bad I left my Greek passport at home. Lol.

(Neo-Nazi food is still food by the way!!!)
Yeah, I've been reading about the covert police support for Golden Dawn. Is Northern Greece doing as bad as Athens in terms of poverty and unemployment? It probably is, but obviously asking somebody who lives there is a better idea than looking up statistics...

Maybe we can help you to know that you can never be able to vote for the record. we will be able to get a perfection of the retards who thinks that the company has been a lot of sense. if the reader of this email is strictly prohibited from disclosure under applicable law enforcement agencies and the idiot sandtrap and innocent people are not the intended recipient. thank goodness of my favorite is the homeless loser Nuka.
No idea what you just said there, but okay.
He does this when he has no shit tier bait or nobody falls for his copy/paste trolling.
That's impossible since literally everybody falls for his bait and trolling all the time. Remember his Goodbye thread?

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:14:25 PM »
And you're probably neutral or positive about them.
Positive about Farage and their policies.

Negative about their actual ability to govern. They're still to young, and I wouldn't trust them with the reins yet. Now, a minor Conservative government, with loose support from UKIP in opposition? I wouldn't mind that.

UKIP will probably end up being co-opted by the Tories depending on how the EU referendum goes in 2017, and whether or not the leadership can keep the party under control.
EU Referendum in 2017?

That could be a huge problem, since zero people out of my entire family living in the UK are actual UK citizens. All of them are living there either off of their French or Greek citizenship. Though they should be able to get UK citizenship on account of them living there long enough should they decide to leave the EU.

Maybe we can help you to know that you can never be able to vote for the record. we will be able to get a perfection of the retards who thinks that the company has been a lot of sense. if the reader of this email is strictly prohibited from disclosure under applicable law enforcement agencies and the idiot sandtrap and innocent people are not the intended recipient. thank goodness of my favorite is the homeless loser Nuka.
No idea what you just said there, but okay.

Serious / Should I make a Syria thread to end all Syria threads?
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:11:15 PM »
Assuming yes, then I'll convert this thread to the Syria thread to end all Syria threads. Though it'd be more of a Syria/Iraq/Levant thread than anything else. I'll try to make updates and make analyses on interesting events that happen, and so on and so forth. It'll be fun, I promise!!!

Assuming you're like me and you're more addicted to Middle East news than heroin that is.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:09:11 PM »
emerikkan taking the test

political parties seem a lot less divided in the UK
Though, the only 3 relevant parties in the UK are the Conservatives, Labour, and the LibDems. And the LibDems are more of a minor party who tags along with the Conservatives or Labour depending on who wins (unless I'm mistaken?). There are like a dozen parties or so in House of Commons, but many of them just have between 1-5 seats.
UKIP is more important than the Liberal Democrats at the moment, and the Greens also appear to be on the rise. I'd say there are at least four relevant parties, maybe five.

And yeah, there are twelve parties currently in the Commons and five independents.
Ah, forgot about fuckin' UKIP.

I freaking hate them, which shouldn't surprise you at all. And you're probably neutral or positive about them.

So I dispatched a verti-assault team to his location.

AMA me anything

The Flood / Re: Love sucks dick
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:07:05 PM »
Eh, it's best to be in between, obviously. Neither dickbags who pretend to be emotionless or "goo-goo ga-ga I'm in luuuuvvvvv with uuuuuu" retards are pleasant people to be around.

Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 06:04:14 PM »
emerikkan taking the test

political parties seem a lot less divided in the UK
Though, the only 3 relevant parties in the UK are the Conservatives, Labour, and the LibDems. And the LibDems are more of a minor party who tags along with the Conservatives or Labour depending on who wins (unless I'm mistaken?). There are like a dozen parties or so in House of Commons, but many of them just have between 1-5 seats.

Not the entire Golden Dawn leadership was thrown in prison. Plus Golden Dawn's presence is still here, and quite active. The media just avoid reporting anything about it, but that's mostly because things have been worryingly quiet since the elections.

Also I love how greece is giving germany shit for being nazis 70 years ago...
At least the Greeks have enough class not to throw them all in prison like the Germans would.
You're dead wrong. The Greeks threw the entire Golden Dawn leadership in prison over a year ago.
Yeah, you probably know about Golden Dawn's presence far more than I do, on account of the fact that I'm living in the US for the time being.

How much Golden Dawn is there where you live? When I went to Greece last time, they were giving food handouts to Greek citizens in Athens. Too bad I left my Greek passport at home. Lol.

(Neo-Nazi food is still food by the way!!!)

We should just bomb Syria and be done with it. They've already destroyed all the precious artifacts and the there are millions of homeless and starving people.

Fuck it.

As long as there is even one civilian in Syria who can still be saved, we should save them.

Unless you mean bombing strongholds of the warring factions, which I wouldn't give a fuck if that happened. They all signed their death warrants long ago.
Bomb strongholds of Rebels and the Syrian government.

Otherwise this is gonna go on for a decade.
Funny enough, a 2003 Iraq invasion-style intervention may be one of the best solutions by this point... :/

Though what separates Syria from Iraq is that Syria has allies who will openly declare war on the US over any sort of intervention. Which sucks balls.


Who gives a shit? This situation is literally just 'pick your poison', and Assad at least isn't an insane fundamental group trying to make the world their caliphate.

My thoughts on the matter^.

Assad might be a bastard butcher, but honestly I'd still rather have him running the show than ISIS. And IIRC prior to the, you know civil war and everything, I don't think he was actually that bad at all. The syrian people kind of fucked themselves over with all that rebellion, they sent a kinda shitty ruler over the edge and opened pandora's box in their back garden with Jihadis.
Actually, I can explain to you how IS and Assad complement eachother fairly well if you got the ears for it...

Fire away <.<
IS has actually been a blessing for the Assad regime. Since the very first of the day, Assad's rhetoric hasn't been that they are good, and that the god-blessed Syrian Arab Army is perfect. Cause then nobody would believe him. So his justification for the war has been "We may be bad. But we're not IS. So you should rehabilitate us and continue letting us do our thing."

And IS has made that into a reality. And Mr. Assad himself knows that IS is the only thing saving his government from being bombed by Western nations, so it is in his highest interest to never fully eradicate IS. Since 80% of the frontline of IS in Syria is against the Government is against Assad's regime, let's see where they've been fighting...

They've been fighting over Deir ez-Zor, which is the Government's last strong in extremely oil-rich Deir ez-Zor governorate. They've been fighting over the oil wells in Eastern Homs Governorate. They've been fighting in Hasakah, which is one of the last two Government strongholds in Hasakah Governorate. Those are the only locations where the Government and IS have been fighting. And even those are solely being fought over oil, since that is a resource that the Government and IS are desperately short on. The Government has no interest to retake Raqqa. No interest in retakin all the cities in Eastern Aleppo Governorate held by IS.

Hell, the Government even pit IS and the other Rebels against eachother for the better part of a year until the disaster at Tabqa Air Force base, in which 200 captured Government soldiers were executed by IS. And even to this day, the vast majority of Government resources goes to fighting non-IS rebels.

Oh god, I've been talking a lot. I hope you can understand the general gist of what I'm saying. Which is that the Government has zero reason to take on IS, cause IS is the sole reason the West has stopped demanding Assad's immediate resignation and threatening his regime.

(I don't do well with long rants)

We should just bomb Syria and be done with it. They've already destroyed all the precious artifacts and the there are millions of homeless and starving people.

Fuck it.

As long as there is even one civilian in Syria who can still be saved, we should save them.

Unless you mean bombing strongholds of the warring factions, which I wouldn't give a fuck if that happened. They all signed their death warrants long ago.

does it say who? because if he's torturing isis soldiers then i couldn't give a shit
The vast majority of them are civilians they scooped up from the nonviolent protest movements. Some of which date back for over 4 years ago. Think about it, there could be some people who have been tortured every day for 4 years straight.?


Who gives a shit? This situation is literally just 'pick your poison', and Assad at least isn't an insane fundamental group trying to make the world their caliphate.

My thoughts on the matter^.

Assad might be a bastard butcher, but honestly I'd still rather have him running the show than ISIS. And IIRC prior to the, you know civil war and everything, I don't think he was actually that bad at all. The syrian people kind of fucked themselves over with all that rebellion, they sent a kinda shitty ruler over the edge and opened pandora's box in their back garden with Jihadis.
Actually, I can explain to you how IS and Assad complement eachother fairly well if you got the ears for it...


Serious / Re: iSideWith UK version
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:43:06 PM »

Good thing this isn't Liberal Democrat in Russia...

"But Assad is better than IS!!!!"
Yeah, he kind of is.
In the way that he doesn't want to export terrorism to the rest of the world and only keep it in Syria, then yes.

Oh shit, that guy?

Is he still a sad weeabo?





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