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The Flood / Re: RIP in peace memejob
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:13:28 PM »
I cry evrytiem

Srsly though, this sucks .______.
memejob = rip/10

Simple math.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:12:53 PM »

They're bringing out the big guns. So I'm supposed to believe the perspective of a guy writing a book about all of this? Ok then.

Yes, Hilary is corrupt. Even Obama has done a few shady things I'm sure. It comes with the territory. Point is she'd be a little bit less corrupt and shitty than any Republican candidates. I'd vote for her just to keep a Republican out of office. But she's a terrible choice.

Peggy Noonan is a very well respected author and columnist.
Respected by...? I can just as easily say Hitler was. Widely respected man. It's pretty dn important who's respected by whom. Either way, I don't really care. This is another jab at Hilary by an author on WSJ which is a fucking joke in and of itself.

As for being a "little bit less corrupt", I think you're missing the significance here.
Not really, no. I know she's really corrupt. I don't need some article to tell me that.

Using her position as Secretary of State to secure deals for her foundation is some next-level comic book villain shit.
Far worse people have been presidents.

Bush Jr. Eisenhower. Reagan. Nixon.
You think that Eisenhower is bad?

What wrong with you, boy!?

The Flood / Re: RIP in peace memejob
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:09:53 PM »
I cry evrytiem

Srsly though, this sucks .______.

The Flood / RIP in peace memejob
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:08:29 PM »

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 01:01:42 PM »

They're bringing out the big guns. So I'm supposed to believe the perspective of a guy writing a book about all of this? Ok then.

Yes, Hilary is corrupt. Even Obama has done a few shady things I'm sure. It comes with the territory. Point is she'd be a little bit less corrupt and shitty than any Republican candidates. I'd vote for her just to keep a Republican out of office. But she's a terrible choice.

Peggy Noonan is a very well respected author and columnist. As for being a "little bit less corrupt", I think you're missing the significance here. Using her position as Secretary of State to secure deals for her foundation is some next-level comic book villain shit.
And yet she's gonna get voted in because of her last name.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:33:11 PM »

They're bringing out the big guns. So I'm supposed to believe the perspective of a guy writing a book about all of this? Ok then.

Yes, Hilary is corrupt. Even Obama has done a few shady things I'm sure. It comes with the territory. Point is she'd be a little bit less corrupt and shitty than any Republican candidates. I'd vote for her just to keep a Republican out of office. But she's a terrible choice.

Oh bullshit "less corrupt". That's the biggest fucking joke I've heard. The first thing that comes to mind when I hear "Clinton" is "corruption", they're probably some of the most well known corrupt politicians today AND in recent history. To spout that any Republican would be more corrupt just because they're Republican is complete arrogance with a mix of ignorance. Voting for her just to keep a possibly far better candidate out of office is an extremely immature way to vote and totally damaging way to vote, too.

No. This isn't a nanny state.

Which is why I advocate for a fat genocide, we won't need to have people asking about "nannying" fat people if they're dead.


The Flood / Re: What has inspired you the most to train your body?
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:08:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:05:26 PM »
Challenger being Challenger as usual.
Comms acting like he's known me my whole life as usual.
Bitch please.

I've been watching you since before I was even conceived.
How long are ya gonna stay there spyin' on him, Comms?


Until he dies.

And then another decade.

Or five.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:59:20 AM »
Let's talk about these gay urges of yours
Whose gay urges?

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:43:32 AM »
Challenger being Challenger as usual.
Comms acting like he's known me my whole life as usual.
Bitch please.

I've been watching you since before I was even conceived.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:39:09 AM »
Challenger being Challenger as usual.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:38:38 AM »
Its kay, here cookie

Uh, yeah. It's fine. Unless you were giving the cookie to Sandtrap. Then I'm taking it for myself.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:38:06 AM »
I wouldn't mind. Although what I would say without slippin' down into something depressive I don't know.
Say it. Open the floodgates!

Studying myself and what makes me tick. Don't like the answers. May not be able to change them. I don't believe I'm a decent person, to the point that I don't like myself. In fact I hate myself. Which is why I do what I do. All this work that I do, is done because I think I owe something. And it's never enough. Whatever I do, I'm never satisfied with it, never satisfied with what I've done. It's never enough to me. I could do things better for the people around me.

And, while I have a quaint disliking of people, and avoid them as much as I can, I am cripplingly on my own. I think all the friends I've ever had in my life weren't friends. They were acquaintances. People that were other outsiders like me. Similar people group together. So I latched onto them to cope as I went along. But they're only ever passerby.

I'm not opposed to the idea of having any sort of partner. A close friend or somebody more than that. But, I believe it won't ever happen. I stare at people and I can pick out how they work. Their words, the way they speak, their mannerisims. I can tell they wouldn't get along with me over time. Finding another person out here who is in any way like me is mathematically shit in terms of statistics.

And again, I don't believe it'll ever happen because I think I'll just go until I die. I think I'll just end up living on my own, doing my thing. And the real reason, the main one, is that I don't believe I should have that. I don't believe I should ever have that because I'm not a decent person.

If there's one thing you can say to me that goes in one ear, and out the other, it's that I'm supposedly a decent person. Even knowing that I know how I think doesn't stop it.
Why do you dislike yourself? You have to have quite a few reasons. >.>

But we seem to have similar problems, it sounds like.

I don't know. I can't pin it down. The sort of dull grey state I'm in right now leaves my head clear. And even with that I can't figure it out. The only theory or semblance of an idea I have is that I've been around so many people over time that didn't like me, that I started believing what they said. But that wouldn't leave that deep of a mark.

I can't answer it because I can ask myself questions and get answers. They're a different kind of answer. It's something that has a concreteness to it. Like it's set in stone. I ponder why I hate myself and all I ever get is that I just do. I just don't like myself. As soon as I get into any form of trouble I attack myself. Which is what keeps me up on my feet, which is what's been keeping me moving for years.

That's why I don't think I can change it. I've only gotten this far because I've hated myself. Hating myself, telling myself that I'm a piece of shit is what makes me act in the way I do for the people around me and it's what pushes me through my problems or ailments. The hate that I feel towards myself is what drives me.

Which is why I think I'm not a decent person. Take that hate away and the drive goes with it. Which means I'd be selfish.
Yeah, I can't really relate to that point, since I don't really dislike myself. :/

Doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to live a long enough life to figure it out anyway. Iffy heart, fucked lungs, cancer tendencies in my genes? Not even counting the hostile environment and the physical strain I consistently work with, I'd put money down that within the next 10 years something will happen.

Some things you can change, and some things you can't. This is one of those mysteries I don't think I'll be able to put together.

I don't really know what to say aside from the fact that you'll find peace one way or another.

Who or whatever comes to say hello to me, I don't mind. You never know. I might get lucky. It could actually be somebody I could get along with. Or I just might drop on the spot one day. Who knows. Take a gamble and a coin flip and we'll see how far I can make it.
Yeah, I see that sort of thing pretty similarly to you in the way of just leaving everything open-ended to that degree. And it's a pretty depressing outlook on life. From personal experience of course. I don't get it really. I usually think of people in a positive manner, yet most of my relationships with people are just shallow and empty. Doesn't matter that I get along well with almost everyone I meet since my relationships with them are hollow.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:29:46 AM »
I wouldn't mind. Although what I would say without slippin' down into something depressive I don't know.
Say it. Open the floodgates!

Studying myself and what makes me tick. Don't like the answers. May not be able to change them. I don't believe I'm a decent person, to the point that I don't like myself. In fact I hate myself. Which is why I do what I do. All this work that I do, is done because I think I owe something. And it's never enough. Whatever I do, I'm never satisfied with it, never satisfied with what I've done. It's never enough to me. I could do things better for the people around me.

And, while I have a quaint disliking of people, and avoid them as much as I can, I am cripplingly on my own. I think all the friends I've ever had in my life weren't friends. They were acquaintances. People that were other outsiders like me. Similar people group together. So I latched onto them to cope as I went along. But they're only ever passerby.

I'm not opposed to the idea of having any sort of partner. A close friend or somebody more than that. But, I believe it won't ever happen. I stare at people and I can pick out how they work. Their words, the way they speak, their mannerisims. I can tell they wouldn't get along with me over time. Finding another person out here who is in any way like me is mathematically shit in terms of statistics.

And again, I don't believe it'll ever happen because I think I'll just go until I die. I think I'll just end up living on my own, doing my thing. And the real reason, the main one, is that I don't believe I should have that. I don't believe I should ever have that because I'm not a decent person.

If there's one thing you can say to me that goes in one ear, and out the other, it's that I'm supposedly a decent person. Even knowing that I know how I think doesn't stop it.
Why do you dislike yourself? You have to have quite a few reasons. >.>

But we seem to have similar problems, it sounds like.

I don't know. I can't pin it down. The sort of dull grey state I'm in right now leaves my head clear. And even with that I can't figure it out. The only theory or semblance of an idea I have is that I've been around so many people over time that didn't like me, that I started believing what they said. But that wouldn't leave that deep of a mark.

I can't answer it because I can ask myself questions and get answers. They're a different kind of answer. It's something that has a concreteness to it. Like it's set in stone. I ponder why I hate myself and all I ever get is that I just do. I just don't like myself. As soon as I get into any form of trouble I attack myself. Which is what keeps me up on my feet, which is what's been keeping me moving for years.

That's why I don't think I can change it. I've only gotten this far because I've hated myself. Hating myself, telling myself that I'm a piece of shit is what makes me act in the way I do for the people around me and it's what pushes me through my problems or ailments. The hate that I feel towards myself is what drives me.

Which is why I think I'm not a decent person. Take that hate away and the drive goes with it. Which means I'd be selfish.
Yeah, I can't really relate to that point, since I don't really dislike myself. :/

Doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to live a long enough life to figure it out anyway. Iffy heart, fucked lungs, cancer tendencies in my genes? Not even counting the hostile environment and the physical strain I consistently work with, I'd put money down that within the next 10 years something will happen.

Some things you can change, and some things you can't. This is one of those mysteries I don't think I'll be able to put together.

I don't really know what to say aside from the fact that you'll find peace one way or another.

The Flood / Re: Discuss why American "food' tastes like dogshit.
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:17:56 AM »
Haters gonna hate. Food in the states isn't that bad lol.
Ah, so you like the deep fried blocks of lard.


The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:16:26 AM »
Anyone have anything special planned for the summer?
Eh, I'm gonna go down to Germany in September to take the German language proficiency test I need to take to be admitted into any decent university there.
Bitch please.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:11:41 AM »
Anyone have anything special planned for the summer?
Eh, I'm gonna go down to Germany in September to take the German language proficiency test I need to take to be admitted into any decent university there.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 11:10:55 AM »
I wouldn't mind. Although what I would say without slippin' down into something depressive I don't know.
Say it. Open the floodgates!

Studying myself and what makes me tick. Don't like the answers. May not be able to change them. I don't believe I'm a decent person, to the point that I don't like myself. In fact I hate myself. Which is why I do what I do. All this work that I do, is done because I think I owe something. And it's never enough. Whatever I do, I'm never satisfied with it, never satisfied with what I've done. It's never enough to me. I could do things better for the people around me.

And, while I have a quaint disliking of people, and avoid them as much as I can, I am cripplingly on my own. I think all the friends I've ever had in my life weren't friends. They were acquaintances. People that were other outsiders like me. Similar people group together. So I latched onto them to cope as I went along. But they're only ever passerby.

I'm not opposed to the idea of having any sort of partner. A close friend or somebody more than that. But, I believe it won't ever happen. I stare at people and I can pick out how they work. Their words, the way they speak, their mannerisims. I can tell they wouldn't get along with me over time. Finding another person out here who is in any way like me is mathematically shit in terms of statistics.

And again, I don't believe it'll ever happen because I think I'll just go until I die. I think I'll just end up living on my own, doing my thing. And the real reason, the main one, is that I don't believe I should have that. I don't believe I should ever have that because I'm not a decent person.

If there's one thing you can say to me that goes in one ear, and out the other, it's that I'm supposedly a decent person. Even knowing that I know how I think doesn't stop it.
Why do you dislike yourself? You have to have quite a few reasons. >.>

But we seem to have similar problems, it sounds like.

I don't know. I can't pin it down. The sort of dull grey state I'm in right now leaves my head clear. And even with that I can't figure it out. The only theory or semblance of an idea I have is that I've been around so many people over time that didn't like me, that I started believing what they said. But that wouldn't leave that deep of a mark.

I can't answer it because I can ask myself questions and get answers. They're a different kind of answer. It's something that has a concreteness to it. Like it's set in stone. I ponder why I hate myself and all I ever get is that I just do. I just don't like myself. As soon as I get into any form of trouble I attack myself. Which is what keeps me up on my feet, which is what's been keeping me moving for years.

That's why I don't think I can change it. I've only gotten this far because I've hated myself. Hating myself, telling myself that I'm a piece of shit is what makes me act in the way I do for the people around me and it's what pushes me through my problems or ailments. The hate that I feel towards myself is what drives me.

Which is why I think I'm not a decent person. Take that hate away and the drive goes with it. Which means I'd be selfish.
Yeah, I can't really relate to that point, since I don't really dislike myself. :/

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:55:53 AM »
I wouldn't mind. Although what I would say without slippin' down into something depressive I don't know.
Say it. Open the floodgates!

Studying myself and what makes me tick. Don't like the answers. May not be able to change them. I don't believe I'm a decent person, to the point that I don't like myself. In fact I hate myself. Which is why I do what I do. All this work that I do, is done because I think I owe something. And it's never enough. Whatever I do, I'm never satisfied with it, never satisfied with what I've done. It's never enough to me. I could do things better for the people around me.

And, while I have a quaint disliking of people, and avoid them as much as I can, I am cripplingly on my own. I think all the friends I've ever had in my life weren't friends. They were acquaintances. People that were other outsiders like me. Similar people group together. So I latched onto them to cope as I went along. But they're only ever passerby.

I'm not opposed to the idea of having any sort of partner. A close friend or somebody more than that. But, I believe it won't ever happen. I stare at people and I can pick out how they work. Their words, the way they speak, their mannerisims. I can tell they wouldn't get along with me over time. Finding another person out here who is in any way like me is mathematically shit in terms of statistics.

And again, I don't believe it'll ever happen because I think I'll just go until I die. I think I'll just end up living on my own, doing my thing. And the real reason, the main one, is that I don't believe I should have that. I don't believe I should ever have that because I'm not a decent person.

If there's one thing you can say to me that goes in one ear, and out the other, it's that I'm supposedly a decent person. Even knowing that I know how I think doesn't stop it.
Why do you dislike yourself? You have to have quite a few reasons. >.>

But we seem to have similar problems, it sounds like.

Serious / Re: One of the things I hate most about Britain First
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:48:55 AM »
"X First" are all just the same movement copy-pasted between country and country.

Nothing new here.

The Flood / Re: Things that scared you when you were a kid
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:38:48 AM »
Return the slaaaaaab
3rd time I've seen return the slab in this thread.

And make my post the 4th.

How the fuck did they make the perfect thing to give recurring nightmares for children!?!?!

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:36:58 AM »
Anyone else supper bummed about the UKIP blowout?
I'm happy about it. UKIP is trash and deserves to stay there.

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:35:12 AM »
I wouldn't mind. Although what I would say without slippin' down into something depressive I don't know.
Say it. Open the floodgates!

The Flood / Re: Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:33:52 AM »
Good, cause I wouldn't have talked with you. Lol.

The Flood / Anyone wanna just, y'know, talk or something?
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:31:57 AM »

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:29:17 AM »
>yfw most voters do no real research

>yfw clinton wins entirely on her last name

Or because she's a woman.

I really feel like this doesn't represent most voters at all, just the very vocal campus feminists and SJW bloggers.
Eh, lots of the people at my college are gonna vote Clinton just because she's a woman..
Keyword college
You should never take the political stances of college students seriously.
I'm learning that more and more as I go along in my Poli Sci class. I think that the people I'm paired up with aren't so great, since almost everyone in my class who actually participates regularly all agree in the same things. It's pretty boring when we're all agreeing on the same things, and there's no voice of dissent needed for there to be a debate that doesn't end up as a circlejerk.

There is this one pro-capitalism guy who's sort of reminds me of Meta I enjoy debating with though.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:21:16 AM »

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's sweeping ties to corruption
« on: May 10, 2015, 10:13:41 AM »
>yfw most voters do no real research

>yfw clinton wins entirely on her last name

Or because she's a woman.

I really feel like this doesn't represent most voters at all, just the very vocal campus feminists and SJW bloggers.
Eh, lots of the people at my college are gonna vote Clinton just because she's a woman..

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