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The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:23:07 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

The Flood / Re: For anyone following the Syrian War (Fatsby and Risay)
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:13:59 AM »
Here's an update on the situation in Idlib. This maps sums it up pretty. The lighter green is what the Government held 2 days ago, but is now Rebel-held.

If the Rebels are successful here, this will be the single biggest blow to the Government since Raqqa in 2013. As in, one of the biggest blows to the Government in the entire war. And it's entirely possible that the Rebels would succeed here.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:12:18 AM »

I think it could be easily argued that on the end of somebody's very first playthrough of Mass Effect, the credits music effectively made the playthrough what it was.

Can't really describe it. But beating mass effect for the first time, watching those final minutes play out, and then having the game end, and open up with that soundtrack was just....fucking surreal.
I've never listened to that entire song before, but it was actually really nice. Thanks. If you never posted it, I would have never listened to it.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:02:47 AM »
This will never succeed. Ever.
Why shouldn't it? This is between the Arab States who already have excellent relations with eachother, and have been co-operating militarily for a long time.

The Flood / Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:00:55 AM »




Post your favorite Mass Effect OST stuff.

« on: March 27, 2015, 12:59:19 AM »
He even lives in Britain
He lives (sort of) near Birmingham, yeah.

« on: March 27, 2015, 12:56:19 AM »
You didn't know that? That information was obvious as the Earth's existence.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:48:26 AM »
The US military has prepared for literally every contingency, even a goddamn Zombie Apocalypse. What gives you any idea that some crappy conspiracy theorist militia could take down the strongest military on Earth?
Because the U.S. military is composed of those crappy conspiracy theorists and relies on them for funding.
Uh, what?

I think that the best-trained, best-equipped, and second largest military force in the world could defeat 500,000 to a million angry redneck insurgents with shotguns.
>implying the US military isn't made up of 50% crazy rednecks
>implying enlisted who joined for college money would actually be willing to fire on American citizens that aren't Muslims
Oh come on. Let's look at Syria's military during their little equivalent to your hypothetical scenario. 75% of their army are poorly trained, poorly equipped, unmotivated conscripts who went to war against their own war more blatantly than the US could ever do it, and only a third of their Army ever defected or sabotaged their own efforts. And 4 years later, they're holding their own ground against the 40% of the populace who wants to see them dead. God, they're so bad, that any citizen who can get their hands on an AK is pretty much equal to one of their soldiers.

If one of the most shittiest and poorly motivated militaries on Earth was able to hold together in blatant war against the citizens they're supposed to be protecting with only a third of them defecting (and defections have stopped), what makes you think one of the most motivated, best-equipped, and overall best military couldn't do the same? Not to mention peer pressure within the military to stay in. Why should soldiers abandon all their friends they've made in the military, and pretty much their entire life, just to join some insurgent movement which could be better or worse than what they're in right now.

FFS, if the US military went to war against its own people, you'd probably have a recruitment spike because people don't want to be killed/enslaved and because misguided patriotism is so rampant in this country.
Are you seriously comparing the United States of America to a country that literally only exists because the colonial powers drew its borders the wrong way?
Yes I am. And that is not relevant to anything whatsoever. If anything, that'd strengthen the legitimacy of the US military since they've existed since even before the US officially declared independence.

In all probability, this is how wars against countries' populace tend to go down. There are mass protests, then the Government refuses to compromise, then they open fire on the protests and soon after that, shit really goes down. And in some Black Helicopter-type scenario (which is what you're probably thinking of), the US would most likely cut out mass media (which is incredibly easy to do), so the population would be deprived of information. And information is power as we all know.
I honestly don't disagree that if there ever is a civil war scenario in the United States, people probably won't know what's going on. I think, though, it'd be because of the mass media. Painting any opposition as "domestic right-wing extremists" is not hard with corporate media that presents your average idiot with the illusion of honesty.

I can see a lot of military defections, though, unless this hypothetical government is leftist in nature. I know grunts, they'll know what's up. American military culture is not comparable to any Arab military, and our populace is much more interconnected than Syrians.

Either way, having lots of rooty tooty point and shooties around wouldn't exactly be a huge disadvantage for a resistance movement.
I also know several grunts in the military, and they're really loyal to the Government, and they would seem willing to go along to war against their own people, just like most military grunts and officers would.

Then those people are evil. The people in the military are not there to serve the will of the American Government, they are there to serve the will of The People. The American Government commands the military, sure.. but who is suppose to command the government? The People.

Deploying soldiers to fight off geared and armed up civilians only proves there is corruption afoot and a hostile, domestic take over being conducted.
No. They aren't evil people. Most of them are well-intentioned to the best that I know.

It's just, let's say that the media can manipulate Armed Forces personnel as well. It's really not that hard to justify a war against your own people.

Serious / Re: Ted Cruz is a serious Republican candidate
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:23:53 PM »
Anyone but Scott Walker would be fine. But if that fucking scumbag gets any higher level of political power in this country, I'm leaving.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:13:07 PM »
war is fucking terrifying

what the hell is wrong with you people
Indeed but the Houthi rebels have no right to attack the current leader of Yemen.
If you want to talk about rights, what right does anybody have to declare himself the leader of anybody or anything?

I mean, Houthis are cunts, as are all Muslim militant groups, but let's not spout bullshit about leaders and rights.
Yeah but the current president Hadi is the leader by law.
A law is an opinion with a gun behind it.
I do get what you're trying to say but at the end of the day come on I'd rather Hadi be power than some Islamist scumbags
Not to mention the fact that they're Iranian proxies who have been waging an insurgency for over 10 years. And there are rumors going around that Ali Abdullah Saleh (the President of Yemen pre-2012) has a very high position within the Houthi insurgency right now.

So the Houthis are pretty much an Iranian-backed Army of the old dictator of Yemen.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:06:07 PM »
And in some Black Helicopter-type scenario (which is what you're probably thinking of), the US would most likely cut out mass media (which is incredibly easy to do), so the population would be deprived of information. And information is power as we all know.
You do realize how easy it is to blackout the internet in a single country, right?

There goes the entire information network.
It's not something I know much about, but is there no way around a government blackout?
I'm sure that there is, but it'd be hard, and only a minority of the population would still regain access to the internet. But most of the population is really apathetic, so they wouldn't even try.

But an internet blackout would do enough damage to where the information network would be crippled indefinitely.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:02:41 PM »
war is fucking terrifying

what the hell is wrong with you people
Indeed but the Houthi rebels have no right to attack the current leader of Yemen.
If you want to talk about rights, what right does anybody have to declare himself the leader of anybody or anything?

I mean, Houthis are cunts, as are all Muslim militant groups, but let's not spout bullshit about leaders and rights.
Yeah but the current president Hadi is the leader by law.
A law is an opinion with a gun behind it.
Let's seriously not get into this sort of shit. Debating this is pointless.

The Flood / Re: I am done with my Community College forever.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:57:11 PM »
In terms of social life, you better have had it carried over from High School or somewhere else, since you are not going to make many friends in Community College since all people care about in Community College is transferring out to another university.
Thats kinda sad to hear. So there isnt really anything social going on in CC after class?

If you're willing to fork over more money, going to a 4-year university is better in every single way. I just went to Community College because I didn't know what I wanted to do for a while, and it gave me time to find out what I want to do.
Oh you too huh? What career are you looking at?
Politics. It's my true passion!!!

Either as a politician or a University professor. But that, I can decide once I'm done with my Masters and I'll debate whether I want to get a Doctorate or not.
Please dont become a greedy cunt if you become a politician.
Don't worry. I'm gonna be in Germany then. I'll just y'know, become Chancellor, and then President. Then ignore every treaty made by Germany since wwII, and expand the military greatly. I'll liberate Sudetenland and Austria from the Jewish overloads, and I will reclaim some of Poland, then some of France....

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:54:22 PM »
And in some Black Helicopter-type scenario (which is what you're probably thinking of), the US would most likely cut out mass media (which is incredibly easy to do), so the population would be deprived of information. And information is power as we all know.
You do realize how easy it is to blackout the internet in a single country, right?

There goes the entire information network.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:53:48 PM »
The US military has prepared for literally every contingency, even a goddamn Zombie Apocalypse. What gives you any idea that some crappy conspiracy theorist militia could take down the strongest military on Earth?
Because the U.S. military is composed of those crappy conspiracy theorists and relies on them for funding.
Uh, what?

I think that the best-trained, best-equipped, and second largest military force in the world could defeat 500,000 to a million angry redneck insurgents with shotguns.
>implying the US military isn't made up of 50% crazy rednecks
>implying enlisted who joined for college money would actually be willing to fire on American citizens that aren't Muslims
Oh come on. Let's look at Syria's military during their little equivalent to your hypothetical scenario. 75% of their army are poorly trained, poorly equipped, unmotivated conscripts who went to war against their own war more blatantly than the US could ever do it, and only a third of their Army ever defected or sabotaged their own efforts. And 4 years later, they're holding their own ground against the 40% of the populace who wants to see them dead. God, they're so bad, that any citizen who can get their hands on an AK is pretty much equal to one of their soldiers.

If one of the most shittiest and poorly motivated militaries on Earth was able to hold together in blatant war against the citizens they're supposed to be protecting with only a third of them defecting (and defections have stopped), what makes you think one of the most motivated, best-equipped, and overall best military couldn't do the same? Not to mention peer pressure within the military to stay in. Why should soldiers abandon all their friends they've made in the military, and pretty much their entire life, just to join some insurgent movement which could be better or worse than what they're in right now.

FFS, if the US military went to war against its own people, you'd probably have a recruitment spike because people don't want to be killed/enslaved and because misguided patriotism is so rampant in this country.
Are you seriously comparing the United States of America to a country that literally only exists because the colonial powers drew its borders the wrong way?
Yes I am. And that is not relevant to anything whatsoever. If anything, that'd strengthen the legitimacy of the US military since they've existed since even before the US officially declared independence.

In all probability, this is how wars against countries' populace tend to go down. There are mass protests, then the Government refuses to compromise, then they open fire on the protests and soon after that, shit really goes down. And in some Black Helicopter-type scenario (which is what you're probably thinking of), the US would most likely cut out mass media (which is incredibly easy to do), so the population would be deprived of information. And information is power as we all know.
I honestly don't disagree that if there ever is a civil war scenario in the United States, people probably won't know what's going on. I think, though, it'd be because of the mass media. Painting any opposition as "domestic right-wing extremists" is not hard with corporate media that presents your average idiot with the illusion of honesty.

I can see a lot of military defections, though, unless this hypothetical government is leftist in nature. I know grunts, they'll know what's up. American military culture is not comparable to any Arab military, and our populace is much more interconnected than Syrians.

Either way, having lots of rooty tooty point and shooties around wouldn't exactly be a huge disadvantage for a resistance movement.
Challenging the US military with a grassroots insurgency is one thing, but actually defeating them would nearly be impossible. The only reason the US was defeated in Iraq so "easily" was because it was a pointless war that didn't affect the US, so they had no real motivation to fight, and they didn't even commit anywhere near all of their forces in a country, and yet they still managed to hold the country together for 8 years against an extremely large and brutal insurgency.

If there's a war on US soil, then everything changes. The US would have every reason to deploy 100% of their forces against a local insurgency, and many of them would have lot more reason to fight. I also know several grunts in the military, and they're really loyal to the Government, and they would seem willing to go along to war against their own people, just like most military grunts and officers would.

And also given how the US has the best special forces in the world, what would stop them from deploying them against the leaders of any sort of insurgency rapidly, and chopping the head off of any movement. Any movement needs leaders, and there wouldn't be any.

What I'm saying is that the US military has likely prepared for a scenario such as this, and they'll completely obliterate it.

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite user in Sep7agon?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:42:43 PM »
potatoes cut out in the shape of rectangular prisms are called chips
chipped concrete
chipped glass
chipped wood

Chipped potatoes. . .wut
The chipped wood is certainly in favor of the term chips. As for the glass and concrete, your looking at the original piece and not the actual chipped part. That's like slicing into a potato and calling the majority of what's left over- oh who gives a fuck.
Typical Brit

Surrendering after doing a half ass job.

You mean Frenchie.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:42:12 PM »
war is fucking terrifying

what the hell is wrong with you people
Indeed but the Houthi rebels have no right to attack the current leader of Yemen.
If you want to talk about rights, what right does anybody have to declare himself the leader of anybody or anything?

I mean, Houthis are cunts, as are all Muslim militant groups, but let's not spout bullshit about leaders and rights.
Sigh. Now you're entering the world of what-if possibilities...

The Flood / Re: What kind of parent do you think you'd be?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:41:19 PM »
Ideally, I'd be an authoritative parent, but I won't know for sure until I have kids. Which will be a long time from now.

The Flood / Re: I am done with my Community College forever.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:40:25 PM »
In terms of social life, you better have had it carried over from High School or somewhere else, since you are not going to make many friends in Community College since all people care about in Community College is transferring out to another university.
Thats kinda sad to hear. So there isnt really anything social going on in CC after class?

If you're willing to fork over more money, going to a 4-year university is better in every single way. I just went to Community College because I didn't know what I wanted to do for a while, and it gave me time to find out what I want to do.
Oh you too huh? What career are you looking at?
Politics. It's my true passion!!!

Either as a politician or a University professor. But that, I can decide once I'm done with my Masters and I'll debate whether I want to get a Doctorate or not.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:39:26 PM »
The US military has prepared for literally every contingency, even a goddamn Zombie Apocalypse. What gives you any idea that some crappy conspiracy theorist militia could take down the strongest military on Earth?
Because the U.S. military is composed of those crappy conspiracy theorists and relies on them for funding.
Uh, what?

I think that the best-trained, best-equipped, and second largest military force in the world could defeat 500,000 to a million angry redneck insurgents with shotguns.
>implying the US military isn't made up of 50% crazy rednecks
>implying enlisted who joined for college money would actually be willing to fire on American citizens that aren't Muslims
Oh come on. Let's look at Syria's military during their little equivalent to your hypothetical scenario. 75% of their army are poorly trained, poorly equipped, unmotivated conscripts who went to war against their own war more blatantly than the US could ever do it, and only a third of their Army ever defected or sabotaged their own efforts. And 4 years later, they're holding their own ground against the 40% of the populace who wants to see them dead. God, they're so bad, that any citizen who can get their hands on an AK is pretty much equal to one of their soldiers.

If one of the most shittiest and poorly motivated militaries on Earth was able to hold together in blatant war against the citizens they're supposed to be protecting with only a third of them defecting (and defections have stopped), what makes you think one of the most motivated, best-equipped, and overall best military couldn't do the same? Not to mention peer pressure within the military to stay in. Why should soldiers abandon all their friends they've made in the military, and pretty much their entire life, just to join some insurgent movement which could be better or worse than what they're in right now.

FFS, if the US military went to war against its own people, you'd probably have a recruitment spike because people don't want to be killed/enslaved and because misguided patriotism is so rampant in this country.
Are you seriously comparing the United States of America to a country that literally only exists because the colonial powers drew its borders the wrong way?
Yes I am. And that is not relevant to anything whatsoever. If anything, that'd strengthen the legitimacy of the US military since they've existed since even before the US officially declared independence.

In all probability, this is how wars against countries' populace tend to go down. There are mass protests, then the Government refuses to compromise, then they open fire on the protests and soon after that, shit really goes down. And in some Black Helicopter-type scenario (which is what you're probably thinking of), the US would most likely cut out mass media (which is incredibly easy to do), so the population would be deprived of information. And information is power as we all know.

The Flood / Re: I am done with my Community College forever.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:36:10 PM »
In terms of social life, you better have had it carried over from High School or somewhere else, since you are not going to make many friends in Community College since all people care about in Community College is transferring out to another university.
Thats kinda sad to hear. So there isnt really anything social going on in CC after class?

If you're willing to fork over more money, going to a 4-year university is better in every single way. I just went to Community College because I didn't know what I wanted to do for a while, and it gave me time to find out what I want to do.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:32:56 PM »
The US military has prepared for literally every contingency, even a goddamn Zombie Apocalypse. What gives you any idea that some crappy conspiracy theorist militia could take down the strongest military on Earth?
Because the U.S. military is composed of those crappy conspiracy theorists and relies on them for funding.
Uh, what?

I think that the best-trained, best-equipped, and second largest military force in the world could defeat 500,000 to a million angry redneck insurgents with shotguns.
>implying the US military isn't made up of 50% crazy rednecks
>implying enlisted who joined for college money would actually be willing to fire on American citizens that aren't Muslims
Oh come on. Let's look at Syria's military during their little equivalent to your hypothetical scenario. 75% of their army are poorly trained, poorly equipped, unmotivated conscripts who went to war against their own war more blatantly than the US could ever do it, and only a third of their Army ever defected or sabotaged their own efforts. And 4 years later, they're holding their own ground against the 40% of the populace who wants to see them dead. God, they're so bad, that any citizen who can get their hands on an AK is pretty much equal to one of their soldiers.

If one of the most shittiest and poorly motivated militaries on Earth was able to hold together in blatant war against the citizens they're supposed to be protecting with only a third of them defecting (and defections have stopped), what makes you think one of the most motivated, best-equipped, and overall best military couldn't do the same? Not to mention peer pressure within the military to stay in. Why should soldiers abandon all their friends they've made in the military, and pretty much their entire life, just to join some insurgent movement which could be better or worse than what they're in right now.

FFS, if the US military went to war against its own people, you'd probably have a recruitment spike because people don't want to be killed/enslaved and because misguided patriotism is so rampant in this country.

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite user in Sep7agon?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:27:08 PM »
potatoes cut out in the shape of rectangular prisms are called chips
chipped concrete
chipped glass
chipped wood

Chipped potatoes. . .wut
Actually, now that you juxtaposed those pictures with eachother, 'chips' makes a lot more sense now. Thanks.
Traitors should be shot in the street

Did you really expect anything different coming from me?

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite user in Sep7agon?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:24:27 PM »
potatoes cut out in the shape of rectangular prisms are called chips
chipped concrete
chipped glass
chipped wood

Chipped potatoes. . .wut
Actually, now that you juxtaposed those pictures with eachother, 'chips' makes a lot more sense now. Thanks.

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite user in Sep7agon?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:23:30 PM »
Who would have thought that this thread would devolve into yet another Britbong versus Amerifat thread....

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:22:19 PM »

Because the article never specified which Arab foreign ministers were present, and this is just a draft proposal which was accepted by the Arab ministers. The actual creation of the military force could take years, and we have no idea what sort of form it would take.

The article says they're working on making it official within a month, which is a bit worrying in my opinion.
The Arab militaries in this bloc have already been acting in unison for the most part over the last year. This is pretty much just a formality. And entirely in response to Iran's recent and aggressive expansion in influence.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:19:39 PM »
The US military has prepared for literally every contingency, even a goddamn Zombie Apocalypse. What gives you any idea that some crappy conspiracy theorist militia could take down the strongest military on Earth?
Because the U.S. military is composed of those crappy conspiracy theorists and relies on them for funding.
Uh, what?

I think that the best-trained, best-equipped, and second largest military force in the world could defeat 500,000 to a million angry redneck insurgents with shotguns.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:14:03 PM »

Is there a list of nations agreeing to this coalition?
Definitely Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which are 2 out of the 4 biggest players in the Middle East (the other ones being Iran and Turkey). In all probability, the coalition will also include the UAE, Jordan, Qatar, and Kuwait. With other Saudi Arabia-aligned countries, I don't know who to expect. Possibly Bahrain, but the majority of their population are Shia (under Sunni leadership), and Oman doesn't seem to be aligned with any of the major power blocs in the Middle East.

Speculation is fine, I'm just a little confused why there isn't a solid answer if they already had a meeting to confirm members.
Because the article never specified which Arab foreign ministers were present, and this is just a draft proposal which was accepted by the Arab ministers. The actual creation of the military force could take years, and we have no idea what sort of form it would take.

The Flood / Re: Who is your favorite user in Sep7agon?
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:12:47 PM »
>mayo on fries
I think you mean chips. And yes it's amazing.

This almost redeems the fact that he's a ponyshit. Almost.
We mean fries you fucking redcoat.

Chips are what your teeth have.
>says the one living in Britbongistan

The Flood / Re: NSFW .gif Thread
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:08:20 PM »

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