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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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It's not so much a breakdown as it is an evolution.

Gaming / Re: Anybody wanna play some Halo Custom Edition?
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:49:49 PM »
Ugh, I had it installed 6 months ago.

I'd totally be down for it, but now I'd have to go through the trouble of reinstalling it.

I always thought you were Canadian. Or does Fed Ex operate in Canada as well?

The Flood / Re: It was only a foetus
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:13:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: what email service do gay guys use
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:12:00 PM »

Serious / Re: No this is fucking bullshit.
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:08:18 PM »
Thing is these situations aren't unheard of. We've had one confirmed and one probable pilot/co-pilot suicide in the past 2 years alone.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:06:43 PM »
If guns are outlawed, that's just gonna increase crime rate. If people want guns, they will get one. You are just disarming the citizens. What needs to happen is extended back round checks, including mental history, crimes you have committed, and even your salary.
I'm not suggesting that guns be outlawed. I'm saying that allowing in the first place was a big mistake. If we outlawed them now, then I agree that crime rates would go up.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:05:55 PM »
Second Cold War or WWIII is upon us.
This is more like a mini, localized Cold War between regional powers rather than superpowers.

The Flood / Re: Got an interview in a couple hours
« on: March 27, 2015, 05:03:41 PM »
Start at 10 dollars. Never start at the minimum wage because it's far harder to negotiate upwards than downwards. It's better to start high and then go lower.

You know those commercials where the guy is with the starving kids? He says "for just fifteen cents a day, you can feed Tyrone and send him to college."
I'm just curious what's the cost living for like the average person? And how much is a US dollar worth over there?
Well, there are over 50 countries and around 40 currencies. But referring to Rand (South Africa), it's about 10 Rand to a Dollar.

But 10 Rand in South Africa has far more buying power than a Dollar, and it'd be even more so in the other, very impoverished African nations.

You're the second person to say Morocco. Why Morocco?
Well LC said it so he can hop the border but I mean if we're supposed to choose a place we're actually going to live then Morocco then isn't too bad. In regards to safety at least there isn't any war and since they speak Arabic I could fit right in.
Why not Algeria or Tunisia then?

Yeah. Tunisia has the highest HDI in Africa now that Libya's gone down the shitter.

Do you know much about life under Gaddafi? I tried searching it up but I can never find anything.
Not even sub-Saharan Africa? I'm disappointed..

Anyways, Gaddafi structured his regime so exactly what is happening in Libya right now would happen, since he concentrated the entire Government's legitimacy onto himself solely. So when he died, Libya literally had no surviving Government institutions. His cult of personality was comparable to Kim Jong Un's. The only reason the country didn't collapse during the 42 years he ruled was because the country was so oil-rich, that the living standards were steadily increasing under his regime.

That's a pretty basic sum-up of Libya under Qaddafi.
Interesting, I always get conflicting reports about life under Gaddafi, it was either really good or really bad. Compared to the surrounding countries Libya had a very high human development index and it's poverty line was one of the lowest.
But it had the cost of having no human rights to speak of. And in the end, we all saw what was more important to the Libyan people.

What do you know about Eritrea?
It's pretty much Africa's version of North Korea. They existed as a part of Ethiopia until they were able to exploit the instability of Ethiopia's Communist Regime (which lasted for about 30 years. Called Derga or something like that) to gain independence. After that, they waged a long and brutal war against Ethiopia in a blatant land grab. Though Eritrea was able to keep the war at a stalemate for about 8 years due to the fact that they poured all of their resources into the war, and Ethiopia poured only some of their resources.

In the end though, the Ethiopians won (unsurprisingly), and got some token scraps of land from Eritrea.

Ah, and Eritrea has been led by a batshit insane dictator-President since their independence, and the state is as repressive of North Korea. They pour 25% of their budget into the Armed Forces, and all men are automatically reservists. So you have lots of people fleeing the country trying to escape military service.

Does that satisfy your curiosity?

Do you know much about life under Gaddafi? I tried searching it up but I can never find anything.
Not even sub-Saharan Africa? I'm disappointed..

Anyways, Gaddafi structured his regime so exactly what is happening in Libya right now would happen, since he concentrated the entire Government's legitimacy onto himself solely. So when he died, Libya literally had no surviving Government institutions. His cult of personality was comparable to Kim Jong Un's. The only reason the country didn't collapse during the 42 years he ruled was because the country was so oil-rich, that the living standards were steadily increasing under his regime.

That's a pretty basic sum-up of Libya under Qaddafi.

Septagon / Re: Anniversary Titles?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:31:49 AM »
The first five members who joined should all get a special icon next to their name like mods do.
It'll probably be more like anyone who made an account before November or something. 8)
Would I count since I've been here since pretty much the start, yet this is another account? Decimator Omega seems to have a similar thing as well.

Septagon / Re: What is anarchy?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:27:22 AM »
Anarchy is my child.

You're the second person to say Morocco. Why Morocco?

The Flood / Re: what?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:14:21 AM »
Literally nothing happened here. As usual. Cause this place is boring.

Somewhere by the ocean, so I can go myself eaten by a shark instead of living in Africa.
It's not as bad of a place as you may think. Media coverage of the continent's affairs tends to be overwhelmingly negative.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:05:15 AM »
The Normandy unveiling theme in 2 was amazing.
Captured the moment perfectly.
Suicide mission always deserves a shoutout.
I did like that theme's placement a lot. It was really good.

The Flood / I'm bored. Does anyone want to know anything about Africa?
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:03:38 AM »
I know quite a lot about the continent and what's going there since half my family comes from there. And I never any opportunities to use what I know about the place since nobody gives a shit about that part of the world.

So anyone hungry for some information?


That's arguably the shittiest country in Africa in terms of living standards. Though you can at least leave that place unlike Eritrea.

Serious / Re: Arab states agree to form a unfied military force.
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:56:03 AM »
It's hard to take those places seriously when they don't even have matching uniforms. Do they do call each other up in the morning. "Mai friend, weer sum ting brown today."
You're confusing countries like Saudi Arabia with countries like Syria.

Many of the Gulf nations have very advanced militaries, though Egypt is somewhat of an outlier.

Either Botswana or Namibia. But most likely Namibia though since Botswana unfortunately has a very high rate of AIDS. However, both of them have relatively high living standards (especially compared to the rest of Africa).

If you moved to Mozambique, I could hook you with some of my relatives living in Maputo. They're all really cool.

I know a lot about Africa since half my family comes from there, but nobody ever wants to know about Africa....

Oh yeah, and why would you mention Lesotho? That place is one of the shithole countries. Though it is actually one of the few countries in Africa to have skiing resorts (it's located in the Drakensberg mountains).

The Flood / Re: >tfw when butt gases can't get reviewed
« on: March 27, 2015, 02:09:04 AM »
They are German or something
They're actually Eurocommies.

There's a difference.

That's pretty fucked up... I can't remember the last time there was a pilot suicide involving commercial airlines in the news.

atta boy, son. You were doing God's work.
That one Mozambican one in 2013, and most likely the Malaysian one that disappeared over the Indian Ocean.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:54:51 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.
Needless to say, this song feels almost like a completely different song before and after you meet Sovereign.


But this song was also really great at capturing the tension and desperation at the end of Mass Effect 1.


From an in-game atmosphere standpoint the first mass effect can do no wrong. My first playthrough is something I won't ever forget. Talk about god damn immersion dude.
Oh dear god yes. The game immersed me so much, that I even enjoyed the goddamn Mako missions. Like every single one of them.


Long live the first playthrough. Long live the mako.

From the info gathered in the last picture, there are 33 stars and planets to explore in Mass Effect 1.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:33:40 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.
Needless to say, this song feels almost like a completely different song before and after you meet Sovereign.


But this song was also really great at capturing the tension and desperation at the end of Mass Effect 1.


From an in-game atmosphere standpoint the first mass effect can do no wrong. My first playthrough is something I won't ever forget. Talk about god damn immersion dude.
Oh dear god yes. The game immersed me so much, that I even enjoyed the goddamn Mako missions. Like every single one of them.

To shower. Then to go on and do what I do for the rest of the day.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:27:25 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.
Needless to say, this song feels almost like a completely different song before and after you meet Sovereign.


But this song was also really great at capturing the tension and desperation at the end of Mass Effect 1.


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