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Messages - Not Comms Officer

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Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:36:20 PM »
what are the positives of being part of the EU?
standing as a united bloc against the likes of Russia.
I don't see how you list that as a positive when NATO exists for that purpose.
Which is one of the reasons it's not substantial enough for me to think it game-changing. I'd rather see NATO strengthened.
NATO is a fucking joke right now, and will remain so until some mechanism is developed to penalize members who are not meeting their obligations.

A very unsettling number of members are spending less than the required 2% of their GDP on defense. I think only like four of them actually met that requirement in 2013- The US, UK, Estonia, and fucking Greece.

Europeans are happy to accuse Americans of war-mongering and dick-waving, with our troops based in so many peaceful European countries, but the sad truth is America is basically doing all of the heavy lifting.
If it wasn't for NATO Russia would have steamrolled eastern Europe again by now.
Not really. Russia has declined a great deal since 1991. Even now despite their partial recovery, they have nowhere near the strength needed to actually steamroll over Eastern Europe.

Unless you were talking back in the days of the USSR...

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:34:15 PM »
what are the positives of being part of the EU?
standing as a united bloc against the likes of Russia.
I don't see how you list that as a positive when NATO exists for that purpose.
Which is one of the reasons it's not substantial enough for me to think it game-changing. I'd rather see NATO strengthened.
NATO is a fucking joke right now, and will remain so until some mechanism is developed to penalize members who are not meeting their obligations.

A very unsettling number of members are spending less than the required 2% of their GDP on defense. I think only like four of them actually met that requirement in 2013- The US, UK, Estonia, and fucking Greece.

Europeans are happy to accuse Americans of war-mongering and dick-waving, with our troops based in so many peaceful European countries, but the sad truth is America is basically doing all of the heavy lifting.

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:51:17 PM »

Also, the cunts outlawed menthols.

Remember meta. Be a minty flavored cigarette drug lord.
I'll be a British version of Walter White.

But instead of Blue Sky. . .

Green Leaves. Yes. I like it.
MI6 just saw that comment. A James Bond-assault team has just been dispatched to your location.

Have a nice day.

You'd probably be jealous of my leg muscles. They're huuuuuuge.

They're like a gigantic tumor coming out of my legs.

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:39:50 PM »

Also, the cunts outlawed menthols.
Oh, now we know the REAL reason you hate the EU!

Everything else was just a cover for your bitter buttmad.

I think you're massively underselling the extent of conversation and discussion among intelligent people, and overselling the power of a movie to influence the way people think.
I don't know how it goes in the UK but here in America, that couldn't be more untrue.
We have a pretty politicised education system here.

Most teachers are unionised, openly critical of the current Conservative government, my history teacher is pretty anti-UKIP and my politics teacher has a big problem with Israel and Republicans.

But, nobody really cares. It's not supposed to be politicised, but teachers are people too and everybody I know seems willing enough to look past the obvious left-wing bias among teachers here.
You have no idea how politicized the education system here is. Even where I live (one of the most Liberal and progressive cities in the country), the History classes are pretty biased. In other parts of the country, the History is borderline propaganda. Like, Nationalist propaganda. The sort of stuff which says "America is special and is better than all other countries on Earth." And people just believe that without second thought or question.

Oh look, more "Patriotic Education" bullshit.

Nationalism is fucking cancer.

There's a similar thing in Oklahoma where they want to remove AP History courses since its education about the US is "unpatriotic".

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:24:08 PM »
inb4 jidf shill flee
Don't you talk about Flee that way!

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:19:31 PM »
Better than the UN.
More like not comparable to the UN, since the only thing the UN has the power to do is to bitch and whine.

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:11:06 PM »
Really? The EU Parliament can't propose legislation? Then what is even the point of having an EU Parliament if it can only serve as a rubber stamp.

Alright, I'll agree with you that the EU is undemocratic. That shit needs to be cleaned up.

They're Greeks. Calling Greeks Europeans is stupider than calling Iranians Arabs.
Oh, okay, so I guess that Greeks are Turks since they aren't Europeans, and are next to Turkey. Or are they Slavs since they aren't European, and are next to Slavic countries? Does that mean that Slavic countries like Czech Republic and Slovenia aren't European, but instead Slavic!?!?!?

They're not making a good recovery at all. They're not even recovering. The Euro has enslaved Greece to Germany.
On the contrary, comparing when I was in Athens in 2009, and then when I came back in 2013, the overall mood was a great deal better. And Greece has broken even on its income and spending in 2013. And there was even some slight economic recovery last year overall. So Greece is recovering.

But they're part of the EU.
No. They aren't. Even look at the wiki page you linked. It states that Turkey is just a candidate.

Maybe you should learn more about your subject before making a judgement on it.

The fuck did Algeria come into this equation?

OT: Ukraine out of those three.
Former French colony, formerly a part of France proper, French minority, and it's right on the African side of the Mediterranean.

Huh. I woulda done Morocco first but I suppose.
I thought Algeria since they have a closer population size to Turkey and Ukraine than Morocco.

The fuck did Algeria come into this equation?

OT: Ukraine out of those three.
Former French colony, formerly a part of France proper, French minority, and it's right on the African side of the Mediterranean.

They're just not Europeans. Why are they even there? With the fucking Euro too.

They're a drain on the Union. And they're going to leave the EU. Soon if they know what's good for them.
What the shitting fuck do you mean they aren't Europeans? What the hell is Europe to you then, just Western Europe and Germany?

And no, they'll never leave the EU, they've made that very clear. And if they know what's good for them, they'll stay. They'll be screwed if they leave the EU, and no major Greek parties want to do so (other than Golden Dawn who are just idiot Nazis)

That's "accession treaty" has been in the process of negotiations for decades, and it's been totally stagnant recently. In fact, Erdogan is drifting Turkey away from that agreement and towards Putin. So yeah, Turkey will never fully join the EU.

Serious / Re: UKIP isn't the real British party for freedom
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:37:24 PM »
You've just now seen this?
No, I just wanted to bring it back up.
For what purpose? I hope that we all understand that they're insane Fascists.

Ukraine, easy.

Also, I might just do a post on why I hate the European Union.
.eid esaelP

Serious / So the EU has to integrate one of these 3 large countries.
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:33:25 PM »
So one of these countries will forcibly join the EU tomorrow. Which one of these countries would be the best for joining the EU in terms of economics, policies, human rights, and etc?

I picked these 3 since they have large populations and would all require a massive amount of integration. And fuck Turkey, since they're IS-supporting scumbags.

Serious / Re: UKIP isn't the real British party for freedom
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:29:56 PM »
You've just now seen this?

Yeah, Meta.

This was posted like 9 months ago. Probably older than that.

The Euro is a fucking disaster and should never have been implemented. No Eastern European nation should've been given EU status. Nor Greece or Turkey. And get rid of all the fucking bureaucrats.

Then we can have a good EU.
I'm Greek. So fuck you.

If Greece leaves the EU, then I lose my EU citizenship.

And Turkey has never been in the EU, and they never will in the EU thank God.

Serious / Re: UKIP isn't the real British party for freedom
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:27:13 PM »


 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Serious / Re: For those of you who wonder why I hate the BBC
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:23:57 PM »
BBC is the best site ever.

Anyone who disses the BBC is a nigger faggot.

The Flood / Re: Are you a Country or a City Person?
« on: March 30, 2015, 05:46:25 PM »
Oh god, I'm a city person.

But not a city like NYC. That sort is just overwhelming with all of the tall skyscrapers. Cities like London are more suitable for me since there's a lot of open space.

Serious / Re: Iran is now refusing to give up its nuclear stockpile
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:06:49 PM »
God fucking dammit, Iran...

Once a rogue state, always a rogue state I guess. And at least they're better than Iraq pre-2003...

Serious / Re: Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:05:29 PM »
Yeah, only a couple of days ago, it was record high temperature here for March. Which can get pretty freaking hot since I'm living in California.
I'm so looking forward to it cooling off here.
Oh come on, we both know that'll never happen here. California's like a goddamn furnace any season of the year.

Serious / Re: Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:00:53 PM »
Yeah, only a couple of days ago, it was record high temperature here for March. Which can get pretty freaking hot since I'm living in California.

The fuck left you at school with nothing to do?
Did you never have free periods or anything at school?
Not even in your last year?
In the last few weeks of HS I literally had nothing to do besides finishing GCSEs. It was just a doss besides that.
I had a single free period in my last year of school, but I just went home then since it was a 1 1/2 hour long period.

The fuck left you at school with nothing to do?
Did you never have free periods or anything at school?

The fuck left you at school with nothing to do?

Have you ever been to school?
No, I've never been to a "school" before? What is this "school" you speak of?

The fuck left you at school with nothing to do?

If they do this, then how will the cops make money? But really, that's pretty neat.

But what would happen if someone were to, say, spray paint 88MPH over a 50MPH sign using stencils or something so it looked correct? Would the car know the difference? I think it'd be easier and safer to bind the changes in speed to GPS or something.
How is this neat at all?

I usually go 10-15 miles above the speed limit, so this would affect me quite a lot...
I usually go 2MPH under the speed limit or right at it, so it wouldn't affect me, really. In town, the difference in time spent driving is negligible, and only slightly lower on the short drive into town. You'd have to be driving for like 2 hours to see a difference...
Or if you're on roads where the speed limit is 25mph to 35mph. Going 10-15 miles above the limit instantly shaves off at least a third of the driving distance, so it saves me several minutes.

Say on a long-term trip to something like LA, that saves me about 1-2 hours of time by simply going 85mph on a 70 zone.

And going 10-15 above is generally pretty safe. Speed limits are only so low because the coppers want ticket traps.
Yeah, I suppose. I just never saw the point in speeding, really (especially speeding that much; it's points on your license, mate, if you get caught).

The fear of getting that $100 or more fine for going just a bit faster swayed me away from the practice, and I find that if I give myself enough time, I have no need to rush.
Yeah, the whole worry of getting a ticket is less threatening to me since I'm leaving the US next year. So even if I do get a ticket (and get forced into buying car insurance, which I would never do and I would just sell my car if that happened), the worst case scenario is that I take my bike to places. Which I do half the time since my car is a fatass SUV.

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