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The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:38:15 AM »
A shitpost should be instantly recognizable.
There are no shades of grey in that regard.

No one is willing to look this problem in the eye.
The only reason we allow this to happen is because the shitposters are so vocal and so many that to ban them would significantly effect our forum traffic.

What I'm about to suggest may be madness, but what if we retook the
I really like this site though, and the admins have done so much work for it... There's a bit of sentimental attachment. How would one convince people to leave?
What is even like now?

Thing is that it's not attracting any new members. About 70% of Sep7agon's current active community joined in the first 6 days. So that means that only 30% of the community joined over a period of about 7 months.

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:30:31 AM »
Oh yeah, another thing I discovered.

69% (lol) of our active community joined within the first 6 days of Sep7agon's existence. Let that sink in for a moment.

Fine with me, just means less crazy sand niggers in the world lol
Fuck off

I did that when I woke up. Wait, you don't think less desert savages are a good thing? Do you support terrorism?
I'd support a terror group if their aim was to kill you, yes.

How can you kill what is already dead?
Deci get off your alt.


Didn't put a 24 hour limit to reply FUCKING LOL

« on: April 07, 2015, 03:24:55 AM »
It will never happen. Grow up.
Learn what a joke is you goddamn baby. Are you even capable of detecting sarcasm?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:04:47 AM »
Sep7agon slowly withers and died due to a lack of activity. It's hard enough now to find an interesting thread to post in. Even though the quality on bungie is shit, they do have quantity. I'd rather take a site that has like 10 C grade threads an hour than a site that has like 2 A grade threads an hour. And that's giving you guys too much credit. Your threads are usually shit too. Lol
2 A grades an hour?

Fuck no, this site generates more like one or 2 C grade thread per day. And maybe a handful of Bs in its history.

Most of the threads here suck balls.
I think Raw was using an example there.
Threads here could have more discussion value or bamfity, but there are also content creators who make things that everyone just glosses over.
Maybe we do need more posters.

Or at least fewer shitposters. Most of the threads in Sep7agon are shitposts.
Weren't there some fairly recent amendments to shitposting peramaters?
I recall a big discussion about it.

If there were, then we can all see how well that went. So many goddamn shitposts here.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:54:02 AM »
Sep7agon slowly withers and died due to a lack of activity. It's hard enough now to find an interesting thread to post in. Even though the quality on bungie is shit, they do have quantity. I'd rather take a site that has like 10 C grade threads an hour than a site that has like 2 A grade threads an hour. And that's giving you guys too much credit. Your threads are usually shit too. Lol
2 A grades an hour?

Fuck no, this site generates more like one or 2 C grade thread per day. And maybe a handful of Bs in its history.

Most of the threads here suck balls.
I think Raw was using an example there.
Threads here could have more discussion value or bamfity, but there are also content creators who make things that everyone just glosses over.
Maybe we do need more posters.

Or at least fewer shitposters. Most of the threads in Sep7agon are shitposts.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:50:13 AM »
Sep7agon will die a bloated diseased corpse if we don't get a handle on shitposting.

I can't even post in this god damn boring forum tonight and I've been monitoring it for 3 hours already.

There's like a 20% chance of seeing a useful thread at any given time.
This as well. All the shitthreads and retards who post in them drown out all of the remotely interesting posts.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:45:32 AM »
Sep7agon slowly withers and died due to a lack of activity. It's hard enough now to find an interesting thread to post in. Even though the quality on bungie is shit, they do have quantity. I'd rather take a site that has like 10 C grade threads an hour than a site that has like 2 A grade threads an hour. And that's giving you guys too much credit. Your threads are usually shit too. Lol
2 A grades an hour?

Fuck no, this site generates more like one or 2 C grade thread per day. And maybe a handful of Bs in its history.

Most of the threads here suck balls.

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:28:58 AM »
At least Sep7agon didn't suffer like Halo 4's population
I do wish there was a section I could analyze the posts counts with, but all I can get is the stuff where it's based around user count.

The Flood / Re: The hidden biases of Internet memes
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:26:00 AM »
This is more statistical stuff rather than actually SJW pileons.

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:16:10 AM »
Interesting. What percent would you expect for long-lived offsite groups?
Member retention is something important to consider additionally, I think.

I dunno. I'm just bored and I'm digging out numbers. I haven't done this for any other sites. But March's growth rate has been a great deal less than January's growth rate. Lemme do that calculation and put it in OP.
Higher forum activity in January may be due to student breaks (I'm not sure when everyone has them, but I know I was on break for the beginning of January and posted more here).
Now, depending on schedules, people might be preparing for finals or going outside more often. A few variables come to mind that might have significant impact on forum activity.

Something interesting that I noticed is that the growth rate bottomed out in February, and there seems to e some recovery of the growth rate here. Though April's growth rate is still only 11% of the growth rate when the forum started. So that means the growth percentage was really pitiful in February.

The Flood / Re: Psychoanalysis Time!
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:15:26 AM »
be gentle

You seem calm enough from what I've seen of you.

You probably have a raging Oedipus Complex.
You're confusing Lord Ruler with Jim.

The Flood / Re: Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:07:42 AM »
Interesting. What percent would you expect for long-lived offsite groups?
Member retention is something important to consider additionally, I think.

I dunno. I'm just bored and I'm digging out numbers. I haven't done this for any other sites. But March's growth rate has been a great deal less than January's growth rate. Lemme do that calculation and put it in OP.

The Flood / Some more user statistical stuff relating to Sep7agon.
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:00:01 AM »
In the first 7 days of Sep7agon's existence, 152 members registered for the site. While exactly 152 users have joined since the start of this year (which we are 97 days into now)

This means that Sep7agon is currently experiencing barely 7% the growth it experienced when it first came out. And this is including the fact that nearly half of those 152 members joined in January.

EDIT: And after a wee bit more digging, I've also learned that only one of those users who joined this year has over 1,000 posts. And only 19 users have over 100 posts. So that's 0.6% and 12.5% respectively.

EDIT 2: I decided to compare January's growth rate with March's growth rate. 34 new users joined in March, while 65 joined in January. That means that March has had 52% the growth rate that January had. Which isn't that bad honestly. Lemme get February's to check if this is a declining trend.

EDIT 3: I just got February's statistics, and 33 members joined. That's 50% of January's growth. So either the growth rate has recovered, or February is an anomaly. It's looking like the growth rate may be recovering since 16 members have joined so far in April and that only 8 members joined in the first 6 days in March.

EDIT 4: I may as well dump all of the growth rates out of the first 6 days of every month so far in Sep7agon history and compare it to the first 6 days of this forum's existence.

July/August: 100% (67% of these users made it to 100 posts). 67% contributing users.

September: 37.8% (11% of these users made it to 100 posts). 4.1% contributing users.

October: 25% (31% of these users made it to 100 posts). 7.8% contributing users.

November: 15.7% (18% of these users made it to 100 posts). 2.8% contributing users.

December: 13.5% (16% of these users made it to 100 posts). 2.1% contributing users.

January: 12.1% (17% of these users made it to 100 posts). 2% contributing users.

February: 4.2% (16% of these users made it to 100 posts). 0.6% contributing users.

March: 5.7% (12% of these users made it to 100 posts). 0.7% contributing users.

April: 11.4% (6% of these users made it to 100 posts) 0.7% contributing users.

EDIT 5: So I have discovered that 69% of Sep7agon's active community joined within the first 6 days of the site's history.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Seers
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:53:55 AM »
Sep7agon dies within a few years with no new members joining and veteran members slowly but surely leaving.

Serious / Re: More Assad regime war crimes (NSFW)
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:36:03 AM »

Actually the best alternative would be to just kill and nuke them all. They're all savages and the Middle East could use an example on what happens when they get out of hand with their bullshit religion.
You know, if you keep on saying that, you're gonna start genuinely believing it.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:33:14 AM »
I've never run into a "college communist " in any of the college campuses I've been to.

You sure this isn't more "colleges are liberal indoctrination camps" propaganda?

You've never been to any SoCal colleges or heard of them apparently. "College communists" down here are a dime a dozen. It seems like its the cool thing to be a communist moron when you're young, until you grow up and realize how stupid it is to be and support communism.

Also I don't see how any of it is propaganda, it's a well known fact how liberally biased colleges and universities are. To find any true neutral campuses or professors is nearly unheard of.
This is all assuming that Communism has anything to do with liberalism, which it doesn't. Communism in practice is pretty much Fascism, which is a far-rightist movement. The only difference between Communism and Fascism is economics, but they're identical in social policies.

The Flood / Re: Remember this guy?
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:20:07 AM »
Holy fucking shit, it turns out that video is in Berlin which is where I'll be living next year! Awesome. Totally gotta go to that spot sometime.

Goddamn, I wish I were there already rather than here. :^(

The Flood / Re: Psychoanalysis Time!
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:57:54 AM »
So will I receive a response by the end of my life, or are you gonna stop after doing a quarter of the users.

But yeah, do me, I guess. Not sexually.

Serious / Re: Would you rather convert or die?
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:38:30 AM »
die because I'm already ded inside
edge intensifies

« on: April 07, 2015, 12:22:01 AM »
Sorry, but Tru is already slated as the next mod.

Serious / More Assad regime war crimes (NSFW)
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:49:10 PM »
This link is extremely NSFW. It's images of children scooped up by the regime and tortured to death (they're already dead in the pictures)

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Pretty much, the war crimes that the Government is committing and has been committing for the past 4 years are on the same magnitude as what the Nazis committed. Only difference is in scale.


The Flood / Re: I'm getting my braces off tomorrow
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:46:11 PM »
And prepare to smell the worst smell in your life as you get your braces taken off.
Lawd have mercy on my soul
Cause it's 2 years of whatever gunk has collected down there coming off with the braces.

The Flood / Re: I'm getting my braces off tomorrow
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:42:48 PM »
Is OP 14 or something?

And prepare to smell the worst smell in your life as you get your braces taken off.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:41:07 PM »
What if I told you.. College was an intended tool to destroy freedom!?  *Conspiracy!* o_0
Conspiracy indeed.

Serious / Re: it seems Jeb Bush gas converted to Hispanicism
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:39:45 PM »

I have a strong feeling that I'm actually gonna miss Obama being President since this is looking to be a competition between worse and worse.
Funny you should say that. I felt this when it was McCain vs Obama. Worse and Worse
I actually like Obama somewhat.

And McCain would have made a horrendous President. He would have dived America into tons of long-term wars over the Arab Spring. At least Obama didn't start more ground wars.

Which Syrian rebel group is that from? That'd make a big difference. And please, oh please don't give me that "All Syrian Rebels are al-Qaeda" bullshit.

Cause more likely than not, your picture proves absolutely nothing other than that he was in Syria. There was that one Texas Senator who visited the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, but he wasn't a traitor.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:31:20 PM »
I've never run into a "college communist " in any of the college campuses I've been to.

You sure this isn't more "colleges are liberal indoctrination camps" propaganda?

I've had one confirmed Communist professor. As for students, I've never encountered a 'communist' student.

But they do exist. And they preach bloody murder.

Ok and I've had a tea party college professor for poli-sci that failed everyone that didn't interpret the constitution the same way he did and had us come up with a plan to assassinate Obama.

You don't see me going around making long winded blog threads about the evils of conservatism that infect our college campuses.
Are you freaking serious?

Dear god, that's bad.

Yeah he was interrogated by the police and then complained to our class about how some "pussy" couldn't handle his class.

He was "let go" when the semester ended.
And I thought my Poli Sci professor who gave me a shit grade because she didn't like my "attitude" and that I wasn't joining the Fearmongering over Iran Club was bad....

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:25:00 PM »
I've never run into a "college communist " in any of the college campuses I've been to.

You sure this isn't more "colleges are liberal indoctrination camps" propaganda?

I've had one confirmed Communist professor. As for students, I've never encountered a 'communist' student.

But they do exist. And they preach bloody murder.

Ok and I've had a tea party college professor for poli-sci that failed everyone that didn't interpret the constitution the same way he did and had us come up with a plan to assassinate Obama.

You don't see me going around making long winded blog threads about the evils of conservatism that infect our college campuses.
Are you freaking serious?

Dear god, that's bad.

Serious / Re: it seems Jeb Bush gas converted to Hispanicism
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:20:25 PM »

I have a strong feeling that I'm actually gonna miss Obama being President since this is looking to be a competition between worse and worse.
Funny you should say that. I felt this when it was McCain vs Obama. Worse and Worse
I actually like Obama somewhat.

And McCain would have made a horrendous President. He would have dived America into tons of long-term wars over the Arab Spring. At least Obama didn't start more ground wars.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:29:11 PM »
College "Communists"

I haven't really met any people like that in College.

But I still agree with your point.

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